Ruh roh:Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

But Foster, according to a former spokesman for GST Steel, never actually worked for the company.

Where in the quoted statement does he claim to have been an employee of GST Steel?

“David Foster was never an employee of GST Steel’s Kansas City plant. He was employed by the United Steelworkers of America as their regional union director to represent GST Steel, but was not employed at our facility,” according to BC Huselton, who was head of HR at GST.

And a union director representing GST Steel would never have "stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers" from GST Steel?
Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

you can dance and spin all you like. The clear implication was that he worked for GST at the time, and he DID NOT.

The clear implication is that you're an idiot. There's no claim in his statement that he worked for GST Steel.
I watched a Staples commercial once.

Does that make me an employee?

Oh, their defense may be he was an employee but became a union rep. No docs proving this will be forthcoming.

Where does Foster claim to have been an employee of GST Steel?
All of this effort by the Democrats to discredit Romney and Ryan give credence to the FACT that they cannot find a single good thing to tout about Obama.

He has fucked up everything he's touched and saddled us with the largest tax increases in history.


Obama is a goddamned Marxist!
All of this effort by the Democrats to discredit Romney and Ryan give credence to the FACT that they cannot find a single good thing to tout about Obama.

He has fucked up everything he's touched and saddled us with the largest tax increases in history.


Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

He has not "saddled us with the largest tax increases in history." In fact 1/3 of the stimulus bill was in tax cuts.
All of this effort by the Democrats to discredit Romney and Ryan give credence to the FACT that they cannot find a single good thing to tout about Obama.

He has fucked up everything he's touched and saddled us with the largest tax increases in history.


Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

He has not "saddled us with the largest tax increases in history." In fact 1/3 of the stimulus bill was in tax cuts.

Oh yeah... What happened to that Stimulus money again? Even Chuck Shumer found this disturbing: [ame=]80% Of Green Jobs Stimulus Money Going Overseas - YouTube[/ame]
I love shit like this. :D I can't wait for the spin. Wait, wait, I know. Foster's a "composite".


ABC actually committed a random act of journalism.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

They each told compelling stories about jobs lost, allegedly because of the actions of Bain under Romney’s leadership.

But it turns out one of those employees never actually worked for a company controlled by Bain Capital.:eusa_whistle:

David Foster was supposedly one of those former employees on the convention schedule.

He told the story about 750 steelworkers who lost their jobs when the Bain-controlled company GST steel filed for bankruptcy in the early 1990s.

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

But Foster, according to a former spokesman for GST Steel, never actually worked for the company.

“David Foster was never an employee of GST Steel’s Kansas City plant. He was employed by the United Steelworkers of America as their regional union director to represent GST Steel, but was not employed at our facility,” according to BC Huselton, who was head of HR at GST.

Instead, Foster was a union organizer, who negotiated for workers that did work for the company.

Gee oh gee. A union organizer bashing Romney. Who'da thunk it?

Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain - ABC News
Oh, those lying liars and the lies they tell!

Time to fire the DNC, the DNC press, and replace them with Republicans!

Vote Republican! :woohoo:
I watched a Staples commercial once.

Does that make me an employee?

Oh, their defense may be he was an employee but became a union rep. No docs proving this will be forthcoming.
Does that make me an employee?

It depends on what is is.

Is you a Democrat? :lmao:
Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

you can dance and spin all you like. The clear implication was that he worked for GST at the time, and he DID NOT.

Oh yeah? Just how "clear" was it? Is being a witness to the devastation caused by Bain's practices by having to be the one to bear bad news to its victims less credible?
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Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

As a result, tiny....

Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

But Foster, according to a former spokesman for GST Steel, never actually worked for the company.

Where in the quoted statement does he claim to have been an employee of GST Steel?

“David Foster was never an employee of GST Steel’s Kansas City plant. He was employed by the United Steelworkers of America as their regional union director to represent GST Steel, but was not employed at our facility,” according to BC Huselton, who was head of HR at GST.

And a union director representing GST Steel would never have "stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers" from GST Steel?

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
All of this effort by the Democrats to discredit Romney and Ryan give credence to the FACT that they cannot find a single good thing to tout about Obama.

He has fucked up everything he's touched and saddled us with the largest tax increases in history.


Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

He has not "saddled us with the largest tax increases in history." In fact 1/3 of the stimulus bill was in tax cuts.
Yes he has, Doctor Doh. Read that Obamacare Act lately? The Supreme Court called its costs a TAX. That's why it was not rescinded by them with all its other constitutional issues--the USSC said they couldn't rescind a tax passed by Congress, because that much is controlled by Congress. The House and Harry Reid have a conflict, and Harry Reid has everything in a pending stack that he does not care to deal with right now.

The Obamacare expense is the largest TAX HIKE in the history of the world.
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Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

you can dance and spin all you like. The clear implication was that he worked for GST at the time, and he DID NOT.

The clear implication is that you're an idiot. There's no claim in his statement that he worked for GST Steel.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
I watched a Staples commercial once.

Does that make me an employee?

Oh, their defense may be he was an employee but became a union rep. No docs proving this will be forthcoming.

Where does Foster claim to have been an employee of GST Steel?

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

you can dance and spin all you like. The clear implication was that he worked for GST at the time, and he DID NOT.

Oh yeah? Just how "clear" was it? Is being a witness to the devastation caused by Bain's practices by having to be the one to bear bad news to its victims less credible?

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.

Y'know, you actually have a point there. You know what else, though? It really doesn't matter.

That's why this thread is still an epic fail. :)
Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

As a result, tiny....


The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
Read the article again. He never said he worked at Bain. He was their union representative. He said he was the one to tell them they were screwed. That should have come from Bain. The pussy's.

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