Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

If he does something "bad" then I will say so. So far, he has been doing quite well, and I have no complaints, which doesn't mean that I "worship" anyone, fool.

He’s using government to go after his political enemies. If a dem president were doing this a Republican, I would say it’s bad. Why wouldn’t you?

Go after a political opponent that is up to some shady activities. I don't have a problem with that.

Like when the FBI investigated Trump’s shady campaign?
Go after a political opponent that is up to some shady activities. I don't have a problem with that.

Like when the FBI investigates Trump’s shady campaign?

That has been done. What did they find?

A lot of people lying about who they talked to and why.

Republicans have been trying to tell us that it was a huge scandal. I guess you disagree with them then.

After such a thorough anal probing, if Trump had actually done something, they would have found it.

Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.
Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.

Never said it was illegal, but you fucking said there was no benefit to Trump's lawyer finding evidence of his innocence, which is something so stupid I was shocked even you could post it...but then I remembered that worship comes before all else.

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

Or the royal "we".
He’s using government to go after his political enemies. If a dem president were doing this a Republican, I would say it’s bad. Why wouldn’t you?

Go after a political opponent that is up to some shady activities. I don't have a problem with that.

Like when the FBI investigated Trump’s shady campaign?
Like when the FBI investigates Trump’s shady campaign?

That has been done. What did they find?

A lot of people lying about who they talked to and why.

Republicans have been trying to tell us that it was a huge scandal. I guess you disagree with them then.

After such a thorough anal probing, if Trump had actually done something, they would have found it.

Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?
Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.

Never said it was illegal, but you fucking said there was no benefit to Trump's lawyer finding evidence of his innocence, which is something so stupid I was shocked even you could post it...but then I remembered that worship comes before all else.

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

Spin it, leftist!

Go after a political opponent that is up to some shady activities. I don't have a problem with that.

Like when the FBI investigated Trump’s shady campaign?
That has been done. What did they find?

A lot of people lying about who they talked to and why.

Republicans have been trying to tell us that it was a huge scandal. I guess you disagree with them then.

After such a thorough anal probing, if Trump had actually done something, they would have found it.

Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."
Face it, leftists. You had your chance. You failed miserably. Time to stop crying and move on.
Never said it was illegal, but you fucking said there was no benefit to Trump's lawyer finding evidence of his innocence, which is something so stupid I was shocked even you could post it...but then I remembered that worship comes before all else.

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

Or the royal "we".
It’s irrelevant anyway. I can’t imagine someone claiming they didn’t have a personal motive because they said “we” and not “I”. It’s ridiculous on its face. As if maybe someone isn’t being super truthful never crossed their minds.
Like when the FBI investigated Trump’s shady campaign?
A lot of people lying about who they talked to and why.

Republicans have been trying to tell us that it was a huge scandal. I guess you disagree with them then.

After such a thorough anal probing, if Trump had actually done something, they would have found it.

Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."

Trump bought access as a billionaire. He sells access as a politician. Same story. He’s the leader of the club now.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?
After such a thorough anal probing, if Trump had actually done something, they would have found it.

Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."

Trump bought access as a billionaire. He sells access as a politician. Same story. He’s the leader of the club now.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

You've got nothing. Time to move on and stop whining.
Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Supporting politicians and being one are two entirely different things. Most politicians are career people. They start from the bottom, and move their way up. The presidency is the ultimate goal if achievable.

Along the way, you scratch my back and I''ll scratch yours. If one of us makes it to the top, remember what I did for you!

Well, Trump doesn't have that going for him. Nobody scratched his back and he didn't scratch others. He didn't start from the bottom, or even the middle. He went right past all those professional politicians and took the top seat. So of course some of them are pissed. It's not supposed to work that way. You can't just barge in here like that!!!!!
Correct, it is stupid. There are no laws against Rudy looking into the Burisma matter. There is nothing wrong with a lawyer seeking evidence to protect his client.

Never said it was illegal, but you fucking said there was no benefit to Trump's lawyer finding evidence of his innocence, which is something so stupid I was shocked even you could post it...but then I remembered that worship comes before all else.

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.
Maybe. I’m sure you feel the same way about the Clintons but let’s not get distracted.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."

Trump bought access as a billionaire. He sells access as a politician. Same story. He’s the leader of the club now.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

You've got nothing. Time to move on and stop whining.

Don't worry. You're lowering the bar. That's going to come back and bite you.
Never said it was illegal, but you fucking said there was no benefit to Trump's lawyer finding evidence of his innocence, which is something so stupid I was shocked even you could post it...but then I remembered that worship comes before all else.

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

I have no problem with what Rudy is doing, this is not about Rudy. This is about the president of our country asking the leader of another country to help his personal attorney for his own personal gain.

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.
The Clintons are establishment politicians who have been in politics a VERY long time and have a LOT of powerful friends. Any dolt should know that. Whereas, Trump is a newcomer to the world of dirty politics and has pretty much NO friends. Republicans and democrats hate his guts, and that tells me all I need to know.

Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."

Trump bought access as a billionaire. He sells access as a politician. Same story. He’s the leader of the club now.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

You've got nothing. Time to move on and stop whining.

Don't worry. You're lowering the bar. That's going to come back and bite you.

Again, you've got nothing on him. You tried, you failed, time to give up this circus.
You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.

What do you think about Biden's corruption? Oh, let me guess, you think he is pure as a driven snow. Nothing to see here in Ukraine, folks, but TRUMP!

You're moving the goal posts Gator. Here is what started this

Gain and benefit are two different things. Benefit means help. Gain means an advantage. There is no advantage for Trump no matter what. Yes, it benefits Trump if Rudy finds evidence of potential corruption by the Biden's.

It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.

What corruption do you speak of? Trump knew over a dozen people listen to his conversations with other leaders since he took office. He released the transcript with the full confidence he did nothing wrong, and he didn't.
Trump is no newcomer. He was bragging about chumming around with politicians his whole career and claimed he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

Just look at Pam Bondi. AG of Florida. Chipped in $25k to her re-election and boom, she decides not to prosecute him for the fraudulent Trump university.

The Clinton have a lot of enemies too. Every one of them came up short.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

Chumming with because of donations and being a part of the establishment are two entirely different things, and this is pretty much obvious with the way they treat him. He is not a part of their "club."

Trump bought access as a billionaire. He sells access as a politician. Same story. He’s the leader of the club now.

Republicans and Barr are claiming the very existence of the investigation was an atrocity (I’m taking a little poetic license here). Disagree?

You've got nothing. Time to move on and stop whining.

Don't worry. You're lowering the bar. That's going to come back and bite you.

Again, you've got nothing on him. You tried, you failed, time to give up this circus.

More on him than you have on Biden. More on him than you have on Clinton. More on him than you have pretty much anyone Trump and his supporters keep claiming are corrupt.

You're lowering the standard presidents are expected to hold to. You're normalizing corruption.
It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.

What corruption do you speak of? Trump knew over a dozen people listen to his conversations with other leaders since he took office. He released the transcript with the full confidence he did nothing wrong, and he didn't.

They tried desperately to keep a lid on this, and it got loose anyway. Seriously. The conversation was put in a top secret computer. Multiple people went to the lawyers at the CIA and NSC where it was suppressed. He then decided to block every request for information and every person's attempt to testify.

That's not how an innocent person acts.
It benefits ALL of us to have corruption in government rooted out.

What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.

What do you think about Biden's corruption? Oh, let me guess, you think he is pure as a driven snow. Nothing to see here in Ukraine, folks, but TRUMP!

You've got nothing on Biden. Not that you care. You're happy to make it up for yourself and then you'll come up with some excuse why no one with any actual knowledge of the law does anything about it.
What they fail to remember about the phone call was that Trump used the words "us" and "we." He never said "me" or "mine."

This is about the President checking out potential corruption of the last administration, and there was plenty of that as we know.
Maybe “us” and “we” refer to Republicans?

this is hardly exculpatory.

It doesn't mean him personally.

Sure. Because people engaging in corruption always make sure to indicate that with the proper pronouns.

What corruption do you speak of? Trump knew over a dozen people listen to his conversations with other leaders since he took office. He released the transcript with the full confidence he did nothing wrong, and he didn't.

They tried desperately to keep a lid on this, and it got loose anyway. Seriously. The conversation was put in a top secret computer. Multiple people went to the lawyers at the CIA and NSC where it was suppressed. He then decided to block every request for information and every person's attempt to testify.

That's not how an innocent person acts.

He doesn't make the call where a transcript is put. Why would "he" put it somewhere in a top secret server after all those people were listening and a stenographer copied the entire thing?

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