Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

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Good for Guliani, but this is something we've all known for a long, long time...........but lets face it. We have a lot of zombies in this country in 2014 that have no idea about whats going on. This guy can pull shit all day with impunity because he is black.
Good for Guliani, but this is something we've all known for a long, long time...........but lets face it. We have a lot of zombies in this country in 2014 that have no idea about whats going on. This guy can pull shit all day with impunity because he is black.

Indeed- Clueless is right about Obama voters. Exhibit A please


Some folks love America for what it is, what it represents, today.

Others love it for what it could be if they can "change", "re-make" and "fundamentally transform" it.


The preceding statement brought to you by the "Mac is totally not a partisan and doesn't hate the Kenyan Muslim Marxist committee"
Wow, who thinks Obama is a "Kenyan Muslim Marxist", Joe?

Oh, that's right. This is how you communicate. Make stuff up.

Hold old are you? Seriously?

After God, Family, pets, possessions, America is on my list of loves somewhere. Good enough. This "love America" stuff is so overdone.
See, it's like sending up the fucking bat-signal. You call shenanigans on Mac's "I'm totally not a partisan" schtick, and he's right there.
I'm pleased to see that yet another one of my posts has you upset and reacting.

Your behavior provides a pretty good barometer of my accuracy, which is clearly on the money.


oh, it doesn't upset me, guy. I just think it's hilarious that you try to claim you aren't a partisan... when you clearly are. You just want to think you are better than the knuckle-draggers you surround yourself with.
See, it's like sending up the fucking bat-signal. You call shenanigans on Mac's "I'm totally not a partisan" schtick, and he's right there.
I'm pleased to see that yet another one of my posts has you upset and reacting.

Your behavior provides a pretty good barometer of my accuracy, which is clearly on the money.


oh, it doesn't upset me, guy. I just think it's hilarious that you try to claim you aren't a partisan... when you clearly are. You just want to think you are better than the knuckle-draggers you surround yourself with.
Thanks again!

I like the mayor. He tells it like many Americans do


This is a guy whose own kids hate him because he ran out on their mother.

Not mine or your problem. Amazing though, didn't know Rudy was black


No, it's not my problem. But it does say a lot about his character. Or lack thereof.

LMAO. You talk about character but can't see the lack thereof in the Oval Office. Tow the party line Joe

Now that we've established how many of you RWnuts think Giuliani is a credible and authority on the President,

let's hear what Giuliani's 'backtrack' statement was:

"Well, first of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot I'm sure."

Can't argue with Giuliani on that, can you?

lol Giuliani Clarifies Obama s a Patriot but More Critic of America than Supporter Mediaite

He is a patriot who does not love America?

Better than loving America.....Obama loves Americans
Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider
and now Debbie Wasserman comes out of her doghouse and starts bitchin? what a dolt! she is the Female version of Obama, she also hates America and the middle class. And she should complain?, after the numerous outlandish statements that came out of her nose in 2014?

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