Rudy will be the first guest on "Lou Dobbs Total Landscaping" !!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Lou Dobbs has selected Rudy Giuliani to be the first guest of his new media venture, Lou Dobbs Total Landscaping.​
Dobbs said that his new show will offer “more freedom” than his Fox Business show did, because there will be no cameras recording it.​
“Since it won’t be on television or the Internet, we can let it rip,” Dobbs said. “It’s just going to be me and my guest sitting on lawn chairs in the parking lot of a landscaping company, shouting at passersby. It’s a dream format for me.”​
Dobbs advised Giuliani “not to hold back” during his appearance on L.D.T.L. and “to spew the first baseless accusations that pop into his head.”​
“There’s no way he can ever be sued, because no one will ever see or hear him,” Dobbs said. “Take that, cancel culture.”​


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