Ruh roh:Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain

Read the article again. He never said he worked at Bain. He was their union representative. He said he was the one to tell them they were screwed. That should have come from Bain. The pussy's.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
Did he say he was an employee, you DIMWITS? No, he didn't. He said he was a union negotiator for GST's employees. Good lord...

Fact Checking the Bain Stories from the Democratic Convention -

From your own quote, you can see he was speaking as a union negotiator:

“In 2001, with GST bankrupt and Romney still CEO of Bain, I stood in front of hundreds of steelworkers in their 50s and 60s, and retirees in their 70s and 80s, and told them Romney and Bain had broken their promises. Jobs, vacation pay, severance, health insurance and pension benefits that were promised — they were all gone,” he said.

The Democratic National Convention on Wednesday featured three speakers billed as “former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

The Democrats SAID he was a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.

“former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

Which they showed. They also showed a representative of hundreds of people who worked at Bain. And they made him tell those people they were being fucked big time. Bain should have sent a representative.

When Romney fucks America, will he send a "representative" to tell us? I bet he won't. Because we are the "little people".

[ame=]Lina's Speech and Song (Singin' In The Rain) - YouTube[/ame]

If we can bring a little joy into your "hum drum" lives then our hard work ain't been in vain for nothing.

“former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

Which they showed. They also showed a representative of hundreds of people who worked at Bain. And they made him tell those people they were being fucked big time. Bain should have sent a representative.

When Romney fucks America, will he send a "representative" to tell us? I bet he won't. Because we are the "little people".

If we can bring a little joy into your "hum drum" lives then our hard work ain't been in vain for nothing.

Only 2 of the three people were actually former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital... THIS guy was not. He was billed as one, and never corrected the introduction, dumb ass.

THEY LIED... All liberals lie, just like the guy in my signature says.
Steelworker Who Bashed Bain at DNC, Wed Night, Never Worked for a Company Controlled by Bain | Tea Party

Now Mr. Foster is the Executive Director for The BlueGreen Alliance. Just what is The BlueGreen Alliance you ask? This is from the “About Us” section on their website:

Today, the BlueGreen Alliance unites 14 of our country’s largest unions and environmental organizations. Acting together, through more than 15 million members and supporters, we are a powerful voice for building a cleaner, fairer and more competitive American economy.

Now here’s what Open Secrets says about them:

BlueGreen Alliance is a left-leaning not-for-profit organization aimed at “expanding the number and quality of jobs in the green economy.” In doing so, it has generally raised money in support of Democrats and in opposition to Republicans running for political office.

So the guy is a far left stooge who was masquerading as a disgruntled ex Bain employee. Anything for the cause.
What amazes me that they would even think that nobody would check out their claims... Either they are very stupid people, or they just don't care if they are caught in a lie... I think it's a bit of both.

How much are you willing to bet they will continue to call Romney a liar?
Steelworker Who Bashed Bain at DNC, Wed Night, Never Worked for a Company Controlled by Bain | Tea Party

Now Mr. Foster is the Executive Director for The BlueGreen Alliance. Just what is The BlueGreen Alliance you ask? This is from the “About Us” section on their website:

Today, the BlueGreen Alliance unites 14 of our country’s largest unions and environmental organizations. Acting together, through more than 15 million members and supporters, we are a powerful voice for building a cleaner, fairer and more competitive American economy.

Now here’s what Open Secrets says about them:

BlueGreen Alliance is a left-leaning not-for-profit organization aimed at “expanding the number and quality of jobs in the green economy.” In doing so, it has generally raised money in support of Democrats and in opposition to Republicans running for political office.

So the guy is a far left stooge who was masquerading as a disgruntled ex Bain employee. Anything for the cause.

So are you saying the guy was lying about having to tell those emplyees they were being laid off?
Steelworker Who Bashed Bain at DNC, Wed Night, Never Worked for a Company Controlled by Bain | Tea Party

Now Mr. Foster is the Executive Director for The BlueGreen Alliance. Just what is The BlueGreen Alliance you ask? This is from the “About Us” section on their website:

Today, the BlueGreen Alliance unites 14 of our country’s largest unions and environmental organizations. Acting together, through more than 15 million members and supporters, we are a powerful voice for building a cleaner, fairer and more competitive American economy.

So the guy is a far left stooge who was masquerading as a disgruntled ex Bain employee. Anything for the cause.

So are you saying the guy was lying about having to tell those emplyees they were being laid off?

Did I SAY that?

No, I said the Democrats LIED when he was introduced as a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.
Oh, and as for this part...

So the guy is a far left stooge who was masquerading as a disgruntled ex Bain employee. Anything for the cause.

You just got thru admitting that it was the Dems introducing him who said he was a former Bain employee, yet here you're including someone else claiming that he made the claim himself.

As has already been pointed out, and you apparently agreed, he wasn't "masquerading".

Did I SAY that?

No, I said the Democrats LIED when he was introduced as a former employee of a company controlled by Bain Capital, dumb ass.

Yeah, you've said that about 10 fuckin' times already. So why are you posting all this other shit?

I got a feeling you're just trying to be a troll now and keep this thread going. Good job so far, btw.
Oh, and as for this part...

So the guy is a far left stooge who was masquerading as a disgruntled ex Bain employee. Anything for the cause.

You just got thru admitting that it was the Dems introducing him who said he was a former Bain employee, yet here you're including someone else claiming that he made the claim himself.

As has already been pointed out, and you apparently agreed, he wasn't "masquerading".

You're being obtuse on purpose.

By not correcting the lie the Dems told when they introduced him, he was perpetuating the lie. His was a lie of omission... he omitted correcting the Dems lie.
Oh, and as for this part...

You just got thru admitting that it was the Dems introducing him who said he was a former Bain employee, yet here you're including someone else claiming that he made the claim himself.

As has already been pointed out, and you apparently agreed, he wasn't "masquerading".

You're being obtuse on purpose.

By not correcting the lie the Dems told when they introduced him, he was perpetuating the lie. His was a lie of omission... he omitted correcting the Dems lie.

Oh god, now I know you're just being a fuckin' troll!

Ok, I'm done. This thread's a fail. :D
Oh, and as for this part...

You just got thru admitting that it was the Dems introducing him who said he was a former Bain employee, yet here you're including someone else claiming that he made the claim himself.

As has already been pointed out, and you apparently agreed, he wasn't "masquerading".

You're being obtuse on purpose.

By not correcting the lie the Dems told when they introduced him, he was perpetuating the lie. His was a lie of omission... he omitted correcting the Dems lie.

Oh god, now I know you're just being a fuckin' troll!

Ok, I'm done. This thread's a fail. :D

typical libtard... can't explain the lie, deny the lie.
Wow, very hypocritical of the left wing liars.

It is not hypocritical of the democrat party to lie, it was voted on and put in their platform, there was no booing.

the previous sentence was satire used to illustrate how democrats think. What they want people to believe is that Romney is a cold hearted capitalist, that is what they want to believe so that perception becomes their reality. So lying to push that agenda is OK because the ends justify the means. They then lie with impunity and a Hole rite of self righteousness. So when I said that they put it in their platform that is really what they must have done if they really didn't.

Ask any liberal here. They'll tell you that Obama took down Bin Laden. This picture shows me many things. One of them is that he didn't do it alone. As a matter of fact, if you look at this pic it appears that Hillary was more involved than Obama was. Seemed to me Obama was scared, freezing, or trying to disappear in this picture. He's not seated in one of the control seats in the room. He's seated in a tiny chair off to the side.

If you notice Hillary she's sitting in front of a lap-top with what appears to be a picture of the Bin Laden compound. Even Joe Biden has a lap-top in front of him. Obama is sequestered off to the side. Doesn't seem like the image of a leader in control by any stretch.

Sorry folks, but if this is what Obama even this morning keeps saying is his claim to fame then he's been a total failure. He delegates everything or leaves everything up to someone else to do for him. I've been hearing that even his speech writer has input on important decisions.

Obama told us last month that we didn't build anything without someones' help yet he claims he took down Bin Laden by himself. Well, if he's gonna lie about Bin Laden I think it's not much of a stretch that he could be lying about Bain Capital.

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Just another partisan lie.

It truly amazes me that anyone can listen to anything that politicians and pundits say, and take any of it seriously. It's either spin, hyperbole, a straw man, a lie by omission, you name it.

Politics is nothing more than All Star Wrestling at this point. Some people appear to believe that's a good thing.


Just another partisan lie.

It truly amazes me that anyone can listen to anything that politicians and pundits say, and take any of it seriously. It's either spin, hyperbole, a straw man, a lie by omission, you name it.

Politics is nothing more than All Star Wrestling at this point. Some people appear to believe that's a good thing.


This is an example of some of the lies that were told at the DNC. It's all total hogwash.......

Of course it's a lie. But to Obama his goal is to make you ignore the obvious and choose to believe his lies. He gives us reasons to want to believe him instead of listen to our common-sense.

If a man or his representatives lies this obviously I figure he has nothing to offer me. That's why it's time for him to go.
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Just another partisan lie.

It truly amazes me that anyone can listen to anything that politicians and pundits say, and take any of it seriously. It's either spin, hyperbole, a straw man, a lie by omission, you name it.

Politics is nothing more than All Star Wrestling at this point. Some people appear to believe that's a good thing.


This is an example of some of the lies that were told at the DNC. It's all total hogwash.......

[ame=]Jennifer Granholm DNC Speech Highlights: 'Rev Up Your Engines' - YouTube[/ame]

Of course it's a lie. But to Obama his goal is to make you ignore the obvious and choose to believe his lies. He gives us reasons to want to believe him instead of listen to our common-sense.

If a man or his representatives lies this obviously I figure he has nothing to offer me. That's why it's time for him to go.

I stopped by for a moment and she just kept screaming.

About 20 seconds was enough for me. Holy crap, if I want to be screamed at I'll just call my mother-in-law.


“former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital.”

Which they showed. They also showed a representative of hundreds of people who worked at Bain. And they made him tell those people they were being fucked big time. Bain should have sent a representative.

When Romney fucks America, will he send a "representative" to tell us? I bet he won't. Because we are the "little people".

If we can bring a little joy into your "hum drum" lives then our hard work ain't been in vain for nothing.

Only 2 of the three people were actually former employees of companies controlled by Bain Capital... THIS guy was not. He was billed as one, and never corrected the introduction, dumb ass.

THEY LIED... All liberals lie, just like the guy in my signature says.

Liar. He introduced himself as follows:

David Foster - 2012 Democratic National Convention

I also led the steelworkers in the upper Midwest, including GST Steel in Kansas City, a 100-year old company bought by Mitt Romney and his partners at Bain Capital in 1993.

It's clear you didn't even watch the convention, yet lie about what was said. You're also a very petty person.

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