Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are.

Sure... Most Muslims are quite patriotic to Islam. But being patriotic to Islam and the fascism common to such, does not "A Patriotic American" make.

Ya see Scamp... the ONLY way to BE an American, thus an American patriot, one must recognize, respect, defend and adhere to... THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA!

Therefore, despite you tender feelings to the contrary... a 'person' who's life is defined by THE REJECTION OF AMERICAN PRINCIPLE having ADHERED TO FOREIGN IDEAS WHICH ARE HOSTILE TO THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA... is NOT an American, or anything remotely in kinship with an American.
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are.

Sure... Most Muslims are quite patriotic to Islam. But being patriotic to Islam and the fascism common to such, does not "A Patriotic American" make.

Ya see Scamp... the ONLY way to BE an American, thus an American patriot, one must recognize, respect, defend and adhere to... THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA!

Therefore, despite you tender feelings to the contrary... a 'person' who's life is defined by THE REJECTION OF AMERICAN PRINCIPLE having ADHERED TO FOREIGN IDEAS WHICH ARE HOSTILE TO THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA... is NOT an American, or anything remotely in kinship with an American.

Then why hasn't he declared martial law and claimed his throne as dictator, as so many right wingers have said for 6+ years now? Hmmmmm?
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.
That's all he does GERTRUDE, pull your head out for a moment.
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.
That's all he does GERTRUDE, pull your head out for a moment.

Really? Then why does everyone accuse Obama of being emotionally unengaged, professorial and aloof? Can't have it both ways, toots.

Don't you worry your pretty little head, Jeb will probably win 2016 and he'll give you the war you're chomping for. Got a cool $4,000,000,000,000 to pay for this next one, too?
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.

Post 9/11, people in the NYC area voted for Obama,

not McCain, not Romney. Not Giuliani's choices.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

What part of "the majority of the US Congress" don't you understand dipshit?

What part of American principles don't you understand?
Obama wasn't born with a silver spoon. It was shoved up his ass by the likes of Bill Ayers and other assorted commie freaks.

Hahahaha....Silver spoons and communism cannot and do not coexist.
Tell that to Vlad.

Bill Ayers has the same influence as Putin? Wow. You really are up a creek without a boat or paddle or a brain.
We were talking about silver spoons. Some say putin is the richest guy in the world. Try to keep up.
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.

You simply cannot hide an anti-American.

But, in fairness, that's only because of all the adherents to foreign ideas hostile to American principle... .
In other words, Giuliani still says Obama doesn't love America. Nothing has changed. Good for Giuliani.
You missed the point. This is the important part, "there have been an awful lot of patriots who were critics." Giuliani backtracked and put Obama on a level with the Founding Fathers, the original critics.
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.

Tell that to Senators Kerry and Clinton and the majority of the US Congress.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the war. 110 voted for it. Dumbass.

What part of "the majority of the US Congress" don't you understand dipshit?

What part of American principles don't you understand?

The part where 110 Democrats that voted for the war didn't have principles and the 147 that voted against it did. Yet you voted for two of those Democrats without principles when they ran for President and lost. There is a word for that.
You simply cannot hide an anti-American.
How true. Every time I turn around, there you are.

Really? So, you feel that unapologetic advocacy for the recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to American principle, is anti-American?

Which would mean that you feel that Foreign Ideas Hostile to the principles that define America, is pro-American... .

"RELATIVISM ON PARADE!" Ladies and Gentlemen... .
Really? So, you feel that unapologetic advocacy for the recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to American principle, is anti-American? Which would mean that you feel that Foreign Ideas Hostile to the principles that define America, is pro-American... ."RELATIVISM ON PARADE!" Ladies and Gentlemen... .
Call it what you like, but I call it jingoism, a scourge on the world regardless of who's promoting it. If I were a proponent of relativism or I'd say your position is as good as anyone else's. IT ISN'T!!! So, DOUBLE FAIL on your part.

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