Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

was asking about Rudys "bombshell".

We haven't yet seen if Rudy has anything or not. He may, he may not. But clearly we have not gotten truth or the whole story on Hunter Biden, and there is a coordinated effort by the Dems to thwart any attempts to ascertain truth on that issue....

Because of course, the Democrats control the FBI and the Attorney General's office.......yep no way for Republicans to find out the truth.

I am certain you support getting Bolton, Giuliani, Pompeo and the rest in to testify at the Senate- because you are so against 'coordinated' efforts to thwart any attempts to ascertain truth on the Ukraine issue.
Democrats control the FBI and the Attorney General's office.

Essentially they did until Barr was sworn in. Sessions was asked about investigating Obama era crimes and said

"We're not going to investigate Obama at all" or something like that.

Sessions was 100% in on the kleptocratic ways of the Bidens. Sessions was selling DoJ prosecutorial "halts" in exchange for gifts to his kids and grandkids...Rod The Mossad Rosenstein was really the AG, just like Rove was really the Prez when W was "there."
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.
I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

Poor baby. We have the text messages. Looks like I hit you square.between the eyes after you flailed and missed. Badly. You really need to stop being so ignorant of reality.
all I said is I have seen some of what hes got,,,

I asked about a specif claim that Rudy made, you replied to that question.

Why is this so confusing for you?
its not,,,and I just like watching a TDS meltdown,,,

one thing that is confusing is why youre asking a bunch of twits on the internet instead of asking rudy himself,,,all youre going to get from us is emotionally charged rants or in my case mock and ridicule,,,
According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

Poor baby. We have the text messages. Looks like I hit you square.between the eyes after you flailed and missed. Badly. You really need to stop being so ignorant of reality.
No. You have one text message and you don’t know what it’s referring to. I have the Horowitz report. Who should I believe?
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.

And the Shokin interview where he said (and swore to it) that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma and Hunter.

Rudy can't be charged for obstructing anything. There is no law that anything he found must be given to the DOJ.
The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief ran a completely corrupt administration from top to bottom, and is one of the most despicable life forms to ever self ID as human...
Sadly, you are the uninformed one. Unless you mean like Comey working for Hillary by publicly announcing the FBI was reopening the investigation into her email as early voting had already begun.


I laugh at your uninformed self - Faun.
How come you don't laugh at yourself for posting such absolute nonsense like claiming the man who, while Americans were voting, publicly announced Hillary was under investigation again --was working for Hillary? :cuckoo:

Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.
Speaking of stupid. ^^^^ Podesta did NOT get hacked stupid, he willingly gave up his password in a phishing scam. And it’s already been proven the DNC “hack” was an inside job. No way that much information was taken in that time frame from an outside source.
I laugh at your uninformed self - Faun.
How come you don't laugh at yourself for posting such absolute nonsense like claiming the man who, while Americans were voting, publicly announced Hillary was under investigation again --was working for Hillary? :cuckoo:

Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.
Speaking of stupid. ^^^^ Podesta did NOT get hacked stupid, he willingly gave up his password in a phishing scam. And it’s already been proven the DNC “hack” was an inside job. No way that much information was taken in that time frame from an outside source.

You sure? What was the data transfer rate?
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.

And the Shokin interview where he said (and swore to it) that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma and Hunter.

Rudy can't be charged for obstructing anything. There is no law that anything he found must be given to the DOJ.

Sure Rudy could be charged with obstruction of justice if he had evidence of a crime committed by Americans(other than his clients) and failed to turn that evidence over to law enforcement.

Of course if he doesn't have any evidence- well then he doesn't have to report anything.
Almost 4 pm on the east coast, anyone have any links to Rudy's dirt yet?

You are getting annoying acting like a 10 year old. Give it a break already.

No more annoying that the 100 "we got them now" threads that pop up on this forum on a weekly basis.

I plan to keep asking at least daily until Rudy comes up with something or until you Trump drones admit you have been had yet again.

You two remind me of being in a car with parents who's children are in the back seat, asking every ten minutes "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

Look, the man said he was going to do it on Friday...why do you not want people to be good to their word?

See, the problem with Rudy is that he made this same claim back in Nov....didn't come true then either.
Giuliana says he'll expose "pay to play" scheme under Obama Administration

But you do not care, he is a one of the messengers for your God so you have no choice but to believe him.

Sucks to be you.

No, it sucks to be a lying leftist like you who couldn’t get above latrine cleaner. Don’t you have another poster to threaten because he dared ask you a question and you had a tantrum and meltdown for the ages? Enjoy 5 more years of Trump. Then again, you’ll blame him for your stupidity like you always do.
I laugh at your uninformed self - Faun.
How come you don't laugh at yourself for posting such absolute nonsense like claiming the man who, while Americans were voting, publicly announced Hillary was under investigation again --was working for Hillary? :cuckoo:

Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.
Speaking of stupid. ^^^^ Podesta did NOT get hacked stupid, he willingly gave up his password in a phishing scam. And it’s already been proven the DNC “hack” was an inside job. No way that much information was taken in that time frame from an outside source.

a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully

got a prosecutor fired for looking into the $16 million KICKBACK he engineered for his drug addicted kiddie...

The only slight problem with that fantasy is
a) There is no evidence of a kickback.
b) There is no evidence the Prosecutor was prosecuting
c) There is no evidence that Joe Biden had anything to do with Hunter being hired.

But nice job of parroting Trump's propaganda lies.
No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

Poor baby. We have the text messages. Looks like I hit you square.between the eyes after you flailed and missed. Badly. You really need to stop being so ignorant of reality.
No. You have one text message and you don’t know what it’s referring to. I have the Horowitz report. Who should I believe?

You are a blatant liar. You’ve been exposed earlier with the actual article describing this. See, you’re an uneducated, ignorant Gruber who is ignorant of reality. Because Strokey say something that’s not true, you believe him.:21::21:
So are they holding Rudy back ?

don't know

If Biden is dirty it would be to everyones benefit if he was outed.


There are three possible routes

1. show the Senate the "goods" now
2. make it all public now
3. turn it over to DoJ

The 4 is Rudy is lying

I don't know

Well we know Rudy lied- he said he would do his big reveal on Friday. It is now Tuesday.

If Giuliani has any actual legal evidence against the Biden's he should of course have turned it over to the DOJ as soon as he obtained it. Failing to do so would be obstruction of justice.

So far though Giuliani's only 'evidence' is exactly what we know- a video of Biden bragging about how he successfully implemented American foreign policy in Ukraine.

And the Shokin interview where he said (and swore to it) that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma and Hunter.

Rudy can't be charged for obstructing anything. There is no law that anything he found must be given to the DOJ.

Sure Rudy could be charged with obstruction of justice if he had evidence of a crime committed by Americans(other than his clients) and failed to turn that evidence over to law enforcement.

Of course if he doesn't have any evidence- well then he doesn't have to report anything.

Are you making up laws as you go along? Show me any law that states a private attorney is required to surrender all evidence of crimes to the state. He's working for Trump, not the government. He's not required to do anything but report back to Trump since that's who he's working for.

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