Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Yes actually. It’s standard operating procedure. The government doesn’t employ people to go through your personal records and pluck out what they think is relevant. Every employee is responsible for submitting this to the government. That’s how Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump do it.

So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.
The secretary of state is allowed to delete personal emails. Clinton had five lawyers decide which ones were personal. there is no evidence of any wrongdoing that she would be trying to cover up. The whole thing is a joke, super duper.
No, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for. The commies accused Trump of X, and in preparation, you gather information for your defense. Trump had no idea if his people (including Rudy) would be subpoenaed for testimony before the House. He had no idea if the Senate would call witnesses.

Yes, that is what your attorney is supposed to do. That's what you pay him for.

But what should not happen is for the President of the United States to ask a foreign government to help his personal attorney, but that did happen and you are cool with it because it was your god that did it.

Barr and Durham are doing the investigations. Rudy is representing his client. Nothing improper about any of that.

There is nothing improper about Rudy representing his client, there is something improper about the President asking another leader to help him personal lawyer

What exactly is wrong with that? Cite the statute that it violates.

Was it wrong for Biden to demand the firing of a foreign government employee in exchange for the release of foreign military aid?

Something does not have to be illegal to be wrong.

It was wrong if he did it for his own personal benefit.

Except that he didn't condition the aid on anything. Zelensky confirmed that multiple times. The aid was released, they had the meeting, and no investigation was announced or started.

There was no personal benefit because nothing was done.

all foreign aid is conditioned on a certification that the receiving country is not going to use it for corrupt purposes.

Can you tell me if that certification was processed for the billions that Obozo sent to Iran? pallets of cash sent on an unmarked plane that landed in the middle of the night. THAT my little friend, is corrupt and illegal, bur nor one of you on the left ever had any issues with that,, I call hypocrisy.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.
Or paychecks from Russia
Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

good. If he’s got information release it.

democrats or Republicans, I want to know.


Republicans or Democrats. If people have information on wrongdoing, publish it.

but we can’t just go after Democrats. How fair would that be? We need to go after wrongdoing no matter who does it.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about?

and hid in his CLOSET.....

The Silence of US President Obama on Climate Change-A Serious Ethical Lapse?

"US President Obama has been silent on climate change for two years even when discussing related issues such as the severe drought affecting large parts of the United States"

and then, after she left the Oval Office, Mrs. Barack Robinson and her husband Michelle/Michael Robinson bought


proving they are 100% unconcerned about oceans rising or hurricanes getting bigger and more frequent....

Obama hid a DoJ/FBI fraud case against the climate scientists, and somehow DoJ/FBI are still preventing Trump/Barr from getting it out....
Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

good. If he’s got information release it.

democrats or Republicans, I want to know.


Republicans or Democrats. If people have information on wrongdoing, publish it.

but we can’t just go after Democrats. How fair would that be? We need to go after wrongdoing no matter who does it.

You do know that it's perfectly legal to do business in Russia, right? You do know that Hillary paid to get "dirt" on Trump via the Russian government, right? You do know that not only did nothing happen to her, she was allowed to run for President, right?
..unlike Trump, Biden has no problem producing his tax returns.

Why do you think that is?

Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.
Simple, because Biden is a professional politician and Trump is not.

Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.
So you are saying it is SOP that if the court orders you to turn over your computer for an investigation, it is perfectly ok to go to the trouble of permanently deleting all the data on the computer before turning it over? Why don't you try destroying evidence after it has been subpoenaed by the court and see what happens.

There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.
The secretary of state is allowed to delete personal emails. Clinton had five lawyers decide which ones were personal. there is no evidence of any wrongdoing that she would be trying to cover up. The whole thing is a joke, super duper.
There is no evidence of wrongdoing because she deleted it all. Super Duper? Whatever the fuck that is.
Actually it's a lot simpler than that - Trump doesn't want you too see his tax returns because there is damning shit in there.

Biden knew damn well to keep his nose clean in case he runs for President, which is exactly why stories about him supposedly conducting corrupt foreign policy to help his son make a buck don't make any sense.

If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

YOU. YOU are making excuses and deflecting when it comes to Trump, his shady finances, his lies about making tax returns public and financial conflicts of interest all over the world. DUH.

You and other rightwingers do all this while accusing Biden of corruption simply because his son worked for a company in Ukraine.
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He has clear reason to lie. If he was fired for looking into Burisma, then he’s not the corrupt prosecutor we all know he actually is. It’s done for self benefit and is extremely obvious.

Shokin is claiming why Biden got him fired. He’s claiming to have second hand information that Biden fired him because of Burisma. That doesn’t stand to logic.

He was fired by his boss. That's the way it's done in private business and in politics. So even if Shokin has indisputable proof of why Biden fired him, and Biden is knocked out of the race, how does that help Shokin any? Will he get his job back? Will he be any wealthier? How?

Will he get another job by 'repairing' his reputation?
Will he promote a book and get wealthier/
Was he just paid off by Giuliani?

But I welcome Shokin coming to the United States and testifying under oath.

I would as well. But if he did, would you then say you believe Biden's to be involved in corruption? I hardly doubt it.

Shokin Demands Criminal Probe Of Joe Biden In Declaration To Kyiv Prosecutors

I would certainly take Shokin's claims more seriously if he testified under oath here in the U.S.

If Biden testified and said he broke no laws- would you believe him to be innocent? I have sincere doubts.

I don't know about breaking any laws, but if it is found that Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son, then what he did was what Trump was impeached on, which is threatening US aid for personal reasons instead of for the country. In that case, he should drop out of the race.

Certainly I agree- if Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son- then Biden should drop out of the race.

Do you also agree that if it is found out that Trump asked Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of Biden in order to assist his re-election campaign- that Trump should resign?
If there as anything in Trump's returns that was nefarious, then the IRS would have caught it. Trump (like most wealthy folks) get audited all the time.

The only two things that might make Trump look bad are charitable contributions, and effective tax rate. That's what the Democrats are after.

That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

YOU. YOU are making excuses and deflecting when it comes to Trump, his shady finances, his lies about making tax returns public and financial conflicts of interests all over the world. DUH.

He doesn't have any shady finances. You are making that up or parroting the commie party. What conflicts of interest? He is a former businessman, so I'm sure he's made deals all over the world like many American businesses.
That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

YOU. YOU are making excuses and deflecting when it comes to Trump, his shady finances, his lies about making tax returns public and financial conflicts of interests all over the world. DUH.

He doesn't have any shady finances. You are making that up or parroting the commie party. What conflicts of interest? He is a former businessman, so I'm sure he's made deals all over the world like many American businesses.

LOL- Trump doesn't have any 'shady finances'? Far, far more than any the Biden's have.
He was fired by his boss. That's the way it's done in private business and in politics. So even if Shokin has indisputable proof of why Biden fired him, and Biden is knocked out of the race, how does that help Shokin any? Will he get his job back? Will he be any wealthier? How?

Will he get another job by 'repairing' his reputation?
Will he promote a book and get wealthier/
Was he just paid off by Giuliani?

But I welcome Shokin coming to the United States and testifying under oath.

I would as well. But if he did, would you then say you believe Biden's to be involved in corruption? I hardly doubt it.

Shokin Demands Criminal Probe Of Joe Biden In Declaration To Kyiv Prosecutors

I would certainly take Shokin's claims more seriously if he testified under oath here in the U.S.

If Biden testified and said he broke no laws- would you believe him to be innocent? I have sincere doubts.

I don't know about breaking any laws, but if it is found that Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son, then what he did was what Trump was impeached on, which is threatening US aid for personal reasons instead of for the country. In that case, he should drop out of the race.

Certainly I agree- if Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son- then Biden should drop out of the race.

Do you also agree that if it is found out that Trump asked Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of Biden in order to assist his re-election campaign- that Trump should resign?

Only if you can prove that's why he did it. He wanted the announcement because Ukraine has a bad habit of making promises they never keep. Trump wanted that announcement so that Zelensky would feel more obligated to do it.

Once again, Biden is not Trump's adversary. He wasn't in July, he isn't now, and he won't be until the Democrats decide who they are going to have run against him.
There was no court order. There was a congressional subpoena. The only person that deleted anything after the subpoena was issued stated they did so as their own decision. It had nothing to do with Clinton.

The smashing of phones and all the other deletions occurred before the subpoena was issued.

You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.
The secretary of state is allowed to delete personal emails. Clinton had five lawyers decide which ones were personal. there is no evidence of any wrongdoing that she would be trying to cover up. The whole thing is a joke, super duper.
There is no evidence of wrongdoing because she deleted it all. Super Duper? Whatever the fuck that is.

Dummy, another reason there could be no evidence of wrongdoing illegal conduct is because THERE WAS NO illegal conduct.
Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

YOU. YOU are making excuses and deflecting when it comes to Trump, his shady finances, his lies about making tax returns public and financial conflicts of interests all over the world. DUH.

He doesn't have any shady finances. You are making that up or parroting the commie party. What conflicts of interest? He is a former businessman, so I'm sure he's made deals all over the world like many American businesses.

LOL- Trump doesn't have any 'shady finances'? Far, far more than any the Biden's have.

Who knows? Nobody is allowed to look into it. Trump got impeached for trying.

This is the same type of tricks they did with Romney. You know, Harry Weed saying that he has inside connections with people that know Romney didn't pay any federal income tax? Then when Romney released his returns, he paid plenty of tax. Harry Weed just shrugged his shoulders and laughed at getting the Republicans to dance for him.
You really believe it had nothing to do with Clinton?

Is the smashing of phones considered an admission of guilt? Trump's actions have been seen as such.

What guilt would be admitted by smashing phones?

If Clinton had obstructed any attempt to investigate her, I would be making the same adverse inference (not guilt) that I make of Trump.

You don't consider deleting emails and smashing phones that could be used a evidence against her obstructing? Wow...not sure what to say.
The secretary of state is allowed to delete personal emails. Clinton had five lawyers decide which ones were personal. there is no evidence of any wrongdoing that she would be trying to cover up. The whole thing is a joke, super duper.
There is no evidence of wrongdoing because she deleted it all. Super Duper? Whatever the fuck that is.

Dummy, another reason there could be no evidence of wrongdoing illegal conduct is because THERE WAS NO illegal conduct.
How do you know, fool. She shredded, er, deleted the evidence.
That’s completely false.

IRS doesn’t care who pays you for what, doesn’t care what conflict of interest you have or how elaborate your tax avoidance schemes are. Their only narrow interest is you paying what you are legally required to.

Trump lied time and time again about releasing his tax returns. You should not be giving him a pass on these lies and lack of standard transparency we expect from our Presidents.

Did you give DumBama a pass on the things he lied about? It's the Democrats that want his tax returns, and it could only help them in bashing him. Speaking of which, perhaps if they treated him a little better, he wouldn't be trying to piss them off as much. They began attacking him before he even set foot in the White House. WTF would he give them the satisfaction of showing his tax returns?

The IRS sifts through every deduction wealthy people have. If they found something suspicious about his returns, they would notify the proper authorities.

No I don’t and Obama’s tax returns are public.

You and other rightwingers really should not grossly compromise yourself like that to make excuses for Trump. Have some principles for f sake.

Who's making excuses? You asked a question and I answered it honestly.

YOU. YOU are making excuses and deflecting when it comes to Trump, his shady finances, his lies about making tax returns public and financial conflicts of interests all over the world. DUH.

He doesn't have any shady finances.

You don't think it's shady that Trump, who PERONSALLY MAKES TONS OF MONEY IN TURKEY, went against all of his foreign policy advisors and back-stabbed the Kurds?

Bolton has said straight up that Trump's is motivated by personal finances in his descisions on matters involving Turkey.

Not shady? Seriously?

Follow up question here is...are you an idiot?

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