Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.
Trump's phone call is MUCH more shady than Biden's Ukraine connections, eh? :lol:

You wish there was just the call.

Even Republicans are laughing at you gullible Trumpsters.

In his statement, Alexander expressed the correct view on the underlying matter — one we have been urging Republicans to publicly adopt since impeachment first got off the ground.

The Tennessee Republican said that it has been amply established that Donald Trump used a hold on defense aid to pressure the Ukrainians to undertake the investigations that he wanted, and that this was, as he mildly put it, inappropriate.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Lamar Alexander Gets It Right | National Review

Let's hope there is a very thorough investigation into the Biden/Ukraine connection. Whether or not Trump went about asking for it the wrong way, he was not wrong to ask for it.

Has it ever entered your head that he did it this corrupt way because normal criminal complaint would be laughed at and thrown in the garbage bin?

There is NO EVIDENCE to substantiate a reasonable suspicion to open a criminal investigation.

DoS, EU, IMF, Ukraine corruption watch groups and even his own deputy were screaming for the removal of Shokin who was enriching himself by NOT prosecuting the rich in Ukraine. And you think Biden obliging is evidence of corruption??

Hmmm. He was enriching himself at the same time Biden and his son were involved with Ukraine, enriching themselves. That is another very interesting thing to sit and think about.

...unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Trump PERSONALLY pockets millions and millions and millions from bussinesses all around the world, while being in direct control of our foreign policy (see here). If conflict of interest was a crime he would get the death penalty by now.


Before he was running for president. :D
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

I am hoping and praying that it all comes out, and that they are not able to hide anymore.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

I am hoping and praying that it all comes out, and that they are not able to hide anymore.

Things look hopeless for our hero. I was watching Fox covering Iowa. It looks like Sander's is going to take that in a landslide so far. If that pace continues, it's going to really disturb the Democrat party. They don't want Sander's, they want Biden. That's why they wanted to drag out this idiotic impeachment thing for as long as possible.

In any case, the DNC is not going to allow Sander's to take it no matter how popular he is. That will piss off a ton of their voters, and Trump can walk blindfold backwards back into the White House.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

I am hoping and praying that it all comes out, and that they are not able to hide anymore.

Things look hopeless for our hero. I was watching Fox covering Iowa. It looks like Sander's is going to take that in a landslide so far. If that pace continues, it's going to really disturb the Democrat party. They don't want Sander's, they want Biden. That's why they wanted to drag out this idiotic impeachment thing for as long as possible.

In any case, the DNC is not going to allow Sander's to take it no matter how popular he is. That will piss off a ton of their voters, and Trump can walk blindfold backwards back into the White House.

I agree. They will never let him win the nomination. I am very grateful for that. Funny how these leftists scream about deficits, yet ignore how much Bernie's plans would cost. Too funny!
Also funny how they scream about Trump being corrupt, while he has not even served an entire term, yet ignore politicians who have been in office for 20, 30, 40 or more years. Lol.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

I am hoping and praying that it all comes out, and that they are not able to hide anymore.

Things look hopeless for our hero. I was watching Fox covering Iowa. It looks like Sander's is going to take that in a landslide so far. If that pace continues, it's going to really disturb the Democrat party. They don't want Sander's, they want Biden. That's why they wanted to drag out this idiotic impeachment thing for as long as possible.

In any case, the DNC is not going to allow Sander's to take it no matter how popular he is. That will piss off a ton of their voters, and Trump can walk blindfold backwards back into the White House.

I agree. They will never let him win the nomination. I am very grateful for that. Funny how these leftists scream about deficits, yet ignore how much Bernie's plans would cost. Too funny!

Actually I'm hoping he starts winning by a landslide. Them not giving Bernie the green light means a lot of disgruntled Democrat voters, and that means a sure win for us. They are starting already.

Delay in Iowa’s Democratic caucus results caused by ‘inconsistencies in the reporting’ of 3 sets of results, state party says
Also funny how they scream about Trump being corrupt, while he has not even served an entire term, yet ignore politicians who have been in office for 20, 30, 40 or more years. Lol.

And Debbie Whatsherbutt Schultz screwing Bernie in 2016.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

Boy, you've got a good excuse for every shitty thing Trump does, don't you Ray. No wonder you've been so miserable all of your life. Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.

Clinton didn’t delete emails under subpoena. Holder withheld documents that had nothing to do with Obama. The documents were later released like a fart in the wind. Trump is an order of magnitude above these examples.

Good point about FBI agents expressing bias against those they are investigating. The FBI fires or reassigned every one of them because that was wrong.

So why is it okay for Trump to “investigate” someone he is biased against?
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Professional politicians manipulate their tax returns for public view. Businessmen do not. They take every deduction they are legally allowed to take. So they pay as little to the government as they can. Politicians (particularly on the left) want to show people they are paying their fair share, and the public doesn't realize it's all a dog and pony show.

Boy, you've got a good excuse for every shitty thing Trump does, don't you Ray. No wonder you've been so miserable all of your life. Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.
and you've got a bitch session for everything he does.
Just another phony scandal that will go nowhere in the real world of journalism and law enforcement, only works in imaginary GOP world...
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.

Clinton didn’t delete emails under subpoena. Holder withheld documents that had nothing to do with Obama. The documents were later released like a fart in the wind. Trump is an order of magnitude above these examples.

Good point about FBI agents expressing bias against those they are investigating. The FBI fires or reassigned every one of them because that was wrong.

So why is it okay for Trump to “investigate” someone he is biased against?
you are so full of shit - and again you continue to say shit w/o no lines or verification or source for your idiotic ramblings. so let's end this one now and see if you will admit you are wrong, or if you just bitch at the source and continue being a dumbass.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information. A response is due within about 30 days under the law. However, it is not provided.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via Clinton aide’s account. This showed that Clinton had received sensitive, confidential information on what was later revealed to be the private server she improperly used for government business.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012. This was later proven untrue since Clinton had withheld many documents, and also the State Dept. provided additional responsive documents to me in April of 2016, three and a half years late.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three predecessors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account [email protected] for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:
It was more convenient to use the private server.
“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”
Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”
She will not turn over her personal email server.
She “fully complied” with the law.
She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.
There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.

so we know she lied. a lot.
we know her IT guy was hanging out in tech forums asking how to change e-mail headers. these are electronic signatures on all e-mails. there is no reason to edit them unless you're trying to change or hide send/receive information.
we know her IT guy was told no, it can't be done, so he then asks how to permanently delete info on a hard drive. bleachbit came up. we know later her drive was in fact subjected to this process.
we know she sent paper copies. why? cause she could control what was sent AND there is no header info on the paper version. now maybe there's a good reason for this that does not include my summation. please let me know what that would be.

if she did nothing wrong, why lie and why go through all these measures?

so yes, she did delete mail *after* being told to turn them over.

now feel free to prove otherwise with facts you don't pull out of your ass like your dads watch.
we know her IT guy was hanging out in tech forums asking how to change e-mail headers. these are electronic signatures on all e-mails. there is no reason to edit them unless you're trying to change or hide send/receive information.
we know her IT guy was told no, it can't be done, so he then asks how to permanently delete info on a hard drive. bleachbit came up. we know later her drive was in fact subjected to this process.
we know she sent paper copies. why? cause she could control what was sent AND there is no header info on the paper version. now maybe there's a good reason for this that does not include my summation. please let me know what that would be.

if she did nothing wrong, why lie and why go through all these measures?

so yes, she did delete mail *after* being told to turn them over.

You're attempting to pile too much into this reply, so I'm going to stick with the deletion bit. You're not telling the full story and neither is Sheryl Atkinson, whom I have very little respect for. I prefer primary documents such as the FBI's investigation report.

It's not selectable text so you'll have to read it but I'll refer to pages/paragraphs.

You can start reading on page 17, it's about 3 pages describing exactly what happened.

Clinton did not delete emails under subpoena. She told her lawyer to get the work related emails and delete the rest. This request was done in December 2014 (page 18, paragraph 2). The technician never actually did that. The subpoena was issued in March 2015. At that time, the technician realized he had not deleted the emails and then did so. He did not do so at the request of Clinton. Page 19, paragraph 2.

Clinton didn't delete emails under subpoena. Paul Combetta did. If Clinton had done what you say, she would have been indicted.
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.

Clinton didn’t delete emails under subpoena. Holder withheld documents that had nothing to do with Obama. The documents were later released like a fart in the wind. Trump is an order of magnitude above these examples.

Good point about FBI agents expressing bias against those they are investigating. The FBI fires or reassigned every one of them because that was wrong.

So why is it okay for Trump to “investigate” someone he is biased against?
you are so full of shit - and again you continue to say shit w/o no lines or verification or source for your idiotic ramblings. so let's end this one now and see if you will admit you are wrong, or if you just bitch at the source and continue being a dumbass.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information. A response is due within about 30 days under the law. However, it is not provided.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via Clinton aide’s account. This showed that Clinton had received sensitive, confidential information on what was later revealed to be the private server she improperly used for government business.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012. This was later proven untrue since Clinton had withheld many documents, and also the State Dept. provided additional responsive documents to me in April of 2016, three and a half years late.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three predecessors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account [email protected] for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:
It was more convenient to use the private server.
“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”
Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”
She will not turn over her personal email server.

She “fully complied” with the law.
She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.
There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.

so we know she lied. a lot.
we know her IT guy was hanging out in tech forums asking how to change e-mail headers. these are electronic signatures on all e-mails. there is no reason to edit them unless you're trying to change or hide send/receive information.
we know her IT guy was told no, it can't be done, so he then asks how to permanently delete info on a hard drive. bleachbit came up. we know later her drive was in fact subjected to this process.
we know she sent paper copies. why? cause she could control what was sent AND there is no header info on the paper version. now maybe there's a good reason for this that does not include my summation. please let me know what that would be.

if she did nothing wrong, why lie and why go through all these measures?

so yes, she did delete mail *after* being told to turn them over.

now feel free to prove otherwise with facts you don't pull out of your ass like your dads watch.
I will go with what our law enforcement and journalists say, not a bunch of high school grad bought off x cokehead DJ pundits from the propaganda machine of the GOP, a disgrace.
I will go with what our law enforcement and journalists say, not a bunch of high school grad bought off x cokehead DJ pundits from the propaganda machine of the GOP, a disgrace

In other words, you are following the herd like a good little sheep. Look, anyone smarter than a 3rd grader knows the intelligence agencies were compromised under Obama at the senior levels. That is rather obvious from texts and the CNN jobs the ex-guys have taken. Journalists, by in large, are liberal kooks who spin everything. Use the thing between your ears.
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.

Clinton didn’t delete emails under subpoena. Holder withheld documents that had nothing to do with Obama. The documents were later released like a fart in the wind. Trump is an order of magnitude above these examples.

Good point about FBI agents expressing bias against those they are investigating. The FBI fires or reassigned every one of them because that was wrong.

So why is it okay for Trump to “investigate” someone he is biased against?
you are so full of shit - and again you continue to say shit w/o no lines or verification or source for your idiotic ramblings. so let's end this one now and see if you will admit you are wrong, or if you just bitch at the source and continue being a dumbass.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information. A response is due within about 30 days under the law. However, it is not provided.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via Clinton aide’s account. This showed that Clinton had received sensitive, confidential information on what was later revealed to be the private server she improperly used for government business.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012. This was later proven untrue since Clinton had withheld many documents, and also the State Dept. provided additional responsive documents to me in April of 2016, three and a half years late.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three predecessors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account [email protected] for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:
It was more convenient to use the private server.
“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”
Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”
She will not turn over her personal email server.

She “fully complied” with the law.
She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.
There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.

so we know she lied. a lot.
we know her IT guy was hanging out in tech forums asking how to change e-mail headers. these are electronic signatures on all e-mails. there is no reason to edit them unless you're trying to change or hide send/receive information.
we know her IT guy was told no, it can't be done, so he then asks how to permanently delete info on a hard drive. bleachbit came up. we know later her drive was in fact subjected to this process.
we know she sent paper copies. why? cause she could control what was sent AND there is no header info on the paper version. now maybe there's a good reason for this that does not include my summation. please let me know what that would be.

if she did nothing wrong, why lie and why go through all these measures?

so yes, she did delete mail *after* being told to turn them over.

now feel free to prove otherwise with facts you don't pull out of your ass like your dads watch.
Why go through all this? NeverEnding GOP garbage propaganda that's why, super duper dupe. Always discredited, never retracted....
That's not how an innocent person acts.

Do you really want to get into how an innocent person is supposed to act? Tell that to Hillary, who destroyed supoened evidence or to Holderman who withheld documents to protect Obama. Do you think the "non-partisans" in the FBI should be sending texts about how much they hate the the president they are investigating and how they would do anything to keep him from getting elected? Is that how a "non-partisan" acts? Deep hole you are digging here.

Because you believe the losers and screw over artists and can't tell an honest person from a conman.

I'll give you this, Sanders doesn't appear to be crooked, just a dishonest Communist. If the left and the media has dumbed down the American people enough to vote for a Communist, then the country deserves to fall.

Clinton didn’t delete emails under subpoena. Holder withheld documents that had nothing to do with Obama. The documents were later released like a fart in the wind. Trump is an order of magnitude above these examples.

Good point about FBI agents expressing bias against those they are investigating. The FBI fires or reassigned every one of them because that was wrong.

So why is it okay for Trump to “investigate” someone he is biased against?
you are so full of shit - and again you continue to say shit w/o no lines or verification or source for your idiotic ramblings. so let's end this one now and see if you will admit you are wrong, or if you just bitch at the source and continue being a dumbass.

Nov. 7: Judicial Watch files Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request with State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information.

December: I (then at CBS News) file a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Dept. for Benghazi-related emails and other information. A response is due within about 30 days under the law. However, it is not provided.

Feb. 25: Judicial Watch files two lawsuits against State Dept. for failing to lawfully respond to FOI requests.

March 22: “Guccifer” hacks Clinton’s emails via Clinton aide’s account. This showed that Clinton had received sensitive, confidential information on what was later revealed to be the private server she improperly used for government business.

August: Congress subpoenas Benghazi documents.

Nov. 26: State Dept. tells me (then at CBS News) that it has posted all documents responsive to my Benghazi FOI request from Dec. 2012. This was later proven untrue since Clinton had withheld many documents, and also the State Dept. provided additional responsive documents to me in April of 2016, three and a half years late.

May 8: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, formally announces formation of House Benghazi Committee.

June 13: Judicial Watch files a FOI request with State Dept. seeking Benghazi information and Clinton notes.

August: State Dept. provides House Benghazi Committee with eight emails to or from Clinton that, for the first time, show her use of a private email account.

Sept. 4: Judicial Watch sues State Dept. for failure to respond to a June 13, 2014 FOI request seeking Benghazi records and Clinton notes.

October: State Dept. sends letters to Clinton and her three predecessors as secretary of state seeking work emails related to personal accounts.

Nov. 18: House Benghazi Committee makes additional request for Clinton emails from State Dept.

Nov. 26: President Obama signs into law an updated Federal Records Act requiring public officials to forward all work-related email to their government address.

December: House Benghazi Committee sends request to the White House for documents and communications pertaining to Benghazi.

Dec. 5: Clinton privately turns over copies of 30,490 “work-related” emails to the State Dept. totaling 55,000 printed pages. No date has been provided as to when she deleted her “private” emails, but it is presumed to be around this time frame.

Jan. 27: House Benghazi Committee holds third public hearing. Topic: federal agencies’ poor response to document requests and subpoenas.

February: White House and House Benghazi Committee meet to discuss Dec. 2014 document request. White House eventually produces 266 pages.

Feb. 13: State Dept. produces 300 emails to and from Clinton, but no other documents responsive to the House Benghazi Committee’s broader Nov. 18, 2014 request for all emails to and from Clinton and her senior staff.

Late Feb.: In discussions, the State Dept. informs the House Benghazi Committee that Clinton did not have a government email address, and that it had never had possession of her emails until her attorney first turned them over—in paper form—to the State Dept. in Dec. 2014.

March 2: New York Times reports Clinton may have violated federal regulations by using personal email account [email protected] for public business as secretary of state.

March 4: Associated Press reports that Clinton’s personal email address traces to private email server at her Chappaqua, New York home registered under pseudonym.

House Benghazi Committee privately issues two subpoena: one for emails from Clinton’s personal account, the other for documents it requested in Nov. 2014 (but did not receive) relating to 10 senior State Dept. officials.

Clinton does not disclose the subpoena but tweets, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”

March 10: Clinton answers questions about her email practices for the first time. She tells reporters:
It was more convenient to use the private server.
“I wanted to use just one device for both personal and work emails instead of two.”
Last year, she deleted nearly 31,000+ emails that were “private.”
She will not turn over her personal email server.

She “fully complied” with the law.
She has turned over to the State Dept. 55,000 pages of work-related emails.
There were 62,320 emails in her account: 30,490 were public business; 31,830 were private.

March 11: Associated Press sues State Dept. for Clinton emails and documents not provided under FOI request.

Judicial Watch announces a lawsuit to release documents regarding Clinton’s use of iPhone or iPad for official business.

May 5-6, 2015: Judicial Watch files seven new FOI lawsuits related to Clinton’s use of private email server, seeking emails of her top aide Huma Abedin and records about Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.

July 28: Clinton revises her statement regarding classified email to say she is confident she never sent or received emails that were classified at the time.

Aug. 19: Clinton’s personal lawyer tells a Senate committee that all data, including emails, was erased from her server prior to it being turned over to the FBI.

Nov. 30: State Dept. releases 8,000 more Clinton emails; some of the emails received “classified” markings.

so we know she lied. a lot.
we know her IT guy was hanging out in tech forums asking how to change e-mail headers. these are electronic signatures on all e-mails. there is no reason to edit them unless you're trying to change or hide send/receive information.
we know her IT guy was told no, it can't be done, so he then asks how to permanently delete info on a hard drive. bleachbit came up. we know later her drive was in fact subjected to this process.
we know she sent paper copies. why? cause she could control what was sent AND there is no header info on the paper version. now maybe there's a good reason for this that does not include my summation. please let me know what that would be.

if she did nothing wrong, why lie and why go through all these measures?

so yes, she did delete mail *after* being told to turn them over.

now feel free to prove otherwise with facts you don't pull out of your ass like your dads watch.
I will go with what our law enforcement and journalists say, not a bunch of high school grad bought off x cokehead DJ pundits from the propaganda machine of the GOP, a disgrace.

Sheryl Atkinson was a journalist at one point in time but she lost her mind during the Obama administration. She was the one accusing Obama of hacking her computer because her delete key got stuck. She was fired from CBS her nonsense. Now she’s a favorite among the right wing fringe media because she supposedly is a journalist and “reports” corroborate their fantasies.
I will go with what our law enforcement and journalists say, not a bunch of high school grad bought off x cokehead DJ pundits from the propaganda machine of the GOP, a disgrace

In other words, you are following the herd like a good little sheep. Look, anyone smarter than a 3rd grader knows the intelligence agencies were compromised under Obama at the senior levels. That is rather obvious from texts and the CNN jobs the ex-guys have taken. Journalists, by in large, are liberal kooks who spin everything. Use the thing between your ears.
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows that the GOP is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace. There is no boom and there is no immigration crisis, super dupers.

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