Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Gator jots swiftly: (sic) "thanks for verifying Rudy is full of shit"
Oh, to add punctuation and beginning sentences with a capital letter, is that second grade for "Thanks for verifying Rudy is full of shit."?

Well, if it is, we need to put that through the beautress un-spin cycle: Oh, my gosh, Rudy nailed our leaders. It's time to dirty his name up with lies that nobody can prove are lies in less than 30 days, which will be irrelevant by then and 50,000 other lies.

Not funny, because your ball just landed in Gator Lake at Gator World, buster. :cranky:

Rudy has not nailed anyone except maybe you in your fantasies.
Sorry, you're mistaken.
Gator jots swiftly: (sic) "thanks for verifying Rudy is full of shit"
Oh, to add punctuation and beginning sentences with a capital letter, is that second grade for "Thanks for verifying Rudy is full of shit."?

Well, if it is, we need to put that through the beautress un-spin cycle: Oh, my gosh, Rudy nailed our leaders. It's time to dirty his name up with lies that nobody can prove are lies in less than 30 days, which will be irrelevant by then and 50,000 other lies.

Not funny, because your ball just landed in Gator Lake at Gator World, buster. :cranky:

Rudy has not nailed anyone except maybe you in your fantasies.
Sorry, you're mistaken.

Gator destroys your so called “facts”, and you correct his syntax. Guess you’ve got nothing - again.

Rudy, going on TV waiving fake affidavits from Eastern European countries looking to curry favour with Trump. But he hasn’t released any of these papers he’s waving around, which tells me that they’re great props but have no significance whatsoever.

If Rudy had ANYTHING, Trump would be promoting his “proof” of Biden’s corruption.

Meanwhile, the Republicans have been exposed as being utterly corrupt, and Trump is pressing Barr to investigate Bolton for revealing classified information.

Trump has had everyone who investigated or crossed him investigated and nothing has been found.

The Dunham report must be a total bust too or we would have heard something before now. All the people who lead the “lock her up” chants are now in jail, except Guliani, and he’ll be joining them soon.
Gator destroyed himself, not me.

No, Rudy Giuliani will not go to jail for telling the truth, and he did not lie.

You however will still be blathering inanities to the four walls when your irrational stutters come to focus by people who really care.

If he actually has evidence of illegal activities he should go to jail for not handing it over to LE.
He is actually full of shit.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani [emoji818] @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

so...has Rudy dropped any of this stuff yet? It has been a while since he said he would
Subscribe to his pod cast and find out.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

so, this was all just a ploy to get hits for his podcast.
No thanks, anything so insignificant as to be regulated to a podcast is meaningless.

thanks for verifying Rudy is full of shit

And gator again reveals “he’s” a know nothing full of shit asshole. Then again, of course he’s full of shit with his head firmly planted in Obozo’s rectum (not sure if it’s Barry’s or Michael’s). About that iron clad proof of Russian collusion you pal claims to have had?
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.
You wish there was just the call.

Even Republicans are laughing at you gullible Trumpsters.

In his statement, Alexander expressed the correct view on the underlying matter — one we have been urging Republicans to publicly adopt since impeachment first got off the ground.

The Tennessee Republican said that it has been amply established that Donald Trump used a hold on defense aid to pressure the Ukrainians to undertake the investigations that he wanted, and that this was, as he mildly put it, inappropriate.

Trump Impeachment Trial: Lamar Alexander Gets It Right | National Review

Let's hope there is a very thorough investigation into the Biden/Ukraine connection. Whether or not Trump went about asking for it the wrong way, he was not wrong to ask for it.

Has it ever entered your head that he did it this corrupt way because normal criminal complaint would be laughed at and thrown in the garbage bin?

There is NO EVIDENCE to substantiate a reasonable suspicion to open a criminal investigation.

DoS, EU, IMF, Ukraine corruption watch groups and even his own deputy were screaming for the removal of Shokin who was enriching himself by NOT prosecuting the rich in Ukraine. And you think Biden obliging is evidence of corruption??

Hmmm. He was enriching himself at the same time Biden and his son were involved with Ukraine, enriching themselves. That is another very interesting thing to sit and think about.

...unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Trump PERSONALLY pockets millions and millions and millions from bussinesses all around the world, while being in direct control of our foreign policy (see here). If conflict of interest was a crime he would get the death penalty by now.


Before he was running for president. :D

Dumbass Trump does as much if not more bussiness in Turkey than he EVER did.

Just these Trump Towers in Istambul make him millions:


You know how many millions Trump makes in Kurdish territories? ZERO Which goes a long way to explain whe he sold them out to Turks against all of his advisors.

Bolton has said that he belives Trump's descision making on Turkey is strongly influenced by personal interests.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.
Try remembering she was Secretary of State and the emails that are missing are her personal emails, decided upon by a group of lawyers.

RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows that the GOP is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace. There is no boom and there is no immigration crisis, super dupers.

Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows the DNC is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace.

You likely live in one of these big city liberal havens completely insulated from the majority of the country.
Wrong again doofus. I live in Wyoming county New York 73% Trump and totally misinformed just like you. Fox Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc and your fake newspapers are all you have in the entire world behind you. I have all the law enforcement and journalists around the world. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Boy are you confused if you think law enforcement is not for Trump. I know journalists aren't, but who cares. Also, if you are trying to bring other countries, allies or not, into this, again, who cares. Other countries are out for their own best interest, as they should be. They laugh behind closed doors at weak kneed Democrats that will give them anything they want, even if it is harmful to the US.
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows that the GOP is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace. There is no boom and there is no immigration crisis, super dupers.

Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows the DNC is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace.

You likely live in one of these big city liberal havens completely insulated from the majority of the country.
Wrong again doofus. I live in Wyoming county New York 73% Trump and totally misinformed just like you. Fox Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc and your fake newspapers are all you have in the entire world behind you. I have all the law enforcement and journalists around the world. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Boy are you confused if you think law enforcement is not for Trump. I know journalists aren't, but who cares. Also, if you are trying to bring other countries, allies or not, into this, again, who cares. Other countries are out for their own best interest, as they should be. They laugh behind closed doors at weak kneed Democrats that will give them anything they want, even if it is harmful to the US.
Meanwhile You believe hundreds of phony scandals that have been totally discredited and no Democrat has been indicted or anywhere near indicted-of course that is what I'm talkin about, not whether cops like the orange fraud. Everything you know is simply garbage propaganda always discredited never retracted. you live on an imaginary planet. Poor America.
Try remembering she was Secretary of State and the emails that are missing are her personal emails, decided upon by a group of lawyers.

RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.
Of course Hillary herself did absolutely nothing that you think she did LOL. Her computer geek deleted itwhen he realized he had forgotten to follow her command. Meanwhile you have no evidence that she was doing anything against the rules or illegal. You people start with her being a criminal. Absolute idiocy
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows that the GOP is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace. There is no boom and there is no immigration crisis, super dupers.

Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows the DNC is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace.

You likely live in one of these big city liberal havens completely insulated from the majority of the country.
Wrong again doofus. I live in Wyoming county New York 73% Trump and totally misinformed just like you. Fox Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc and your fake newspapers are all you have in the entire world behind you. I have all the law enforcement and journalists around the world. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Boy are you confused if you think law enforcement is not for Trump. I know journalists aren't, but who cares. Also, if you are trying to bring other countries, allies or not, into this, again, who cares. Other countries are out for their own best interest, as they should be. They laugh behind closed doors at weak kneed Democrats that will give them anything they want, even if it is harmful to the US.
Right b a brainwashed functional moron and hate everyone who isn't. Trump has not done a damn thing to improve any situation but bloviate with total garbage propaganda. While the ruin of our middle class and infrastructure continue...
Try remembering she was Secretary of State and the emails that are missing are her personal emails, decided upon by a group of lawyers.

RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.
Try remembering she was Secretary of State and the emails that are missing are her personal emails, decided upon by a group of lawyers.

RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows that the GOP is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace. There is no boom and there is no immigration crisis, super dupers.

Everyone in the world outside your bubble of ignorance knows the DNC is a scumbag lying thieving disaster and disgrace.

You likely live in one of these big city liberal havens completely insulated from the majority of the country.
Wrong again doofus. I live in Wyoming county New York 73% Trump and totally misinformed just like you. Fox Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc and your fake newspapers are all you have in the entire world behind you. I have all the law enforcement and journalists around the world. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Boy are you confused if you think law enforcement is not for Trump. I know journalists aren't, but who cares. Also, if you are trying to bring other countries, allies or not, into this, again, who cares. Other countries are out for their own best interest, as they should be. They laugh behind closed doors at weak kneed Democrats that will give them anything they want, even if it is harmful to the US.
Right b a brainwashed functional moron and hate everyone who isn't. Trump has not done a damn thing to improve any situation but bloviate with total garbage propaganda. While the ruin of our middle class and infrastructure continue...

Please do explain. The middle class is wealthier under Trump, as is the lower class, but by all means, continue parroting your inaccuracies.
Try remembering she was Secretary of State and the emails that are missing are her personal emails, decided upon by a group of lawyers.

RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.
RIGHT...she and her lawyers, yes her lawyers, decided what was applicable or not. I am sure that was on the up and up. You can't possibly believe that.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.
Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.

There was no subpoena for anything when the phones were smashed so I don’t consider it obstruction. You can’t obstruct an investigation before it even exists. Besides, the phone isn’t terribly relevant since the information exists on the server.

Deleting emails after a subpoena would be considered obstruction and the investigation into this event demonstrated no evidence it was done at the direction of Hillary Clinton. The person who did do it was given immunity for their testimony, otherwise they would have been able to be charged. However, the case against this person was very weak since they had insufficient evidence to demonstrate in court that the person even deleted the email archive in the first place.

That’s why.
So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.

There was no subpoena for anything when the phones were smashed so I don’t consider it obstruction. You can’t obstruct an investigation before it even exists. Besides, the phone isn’t terribly relevant since the information exists on the server.

Deleting emails after a subpoena would be considered obstruction and the investigation into this event demonstrated no evidence it was done at the direction of Hillary Clinton. The person who did do it was given immunity for their testimony, otherwise they would have been able to be charged. However, the case against this person was very weak since they had insufficient evidence to demonstrate in court that the person even deleted the email archive in the first place.

That’s why.
Trying to educate these brain-dead rightards is commendable but futile. Notice how easily Rudy's bluff was able to fool them.
There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.

There was no subpoena for anything when the phones were smashed so I don’t consider it obstruction. You can’t obstruct an investigation before it even exists. Besides, the phone isn’t terribly relevant since the information exists on the server.

Deleting emails after a subpoena would be considered obstruction and the investigation into this event demonstrated no evidence it was done at the direction of Hillary Clinton. The person who did do it was given immunity for their testimony, otherwise they would have been able to be charged. However, the case against this person was very weak since they had insufficient evidence to demonstrate in court that the person even deleted the email archive in the first place.

That’s why.
Trying to educate these brain-dead rightards is commendable but futile. Notice how easily Rudy's bluff was able to fool them.
It’s frustrating because this information has been freely available for years but still hasn’t penetrated. I doubt it will this time either.
You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.

There was no subpoena for anything when the phones were smashed so I don’t consider it obstruction. You can’t obstruct an investigation before it even exists. Besides, the phone isn’t terribly relevant since the information exists on the server.

Deleting emails after a subpoena would be considered obstruction and the investigation into this event demonstrated no evidence it was done at the direction of Hillary Clinton. The person who did do it was given immunity for their testimony, otherwise they would have been able to be charged. However, the case against this person was very weak since they had insufficient evidence to demonstrate in court that the person even deleted the email archive in the first place.

That’s why.
Trying to educate these brain-dead rightards is commendable but futile. Notice how easily Rudy's bluff was able to fool them.
It’s frustrating because this information has been freely available for years but still hasn’t penetrated. I doubt it will this time either.
Their armor of ignorance is impenetrable. That's why they cheer for Rudy if he releases documents as he's threatened to or defend him if he bluffs.

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