Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Now it is time for Durham to report.

That will be out right after Rudy drops his information....just keep holding your breath waiting for that to happen.

Right after you release your “iron clad proof of Russian collusion” lying leftist.
Perhaps you didn't get the point. I am hoping Durham discloses ALL the crimes the lying Dems have committed. Including an attempted Coup against the President.

And clearly you are hoping that if Durham can't find actual crimes- that he makes them up, so that you have all of the crimes by the lying Trump Party covered up.
Only if you can prove that's why he did it. He wanted the announcement because Ukraine has a bad habit of making promises they never keep. Trump wanted that announcement so that Zelensky would feel more obligated to do it. .

And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
Being concerned about the political implications of what he does is normal for a politician. It's not criminal. Being concerned about being investigated is normal for a crook like Biden.
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.
So what you're saying is that Trump's presidential policies should hinge on what he did as a businessman in that country? Should all of his decisions in every country he's dealt with be based on that as well? I'm sure he's done plenty of business in many countries.

And when did Bolton say that Trump's policy in Turkey had anything to do with his business dealings?

What I'm saying is that when you take the most powerful job in the world you should BEND OVER BACKWARDS to asure the American voters who entrusted you with this priviledge that you do not have gross financial conflicts.

You disclose your tax-returns as all modern Presidents did before Trump and you address clear cut financial conflicts of interests by putting your bussiness in a blind trust.

Jimmy carter wasn't running a global bussiness, he was running a fucking peanut farm which he put in a blind trust when it came time to serve.

Here is Bolton, who was as close to Trump's foreign policy descision making as it gets:

Bolton Book Puts New Focus on Trump’s Actions in Turkey and China Cases
Only a fool would put a multi-billion dollar real estate empire in a blind trust.

Bullshit. You either run your multi-billion dollar real estate empire or you do your damn job and be the President of the United States.

If you are doing both then clearly you are highly conflicted and are too busy to give your full attention to the Presidency.
Bullshit. That's the "for Republicans only" rule of running for office. Furthermore, Trump isn't running his business. His kids are running it. If that's what you call "conflicted," then I'll take conflicted every time.

So you don't think there was any conflict for Joe Biden in Ukraine?
Do you know the meaning of "non sequitur?"
Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

And by 'traitors' you mean you have never read the Constitution.

And by 'coup' you mean you are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his pocket Media tells you to say- since clearly there was no coup in America.
There clearly was a coup, and all who participated in it are traitors.
Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

And by 'traitors' you mean you have never read the Constitution.

And by 'coup' you mean you are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his pocket Media tells you to say- since clearly there was no coup in America.
There clearly was a coup, and all who participated in it are traitors.
Proven Fact.
Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

And by 'traitors' you mean you have never read the Constitution.

And by 'coup' you mean you are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his pocket Media tells you to say- since clearly there was no coup in America.
There clearly was a coup, and all who participated in it are traitors.
Proven Fact.

And by 'proven fact' you mean that is what the voices inside your tinfoil covered hat are telling you.

You Trumpskies who love to parrot what your Dear Leader tells you frankly are both gullible and ignorant.

Our Constitution defines treason- and only someone guilty of treason is a traitor. Every time you repeat the traitor crap you just expose how vastly ignorant you are about the Constitution.

As you do for complaining that impeachment is a 'coup'.

But we have come to expect nothing less from you gullible and ignorant Trumpskies.
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.

I get it.

Trump of course is guilty of dozens of murders, and is the head of the New York Mafia, and I do hope we get to see him doing the perp walk for his crimes.
And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
Being concerned about the political implications of what he does is normal for a politician. It's not criminal. Being concerned about being investigated is normal for a crook like Biden.
I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
Being concerned about the political implications of what he does is normal for a politician. It's not criminal. Being concerned about being investigated is normal for a crook like Biden.
I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
You agree with lies. That's your SOP, of course.
You don't think it's shady that Trump, who PERONSALLY MAKES TONS OF MONEY IN TURKEY, went against all of his foreign policy advisors and back-stabbed the Kurds?

Bolton has said straight up that Trump's is motivated by personal finances in his descisions on matters involving Turkey.

Not shady? Seriously?

Follow up question here is...are you an idiot?

So what you're saying is that Trump's presidential policies should hinge on what he did as a businessman in that country? Should all of his decisions in every country he's dealt with be based on that as well? I'm sure he's done plenty of business in many countries.

And when did Bolton say that Trump's policy in Turkey had anything to do with his business dealings?

What I'm saying is that when you take the most powerful job in the world you should BEND OVER BACKWARDS to asure the American voters who entrusted you with this priviledge that you do not have gross financial conflicts.

You disclose your tax-returns as all modern Presidents did before Trump and you address clear cut financial conflicts of interests by putting your bussiness in a blind trust.

Jimmy carter wasn't running a global bussiness, he was running a fucking peanut farm which he put in a blind trust when it came time to serve.

Here is Bolton, who was as close to Trump's foreign policy descision making as it gets:

Bolton Book Puts New Focus on Trump’s Actions in Turkey and China Cases
Only a fool would put a multi-billion dollar real estate empire in a blind trust.

Bullshit. You either run your multi-billion dollar real estate empire or you do your damn job and be the President of the United States.

If you are doing both then clearly you are highly conflicted and are too busy to give your full attention to the Presidency.

Hey asshole, Trump doesn’t currently run his businesses. Try to at least have SOME idea of reality before spouting your usual bullshit.

Hey asshole I guess that kinda destroys the “he shouldn’t put his precious bussiness in a blind trust”
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.

I get it.

Trump of course is guilty of dozens of murders, and is the head of the New York Mafia, and I do hope we get to see him doing the perp walk for his crimes.
It is called "Cosa Nostra". Mafia is in Italy. "Cosa Nostra" owns the DNC in some big cities like Chicago. As far as murder ,just ask Seth Rich. Or Vince Foster.
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.

I get it.

Trump of course is guilty of dozens of murders, and is the head of the New York Mafia, and I do hope we get to see him doing the perp walk for his crimes.
It is called "Cosa Nostra". Mafia is in Italy. "Cosa Nostra" owns the DNC in some big cities like Chicago. As far as murder ,just ask Seth Rich. Or Vince Foster.

Trump is as guilty of dozens of murders as Clinton is guilty of murder. If you don't believe me ask the mob.
LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
Being concerned about the political implications of what he does is normal for a politician. It's not criminal. Being concerned about being investigated is normal for a crook like Biden.
I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
You agree with lies. That's your SOP, of course.

If I agreed with lies, I would be agreeing with you and your Dear Leader- so no- I am not.
I’m still waiting for Rudy to come out with his big revelations about Ukraine and the Bidens.

I am hoping he comes up with evidence to crucify Hillary and her mob.

Rudy went to Ukraine to dig a fake dirt about Biden. Not Hillary. Idiot.

Like Uranium One that Trumpits accused Hillary proved its a fake by Trump investigators itself.

If your boy friend Rudy the beautiful Boi ( Nah! he is ugly like a loss hyena) has anything about Hillary he could have come out with big revelations. Don’t you think?
Only if you can prove that's why he did it. He wanted the announcement because Ukraine has a bad habit of making promises they never keep. Trump wanted that announcement so that Zelensky would feel more obligated to do it. .

And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.

I get it.

Trump of course is guilty of dozens of murders, and is the head of the New York Mafia, and I do hope we get to see him doing the perp walk for his crimes.
It is called "Cosa Nostra". Mafia is in Italy. "Cosa Nostra" owns the DNC in some big cities like Chicago. As far as murder ,just ask Seth Rich. Or Vince Foster.

Linky Linky?
I don't know about breaking any laws, but if it is found that Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son, then what he did was what Trump was impeached on, which is threatening US aid for personal reasons instead of for the country. In that case, he should drop out of the race.

Certainly I agree- if Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son- then Biden should drop out of the race.

Do you also agree that if it is found out that Trump asked Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of Biden in order to assist his re-election campaign- that Trump should resign?

Only if you can prove that's why he did it. He wanted the announcement because Ukraine has a bad habit of making promises they never keep. Trump wanted that announcement so that Zelensky would feel more obligated to do it. .

And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Little bump for Ray

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Your BULLSHIT that you keep repeating has been debunked many times over.

What part of that don’t you understand? What the hell do you know about board members qualifications? Truck driver.....

I’m so sick of your repeated retardation.

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