Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Try learning HOW TO READ moron. Obviously your Google is broken. I’m not a secretary for lazy uninformed Grubers like you. This has been covered several times. Your utter ignorance of current events is just amazing.

Okay. I googled it. It’s just shy of 200 Mb/s. You think that’s an impossible data transfer rate? It’s not. I’ve had internet faster than that for a decade.

You’re completely incorrect.

Another lie. It’s been shown the amount of data in that time frame was not possible with an outside source. Downloading your porn is not the same as downloading files from another system. Totally different scenario. You just love showing your ignorance.

Incorrect. Data is data. Downloading porn from a server isn’t any different than downloading emails from a server.

You better go tell the experts that then. They seem to say you’re an idiot.

You don’t understand what you’re taking about.

How is it impossible to download something at 200 Mb/s?

You really need to learn something. Try using time frames and amount of data allegedly taken. It doesn’t fit. Ray also showed how this was an inside job.
The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.


Hunter Biden got $16 million for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. not speaking the language
3. not having any expertise on the business at hand

Why was Hunter Biden paid all that money for nothing?

Why does Low IQ Joe say he WON'T testify if he has NOTHING TO HIDE?????????

Not only won't Low IQ Joe testify, but DEMOCRATS are REFUSING a Bolton for Biden trade, proving that


I am all for a Biden Trump trade.

Why won't Republicans let Trump testify if he has nothing to hide?

The fact is that you don't know what Hunter got paid for his work for Burisma- you speculate in ways that you flatly reject speculation when anyone questions any of Trump and his families questionable 'deals'.

But I would absolutely be thrilled with having both Biden and Trump testify in front of the Senate.

If neither of them have anything to hide, if the Republicans have nothing to hide- why wouldn't they want the truth to come out?
Okay. I googled it. It’s just shy of 200 Mb/s. You think that’s an impossible data transfer rate? It’s not. I’ve had internet faster than that for a decade.

You’re completely incorrect.

Another lie. It’s been shown the amount of data in that time frame was not possible with an outside source. Downloading your porn is not the same as downloading files from another system. Totally different scenario. You just love showing your ignorance.

Incorrect. Data is data. Downloading porn from a server isn’t any different than downloading emails from a server.

You better go tell the experts that then. They seem to say you’re an idiot.

You don’t understand what you’re taking about.

How is it impossible to download something at 200 Mb/s?

You really need to learn something. Try using time frames and amount of data allegedly taken. It doesn’t fit. Ray also showed how this was an inside job.

Sorry- you and Ray have just offered your opinion. You haven't offered any evidence- and I suspect that if you do attempt to come up with evidence- it will be of a rather suspect source.
Try learning HOW TO READ moron. Obviously your Google is broken. I’m not a secretary for lazy uninformed Grubers like you. This has been covered several times. Your utter ignorance of current events is just amazing.

Okay. I googled it. It’s just shy of 200 Mb/s. You think that’s an impossible data transfer rate? It’s not. I’ve had internet faster than that for a decade.

You’re completely incorrect.

Another lie. It’s been shown the amount of data in that time frame was not possible with an outside source. Downloading your porn is not the same as downloading files from another system. Totally different scenario. You just love showing your ignorance.

Incorrect. Data is data. Downloading porn from a server isn’t any different than downloading emails from a server.

You better go tell the experts that then. They seem to say you’re an idiot.

It's been a while, but when it happened, I remember reading an article or two where there was no record of data transfer. Everything downloaded or uploaded has a record of some kind. It's in your computer, and also recorded by your ISP.

If you copy the material off your computer using a jump drive or some backup device, there is no record of that because it's all internal. That suggests that it was an inside job. And if Russia did get any of that information, it was given or sold to them.

Not true. The traffic logs were part of the evidence the Mueller’s investigation used to identify the route of the hack which operated, which was through an AWS server in Arizona that transferred the data then to Moscow.
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.

And the Shokin interview where he said (and swore to it) that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma and Hunter.

Rudy can't be charged for obstructing anything. There is no law that anything he found must be given to the DOJ.
We'll find out since Giuliani is currently under investigation. He can bunk with Michael Cohen.

File this with the little yellow coward’s claims that Mueller would get Trump, Trump will be arrested, removed, blah, blah, blah. By the way ignorant one, Comey was TOLD by the New York field office that if he DIDN’T look into the classified info found on Weiner’s laptop from Hillary that they would go public with what they found. Funny how Dims keep ignoring that fact......

Are you ever not an imbecile? I never said Mueller would get Impeached Trump. I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report and would accept it no matter what he found. And I did, posting how Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of collusion.
The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.


Hunter Biden got $16 million for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. not speaking the language
3. not having any expertise on the business at hand

Why was Hunter Biden paid all that money for nothing?

Why does Low IQ Joe say he WON'T testify if he has NOTHING TO HIDE?????????

Not only won't Low IQ Joe testify, but DEMOCRATS are REFUSING a Bolton for Biden trade, proving that

I understand that Hunter acted as a lawyer for this company for some time before joining the board. That would give him some insight into the business.
Is it just possible that the people from Burisma thought that having a Biden on board would give the company some legitimacy and credibility when dealing with overseas partners and potential partners ?

Every company does similar.I own shares in dozens of UK companies and almost without fail they have a Lord This or Lady That on board. I suspect they just add cachet when the reports are published.

Hunter was hired for protection against the US. That's it. The United States has 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was certainly not the best pick among them all.

Hunter is a loser. He's a drug addict that was kicked out of the military, and in and out of rehabs since. He slept with his late brothers wife, knocked up some woman and then didn't pay her child support. He owes the federal government back taxes for over five years, and never penalized or taken to court over it. In spite of all the money he made, claims to be broke, which is not that unusual for somebody still addicted to the hard stuff.

Nobody would hire a guy like this for such a high paying position. If not for his father, he'd be an ambulance chaser and probably fail at that too.
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.
It seems bizarre that a President should completely bypass the US Justice system and set up a shadow investigation operation.
But that is his choice.It crosses the line when he uses his office to coerce foreign governments to co-operate with his shadow operation.
I thought the US kicked the monarchy a while back ?
The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.


Hunter Biden got $16 million for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. not speaking the language
3. not having any expertise on the business at hand

Why was Hunter Biden paid all that money for nothing?

Why does Low IQ Joe say he WON'T testify if he has NOTHING TO HIDE?????????

Not only won't Low IQ Joe testify, but DEMOCRATS are REFUSING a Bolton for Biden trade, proving that


I am all for a Biden Trump trade.

Why won't Republicans let Trump testify if he has nothing to hide?

The fact is that you don't know what Hunter got paid for his work for Burisma- you speculate in ways that you flatly reject speculation when anyone questions any of Trump and his families questionable 'deals'.

But I would absolutely be thrilled with having both Biden and Trump testify in front of the Senate.

If neither of them have anything to hide, if the Republicans have nothing to hide- why wouldn't they want the truth to come out?
its up to the prosecution to prove guilt, not the accused to prove innocence,,,

and biden needs to testify because the whole prosecutions case rests with him,,,he does of course have a right the declare the 5th and remain silent,,,
Okay. I googled it. It’s just shy of 200 Mb/s. You think that’s an impossible data transfer rate? It’s not. I’ve had internet faster than that for a decade.

You’re completely incorrect.

Another lie. It’s been shown the amount of data in that time frame was not possible with an outside source. Downloading your porn is not the same as downloading files from another system. Totally different scenario. You just love showing your ignorance.

Incorrect. Data is data. Downloading porn from a server isn’t any different than downloading emails from a server.

You better go tell the experts that then. They seem to say you’re an idiot.

You don’t understand what you’re taking about.

How is it impossible to download something at 200 Mb/s?

You really need to learn something. Try using time frames and amount of data allegedly taken. It doesn’t fit. Ray also showed how this was an inside job.

I know more about this than you do. Trust me. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The analysis you’re referring to is so flawed that half the VIPS group refused to sign it. Seriously. It’s bad.

I could go on but I expect you have no actual interest in hearing anything that might not fit with what you want to believe.
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.
It seems bizarre that a President should completely bypass the US Justice system and set up a shadow investigation operation.
But that is his choice.It crosses the line when he uses his office to coerce foreign governments to co-operate with his shadow operation.
I thought the US kicked the monarchy a while back ?

Trump is working against the shadow operation called the Deep State. They attacked his pick for Supreme Court Justice. They attacked him with a phony Russian collusion charge. They had spies listening into his phone calls with leaders from other countries. A government agency spied on his administration before he was even elected.

Are these the same people he should trust with handling an investigation of the last administration?
It seems bizarre that a President should completely bypass the US Justice system and set up a shadow investigation operation.
But that is his choice.It crosses the line when he uses his office to coerce foreign governments to co-operate with his shadow operation.
I thought the US kicked the monarchy a while back ?

It's a bit hard to tell, actually. Trump could spend a few millions and send a small army of investigators around the world. Done as a private endeavor, there's probably nothing wrong with that. If he advises foreign governments to cooperate with his private agents, or allows them to represent themselves as representatives of the president of the U.S. of A., that gets dangerously close to, or right into, the realm of abuse of power, particularly so if this army's aims don't align with the U.S. national interest.
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.
It seems bizarre that a President should completely bypass the US Justice system and set up a shadow investigation operation.
But that is his choice.It crosses the line when he uses his office to coerce foreign governments to co-operate with his shadow operation.
I thought the US kicked the monarchy a while back ?

Trump is working against the shadow operation called the Deep State. They attacked his pick for Supreme Court Justice. They attacked him with a phony Russian collusion charge. They had spies listening into his phone calls with leaders from other countries. A government agency spied on his administration before he was even elected.

Are these the same people he should trust with handling an investigation of the last administration?

He already is. This isn’t a rational argument.
The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.


Hunter Biden got $16 million for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. not speaking the language
3. not having any expertise on the business at hand

Why was Hunter Biden paid all that money for nothing?

Why does Low IQ Joe say he WON'T testify if he has NOTHING TO HIDE?????????

Not only won't Low IQ Joe testify, but DEMOCRATS are REFUSING a Bolton for Biden trade, proving that

I understand that Hunter acted as a lawyer for this company for some time before joining the board. That would give him some insight into the business.
Is it just possible that the people from Burisma thought that having a Biden on board would give the company some legitimacy and credibility when dealing with overseas partners and potential partners ?

Every company does similar.I own shares in dozens of UK companies and almost without fail they have a Lord This or Lady That on board. I suspect they just add cachet when the reports are published.

Hunter was hired for protection against the US. That's it. The United States has 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was certainly not the best pick among them all.

Hunter is a loser. He's a drug addict that was kicked out of the military, and in and out of rehabs since. He slept with his late brothers wife, knocked up some woman and then didn't pay her child support. He owes the federal government back taxes for over five years, and never penalized or taken to court over it. In spite of all the money he made, claims to be broke, which is not that unusual for somebody still addicted to the hard stuff.

Nobody would hire a guy like this for such a high paying position. If not for his father, he'd be an ambulance chaser and probably fail at that too.
Where is the crime ? None of the things you mentioned would count against him being hired if that company felt he had done a good job. That would be a matter for Burisma shareholders.

I also thought that your tax records were confidential. How do you know Mr Bidens record ?
It seems bizarre that a President should completely bypass the US Justice system and set up a shadow investigation operation.
But that is his choice.It crosses the line when he uses his office to coerce foreign governments to co-operate with his shadow operation.
I thought the US kicked the monarchy a while back ?

It's a bit hard to tell, actually. Trump could spend a few millions and send a small army of investigators around the world. Done as a private endeavor, there's probably nothing wrong with that. If he advises foreign governments to cooperate with his private agents, or allows them to represent themselves as representatives of the president of the U.S. of A., that gets dangerously close to, or right into, the realm of abuse of power, particularly so if this army's aims don't align with the U.S. national interest.
Thats the nub of it. These people seem to see Trump as America though, and there is the problem.
I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:
My point is, biden is making it sound as if hunter was hired, then joe found out later about it. That doesnt seem likely to me.
What evidence leads you to believe that?
He said it in the video interview he did.

‘I Don’t Know:’ Biden Says He Hasn’t Asked What Hunter Did In Ukraine

He said he didnt know he was on the board until after he was on the board
- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.
Question for ya....

Why do you suppose when he retold the story he added...

Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
don't know


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.

And the Shokin interview where he said (and swore to it) that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma and Hunter.

Rudy can't be charged for obstructing anything. There is no law that anything he found must be given to the DOJ.
We'll find out since Giuliani is currently under investigation. He can bunk with Michael Cohen.

File this with the little yellow coward’s claims that Mueller would get Trump, Trump will be arrested, removed, blah, blah, blah. By the way ignorant one, Comey was TOLD by the New York field office that if he DIDN’T look into the classified info found on Weiner’s laptop from Hillary that they would go public with what they found. Funny how Dims keep ignoring that fact......

Are you ever not an imbecile? I never said Mueller would get Impeached Trump. I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report and would accept it no matter what he found. And I did, posting how Mueller exonerated Impeached Trump of collusion.

Amazing how every Dim here NEVER thought Mueller would get Trump. Even though that’s all we heard for over 2 years. Noting how little yellow coward avoids his LIE about Comey. Keep coming, slapping you never gets old.
Another lie. It’s been shown the amount of data in that time frame was not possible with an outside source. Downloading your porn is not the same as downloading files from another system. Totally different scenario. You just love showing your ignorance.

Incorrect. Data is data. Downloading porn from a server isn’t any different than downloading emails from a server.

You better go tell the experts that then. They seem to say you’re an idiot.

You don’t understand what you’re taking about.

How is it impossible to download something at 200 Mb/s?

You really need to learn something. Try using time frames and amount of data allegedly taken. It doesn’t fit. Ray also showed how this was an inside job.

Sorry- you and Ray have just offered your opinion. You haven't offered any evidence- and I suspect that if you do attempt to come up with evidence- it will be of a rather suspect source.

Since you have offered nothing but debunked lies all over here, you wouldn’t accept any source that doesn’t agree with you anyway. There were several articles about that when it happened. Not our fault you refuse to accept the truth. Your ignorance is astounding but expected.
The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.


Hunter Biden got $16 million for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. not speaking the language
3. not having any expertise on the business at hand

Why was Hunter Biden paid all that money for nothing?

Why does Low IQ Joe say he WON'T testify if he has NOTHING TO HIDE?????????

Not only won't Low IQ Joe testify, but DEMOCRATS are REFUSING a Bolton for Biden trade, proving that

I understand that Hunter acted as a lawyer for this company for some time before joining the board. That would give him some insight into the business.
Is it just possible that the people from Burisma thought that having a Biden on board would give the company some legitimacy and credibility when dealing with overseas partners and potential partners ?

Every company does similar.I own shares in dozens of UK companies and almost without fail they have a Lord This or Lady That on board. I suspect they just add cachet when the reports are published.

Hunter was hired for protection against the US. That's it. The United States has 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was certainly not the best pick among them all.

Hunter is a loser. He's a drug addict that was kicked out of the military, and in and out of rehabs since. He slept with his late brothers wife, knocked up some woman and then didn't pay her child support. He owes the federal government back taxes for over five years, and never penalized or taken to court over it. In spite of all the money he made, claims to be broke, which is not that unusual for somebody still addicted to the hard stuff.

Nobody would hire a guy like this for such a high paying position. If not for his father, he'd be an ambulance chaser and probably fail at that too.
Where is the crime ? None of the things you mentioned would count against him being hired if that company felt he had done a good job. That would be a matter for Burisma shareholders.

I also thought that your tax records were confidential. How do you know Mr Bidens record ?

I never said I did. But Hunter made claim of being broke in the paternity lawsuit. I'm just saying there's a good chance he's telling the truth.
Damn......January is almost over and Rudy still hasn’t named any names

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