Rule Clarification Please

You're appealing to a dichotomy that exists only in your mind, Furbs. The no family rule applies to everyone. It really is just that simple.
Okay, Furby, just for fun, and strictly for the sake of argument, let's say that G.T. and Ravi are married.

Now, how would I be breaking the no family rule by saying TO Ravi something like, "Your nipples are enormous and you wear ugly hats."?

You see, G.T. would have no grounds to report me, because while I may have insulted a member of his family, I wasn't addressing him in the process. I insulted her as an individual, not as one of G.T.'s relatives.

Now, had I said TO G.T., "Your wife's nipples are the size of Vienna sausages and her hat looks like a scaled down model of that flying saucer from the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.", well, then he'd have had cause to report me.

I hope this scholarly tutorial has been helpful. :smartass:

Her nipples are nowhere near that big. More like tater-tots.
Apparently DorkFurry hasn't figured out that I can get him banned for insulting GT. Let me know if he does so I can report him.
We have a rule here about attacking family which I fully support. But in at least one case its being used as a threat to other members...

See this thread... Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That threat putsthe ENTIRE board at a disadvantage for two people. While I do NOT wish the rule struck. It IS being used by two members to leverage what others cannot.

Thank you.

Are you saying other people besides you are stalker wannabes?

Does Arpaio know you threaten people by using his name? Does he know you said he would delete posts and and give out IDs so you could find and harm people?

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Apparently DorkFurry hasn't figured out that I can get him banned for insulting GT. Let me know if he does so I can report him.

Careful. He'll sic Joe Aepaio on you too.

No one safe ....


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