Ruh Roh...what did Chris Mathews actually do? Announces retirement...

Shouldn't be long before the settlement check is written....if it hasn't been already.

Maybe they can bring him back for election eve. Nobody blows up quite like this guy. Missing the lib volcano spewing rivers of shit going all Krakatoa again is something that is a detriment to us all.....
Think I know a website that needs an editor....

>> As you can tell I have loved every 20 minutes of my hos t as ā€˜Hardball.ā€™ Every morning I read the papers and Iā€™m gung ho to get to work. Many many people have had this privilege.ā€<<​

:1peleas: Pathetic.

BTW OP, this thread should be under "Media". Some TV talking head retiring isn't an "event".
It appears that these were the offensive comments:

ā€œWhy havenā€™t I fallen in love with you yet?ā€ Matthews asked Bassett before one episode.

Another time, Matthews told her makeup artist, ā€œMake sure you wipe this off her face after the show. We donā€™t make her up so some guy at a bar can look at her like this.ā€

What kind of a world do we live in where a woman - a not-terribly-attractive woman, to be honest - can publicly complain about such innocuous comments? Could she not privately say something to Matthews - at which point he would be satisfactorily embarrassed, and the comments would have stopped?

They were probably looking for an excuse to move on to someone else in that time slot anyway, but if this is an example of how Modern Women must be treated, I'm glad I'm not long for this world.
"Jack Kennedy was no liberal. he hated liberals. he voted for Eisenhower/Nixon over Stevenson." - Marvelous Chris Matthews

he's right on that, my friends!
"Jack Kennedy was no liberal. he hated liberals. he voted for Eisenhower/Nixon over Stevenson." - Marvelous Chris Matthews

he's right on that, my friends!

Actually he's fictitious on that, because you pulled that quote completely out of your ass.

Which is what the rest of us call "Wednesday".
"Jack Kennedy was no liberal. he hated liberals. he voted for Eisenhower/Nixon over Stevenson." - Marvelous Chris Matthews

he's right on that, my friends!

Actually he's fictitious on that, because you pulled that quote completely out of your ass.

Which is what the rest of us call "Wednesday".
its from his book. oh right, you dont know how to read

Of course it is.
And I personally built the Taj Mahal. Last week.
Matthews says he cried when Nixon lost to JFK, but later became a JFK supporter.

he says he was at first conflicted between being a catholic and a republican

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