Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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"I know this is a horrible thing to say"

Giuliani should have stopped right there.

The thing is, hating Obama has become a mainstream Republican/conservative position. They have sunk below the point where the mainstreaming of that sort of hatred would be considered unacceptable incivility.
The way you supported Bush?

Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

So what? Bush could call Obama an idiot for out spending all presidents combined, but he isn't a jackass like Obama.
"I know this is a horrible thing to say"

Giuliani should have stopped right there.

The thing is, hating Obama has become a mainstream Republican/conservative position. They have sunk below the point where the mainstreaming of that sort of hatred would be considered unacceptable incivility.
The way you supported Bush?

Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.
Remember these words from Obama's book.. "Dreams from My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Why should we believe anything Obama says because he told us all he resorts to tricks and tactics to hide that he is an angry black man"?

And when any "American" calls our troops "civilian killers" again... is another trick/tactic or does he really feel that way?

Finally Obama approved this blurb where he told the blurb writers he was born in Kenya.
View attachment 36975

lol, so why does he have a legitimate Hawaii birth certificate?
He doesn't, mo fucking ron!
The way you supported Bush?

Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.

This is the best example of rightwing propagandist dementia we've ever seen.
Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.

This is the best example of rightwing propagandist dementia we've ever seen.

Obama bragged about ending a successful war in Iraq. Was he lying again?
RWs are SO gullible, SO stupid.

Of all people to say such a thing. Works for the 1% and against the working class and the idiot RWs are bobble heads, nodding their heads up and down.

If the 1% told you to cut off your own feet, you'd do it. Oh wait - that's what you do every time you vote against your own best interests and the best interests of the country.
The whole 1% thing is a made a meme for simpletons like you to easily remember and repeat.
The way you supported Bush?

Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.

And for those who insist America is responsible for what Iraq is today, look no further than what Obama did by pulling the troops when the mission wasn't completed. Iraq was more stable and began having free elections, something Saddam never allowed for.

Now it looks like we may have to send troops back there. They shouldn't have left in the first place.
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It is sad to see what Guiliani has become in his later life

As a federal prosecutor he almost single handedly brought down the mafia
As a mayor he reformed the city, cut the crime rate and put the city on strong financial footing
On 9-11 he led a city during a massive tragedy

Now he has sunk to a circus sideshow begging for his minutes on Fox News. His personal life is in shambles and he has turned into a joke
And when I say 'more stable' I mean more stable with a troop presence. Iraq was becoming more free by the day, distancing itself from the atrocities of Saddam and the sectarian violence, holding free elections; that sort of thing. Now that they are gone, ISIS is running roughshod over the Middle East.
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It is a silly statement. Just b/c we have differing political views in no way means that one or the other doesn't love America. It is nonsensical charge that is as old as the hills.
In every speech Obama talks about America leading the way and doing good things. Then he throws in "but". He can't stand giving our country any credit. Our enemies get more credit than we do. All they need is jobs. Christians were guilty of a similar travesty that still to this day needs addressing. Let's ignore our attackers and focus on the evils of our past.

Stop it dude. I'm getting all choked up over the trials and tribulations of anyone who tries to murder us.
Did Obama ever accuse Bush of being un-American, or hating America, or not loving America?

Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.

And for those who insist America is responsible for what Iraq is today, look no further than what Obama did by pulling the troops when the mission wasn't completed. Iraq was more stable and began having free elections, something Saddam never allowed for.

Now it looks like we may have to send troops back there. They shouldn't have left in the first place.

Keep the Big Lie going.
Yes, he did. unpatriotic is the same thing:


Wow GWB charged by Obama as "unpatriotic"... listen today to how many MSM people jump all over Giuliani for calling Obama "unpatriotic"!

Bush took major, overt actions not in the best interests of the United States.

Obama took a successful Iraq, and turned it into a cesspool.

And for those who insist America is responsible for what Iraq is today, look no further than what Obama did by pulling the troops when the mission wasn't completed. Iraq was more stable and began having free elections, something Saddam never allowed for.

Now it looks like we may have to send troops back there. They shouldn't have left in the first place.

Keep the Big Lie going.

Did obama not successfully end the Iraq war? Or did he lie again?
Perhaps the funniest thing of Rudy's incoherent outrage of the week is that Scott Walker now gets to be asked at every stop "Do you agree that Obama doesn't love America?"
I was just reading this. you can make up you own mind on it:

Dinesh Was Right – Obama Forming Global Caliphate
The question is, when he leaves office, is Obama looking to become sultan of his new empire?

Why do you think the Obama administration went after filmmaker Dinesh D’souza with federal charges, eventually convicting him of a campaign finance felony? D’Souza served eight months in a community confinement center, received five years probation, and paid a $30,000 fine, all for giving some money to a friend to donate to a candidate. Somehow, I think there are plenty of people federal prosecutors have not gone after so aggressively for a similar offense.

The reason the federal government went after D’Souza so forcefully was that Dinesh, in his first movie 2016: Obama’s America, hit the nail right on the head regarding our Dear Leader’s agenda. Obama could not let this continue. He had to attempt to silence Dinesh and buy more time to complete his goal—the creation of a global Islamic caliphate.

The evidence is just too overwhelming. There is no other conclusion any intelligent, thinking man can come to.

The New York Post reports today that Obama could not even acknowledge the concept of “Muslim Terrorists” at the extremist convention the administration threw together to act like they were doing something against the Islamic Jihadist threat.

WASHINGTON — They’re burning and beheading victims in the name of Islam, but President Obama delivered a major speech Wednesday on combating violent extremism — while refusing to use the words “Muslim terrorists.”

Obama has not shown any leadership in Europe against Russian designs in Ukraine, or any other international conflict, because it’s just not important to him. It doesn’t fit with his long-term goals, so he just pays it lip service. He has to keep his eye on the ball.

all of it here
Read more at Dinesh Was Right - Obama Forming Global Caliphate
buy more time to complete his goal—the creation of a global Islamic caliphate. guys are the gift that keeps on giving

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