Rules From A Right-Wing Black Man

Liberals and liberal policies have been killing black people for centuries and continue to do so. From killing black babies in the womb, to the environmentalist banning chemicals that have led to the needless deaths of millions of black children in Africa. They could give a shit about the deaths of black children, about the failure of our public education system to allow poor black kids in the inner city to have a choice in what school they attend. All they care about is protecting their own liberal bureaucracy

No one forced any woman to have an abortion. But your definition of 'liberty' is for her uterus to be the domain of the state.

DDT was not excised from disease control in the 70s. In fact, while malaria was resurging in the 70s DDT use was increasing. And part of the reason why there were more malaria cases was the continuing use of DDT in agriculture, which helped breed DDT-resistant mosquitoes.

Bullshit.. DDT is not used in Africa for the most part because of liberal, whacko, environmental, nutjobs malaria has been eradicated here because of DDT liberals allow millions of children to die in Africa because of their stupidity
Your problem is lack of knowledge. The banning of DDT as lead to millions of deaths in Africa

20 20 John Stossel DDT - YouTube

Do you need evidence of our failing public schools? Why not school choice?

killing babies in the black community..

graph.gif | Abortion and the Black Community

Oh, please. And you want to attribute this to the liberal policies of the Left????
Schools failed in the first place because the establishment didn't ensure funds were allocated for infrastructure and resources, because minorities aren't valued in society...and there is a concerted effort to repress and oppress that community, while white schools have state of the art technology and resources abounding. Not rocket science.
And like abortion doesn't occur in white communities. Give me a break.

Conservatives want poor minority kids to be given a choice of what school they can attend unlike the liberal nutjobs who only care about teachers unions and their money. To conservatives every child is a value to society which is why we don't want them continually massacred. You should be concerned with the disproportionate # of abortions among black people, so much so that they are now the second largest minority behind Hispanics

School choice liberty for the poor!!

[ame=]John Stossel: School Choice = Better Schools - YouTube[/ame]

Teachers unions for liberals not the kids..

[ame=]NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin 2009 - It's Money & Power, Not Education - YouTube[/ame]

BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.
Oh, please. And you want to attribute this to the liberal policies of the Left????
Schools failed in the first place because the establishment didn't ensure funds were allocated for infrastructure and resources, because minorities aren't valued in society...and there is a concerted effort to repress and oppress that community, while white schools have state of the art technology and resources abounding. Not rocket science.
And like abortion doesn't occur in white communities. Give me a break.

Conservatives want poor minority kids to be given a choice of what school they can attend unlike the liberal nutjobs who only care about teachers unions and their money. To conservatives every child is a value to society which is why we don't want them continually massacred. You should be concerned with the disproportionate # of abortions among black people, so much so that they are now the second largest minority behind Hispanics

School choice liberty for the poor!!

[ame=]John Stossel: School Choice = Better Schools - YouTube[/ame]

Teachers unions for liberals not the kids..

[ame=]NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin 2009 - It's Money & Power, Not Education - YouTube[/ame]

BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.

You can be pro-choice and not pro-abortion which is what liberals are. Planned parenthood makes money off of abortions they are sick and you should be supporting the kids not the unions

Vouchers, school choice, competition are good things. Teachers should be paid based on merit, not by how long they've been in the union "Why Obama?"...

[ame=]Barack Obama & the DC School Voucher Program - YouTube[/ame]
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Liberals and liberal policies have been killing black people for centuries and continue to do so. From killing black babies in the womb, to the environmentalist banning chemicals that have led to the needless deaths of millions of black children in Africa. They could give a shit about the deaths of black children, about the failure of our public education system to allow poor black kids in the inner city to have a choice in what school they attend. All they care about is protecting their own liberal bureaucracy

That's a crock of shit. Abortion is an individual choice made by people of all races. There's no "failure' in the public school system, there's a failure in parenting and building the proper foundation. Teachers can only work with what they get.
Liberals and liberal policies have been killing black people for centuries and continue to do so. From killing black babies in the womb, to the environmentalist banning chemicals that have led to the needless deaths of millions of black children in Africa. They could give a shit about the deaths of black children, about the failure of our public education system to allow poor black kids in the inner city to have a choice in what school they attend. All they care about is protecting their own liberal bureaucracy

No one forced any woman to have an abortion. But your definition of 'liberty' is for her uterus to be the domain of the state.

DDT was not excised from disease control in the 70s. In fact, while malaria was resurging in the 70s DDT use was increasing. And part of the reason why there were more malaria cases was the continuing use of DDT in agriculture, which helped breed DDT-resistant mosquitoes.

Excellent points!
Liberals and liberal policies have been killing black people for centuries and continue to do so. From killing black babies in the womb, to the environmentalist banning chemicals that have led to the needless deaths of millions of black children in Africa. They could give a shit about the deaths of black children, about the failure of our public education system to allow poor black kids in the inner city to have a choice in what school they attend. All they care about is protecting their own liberal bureaucracy

That's a crock of shit. Abortion is an individual choice made by people of all races. There's no "failure' in the public school system, there's a failure in parenting and building the proper foundation. Teachers can only work with what they get.

If Jews were at the top the top of the list as a % of abortions I'd be doing my best to help lower those numbers, I certainly wouldn't be making excuses for it. :cuckoo:
First find a better. That's your white privilege playing tricks with your mind. Racist? Against whom? I already told you it can't be "white people" because all of y'all are not alike. Some of y'all are decent. Oh, you're at work, on the internet, when you should be doing "work". Typical white privilege move. Point out how blacks are lazy and shiftless, while you get paid for posting "crap" in a political debate forum. LOL.
Slap? Dream on, sparky. You're not on my level.
I suppose there are many men better than I, but you don't get a place on that list.
I am not posting on the internet while I should be doing "work". I am retired and no, unlike a couple others on USMB, I don't get paid.

Dream on boy. You're not even close to knowing what the fuck you think you know. You're a racist agitator and a bragart with little chest to puff out.

Oh by the way, dick wad. your IQ makes you "average" here. Mine is considerably higher.

Really? A racist agitator?? I'm no I'm unmoved by race, but readily retaliate against the racism displayed by you and your ilk. I'm retired as well, which gives me the freedom to post, at my whim or will. Boy? Still caught up in racial pejoratives. It doesn't faze me, as I'm used to your whose manhood is "challenged".
A braggart? (with 2 g's) Hardly. I can back up anything I claim. And your I.Q. is "considerably higher", or so you claim. Too bad your postings don't reflect such. LOL
You see, the difference between you and I is I don't necessarily think those that disagree with me are stupid.. There are many intelligent Liberals on this board. Some, I even consider friends. Then there are those so driven by their agenda, be it racism, antisemitism atheism or outright conspiracy theory that I wouldn't piss on them, much less sit down for a beer.
You fit that group, poet.
You've spent so much time blaming whitey for imagined wrongs, you fail to look objectively at a problem.
It's far easier for you to pass off disagreement with Progressive policy as racism since a majority white nation elected a black President.
It's much easier to blame extraordinarily high drop out rates in predominantly black schools on whites keeping the brothers down.
I sited Vermont and the district of Columbia drop out rates. They have comparable populations and per capita incomes but very dissimilar racial makeups DC spends significantly more on education/pupil, yet Vermont graduates half again as many high school students.
Again you blame graduation rates on whitey not caring about what happens to black kids but fail to realize that the DC Mayor, Chairperson of the board of education and most of the City Council are black and ALL are supposedly caring democrats but 2 council members who are independents.

Feel free to take "Boy" as a pejorative. I was referring to your lack of intellectual maturity.

"Really? A racist agitator?? I'm no I'm unmoved by race"

Sorry I forget. The Progressive meme dictates that blacks can't be racists.

Yes, poet, Really! You are a racist.
Oh, please. And you want to attribute this to the liberal policies of the Left????
Schools failed in the first place because the establishment didn't ensure funds were allocated for infrastructure and resources, because minorities aren't valued in society...and there is a concerted effort to repress and oppress that community, while white schools have state of the art technology and resources abounding. Not rocket science.
And like abortion doesn't occur in white communities. Give me a break.

Conservatives want poor minority kids to be given a choice of what school they can attend unlike the liberal nutjobs who only care about teachers unions and their money. To conservatives every child is a value to society which is why we don't want them continually massacred. You should be concerned with the disproportionate # of abortions among black people, so much so that they are now the second largest minority behind Hispanics

School choice liberty for the poor!!

[ame=]John Stossel: School Choice = Better Schools - YouTube[/ame]

Teachers unions for liberals not the kids..

[ame=]NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin 2009 - It's Money & Power, Not Education - YouTube[/ame]

BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.
Ronald Reagan was speaking to you when he said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so."

"disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized" WOW! strung 3 buzz words together. I'm impressed.
1. Back in the 8th grade where I was saddled with 'he talk like a white boy' I wasn't ideological at all. But having gotten to know myself, I questioned lots of thing, such as whether it is the nanny state, or policies that make individuals responsible for their own destinies is the best way to unleash the dynamism of black and brown communities that have for so long numbered among the least of us.

2. For a time, the party of Lincoln lost its vision, and I wouldn't have been a conservative fifty years ago....but Liberals are no longer the champions of civil and human rights. they fight to see that rights are allocated on a group basis. It is conservatives who have taken up the mantle of individual rights.

3. The following are the minimum rules for anyone who considers himself to be Right:

4. Liberty- We believe in the rule of law, the rights of people to determine their own fate. And we fight tyranny and oppression of all kinds.

5. Patriotism- The United States of America is our home, not only by accident of birth, but by choice as well. We take our duty to our home seriously. We hope to improve it by our work, and our values, and while we hope to leave it better than we found it, this does not connote fundamentally transforming it.

6. Family- Our families are the primary organization to which our lives are dedicated. We will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. We demand respect and consideration of our elders, and love and support our brothers and sisters.

7. Pride- We are Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, proud of our heritage, our forefathers and hope to represent their greatest hopes for us.

8. Industry- We work twice as hard and sometimes get half as far, but we work with dignity and we expect to be allowed to enjoy the rewards: and, yes, we did build that. We see creativity, dedication, and effort as the path to self-improvement.

9. Piety- We have abiding faith in God and the principles of righteousness. We strive to be true to transcendent values and take the long view of our purpose on earth. We intend to guard our own souls and souls of others from corruption, and tolerate all forms of religious expression and faith.

10. Pluralism- Our aspiration is for a tolerant and open society, and we welcome all people to enjoy its benefits and responsibilities.

a. Let's stipulate right away that one can be non-conservative, and endorse five or six of the rules.

11. Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!

12. In #6, we state that we will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. Liberal black leadership would apparently rather see black children condemned to substandard public schools and substandard educations rather than break their allegiance with the teachers' unions!
Empower black parents with school choice.

13. Our sense of industry is the very opposite of welfare policy, which nurtures dependency and kills initiative. Yet, black liberalism sneered at welfare reform, and cried that work programs were unfair. Which philosophy has been proven successful?

a. "According to the U.S. government, welfare reform helped to move 4.7 million Americans from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency within three years of enactment. The overall federal welfare caseload declined by 54% between 1996 and 2004." Arthur Brooks: Obama and 'Earning Your Success' -

b. " On July 12, the [Obama] administration unilaterally weakened the federally mandated work requirements for welfare recipients. Since welfare reform was passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996, the states have been required to have at least half of adult welfare recipients in qualified "work activities"—actual jobs, or participation in education or training programs. Now, however, Mr. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has announced that the agency will issue waivers to the federal work requirement." Ibid.

It is a mistake to confuse the health of the progressive movement with the health of black America.
They are the inverse.
Joseph C. Phillips, "He Talk Like A White Boy."

BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

So says a racist fuck.

If you weren't a racist, you wouldn't condem other black folks for working with white folks. "Uncle tom" "Oreo" are just terms that mean race traitor, which is what you are calling Carson, West, etc.
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1. Back in the 8th grade where I was saddled with 'he talk like a white boy' I wasn't ideological at all. But having gotten to know myself, I questioned lots of thing, such as whether it is the nanny state, or policies that make individuals responsible for their own destinies is the best way to unleash the dynamism of black and brown communities that have for so long numbered among the least of us.

2. For a time, the party of Lincoln lost its vision, and I wouldn't have been a conservative fifty years ago....but Liberals are no longer the champions of civil and human rights. they fight to see that rights are allocated on a group basis. It is conservatives who have taken up the mantle of individual rights.

3. The following are the minimum rules for anyone who considers himself to be Right:

4. Liberty- We believe in the rule of law, the rights of people to determine their own fate. And we fight tyranny and oppression of all kinds.

5. Patriotism- The United States of America is our home, not only by accident of birth, but by choice as well. We take our duty to our home seriously. We hope to improve it by our work, and our values, and while we hope to leave it better than we found it, this does not connote fundamentally transforming it.

6. Family- Our families are the primary organization to which our lives are dedicated. We will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. We demand respect and consideration of our elders, and love and support our brothers and sisters.

7. Pride- We are Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, proud of our heritage, our forefathers and hope to represent their greatest hopes for us.

8. Industry- We work twice as hard and sometimes get half as far, but we work with dignity and we expect to be allowed to enjoy the rewards: and, yes, we did build that. We see creativity, dedication, and effort as the path to self-improvement.

9. Piety- We have abiding faith in God and the principles of righteousness. We strive to be true to transcendent values and take the long view of our purpose on earth. We intend to guard our own souls and souls of others from corruption, and tolerate all forms of religious expression and faith.

10. Pluralism- Our aspiration is for a tolerant and open society, and we welcome all people to enjoy its benefits and responsibilities.

a. Let's stipulate right away that one can be non-conservative, and endorse five or six of the rules.

11. Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!

12. In #6, we state that we will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. Liberal black leadership would apparently rather see black children condemned to substandard public schools and substandard educations rather than break their allegiance with the teachers' unions!
Empower black parents with school choice.

13. Our sense of industry is the very opposite of welfare policy, which nurtures dependency and kills initiative. Yet, black liberalism sneered at welfare reform, and cried that work programs were unfair. Which philosophy has been proven successful?

a. "According to the U.S. government, welfare reform helped to move 4.7 million Americans from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency within three years of enactment. The overall federal welfare caseload declined by 54% between 1996 and 2004." Arthur Brooks: Obama and 'Earning Your Success' -

b. " On July 12, the [Obama] administration unilaterally weakened the federally mandated work requirements for welfare recipients. Since welfare reform was passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996, the states have been required to have at least half of adult welfare recipients in qualified "work activities"—actual jobs, or participation in education or training programs. Now, however, Mr. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has announced that the agency will issue waivers to the federal work requirement." Ibid.

It is a mistake to confuse the health of the progressive movement with the health of black America.
They are the inverse.
Joseph C. Phillips, "He Talk Like A White Boy."

BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

So says a racist fuck.

If you weren't a racist, you wouldn't condem other black folks for working with white folks. "Uncle tom" "Oreo" are just terms that mean race traitor, which is what you are calling Carson, West, etc.

Racist fuck? How can one be "racist' against one's own race? By saying I'm racist for calling fellow blacks into account for their ideology, how is that being racist? You won't be able to come up with a solvent answer, because there is none. And you're absolutely correct that the blacks in question are the ones aligning themselves with the racist "Right", who actually hold them in contempt, and seek to deny members of their race, "rights", equality, and the choice to vote Democratic, if they so choose.
Conservatives want poor minority kids to be given a choice of what school they can attend unlike the liberal nutjobs who only care about teachers unions and their money. To conservatives every child is a value to society which is why we don't want them continually massacred. You should be concerned with the disproportionate # of abortions among black people, so much so that they are now the second largest minority behind Hispanics

School choice liberty for the poor!!

John Stossel: School Choice = Better Schools - YouTube

Teachers unions for liberals not the kids..

NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin 2009 - It's Money & Power, Not Education - YouTube

BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.
Ronald Reagan was speaking to you when he said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so."

"disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized" WOW! strung 3 buzz words together. I'm impressed.

I tend to have that effect on folks.
Conservatives want poor minority kids to be given a choice of what school they can attend unlike the liberal nutjobs who only care about teachers unions and their money. To conservatives every child is a value to society which is why we don't want them continually massacred. You should be concerned with the disproportionate # of abortions among black people, so much so that they are now the second largest minority behind Hispanics

School choice liberty for the poor!!

John Stossel: School Choice = Better Schools - YouTube

Teachers unions for liberals not the kids..

NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin 2009 - It's Money & Power, Not Education - YouTube

BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.

You can be pro-choice and not pro-abortion which is what liberals are. Planned parenthood makes money off of abortions they are sick and you should be supporting the kids not the unions

Vouchers, school choice, competition are good things. Teachers should be paid based on merit, not by how long they've been in the union "Why Obama?"...

[ame=]Barack Obama & the DC School Voucher Program - YouTube[/ame]

Are you trying to put words into my mouth? Who the fuck is "pro-abortion"? I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Abortion should always be the course of "last resort", and it should be done early.
And contrary to popular belief...unions which support teachers are not "anti-kids". Vouchers are a bunch of crap....designed to divide and confuse and fail, much like NCLB, under Bush's choice for Education Secretary, Rod Paige, who fucked H.I.S.D., for his cabinet position.
And show where teachers are paid based on how long they've been unionized, and not on merit.
BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

So says a racist fuck.

If you weren't a racist, you wouldn't condem other black folks for working with white folks. "Uncle tom" "Oreo" are just terms that mean race traitor, which is what you are calling Carson, West, etc.

Racist fuck? How can one be "racist' against one's own race? By saying I'm racist for calling fellow blacks into account for their ideology, how is that being racist? You won't be able to come up with a solvent answer, because there is none. And you're absolutely correct that the blacks in question are the ones aligning themselves with the racist "Right", who actually hold them in contempt, and seek to deny members of their race, "rights", equality, and the choice to vote Democratic, if they so choose.

But when a white man calls a black man to account for his ideology, that IS racist. OK Got cha. You want equality? Own it, (you intellectually immature) boy.
BS. Weren't conservatives pushing for school vouchers, which disproportionately disenfranchised and marginalized minority kids, resulting in "no choice" at all.
I support teachers unions as my mother was an elementary teacher extraordinaire, and she valued her teachers' union. Teachers are still vastly underpaid and unappreciated.
Massacred?? Oh, you mean like Sandy Hook, which the NRA wants to summarily dismiss as an aberration?
Abortions? Apples and oranges. I'm pro-choice..none of any man's business.

You can be pro-choice and not pro-abortion which is what liberals are. Planned parenthood makes money off of abortions they are sick and you should be supporting the kids not the unions

Vouchers, school choice, competition are good things. Teachers should be paid based on merit, not by how long they've been in the union "Why Obama?"...

[ame=]Barack Obama & the DC School Voucher Program - YouTube[/ame]

Are you trying to put words into my mouth? Who the fuck is "pro-abortion"? I believe that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Abortion should always be the course of "last resort", and it should be done early.
And contrary to popular belief...unions which support teachers are not "anti-kids". Vouchers are a bunch of crap....designed to divide and confuse and fail, much like NCLB, under Bush's choice for Education Secretary, Rod Paige, who fucked H.I.S.D., for his cabinet position.
And show where teachers are paid based on how long they've been unionized, and not on merit.

Read this
I suppose there are many men better than I, but you don't get a place on that list.
I am not posting on the internet while I should be doing "work". I am retired and no, unlike a couple others on USMB, I don't get paid.

Dream on boy. You're not even close to knowing what the fuck you think you know. You're a racist agitator and a bragart with little chest to puff out.

Oh by the way, dick wad. your IQ makes you "average" here. Mine is considerably higher.

Really? A racist agitator?? I'm no I'm unmoved by race, but readily retaliate against the racism displayed by you and your ilk. I'm retired as well, which gives me the freedom to post, at my whim or will. Boy? Still caught up in racial pejoratives. It doesn't faze me, as I'm used to your whose manhood is "challenged".
A braggart? (with 2 g's) Hardly. I can back up anything I claim. And your I.Q. is "considerably higher", or so you claim. Too bad your postings don't reflect such. LOL
You see, the difference between you and I is I don't necessarily think those that disagree with me are stupid.. There are many intelligent Liberals on this board. Some, I even consider friends. Then there are those so driven by their agenda, be it racism, antisemitism atheism or outright conspiracy theory that I wouldn't piss on them, much less sit down for a beer.
You fit that group, poet.
You've spent so much time blaming whitey for imagined wrongs, you fail to look objectively at a problem.
It's far easier for you to pass off disagreement with Progressive policy as racism since a majority white nation elected a black President.
It's much easier to blame extraordinarily high drop out rates in predominantly black schools on whites keeping the brothers down.
I sited Vermont and the district of Columbia drop out rates. They have comparable populations and per capita incomes but very dissimilar racial makeups DC spends significantly more on education/pupil, yet Vermont graduates half again as many high school students.
Again you blame graduation rates on whitey not caring about what happens to black kids but fail to realize that the DC Mayor, Chairperson of the board of education and most of the City Council are black and ALL are supposedly caring democrats but 2 council members who are independents.

Feel free to take "Boy" as a pejorative. I was referring to your lack of intellectual maturity.

"Really? A racist agitator?? I'm no I'm unmoved by race"

Sorry I forget. The Progressive meme dictates that blacks can't be racists.

Yes, poet, Really! You are a racist.

Thank you for placing me in "that" group. I feel vindicated. First of all, you don't know me...and from my occasional postings in this forum, I dare say, I'm more myriad and complex than they suggest. Second, I don't refer to whites as "whitey", as you have implied...further, I don't blame "whites"...I hold them accountable for their racism, bigotry, and their entitlement of "white privilege"....and the "real wrongs" they are responsible for.
Disagreement with progressive policy as racism? Were Bill Clinton in office, I'd have to agree with you....but the hand that was dealt was Barack Obama, a black man, as POTUS.
In a fell swoop, the game is changed and any charges against him, are now "colored", as "racism". Sorry. Maybe, your claim will be true with the next black POTUS...but since this presidency is unprecedented, you have to live with the reality, as I live the realization of the dream of MLK, come true.
And you're confused.

Breakdown of demographics reveals how black voters swept Obama into White House | Mail Online

95% of black voters went to the ballot for Obama and only 4% for McCain.

55% of white votes went to McCain including the notoriously hard-to-win white working class vote, but Obama stunned many by taking an impressive 43% of total white votes, cutting the Republican lead compared with 2004.

66% of Hispanic voters turned out for Obama - the best ever result for a Democrat.
McCain only took 31% of the Hispanic vote, despite courting them heavily in his campaign.

So, no....whites weren't solely responsible for electing Obama to office.
And who is blaming whites for dropout rates in predominantly black schools? I blame whites for the broken system which enables high dropout rates (i.e. decreased or non-existent funding for inner city schools, cutbacks in social programs, poorly trained teachers, broken homes, poverty, gang activity, drugs, etc...)

And I find it highly offensive that you continue to use the racial pejorative "whitey", as if I use it, ubiquitously. I don't even think like that....but the implication, via you, is that I do. That is being disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, at the very least. Perhaps you can't control should just say so.
Lack of maturity? Try looking in the nearest mirror as you repeat the words, "Boy", and "Whitey".
And anyone can, potentially "be racist". It wouldn't be me. What you're calling racism, is me, calling you on yours.
Last edited:
So says a racist fuck.

If you weren't a racist, you wouldn't condem other black folks for working with white folks. "Uncle tom" "Oreo" are just terms that mean race traitor, which is what you are calling Carson, West, etc.

Racist fuck? How can one be "racist' against one's own race? By saying I'm racist for calling fellow blacks into account for their ideology, how is that being racist? You won't be able to come up with a solvent answer, because there is none. And you're absolutely correct that the blacks in question are the ones aligning themselves with the racist "Right", who actually hold them in contempt, and seek to deny members of their race, "rights", equality, and the choice to vote Democratic, if they so choose.

But when a white man calls a black man to account for his ideology, that IS racist. OK Got cha. You want equality? Own it, (you intellectually immature) boy.

Perhaps...even "likely". Were you to call your own fellow white into account, that wouldn't be racist, now would it? If I were to call you into account, you might cry "racism"...I dunno.
Your prerogative. But how dare you question me, calling my own into account. Who do you think that you are? I assure you, no one of importance, or least, to me.
And I don't take instructions from racist whites, Girl.

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