Ruh-Roh! Lewandowski Ousted from Trump Campaign

What little bitch?

I just wanted to point out the weakness of your argument.

Sorry that it made you cry.

Sorry you didn't make me cry, this thread is not about Obama please read the title again. And if you can't defend then try not to deflect, it just makes you look stupid-er
Again......people who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

It reminds me of the time Obama insulted millions of Americans by calling them ball sucking faggots (teabaggers), or the time he told us we need to forget about our guns and our religion. (Clinging to our guns and religion) :).

What a fucking shit head.

You are lying on the first and quoting incorrectly on the second. He did say that people clinged to their guns and religion. Did not tell them to forget about them. And guess who picked up on it and has capitalized on this statement? Donald J Trump.

If I live in a glass house then your head is in a hole in the ground.
What in the fuck do you fucking think he meant when he accused us of Clinging to them, you stupid SOB?

Because rednecks do. Obama was correct. You should try reading before you post.

It was a stupid thing for Obama to say.
After the firing of Corey Lewandowski we are reporting that Trump voters are still "Angry at the Establishment" ...if by establishment you mean Black people , brown people , poor people , the elderly Immigrants, women and the LGTB community ............
After the firing of Corey Lewandowski we are reporting that Trump voters are still "Angry at the Establishment" ...if by establishment you mean Black people , brown people , poor people , the elderly Immigrants, women and the LGTB community ............
Well Lewandowski was seen generally as the more "let Donald shoot from the hip" and Paul Manafort as more of "Let's get this guy under control" shools

So yeah I figure the Trupeters are mad as hell LOL
Sorry you didn't make me cry, this thread is not about Obama please read the title again. And if you can't defend then try not to deflect, it just makes you look stupid-er
Again......people who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

It reminds me of the time Obama insulted millions of Americans by calling them ball sucking faggots (teabaggers), or the time he told us we need to forget about our guns and our religion. (Clinging to our guns and religion) :).

What a fucking shit head.

You are lying on the first and quoting incorrectly on the second. He did say that people clinged to their guns and religion. Did not tell them to forget about them. And guess who picked up on it and has capitalized on this statement? Donald J Trump.

If I live in a glass house then your head is in a hole in the ground.
What in the fuck do you fucking think he meant when he accused us of Clinging to them, you stupid SOB?

Because rednecks do. Obama was correct. You should try reading before you post.

It was a stupid thing for Obama to say.

Even though he was right.
But Lewandowski was not the one out there making an ars of himself. That would be Donnie.
Not many republicans can name a single Hillary staffer and don't care and the fact that Mrs. Clinton seems to be hiding from the media and hasn't given a press conference in six months doesn't seem to bother the left. Why is it that democrats immediately recognize the name "Lewandowski"? Does it sound similar to Lewinsky? Democrats are scared to death and any change in the Trump campaign is touted by the left wing media as good news because there is no other good news in the democrat party

Why would Hillary say a word when Donnie is opening his mouth on a daily basis and putting his orange shoe in it?
Once Trump stops being stupid? Not being able to stop being stupid is a symptom of stupidity. Trump is Trump.
Does 57 states ring a didn't build that.....if you like your can keep your insurance........Typical White Grandmother. Etc?

Oh, the old revert back and deflect to Obama trick because you can't defend the the Whiny Little Bitch. (Thank you, Bill Maher)
What little bitch?

I just wanted to point out the weakness of your argument.

Sorry that it made you cry.

Sorry you didn't make me cry, this thread is not about Obama please read the title again. And if you can't defend then try not to deflect, it just makes you look stupid-er
Again......people who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

It reminds me of the time Obama insulted millions of Americans by calling them ball sucking faggots (teabaggers), or the time he told us we need to forget about our guns and our religion. (Clinging to our guns and religion) :).

What a fucking shit head.
Classic example...RWRS blaming the President for calling them the name they came up with themselves.....lolololol
Of course! You care about the truth and thats why you're presenting rumors as "truth" and to back it up you point to your noggin and say "I just know".

Funny thing you call the truth
After watching her, and reading about her, and hearing about her from people I trust more than you for over 24 years.....I can spot the truth.

You can't.

The truth doesnt care what you believe...the truth only cares about what you can prove. And again, you have nothing but an opinion backed up with your opinion.

Good job
Well, by that rationale, nothing you see in the news can be verified unless you see it in person. So basically, you want to remain willfully ignorant.

What we have to do is give it the test of time. Because everything takes time to be verified when it passes through the media first.

It has nothing to do with being ignorant and everything to do with waiting to see how something actually plays out. Like the war in Iraq for starters and the dickhead who started it. A lot of people knew back then that he was a dickhead and now they know for sure because it has not stood the test of time
This stuff has been known about Bill & Hillary since they were in Arkansas. Jesus Fucking Christ!!!

When do you think it will sink in?
How's the indictment coming?
Sorry you didn't make me cry, this thread is not about Obama please read the title again. And if you can't defend then try not to deflect, it just makes you look stupid-er
Again......people who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

It reminds me of the time Obama insulted millions of Americans by calling them ball sucking faggots (teabaggers), or the time he told us we need to forget about our guns and our religion. (Clinging to our guns and religion) :).

What a fucking shit head.

You are lying on the first and quoting incorrectly on the second. He did say that people clinged to their guns and religion. Did not tell them to forget about them. And guess who picked up on it and has capitalized on this statement? Donald J Trump.

If I live in a glass house then your head is in a hole in the ground.
What in the fuck do you fucking think he meant when he accused us of Clinging to them, you stupid SOB?

Because rednecks do. Obama was correct. You should try reading before you post.

It was a stupid thing for Obama to say.
And yet, he's hit very close to the truth there.

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