Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
The issue is a vendor claiming customers are not worthy of dignity due to who those customers might be.

So, cake is the measure of dignity?

If you're that stupid, than you're not worthy of dignity.
A customer is stripped of dignity when a vendor says she is not worthy of service due to her legal lifestyle.

I suggest the strip-ee grow a freaking spine.

So basically its all about acceptance, right?

news flash, it isn't right to use the government to force people to accept other people.
Not about acceptance with a capital "A" but tolerance. Why should someone be so intolerant that commerce and dignity are sacrificed?
Tell that to Bruce Jenner, who faced persecution from the "tolerant" ones after revealing he is a Republican.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
Brilliant business plan. Cater to your fellow bigots.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
Brilliant business plan. Cater to your fellow bigots.
I didn't say it's good business. I said it's a legal way of dealing with those who only wish to trap you into a thought crime or mock your beliefs.
So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
Brilliant business plan. Cater to your fellow bigots.
I didn't say it's good business.
You're right. It's silly at best, stupid and intolerant in fact.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
Brilliant business plan. Cater to your fellow bigots.
I didn't say it's good business.
You're right. It's silly at best, stupid and intolerant in fact.
And legal. Don't forget that. But I will tell you this, a caterer who went that route wouldn't lack for business, because there are many who don't give a flying rat's patoot about homosexuality but would appreciate a visible Biblical presence at their event. It's the haters who would freak out because their attempts to trap and cause embarrassment would backfire.
In other words, bend over and take it up the ass. That's the kind of freedom loving attitude we've come to expect from the likes of you.
They had the freedom to pick their damn job, so, do it.

Who put you or the queers in charge of deciding what their job is?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?
I say the Christian baker complies with the law, goes to the event, and displays Bible verses about God's love, forgiveness, and definition of marriage all over the table cloths, napkins, a banner, etc. Chances are very good they won't be coerced into doing it again. I mean, the whole point of asking them in the first place is to either trick them into saying something that the haters can scream about or to hold them up to ridicule, so be proud in your faith.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.

The private function is imposing on them, moron. You forget who is having guns pointed at them in this situation.
So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.
That exceeds the contract of the baker to provide a wedding cake. you realize, of course that the wedding reception is a private party thrown by the happy couple, not the baker or any other vendor.

If the baker wants to go all Revival Tent, do it on their own dime. Don't impose on a private function.
That is the point, however. If a caterer can be forced to be a part of something they find abhorrent, they are well within their rights to explain to the person forcing them to do so how their employees will be dressed, what designs will be on the paper goods, etc. If the customers don't like the limited selection of designs available to them, they are free to go elsewhere.
Why is the baker the arbiter of sin and saintliness? By what authority does a baker decorate the wedding venue in religious stuff? Isn't the decorating scheme up to the bride and groom?

If the baker wants to be Jerry Falwell, let the baker hire a hall and decorate it according to HIS taste.

If the baker is so damned intolerant as to deny the exact same services to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients, then get the hell out of the baking business. All they every are asked to do is treat each and every paying customer with dignity and respect. They are not asked to provide a mercantile imperator to each and every client they serve. What gall!
They would be providing the same services. They would use the same verse designs for every client. They provide a handful of designs, each of which contain Bible verses and advertise up front that those are the only ones they use. They're in compliance with the law that coerces them to play along with those who are trying to trap or mock them.
Brilliant business plan. Cater to your fellow bigots.
I didn't say it's good business. I said it's a legal way of dealing with those who only wish to trap you into a thought crime or mock your beliefs.
which beliefs are those, Person on the Right who should be "rendering unto Caesar"?
The issue is a vendor claiming customers are not worthy of dignity due to who those customers might be.

So, cake is the measure of dignity?

If you're that stupid, than you're not worthy of dignity.
A customer is stripped of dignity when a vendor says she is not worthy of service due to her legal lifestyle.

I suggest the strip-ee grow a freaking spine.

So basically its all about acceptance, right?

news flash, it isn't right to use the government to force people to accept other people.
Not about acceptance with a capital "A" but tolerance. Why should someone be so intolerant that commerce and dignity are sacrificed?

What difference does it make? Why should someone be so stupid that they can't understand that your preference aren't always what matters? Other people have different priorities.
They had the freedom to pick their damn job, so, do it.

Who put you or the queers in charge of deciding what their job is?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?
Persons with strong religious convictions can always go, not-for-the-profit-of-lucre.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

The you just illustrated the absurdity of the law.
They had the freedom to pick their damn job, so, do it.

Who put you or the queers in charge of deciding what their job is?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.
Who put you or the queers in charge of deciding what their job is?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?
Persons with strong religious convictions can always go, not-for-the-profit-of-lucre.
Going not-for-profit doesn't change a thing. Even if it did, why should they be forced to forgo a profit?
Who put you or the queers in charge of deciding what their job is?
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?

You can say anything you doesn't actually make it true until challenged. PA laws have been. You're welcome to try again.

Being challenged makes it true? What kind of a numskull are you? Being true is the only thing that makes something true.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

The you just illustrated the absurdity of the law.

Then change the law.

I can understand why you want companies to be able to discriminate against Customers based upon their race or religion or country of origin or gender or sexual orientation.

But you need to change the law first.
He is either practicing the Art of Commerce or the Art of Religion. It really is that Simple.

Only the right claims to object to capitalism for the sake of the socialism of Religion--but, prefer the convenience of doing it on a for-profit basis, with lucre.

So you believe a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a Praise Hitler cake.

Kinda reminds me of other forced labor the Jews were forced to do.

How sweet.

A Jewish baker can't be forced to bake a "Praise Hitler" cake because there is no law requiring it.

A Jewish baker can be required to bake a cake for a German, even if he blames Germans for the Holocaust, and he can be required to bake a cake for a Christian even if he believes that Christians are apostates.

The you just illustrated the absurdity of the law.
There is only the legal fiction of anarchy; the law may cover every Thing in some federal districts.
They picked thier job, dumbass.

The job they picked didn't include baking wedding cakes for queers.

The business they run is required to follow business laws.

They can't ignore zoning laws, or health laws, and they can't ignore laws that they cannot refuse to serve customers because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The law is unjust and unconstitutional. How many times do I have to say that? Are you capable of doing anything aside from mindlessly parroting what the law says?
Persons with strong religious convictions can always go, not-for-the-profit-of-lucre.
Going not-for-profit doesn't change a thing. Even if it did, why should they be forced to forgo a profit?
So they have a good legal excuse to be Bad Capitalists who give lousy customer service.

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