Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

Why couldn't blacks just eat at a different lunch counter or stay in a different hotel?

Segregation was built into the law. You understand that, right? The law required separate accommodations. The fight to end segregation was a fight to bring down outrageous laws. That is entirely different than creating new laws.

And is it just bakers you'd like exemptions for? I live in a rural small town. Would it be okay for the only store not to sell to us? The only septic service should be allowed to not pump my shit?

I've posed the question to you before, and you didn't provide an answer so I'll ask again: Why aren't you willing to exert as much effort as I am in the name of defending gay rights? The grocery store won't sell you milk and bread? Go to the next town over and buy from a different grocery store. You live in small town where everyone hates you? Move. You're making your own bed if you live in a place where you're surrounded by people who hate you because of your orientation and would rather see you starve. Why would you want to force people like that to take your money from you?

Instead of being a victim, why don't you become an advocate? Take control of your own life, stop trying to control the lives of others. Why force a homophobic douche bag to take your money, when you can hep take his money by giving your business to someone else, and helping to spread the word that he's a homophobic bigot? He'll lose my money, he'll lose my friends' money, he'll lose a great many other people's money. Yes, he's a hate filled bigot. But you're taking yourself down the same road of becoming a hate filled bigot by trying to overturn his right live his pathetic life however he wants.

One thing I've learned in life is that you cannot force someone to make different decisions, you can only allow them to reap their consequences. Unless you're willing to be their executioner, you have to let people hang themselves with their own ropes.

SeaBytch is a militant faggot who has no doubt never experiences any such thing, however that doesn't matter. She is all about FORCING other people to accept HER view of life. She can't just live and let live. Nope, she even favors FORCING churches to accept homosexuals.

Gay marriage is all about forcing the public to find homosexuality to be socially acceptable. The gays don't really care about marriage. They never have. That would interfere with their lifestyle of having hundreds of sex partners.
The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.

Of course it was up for a vote. How ignorant are you?
The fact that it wasn't doesn't mean that it should have been. This issue was never one for the voters, period.

In other words, you disagree, so screw the law.

That's what I thought.
It doesn't matter what the people say, we are not a democracy.
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

There are thousands of gas stations where I live, and thousands of hotels.
How wonderful for you, in Florida, and I couldn't give a fucking damn since it matters not a fucking damn.

Of course it matters. It shows your argument is moronic.
No. We aren't a democracy. We were a republic. Now we are on the way to dictatorship.
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

Move to a bigger town.
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

There are thousands of gas stations where I live, and thousands of hotels.
How wonderful for you, in Florida, and I couldn't give a fucking damn since it matters not a fucking damn.

Of course it matters. It shows your argument is moronic.
Nope, because the No ******* gas isn't allowed to exist anywhere, one gas station or 100,000...
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

I seriously doubt that is the case. And frankly I don't care what you do as love as it doesn't involve FORCING people to do business with you.

But I encourage you to continue with your gay nazi tactics because you are pissing people off and are going to end up losing more ground than you've ever gained.

A rational faggot would say "okay look we have a right to marry, we do not have the right to force someone else to provide our cake or pictures" just as an example.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

Move to a bigger town.
Not necessary...
Race is not the only protected class in Title II of the CRA. You know that, right?

Yes, but what of it?

You didn't answer the question.

You never answered mine.

Should "the only game in town" be able to deny service?

Yes. If there were enough gay people in town, the "only" game would quickly cease to be the only game. Where there is a void in the market, there is someone who will fill that void.

If you're the only gay person in town, then move the fuck out of there already. If you're not willing to help yourself that much, then you don't deserve for the government to help you by passing a law that will be immediately ignored by the "the only game in town."

I see. I should give up the home that has been I my family for 3 generations because anti gay bigots won't serve me? No thanks. I'll stick with PA laws...that have withstood constitutional challenge.

I moved half way across the country for a job. Why should I experience any sympathy for you?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

I seriously doubt that is the case. And frankly I don't care what you do as love as it doesn't involve FORCING people to do business with you.

But I encourage you to continue with your gay nazi tactics because you are pissing people off and are going to end up losing more ground than you've ever gained.

A rational faggot would say "okay look we have a right to marry, we do not have the right to force someone else to provide our cake or pictures" just as an example.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
That is entirely untrue. See here: Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

The case that killed your argument, six decades ago.
Why, other than being an asshole, would anyone want to force someone to do business with them?
Ah, because they need gas, or a hotel room...

Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

Move to a bigger town.
Not necessary...

It's not necessary for you to spew your moron opinions.
Race is not the only protected class in Title II of the CRA. You know that, right?

Yes, but what of it?

You didn't answer the question.

You never answered mine.

Should "the only game in town" be able to deny service?

Yes. If there were enough gay people in town, the "only" game would quickly cease to be the only game. Where there is a void in the market, there is someone who will fill that void.

If you're the only gay person in town, then move the fuck out of there already. If you're not willing to help yourself that much, then you don't deserve for the government to help you by passing a law that will be immediately ignored by the "the only game in town."

I see. I should give up the home that has been I my family for 3 generations because anti gay bigots won't serve me? No thanks. I'll stick with PA laws...that have withstood constitutional challenge.

I moved half way across the country for a job. Why should I experience any sympathy for you?
If you had morals, that would not be a question but, alas, you have none.
Then find someone who WILL do business with them.

We're not talking about a time when there were 2 stores in every town here.

My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

I seriously doubt that is the case. And frankly I don't care what you do as love as it doesn't involve FORCING people to do business with you.

But I encourage you to continue with your gay nazi tactics because you are pissing people off and are going to end up losing more ground than you've ever gained.

A rational faggot would say "okay look we have a right to marry, we do not have the right to force someone else to provide our cake or pictures" just as an example.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
That is entirely untrue. See here: Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

The case that killed your argument, six decades ago.

Yes, there were a few hotel owners who wanted to discriminate, especially in 1964. So what? There were plenty that didn't give a rats ass.
My town has one store, one septic service, one electrician, one plumber, etc. I'm supposed to pump my own shit?

I seriously doubt that is the case. And frankly I don't care what you do as love as it doesn't involve FORCING people to do business with you.

But I encourage you to continue with your gay nazi tactics because you are pissing people off and are going to end up losing more ground than you've ever gained.

A rational faggot would say "okay look we have a right to marry, we do not have the right to force someone else to provide our cake or pictures" just as an example.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
That is entirely untrue. See here: Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

The case that killed your argument, six decades ago.

Yes, there were a few hotel owners who wanted to discriminate, especially in 1964. So what? There were plenty that didn't give a rats ass.
So, the laws were changed, appropriately. And that is happening again, in June.
I'm not talking about the law, you Nazi asshole. I'm talking about rights. The law in Germany ruled that the government could put Jews in concentration camps. That's what you endorse when you use the law to justify your case.
The law is what grants you your rights, my little infant, as in that case, where they were taken away.

That's what Nazis believe. Law either protects your rights or violates them. It doesn't create your rights. If they did, then gays would have no right to get married in most states.
The highest law in the land created your rights. Know what we call it?

No, it actually didn't.
I'm afraid you are wrong as usual my little pissing infant.

No, I'm not. The Founding Fathers agree. Read the Declaration of Independence. It says we are "endowed by our creator with individual rights."
I seriously doubt that is the case. And frankly I don't care what you do as love as it doesn't involve FORCING people to do business with you.

But I encourage you to continue with your gay nazi tactics because you are pissing people off and are going to end up losing more ground than you've ever gained.

A rational faggot would say "okay look we have a right to marry, we do not have the right to force someone else to provide our cake or pictures" just as an example.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
That is entirely untrue. See here: Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

The case that killed your argument, six decades ago.

Yes, there were a few hotel owners who wanted to discriminate, especially in 1964. So what? There were plenty that didn't give a rats ass.
So, the laws were changed, appropriately. And that is happening again, in June.

The laws were changed prior to that case moron, not after.
The coming backlash you believe in, is a fantasy. Once all hotels starting letting the ******* in it was quickly leaned that that should have been the way it was all along and almost no one cared. Those that did, sold or closed up, which was perfectly fine.

You sound like an Ayn Rand kid, or just as stupid.

Hotel owners never cared in the first place. They were forced to treat blacks differently, moron.
That is entirely untrue. See here: Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

The case that killed your argument, six decades ago.

Yes, there were a few hotel owners who wanted to discriminate, especially in 1964. So what? There were plenty that didn't give a rats ass.
So, the laws were changed, appropriately. And that is happening again, in June.

The laws were changed prior to that case moron, not after.
You are incorrect, as usual, since we are discussing PA laws.
A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.

Of course it was up for a vote. How ignorant are you?
The fact that it wasn't doesn't mean that it should have been. This issue was never one for the voters, period.

In other words, you disagree, so screw the law.

That's what I thought.
It doesn't matter what the people say, we are not a democracy.

In other words, screw the law.

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