Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

Every time there has been a referendum, gay marriage has been voted down.

Nobody has put it on a ballot since 2012, and the last three times it was it won.

Which is pretty much what I said. You're not a liberal. You're an authoritarian. Government for you is just a means of beating up on people you don't like. Of course your folly is the delusion that you have any control over who's getting the shakedown. What goes around, comes around.

That's just a good reason to make sure the other side doesn't get back into power. That and they are fucking incompetent and will fuck everything up. But I'm fine beating up on the Christian Assholes. I really am.

Gays will just find it a teensy bit harder to find what they want. Their favorite bakery might not make wedding cakes any more. Unless it's for a personal friend.

Again, this is the bed and butter if you are a baker. They'd lose money following that kind of policy. You see, this is what I don't get about the Christian Tards. Gay money is just as green as straight money.
When so called Christian bakers start refusing to make wedding cakes for all sinners and not just gays, they can make an argument for religious principles. Until then, it's bigotry, pure and simple.
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I see. I should give up the home that has been I my family for 3 generations because anti gay bigots won't serve me? No thanks. I'll stick with PA laws...that have withstood constitutional challenge.

You're family has been there for three generations, and you expect me to believe that the whole town refuses to do business with you just because you're gay?

They don't...the law prevents it. You're advocating that they should be able to.
Bakers present a catalogue of wedding cake designs. Everyone should be free to chose from that catalogue.

Fine, every design in the catalog now includes this topping on the wedding cake:


See what you've done now, Nosmo? The discrimination will continue, it will just be dressed up differently.
What a slender reed upon which to hang an argument! Let all customers select from the same catalogue. And then all Christendom hinges upon a plastic figurine.

No, it's just reality. You're just mad that you can't control everyone else.
I don't want to control anyone. The bakery offers its catalogue of wedding cake designs to,each and every customer. Each and every customer is free to chose the design best suited to them. The baker then bakes, decorates and delivers the cake.

Where in this situation is an attack on American Christendom? Where in this situation is freedom being repressed?

Since the design is the same, the only sticking point is the tiny plastic figurines atop the cake. Is it really a burden, a threat to the immortal soul, an attack on American Christndom to put a little plastic statuette on top of a wedding cake?
This is very true. But do two wrongs make a right? Or is this the wake up call we need to put a stop to this kind of government.
What are these TWO wrongs? On one hand a paying customer is asking for the exact same services a vendor supplies to all his other customers. These paying customers are not demanding anything not normally provided by the vendor. No special or unusual items, nothing above and beyond the services otherwise provided. Please stop me and point out what is wrong about that.

On the other hand, a vendor is refusing service to paying customers due to who those customers happen to be. Refusal due to their legal lifestyle. Refusal simply because the vendor finds that customer's lifestyle to be "icky". Is this fair? Does this mercantile approval of lifestyle make the customers who were refused equal to all other customers?

TWO wrongs? I see one blatant wrong and one discriminated paying customer.

You have no right to be served, period.
Why you make this argument, Bripiss, I have no idea, since it's entirely untrue and the courts decided that decades ago. I know, my little infant, to you the rulings of the courts don't matter either,

I'm not talking about the law, you Nazi asshole. I'm talking about rights. The law in Germany ruled that the government could put Jews in concentration camps. That's what you endorse when you use the law to justify your case.
The law is what grants you your rights, my little infant, as in that case, where they were taken away.

That's what Nazis believe. Law either protects your rights or violates them. It doesn't create your rights. If they did, then gays would have no right to get married in most states.
What are these TWO wrongs? On one hand a paying customer is asking for the exact same services a vendor supplies to all his other customers. These paying customers are not demanding anything not normally provided by the vendor. No special or unusual items, nothing above and beyond the services otherwise provided. Please stop me and point out what is wrong about that.

On the other hand, a vendor is refusing service to paying customers due to who those customers happen to be. Refusal due to their legal lifestyle. Refusal simply because the vendor finds that customer's lifestyle to be "icky". Is this fair? Does this mercantile approval of lifestyle make the customers who were refused equal to all other customers?

TWO wrongs? I see one blatant wrong and one discriminated paying customer.

You have no right to be served, period.
Why you make this argument, Bripiss, I have no idea, since it's entirely untrue and the courts decided that decades ago. I know, my little infant, to you the rulings of the courts don't matter either,

I'm not talking about the law, you Nazi asshole. I'm talking about rights. The law in Germany ruled that the government could put Jews in concentration camps. That's what you endorse when you use the law to justify your case.
The law is what grants you your rights, my little infant, as in that case, where they were taken away.

That's what Nazis believe. Law either protects your rights or violates them. It doesn't create your rights. If they did, then gays would have no right to get married in most states.
The highest law in the land created your rights. Know what we call it?
Every time there has been a referendum, gay marriage has been voted down.

The states of Washington, Maryland, and Minnesota prove your statement to be incorrect.

You're wrong about Minnisota.

So you have two states where a referendum failed to overturn legislation that legalized gay marriage. Now, how many states approved referendums against gay marriage? Turds like you talk about the will of the people when it's in your favor, but you don't give a crap about it when they people vote against you.

So much for "every time" gay marriage has been voted down nonsense. Clearly that isn't the case. You made an error and now you want to move the goal posts.

You and your ilk are still using unelected judges to ram your agenda down the throats of the vast majority of Americans.

The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
You have no right to be served, period.
Why you make this argument, Bripiss, I have no idea, since it's entirely untrue and the courts decided that decades ago. I know, my little infant, to you the rulings of the courts don't matter either,

I'm not talking about the law, you Nazi asshole. I'm talking about rights. The law in Germany ruled that the government could put Jews in concentration camps. That's what you endorse when you use the law to justify your case.
The law is what grants you your rights, my little infant, as in that case, where they were taken away.

That's what Nazis believe. Law either protects your rights or violates them. It doesn't create your rights. If they did, then gays would have no right to get married in most states.
The highest law in the land created your rights. Know what we call it?

No, it actually didn't.
The states of Washington, Maryland, and Minnesota prove your statement to be incorrect.

You're wrong about Minnisota.

So you have two states where a referendum failed to overturn legislation that legalized gay marriage. Now, how many states approved referendums against gay marriage? Turds like you talk about the will of the people when it's in your favor, but you don't give a crap about it when they people vote against you.

So much for "every time" gay marriage has been voted down nonsense. Clearly that isn't the case. You made an error and now you want to move the goal posts.

You and your ilk are still using unelected judges to ram your agenda down the throats of the vast majority of Americans.

The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.
Why you make this argument, Bripiss, I have no idea, since it's entirely untrue and the courts decided that decades ago. I know, my little infant, to you the rulings of the courts don't matter either,

I'm not talking about the law, you Nazi asshole. I'm talking about rights. The law in Germany ruled that the government could put Jews in concentration camps. That's what you endorse when you use the law to justify your case.
The law is what grants you your rights, my little infant, as in that case, where they were taken away.

That's what Nazis believe. Law either protects your rights or violates them. It doesn't create your rights. If they did, then gays would have no right to get married in most states.
The highest law in the land created your rights. Know what we call it?

No, it actually didn't.
I'm afraid you are wrong as usual my little pissing infant.
The vendor must go. Must in some way indicate approval of the event every bit as much as an invited guest.

Aside from that, the services required are artistic services. No artist should ever be required to create against their will.
INDICATE APPROVAL?!? Of all the nerve! No wedding needs a mercantile impermatur, a seal of approval from the Association of Tight Assed Wedding Vendors of Pomona. Bake the cake, deliver the cake, end of involvement, period. Who cares if some ignorant uptight, wound too tight for life baker approves of a wedding or not? That's not his call!

Why can't you just go somewhere else to get your cake? Why are you obsessed with forcing people to do things they don't want to do?

Why couldn't blacks just eat at a different lunch counter or stay in a different hotel?

And is it just bakers you'd like exemptions for? I live in a rural small town. Would it be okay for the only store not to sell to us? The only septic service should be allowed to not pump my shit?

Jim Crow was legally enforced, so it's inappropriate to compare it to what's under discussion here.
You're wrong about Minnisota.

So you have two states where a referendum failed to overturn legislation that legalized gay marriage. Now, how many states approved referendums against gay marriage? Turds like you talk about the will of the people when it's in your favor, but you don't give a crap about it when they people vote against you.

So much for "every time" gay marriage has been voted down nonsense. Clearly that isn't the case. You made an error and now you want to move the goal posts.

You and your ilk are still using unelected judges to ram your agenda down the throats of the vast majority of Americans.

The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.

Of course it was up for a vote. How ignorant are you?
The vendor must go. Must in some way indicate approval of the event every bit as much as an invited guest.

Aside from that, the services required are artistic services. No artist should ever be required to create against their will.
INDICATE APPROVAL?!? Of all the nerve! No wedding needs a mercantile impermatur, a seal of approval from the Association of Tight Assed Wedding Vendors of Pomona. Bake the cake, deliver the cake, end of involvement, period. Who cares if some ignorant uptight, wound too tight for life baker approves of a wedding or not? That's not his call!

Why can't you just go somewhere else to get your cake? Why are you obsessed with forcing people to do things they don't want to do?

Why couldn't blacks just eat at a different lunch counter or stay in a different hotel?

And is it just bakers you'd like exemptions for? I live in a rural small town. Would it be okay for the only store not to sell to us? The only septic service should be allowed to not pump my shit?

Jim Crow was legally enforced, so it's inappropriate to compare it to what's under discussion here.
Jim Crow was legal. PA laws are legal. Either obey the law or face the consequences.
So much for "every time" gay marriage has been voted down nonsense. Clearly that isn't the case. You made an error and now you want to move the goal posts.

You and your ilk are still using unelected judges to ram your agenda down the throats of the vast majority of Americans.

The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.

Of course it was up for a vote. How ignorant are you?
The fact that it was doesn't mean that it should have been. This issue was never one for the voters, period.
The vendor must go. Must in some way indicate approval of the event every bit as much as an invited guest.

Aside from that, the services required are artistic services. No artist should ever be required to create against their will.
INDICATE APPROVAL?!? Of all the nerve! No wedding needs a mercantile impermatur, a seal of approval from the Association of Tight Assed Wedding Vendors of Pomona. Bake the cake, deliver the cake, end of involvement, period. Who cares if some ignorant uptight, wound too tight for life baker approves of a wedding or not? That's not his call!

Why can't you just go somewhere else to get your cake? Why are you obsessed with forcing people to do things they don't want to do?

Why couldn't blacks just eat at a different lunch counter or stay in a different hotel?

And is it just bakers you'd like exemptions for? I live in a rural small town. Would it be okay for the only store not to sell to us? The only septic service should be allowed to not pump my shit?

Jim Crow was legally enforced, so it's inappropriate to compare it to what's under discussion here.
Jim Crow was legal. PA laws are legal. Either obey the law or face the consequences.
Jim Crow was legally required, asshole. That's not the same as "legal." PA laws violate the the Constitution.
You and your ilk are still using unelected judges to ram your agenda down the throats of the vast majority of Americans.

The majority of Americans agree with gays having access to marriage. And by ramming your agenda down your throats you mean they are not ruling in the manner you wish.

A majority of Americans voted the other way. The only poll that counts is the one they take in a voting booth. The judges are overturning laws that the majority approved. That's how it's being rammed down our throats, moron.
This was never up for a vote, either way. What the voters think does not matter, we are not a democracy.

Of course it was up for a vote. How ignorant are you?
The fact that it wasn't doesn't mean that it should have been. This issue was never one for the voters, period.

In other words, you disagree, so screw the law.

That's what I thought.
Every time there has been a referendum, gay marriage has been voted down.

Nobody has put it on a ballot since 2012, and the last three times it was it won.

Which is pretty much what I said. You're not a liberal. You're an authoritarian. Government for you is just a means of beating up on people you don't like. Of course your folly is the delusion that you have any control over who's getting the shakedown. What goes around, comes around.

That's just a good reason to make sure the other side doesn't get back into power. That and they are fucking incompetent and will fuck everything up. But I'm fine beating up on the Christian Assholes. I really am.

Gays will just find it a teensy bit harder to find what they want. Their favorite bakery might not make wedding cakes any more. Unless it's for a personal friend.

Again, this is the bed and butter if you are a baker. They'd lose money following that kind of policy. You see, this is what I don't get about the Christian Tards. Gay money is just as green as straight money.
What do you call people whose principles are for sale?

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