Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

The you just illustrated the absurdity of the law.
There is only the legal fiction of anarchy; the law may cover every Thing in some federal districts.

You don't even understand the meaning of the words you use, do you?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.
The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.

You just demonstrated the intelligence of a trained parrot.
The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.

You just demonstrated the intelligence of a trained parrot.

You could only hope to reach the intelligence of a trained parrot.

Parrots are capable of learning.
The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.

You just demonstrated the intelligence of a trained parrot.

I stated facts. You're ranting in your "this is the way I want the world to be" fantasyland. Federal PA laws have been found Constitutional. Go ahead and challenge them again. Or better yet, challenge them at the state and local level. I'd love to see that argument coming from the anti gay bigots who scream about states rights.
The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.

You just demonstrated the intelligence of a trained parrot.

You could only hope to reach the intelligence of a trained parrot.

Parrots are capable of learning.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.

PA laws have been challenged and they were upheld as Constitutional. You're welcome to try again. Good luck.

You just demonstrated the intelligence of a trained parrot.

You could only hope to reach the intelligence of a trained parrot.

Parrots are capable of learning.

Says the far left drone..
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

The you just illustrated the absurdity of the law.
There is only the legal fiction of anarchy; the law may cover every Thing in some federal districts.

You don't even understand the meaning of the words you use, do you?
only Persons who are incompetent, say that.
That confirms you are a jerk.


If you own a business and are informed that blatant discrimination bears a $150k fine and you think your personal hatreds are more important....then you made a choice to pay the fine

In this situation you shouldn't have to make the choice to begin with.

A choice of "We don't serve n*ggers here"?

I thought we settled that 50 years ago

Blacks don't make the choice to be black.

Bruce Jenner proves that gays can.

LOL....what is really funny about that is that Bruce Jenner is not 'choosing to be gay"

Male lesbians are just a punchline.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?
It only sounds like a personnel management problem. Is there no qualified labor that is willing to be paid to make a cake regardless of the ArtWork?
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?
It only sounds like a personnel management problem. Is there no qualified labor that is willing to be paid to make a cake regardless of the ArtWork?

Can't wait until the baker has to hire hundreds of more employees!

Now that's a JOBS PROGRAM!
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?

What 'right'- the baker doesn't have any obligation under the law to bake a Hitler cake.

I have explained why- you just don't like the answer.

As I mentioned before- if you want to change the law so business's can discriminate against customers because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation- then change the law.
A baker has no stake in a wedding, no role, no anything. Form of expression? What, now bakers are expressing support for weddings? When they sell other cakes what are they expressing and being part of? It;s a silly argument.

Bakers sell other cakes to gays. Do they know what gays do with cakes? Some gays MIGHT be using the cakes during sex. If a gay couple uses a cake during a sexual act, has the Christian offended his god because he participated in a sexual act?

We are talking ala carte Christianity here.
They pick and choose which biblical transgressions they refuse to do business with

Pick one:

Pregnant brides
Mixed religions

Police do the same thing, exercising prosecutorial discretion. Nobody suggests they stop enforcing all laws.
A baker has no stake in a wedding, no role, no anything. Form of expression? What, now bakers are expressing support for weddings? When they sell other cakes what are they expressing and being part of? It;s a silly argument.

Bakers sell other cakes to gays. Do they know what gays do with cakes? Some gays MIGHT be using the cakes during sex. If a gay couple uses a cake during a sexual act, has the Christian offended his god because he participated in a sexual act?

We are talking ala carte Christianity here.
They pick and choose which biblical transgressions they refuse to do business with

Pick one:

Pregnant brides
Mixed religions

Again, YOU don't get to qualify a person's moral compass.

I do get to judge it

And by all appearances, it is hypocricy in how their faith is applied

you get to comment on it, by judging you are more than commenting on it, and you don't have that right, and neither, in this case, does government.

As a dues paying member of USMB I get to judge anyone I wish

I didn't see that in the USMB rules. Did you make that up?
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?

What 'right'- the baker doesn't have any obligation under the law to bake a Hitler cake.

I have explained why- you just don't like the answer.

As I mentioned before- if you want to change the law so business's can discriminate against customers because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation- then change the law.

But you do see the moral dilemma, Right?

No?, I thought as much.
The issue is a vendor claiming customers are not worthy of dignity due to who those customers might be.

So, cake is the measure of dignity?

If you're that stupid, than you're not worthy of dignity.
A customer is stripped of dignity when a vendor says she is not worthy of service due to her legal lifestyle.

I suggest the strip-ee grow a freaking spine.

So basically its all about acceptance, right?

news flash, it isn't right to use the government to force people to accept other people.
Not about acceptance with a capital "A" but tolerance. Why should someone be so intolerant that commerce and dignity are sacrificed?

What difference does it make? Why should someone be so stupid that they can't understand that your preference aren't always what matters? Other people have different priorities.
Different purposes. To what end? What are these purposes?

To perpetuate petty repression? To continue to make others unworthy? To make those different from you feel less than they are?

Why? What good comes of all that fear and hate?

We live in a society and, occasionally, folks will have to interact with each other.

And all that ignorance, suspicion and fear is accomplishing what goal? What is the benefit of being nothing other than a self righteous bully?
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?
It only sounds like a personnel management problem. Is there no qualified labor that is willing to be paid to make a cake regardless of the ArtWork?

Can't wait until the baker has to hire hundreds of more employees!

Now that's a JOBS PROGRAM!
Only the right would try to manufacture a jobs program out if it; it Only takes one person to make a cake.
So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

And if the German wants to commemorate Hitlers birthday, he has freedom of expression. Why should the Jewish baker deny such a right?
It only sounds like a personnel management problem. Is there no qualified labor that is willing to be paid to make a cake regardless of the ArtWork?

Can't wait until the baker has to hire hundreds of more employees!

Now that's a JOBS PROGRAM!
Only the right would try to manufacture a jobs program out if it; it Only takes one person to make a cake.

Sarcasm is beyond you.

Got it!
So, cake is the measure of dignity?

If you're that stupid, than you're not worthy of dignity.
A customer is stripped of dignity when a vendor says she is not worthy of service due to her legal lifestyle.

I suggest the strip-ee grow a freaking spine.

So basically its all about acceptance, right?

news flash, it isn't right to use the government to force people to accept other people.
Not about acceptance with a capital "A" but tolerance. Why should someone be so intolerant that commerce and dignity are sacrificed?

What difference does it make? Why should someone be so stupid that they can't understand that your preference aren't always what matters? Other people have different priorities.
Different purposes. To what end? What are these purposes?

To perpetuate petty repression? To continue to make others unworthy? To make those different from you feel less than they are?

Why? What good comes of all that fear and hate?

We live in a society and, occasionally, folks will have to interact with each other.

And all that ignorance, suspicion and fear is accomplishing what goal? What is the benefit of being nothing other than a self righteous bully?

and don't forget child creation

That's kinda important

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