"Rugged" Arizona Libertarians Hilariously Beg Government To Bail Them Out


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The libertarian paradise of Rio Verde Foothills is nestled out in the desert near Scottsdale, Arizona.

It was formed specifically to avoid the rules and regulations required for civilized society, and it is situated in dry, harsh conditions. For example, Arizona law requires developers to plan for 100 years of water use. Every new development has to engage in a process for securing water rights in compliance with the law. Rio Verde Foothills avoided that requirement by exploiting a big loophole in the law: It only requires it for subdivisions larger than five homes. You can guess what developers in Rio Verde Foothills did to circumvent that—they built five-home lots. For them, it was an easy payday, and the self-styled “rugged individualists” who chose to live there could brag about keeping government off their backs and paying fewer taxes. The area doesn’t even have a government.

For a while, all was good;

Just pull on those boot straps a little harder.
The libertarian paradise of Rio Verde Foothills is nestled out in the desert near Scottsdale, Arizona.

It was formed specifically to avoid the rules and regulations required for civilized society, and it is situated in dry, harsh conditions. For example, Arizona law requires developers to plan for 100 years of water use. Every new development has to engage in a process for securing water rights in compliance with the law. Rio Verde Foothills avoided that requirement by exploiting a big loophole in the law: It only requires it for subdivisions larger than five homes. You can guess what developers in Rio Verde Foothills did to circumvent that—they built five-home lots. For them, it was an easy payday, and the self-styled “rugged individualists” who chose to live there could brag about keeping government off their backs and paying fewer taxes. The area doesn’t even have a government.

For a while, all was good;

Just pull on those boot straps a little harder.
I usually avoid this sort of trolling, but this one's just too good to pass up!
The libertarian paradise of Rio Verde Foothills is nestled out in the desert near Scottsdale, Arizona.

It was formed specifically to avoid the rules and regulations required for civilized society, and it is situated in dry, harsh conditions. For example, Arizona law requires developers to plan for 100 years of water use. Every new development has to engage in a process for securing water rights in compliance with the law. Rio Verde Foothills avoided that requirement by exploiting a big loophole in the law: It only requires it for subdivisions larger than five homes. You can guess what developers in Rio Verde Foothills did to circumvent that—they built five-home lots. For them, it was an easy payday, and the self-styled “rugged individualists” who chose to live there could brag about keeping government off their backs and paying fewer taxes. The area doesn’t even have a government.

For a while, all was good;

Just pull on those boot straps a little harder.
Typical urban Liberal mocking Americans living in "fly over country". How about directing your anger toward enemies of our country instead of citizens for a change?
Daily Kook kooked again

However. . . just like Gateway Pundit is sometimes out there, if you look into some of these articles, some of them have links, which dig down into real issues.

The fact of the matter is, humans evolved in tribal societies, and we are based upon families. Thus, our societies and governments have to correspond with natural law and free markets to work.

It is why pure libertarianism, and pure socialism, can both never really work.

These are some of the links that this blog used, they seemed all right;

One of my favorite resources, to wash off the establishment MSM narrative bullshit, is this blog;

Independent thinkers, on both the left, and the right, get together and analyze the news, and facts there.

It is a pretty well known resource for those, "in the know." The guy that started it all, started off as a regular contributor to the Daily Kook.

It is a fallacy to just dismiss a source, out of hand, without investigating what is being reported at that source. The left does this with FOX NEWS, and Gateway Pundit, all the damn time, and it is a grave error in logical thinking.
Daily Kooks....


However. . . just like Gateway Pundit is sometimes out there, if you look into some of these articles, some of them have links, which dig down into real issues.

The fact of the matter is, humans evolved in tribal societies, and we are based upon families. Thus, our societies and governments have to correspond with natural law and free markets to work.

It is why pure libertarianism, and pure socialism, can both never really work.

These are some of the links that this blog used, they seemed all right;

One of my favorite resources, to wash off the establishment MSM narrative bullshit, is this blog;

Independent thinkers, on both the left, and the right, get together and analyze the news, and facts there.

It is a pretty well known resource for those, "in the know." The guy that started it all, started off as a regular contributor to the Daily Kook.

It is a fallacy to just dismiss a source, out of hand, without investigating what is being reported at that source. The left does this with FOX NEWS, and Gateway Pundit, all the damn time, and it is a grave error in logical thinking.

Daily Kos isn't a ''news'' platform in any way.

It's an activist platform and the ''sources'' are only the opinions of the platform's highly progressive/Marxist usership from their so-called personal ''diaries.''

It's basically a forum without the standard forum structure.

Some of their usership are basically using this platform as an extention for KOS progressive activism and propaganda and the OP is notorious for using this board as an extention of KOS.

It's the equivalent of sourcing a post from some random dolt on another forum to be used as topical content here.
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Still not going to click on any links from paid spammers.
Understood. .. :113:

We got 'em from the left, and the right, IMO.


Daily Kos isn't a ''news'' platform in any way.

It's an activist platform and the ''sources'' are only the opinions of the platform's highly progressive/Marxist usership from their so-called personal ''diaries.''

It's basically a forum without the standard forum structure.

Some of their usership are basically using this platform as an extention for KOS progressive activism and propaganda and the OP is notorious for using this board as an extention of KOS.

It's the equivalent of sourcing a post from some random dolt on another forum to be used as topical content here.
I'm not disagreeing with that.

All I was pointing out, is that folks on the right, have their sources, who do the same.

I'm not disagreeing with that.

All I was pointing out, is that folks on the right, have their sources, who do the same.

That's none of my business. And about as german to the argument we're making against the so-called ''source'' as inspecting your tire pressure when the motor is smoking.

This is all I was pointing out...

  • No Linking to, discussing, or promoting other Message Boards Anywhere on the Site.
Daily Kos isn't a ''news'' platform in any way.

It's an activist platform and the ''sources'' are only the opinions of the platform's highly progressive/Marxist usership from their so-called personal ''diaries.''

It's basically a forum without the standard forum structure.

Some of their usership are basically using this platform as an extention for KOS progressive activism and propaganda and the OP is notorious for using this board as an extention of KOS.

It's the equivalent of sourcing a post from some random dolt on another forum to be used as topical content here.
The problem with Kos, is his very real influence over corporate DNC power. To be unaware for what is really going on, is to not be aware of the entire strategic picture, IMO.

Understood. .. :113:

We got 'em from the left, and the right, IMO.


As far as the topic of the article goes, all true by the way, of which I notice none of the usual whiners can dispute. Those rugged libertarians won't be getting anymore water from the left or right, as far as Scottsdale goes.

Looks like a long hot summer on the way.
That's none of my business. And about as german to the argument we're making against the so-called ''source'' as inspecting your tire pressure when the motor is smoking.

This is all I was pointing out...

  • No Linking to, discussing, or promoting other Message Boards Anywhere on the Site.

I think you're missing the actual problem here.

Daily Kos, isn't a, "message board," it is a blog. This was acknowledged by the FEC.

flac himself has a thread which links to the Last Refuge, the Conservative Treehouse blog;

Can you tell me what the substantial difference is, between the two sites is?

Do you understand the difference between a blog and a forum?
Daily Kos, isn't a, "message board," it is a blog. This was acknowledged by the FEC.

flac himself has a thread which links to the Last Refuge, the Conservative Treehouse blog;

Can you tell me what the substantial difference is, between the two sites is?

Do you understand the difference between a blog and a forum?

It's certainly clever marketing on its part. I'll give it that.

Applicably speaking, however, it's a forum for progressive/Marxist propaganda.

But whatever. Keep milkin that bull, Beale. Not my hill...
As far as the topic of the article goes, all true by the way, of which I notice none of the usual whiners can dispute. Those rugged libertarians won't be getting anymore water from the left or right, as far as Scottsdale goes.

Looks like a long hot summer on the way.
Most folks on the right, who believe in free enterprise, and have a grasp of basic economics, understand things like, the "free rider," problem, and the, "tragedy of the commons."

Yes, folks that move to the dessert, buy land there, and then have no plans for water, and then expect to not pay for that resource, while not understanding basic economics? Are, like you, pretty dumb.
Most folks on the right, who believe in free enterprise, and have a grasp of basic economics, understand things like, the "free rider," problem, and the, "tragedy of the commons."

Yes, folks that move to the dessert, buy land there, and then have no plans for water, and then expect to not pay for that resource, while not understanding basic economics? Are, like you, pretty dumb.

The woman quoted in the article accusing Scottsdale of being un American, was the irony of all ironies.

What's un American, is wanting all of the perks of living here, but not wanting to pay for, or share any of it.

Here's the part of being an America Libertarians, and most Conservatives miss.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

If you hate this country to the point you don't want to pay taxes, and participate with the rest of society. Then you need to move beyond the borders of America, and create your own utopia.

There are mothers walking through the jungle, over mountains, and across the desert with their children on their backs to get here, that will sacrifice their lives to pay taxes, and participate with the rest of society.

I'll trade government hating Libertarians and Conservatives, for those people every day.

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