"Rugged" Arizona Libertarians Hilariously Beg Government To Bail Them Out

How many times have you called Democrats and Leftists enemies of our country?
Pretty much since the early 1970's, when the Watergate Babies started driving out people like Wright Patman and pandering to big banks and conglomerates. They also abandoned Viet Nam, a vile act of back stabbing only scum would do.
Harry Browne was great....Bumper Hornberger was as well, but he bolted when things started getting fucked up.

Browne I remember, don't recall Bumper at all. In any case, the GOP always kills them off the ballots here with challenges that eat up all their funds, while the Democrats kill off the left and moderates, so they don't really matter much anyway, other than helping the illusion there is 'variety' in the process.

Some local L's get on the ballots here, small offices, but they get killed by the straight ticket voters, mostly semi-literates who can't read without their mouths moving. One reason I want to see civics and literacy tests back; the reasons for doing away with them don't exist any more and in any case barring them didn't work out well.
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How many times have you called Democrats and Leftists enemies of our country?
I call the DEMOCRATIC PARTY the enemy of America every day. I have NEVER called a supporter of the Democratic Party an enemy of America. Misguided goldfish, minions, Dembots yes, enemy's of America no.

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