Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Obama put him in charge of that- openly and publicly.

Proof that Burisma is the 'most corrupt company' in the Ukraine?

Why do you think that Trump made a secret request to Ukraine to investigate his political rival, and a secret demand that they make a public announcement of the request- but still has not made any formal request- with a paper trail- to Ukraine to investigate his political rival?
I’m still waiting for Rudy to come out with his big revelations about Ukraine and the Bidens.

I am hoping he comes up with evidence to crucify Hillary and her mob.

Rudy went to Ukraine to dig a fake dirt about Biden. Not Hillary. Idiot.

Like Uranium One that Trumpits accused Hillary proved its a fake by Trump investigators itself.

If your boy friend Rudy the beautiful Boi ( Nah! he is ugly like a loss hyena) has anything about Hillary he could have come out with big revelations. Don’t you think?
Maybe I am new here. But I don't put up with name calling. Since I don't name call ,or use filthy language ,I expect the same courtesy. Attack my POSTS. Not me personally.
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Your BULLSHIT that you keep repeating has been debunked many times over.

What part of that don’t you understand? What the hell do you know about board members qualifications? Truck driver.....

I’m so sick of your repeated retardation.
Prove the Debunking. Who debunked it? CNN?
And only if you can prove that Joe got Shokin fired to save his son should he have to resign. I am using the exact same parameters for both Trump and Biden.

Look- I can repeat to you again why Biden got Shokin fired- its in the record- Biden was acting as part of official U.S. foreign policy, as part of a campaign that had been going on for months with the support of GOP senators, the IMF, the EU and Ukrainian activists- but you know all of that.

And I can point out that there is no evidence that Trump made the secret call to Zelinsky, and had his personal attorney secretly pressuring Ukraine to make a public announcement of an investigation of his political rival for any reasons other than to help his re-election campaign. But you know all of that.

But I will point out that Trump never made a formal request to Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens- despite Ukraine asking him to do so. And that there is no evidence that Trump asked the FBI to investigate the supposed corruption

Why do you think that Trump went to such lengths to have secret requests with no paper trail to Ukraine to investigate the Biden's- but has never actually formally asked Ukraine or the FBI to investigate the Bidens?

Why do you think that the Biden's are literally the only people in the world that Trump has asked Ukraine to investigate- even when Paul Manafort was convicted in part for his shady Ukrainian dealings?

What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Most corrupt country? Ukraine is not even close.,You are lying. Here is link for you to upgrade your lying opinions. Start at the bottom who is the most corrupted country.

Don’t you even check what you are lying about?

Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia
I’m still waiting for Rudy to come out with his big revelations about Ukraine and the Bidens.

I am hoping he comes up with evidence to crucify Hillary and her mob.

Rudy went to Ukraine to dig a fake dirt about Biden. Not Hillary. Idiot.

Like Uranium One that Trumpits accused Hillary proved its a fake by Trump investigators itself.

If your boy friend Rudy the beautiful Boi ( Nah! he is ugly like a loss hyena) has anything about Hillary he could have come out with big revelations. Don’t you think?
Maybe I am new here. But I don't put up with name calling. Since I don't name call ,or use filthy language ,I expect the same courtesy. Attack my POSTS. Not me personally.

Well Dude. Better post real facts not Bullshits........ because I don’t like liars and bullshitter. You got that? So start all over.
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

the bidens didnt have a business enterprise,,,they had a money laundering operation of not just our tax payer money but that of other countries,,,
It sure does appear that away. There shouldn't be even an appearance of corruption but these politicians have gotten so out of control the whole system appears totally corrupt. If a person wants to be a thuggy rich type they need to stay out of public office. If we are unwilling to hold then all to a higher standard then we get whatever comes down the pike. This country and its people are paying a way too high of price for these corrupt political leaders and corrupt bureaucrats. Corruption creates poverty for the people throughout. Those who have enriched themselves and their families through the political process need to be prosecuted and those who have compromised their positions need to go home.
LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Your BULLSHIT that you keep repeating has been debunked many times over.

What part of that don’t you understand? What the hell do you know about board members qualifications? Truck driver.....

I’m so sick of your repeated retardation.
Prove the Debunking. Who debunked it? CNN?

What the hell did I just said? Did I used CNN?
Read the post after post in this threads alone. Trump and his gangster created these conspiracy theory about Biden with any hard facts of evidence. Except lies after lies.
I’m still waiting for Rudy to come out with his big revelations about Ukraine and the Bidens.

I am hoping he comes up with evidence to crucify Hillary and her mob.

Rudy went to Ukraine to dig a fake dirt about Biden. Not Hillary. Idiot.

Like Uranium One that Trumpits accused Hillary proved its a fake by Trump investigators itself.

If your boy friend Rudy the beautiful Boi ( Nah! he is ugly like a loss hyena) has anything about Hillary he could have come out with big revelations. Don’t you think?
Maybe I am new here. But I don't put up with name calling. Since I don't name call ,or use filthy language ,I expect the same courtesy. Attack my POSTS. Not me personally.

Well Dude. Better post real facts not Bullshits........ because I don’t like liars and bullshitter. You got that? So start all over.
And do you think it matters to me what ya LIKE? Under the 1st amendment ,I can post OPINIONS. Therefore ,it is my OPINION that Rudy will have something interesting on that whole Russian farce. Get it yet?
I’m still waiting for Rudy to come out with his big revelations about Ukraine and the Bidens.

I am hoping he comes up with evidence to crucify Hillary and her mob.

Rudy went to Ukraine to dig a fake dirt about Biden. Not Hillary. Idiot.

Like Uranium One that Trumpits accused Hillary proved its a fake by Trump investigators itself.

If your boy friend Rudy the beautiful Boi ( Nah! he is ugly like a loss hyena) has anything about Hillary he could have come out with big revelations. Don’t you think?
Maybe I am new here. But I don't put up with name calling. Since I don't name call ,or use filthy language ,I expect the same courtesy. Attack my POSTS. Not me personally.

Well Dude. Better post real facts not Bullshits........ because I don’t like liars and bullshitter. You got that? So start all over.
And do you think it matters to me what ya LIKE? Under the 1st amendment ,I can post OPINIONS. Therefore ,it is my OPINION that Rudy will have something interesting on that whole Russian farce. Get it yet?

And it’s my 1st amendment to blast liars and bullshitters.
We are waiting for Rudy to come out. Anytime soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Most corrupt country? Ukraine is not even close.,You are lying. Here is link for you to upgrade your lying opinions. Start at the bottom who is the most corrupted country.

Don’t you even check what you are lying about?

Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia

So post a link instead of answering the question. Why would DumBama give Joe that job when he knew full well of the position and pay Hunter had there?
What we have is an interview with the person that got fired, who stated he was only fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter for money laundering. So you are not using the same parameters. That didn't happen with Trump. In fact, just the opposite happened. When asked, Zelensky said he felt zero pressure from Trump during that call. It's been reported that Zelensky had no idea the aid was held up until a month after the call.

LOL- you just won't accept apples to apples will you?

You posited if we found out that "Joe did get Shokin fired to save his son" he should drop out of the race. I posited the exact same thing with Trump- that if we found out that Trump did call Ukraine in order to influence his election, he should resign.

I had no problem with stating that if it is proven that Joe acted to benefit his son he should drop out.

Why do you have such a hard time stating that if it is proven that Donald acted for his own personal political benefit that he should resign?

Is it that you just can't even allow yourself that tiny bit of doubt about your Dear Leader?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.

And who put him in charge of that, and why, given his son was working for the most corrupt company in the most corrupt country in the world???

Obama put him in charge of that- openly and publicly.

Proof that Burisma is the 'most corrupt company' in the Ukraine?

Why do you think that Trump made a secret request to Ukraine to investigate his political rival, and a secret demand that they make a public announcement of the request- but still has not made any formal request- with a paper trail- to Ukraine to investigate his political rival?

What secret? Trump was fully aware of everybody that listens to calls between the White House and leaders of other countries. Of course there is something between the Biden's and Burisma, that much is pretty obvious. Trump did the right thing by asking Zelensky to look into it. Take note there was never the word "investigate" in that phone call. Trump asked as a favor.

I never said that Ears put Biden in charge secretly. I asked why of all people would he choose Joe? Why is Hussein now acting like Joe has coronavirus or something?
Everything a politician does has the next election in mind, you brain damaged weasel. What you're trying to do is equate normal behavior for a politician with normal behavior for a crook.

I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
Being concerned about the political implications of what he does is normal for a politician. It's not criminal. Being concerned about being investigated is normal for a crook like Biden.
I agree that Trump's crooked behavior is perfectly normal for him. And I agree, Biden's behavior was completely normal since he was charged with carrying out U.S. foreign policy objectives.
You agree with lies. That's your SOP, of course.

If I agreed with lies, I would be agreeing with you and your Dear Leader- so no- I am not.
You agree with lies all the time. You promote them.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Kudos for Rudy. If you know corruption, expose it. Try to expose as much as you can before you’re indicted. Because you will be indicted. Rudy he’s going to prison unless he “turns“.
And even then he’s probably still going, just for not as long.
What is he going to prison for?
I just want Hillary to do the Perp walk once. Don't care if the witch is convicted or not ,although she is guilty of a myriad of crimes including murder.

I get it.

Trump of course is guilty of dozens of murders, and is the head of the New York Mafia, and I do hope we get to see him doing the perp walk for his crimes.
It is called "Cosa Nostra". Mafia is in Italy. "Cosa Nostra" owns the DNC in some big cities like Chicago. As far as murder ,just ask Seth Rich. Or Vince Foster.

Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

And by 'traitors' you mean you have never read the Constitution.

And by 'coup' you mean you are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his pocket Media tells you to say- since clearly there was no coup in America.
There clearly was a coup, and all who participated in it are traitors.

You're an idiot.
Well when is this going to happen so I can quit coming back to check? I think Rudy has not one thing but wants to stay out in front to satisfy his fragile ego. Or he could just be out shopping for a new dress.
Or he has the goods on the traitors who started this Coup.

And by 'traitors' you mean you have never read the Constitution.

And by 'coup' you mean you are just parroting what your Dear Leader and his pocket Media tells you to say- since clearly there was no coup in America.
There clearly was a coup, and all who participated in it are traitors.

You're an idiot.
DuckSpeak. BTW--I am new here. Get used to this . I don't call names. Or take personal Pot shots. And I expect the same courtesy. Keep it civil.

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