Rules From A Right-Wing Black Man

Have you ever authored a post without trying to cloak your massive insecurities with insults? Where did I ever promote open boarders? That is what's called a polarized argument. I MUST be painted as having an extreme position to buffer your extremism.

Would you object to you and people who LOOK like you being targeted, stopped and harassed by the police, by LAW? Targeted, stopped and harassed solely because you LOOK like you could be guilty? If that is your definition of 'common sense' then why aren't you a big fan of Woodrow Wilson or FDR who you regularly chastise for rounding up certain people? THAT'S different?

Here are some real words of wisdom for you...from Thomas Jefferson and Edmund Burke.

It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own.
Thomas Jefferson

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.
Thomas Jefferson

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

"To unequal privileges among members of the same society the spirit of our nation is, with one accord, adverse." --Thomas Jefferson to Hugh White, 1801. ME 10:258

"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson: Note in Destutt de Tracy, "Political Economy," 1816. ME 14:465

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson

Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.
Edmund Burke

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.
Edmund Burke

Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.
Edmund Burke

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.
Edmund Burke

Toleration is good for all, or it is good for none.
Edmund Burke

1. In a vast and deep history of erroneous posts, none reveals the depth of lunacy as well as this one:

"Have you ever authored a post without trying to cloak your massive insecurities ..."



You have no idea how much time I spend wondering why there isn't an action figure of me yet!

2. "Where did I ever promote open boarders?"

By throwing every possible roadblock in front of attempts to make it difficult for illegal border-crossers to simply blend in to the population, that is promotion of open borders.

You don't fool me PC. You are a product of a very strict authoritarian upbringing. You are an authoritarian, it is all you can ever be.

So, if you and everyone who LOOKS like you was being targeted, stopped and harassed by the police, by LAW you would be fine with that? A simple 'yes' and you win the argument...go for it, it would be a first...

1. "You don't fool me PC...."

Everyone fools you!!!

How many times did Lucy pull the football away and watch you go flying???

2. "... if you and everyone who LOOKS like you...."'ve been peeking at my profile pic???

3. Let's be honest. A post where you pretend that you can guess about anything that requires insight.....well, that's clearly beyond your limited ability.
Conservatives, no matter what party they belonged to have never been advocates for minority rights. They are advocates for individual rights...THEIRS and no one elses.

When and (to an extent) why did the parties switch places? - The Edge of the American West - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms?

Bullshit… Conservatives stand for individual liberty. The Democratic Party stands for slavery. They always have and still do

Yea, the individual liberty for the poor and minorities to piss in a cup, a woman to turn her uterus over to the state to decide what can be done with it and the individual right of Hispanics to be pulled over and forced to provide papers.

Only in your delusional world...Still waiting for you show me when the Republican Party supported Slavery, lynching’s and segregation...I'll wait
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Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

I was talking to peot and all the other anti-white jerks in this country that vote race first and qualification and Country last. All they gave a shit about was getting someone that kind of looks like them and isn't white, it's good enough even if he is over half white. Osama has absolutely nothing in common with most American blacks, Jesse even said that right before he said he wanted to rip his imaginary testicles out. I didn't vote for him and he is an enemy to everything America stands for..... he doesn't respect the office of the Presidency so why should I? As long as an imposter is smelling up the Oval Office, this country is without a President.

Ok, for the sake of dialogue and amusement, not in that specific order, and sans neanderthalistic profanity, I will entertain your diatribe.....with a few questions:

1. Is your source of irritation with Obama himself or those(specifically blacks)who voted for him? And as far as what he "had in common with blacks", i would say that it is a fairly reasonable assumption that his opponent Romney had FAR LESS "in common" with anyone in America, whether they were black, white, brown or "other", than Obama did. The way that he ran his campaign was evidence of that.

2. Are you aware that the so called "black vote" was not the pivotal vote that secured his victory? He appealed to females, Hispanics and young first time voters more than his opponent. His opponent did not even win in his own state, which speaks volumes about him. Before I retired, I used to fly to Boston to do business in Framingham, Massachusettes, which is smaller suburb outside of the city. I still have a few friends there and in surrounding areas. On the night of the election I emailed one of them and asked her why Romney lost in their state, and here is what she wrote:

"I now live in southwestern New Hampshire, which gets most of its TV coverage from Boston news stations, so got the blow-by-blow when Romney was governor. He was pro-choice, then pro-life, vetoed hundreds of bills, most of which were overridden by the legislature, oversaw a state that was 47th in the U.S. in job creation under his watch, referred to people without health insurance as "freeloaders," switched from being pro-gay rights, to actively anti-gay marriage, fired state workers who worked for the unemployment office and outsourced their jobs, so the newly unemployed workers had to try to find out about their unemployment benefits over the phone from someone in a foreign country, and left the state with massive amounts of debt."

Other than that, he was a peach.

Take care.

3. As POTUS, it is one of the perks and tools of his job to fly in the presidential jet. Is there any proof anywhere that he is abusing the privilege/benefit for his his own gain? Or does the very idea of a "half black" president flying around YOUR country spending YOUR" money (as you said which I thought was hilarious) bother you?

4, Since when was it a requirement for a POTUS to know how to "shoot a gun"? Or "throw a baseball?"

5. What do you mean by him " not being able to satisfy a woman"? And what does that have to do with what kind of job he does while in office? And as an editorial comment, he obviously "satisfied" enough women to get more female votes than his hapless opponent.

6. You stated that Obama "does not care about the poor or middle class". Probably not, like most politicians. But what did his opponent do or say that made him appear as if he cared more for that part of society? If anything,
he alienated that demographic with his "47%" gaffe during his losing campaign.

That's all for now. Since the "nation" of Texas is in a different time zone than California, which is part of the United States, people are probably sleeping in YOUR "country" right now.....ROFLMAO!

Typical simpleton parroting of leftist talking points, pretty weak ace..... I fell asleep half way through it.

What is amazing is how you people are so full of hate you are trying to destroy a truly brilliant man who isn't even in politics ....... a pre-emptive strike so to speak.......what the assholes from your side are trying to do to Dr. Carson shows your true racist colors, you should all be ashamed. You are so afraid of losing one of your slavish lemmings that you are shamelessly doing the same things that you did to another extraordinary man ....Herman Cain.

I won't even bother to address the bullshit you claim about Mitt Romney while you vote for elitist assholes like the Osamas. That jerk spent 700,000,000 dollars in his first campaign to buy the election off of a crippled 72 year old that spent a fourth of that. The hypocrisy that oozes constantly from the left is like all of the other shit that flows from your lips every time you open your mouths.
I was talking to peot and all the other anti-white jerks in this country that vote race first and qualification and Country last. All they gave a shit about was getting someone that kind of looks like them and isn't white, it's good enough even if he is over half white. Osama has absolutely nothing in common with most American blacks, Jesse even said that right before he said he wanted to rip his imaginary testicles out. I didn't vote for him and he is an enemy to everything America stands for..... he doesn't respect the office of the Presidency so why should I? As long as an imposter is smelling up the Oval Office, this country is without a President.

Ok, for the sake of dialogue and amusement, not in that specific order, and sans neanderthalistic profanity, I will entertain your diatribe.....with a few questions:

1. Is your source of irritation with Obama himself or those(specifically blacks)who voted for him? And as far as what he "had in common with blacks", i would say that it is a fairly reasonable assumption that his opponent Romney had FAR LESS "in common" with anyone in America, whether they were black, white, brown or "other", than Obama did. The way that he ran his campaign was evidence of that.

2. Are you aware that the so called "black vote" was not the pivotal vote that secured his victory? He appealed to females, Hispanics and young first time voters more than his opponent. His opponent did not even win in his own state, which speaks volumes about him. Before I retired, I used to fly to Boston to do business in Framingham, Massachusettes, which is smaller suburb outside of the city. I still have a few friends there and in surrounding areas. On the night of the election I emailed one of them and asked her why Romney lost in their state, and here is what she wrote:

"I now live in southwestern New Hampshire, which gets most of its TV coverage from Boston news stations, so got the blow-by-blow when Romney was governor. He was pro-choice, then pro-life, vetoed hundreds of bills, most of which were overridden by the legislature, oversaw a state that was 47th in the U.S. in job creation under his watch, referred to people without health insurance as "freeloaders," switched from being pro-gay rights, to actively anti-gay marriage, fired state workers who worked for the unemployment office and outsourced their jobs, so the newly unemployed workers had to try to find out about their unemployment benefits over the phone from someone in a foreign country, and left the state with massive amounts of debt."

Other than that, he was a peach.

Take care.

3. As POTUS, it is one of the perks and tools of his job to fly in the presidential jet. Is there any proof anywhere that he is abusing the privilege/benefit for his his own gain? Or does the very idea of a "half black" president flying around YOUR country spending YOUR" money (as you said which I thought was hilarious) bother you?

4, Since when was it a requirement for a POTUS to know how to "shoot a gun"? Or "throw a baseball?"

5. What do you mean by him " not being able to satisfy a woman"? And what does that have to do with what kind of job he does while in office? And as an editorial comment, he obviously "satisfied" enough women to get more female votes than his hapless opponent.

6. You stated that Obama "does not care about the poor or middle class". Probably not, like most politicians. But what did his opponent do or say that made him appear as if he cared more for that part of society? If anything,
he alienated that demographic with his "47%" gaffe during his losing campaign.

That's all for now. Since the "nation" of Texas is in a different time zone than California, which is part of the United States, people are probably sleeping in YOUR "country" right now.....ROFLMAO!

Typical simpleton parroting of leftist talking points, pretty weak ace..... I fell asleep half way through it.

What is amazing is how you people are so full of hate you are trying to destroy a truly brilliant man who isn't even in politics ....... a pre-emptive strike so to speak.......what the assholes from your side are trying to do to Dr. Carson shows your true racist colors, you should all be ashamed. You are so afraid of losing one of your slavish lemmings that you are shamelessly doing the same things that you did to another extraordinary man ....Herman Cain.

I won't even bother to address the bullshit you claim about Mitt Romney while you vote for elitist assholes like the Osamas. That jerk spent 700,000,000 dollars in his first campaign to buy the election off of a crippled 72 year old that spent a fourth of that. The hypocrisy that oozes constantly from the left is like all of the other shit that flows from your lips every time you open your mouths.

Just as I suspected. You are an idiot, and do not possess the mental acuity to support your "ranting" with logic or facts.

There were no "talking points" in what I stated, in fact, they were all direct questions relating only to what YOU stated in your previous posts.

Herman Cain or Ben Carson were not even subjects of this dialogue, so why would you even bring them up? An attempt to deflect? But now that you mention it, Herman Cain or anyone else who ventures into politics should know that if you have some dirt hidden in a closet, someone will find it. And as far as Romney goes, of course you will not address what was stated about him, frankly because you CAN'T.

It is obvious that you are nothing but a foul mouthed, knuckle dragging dunce who is so blinded by hatred for the current president that you cannot express an intelligent thought.

You should consider putting down your baseballs and guns and doing some reading to sharpen your sluggish brain.
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Ok, for the sake of dialogue and amusement, not in that specific order, and sans neanderthalistic profanity, I will entertain your diatribe.....with a few questions:

1. Is your source of irritation with Obama himself or those(specifically blacks)who voted for him? And as far as what he "had in common with blacks", i would say that it is a fairly reasonable assumption that his opponent Romney had FAR LESS "in common" with anyone in America, whether they were black, white, brown or "other", than Obama did. The way that he ran his campaign was evidence of that.

2. Are you aware that the so called "black vote" was not the pivotal vote that secured his victory? He appealed to females, Hispanics and young first time voters more than his opponent. His opponent did not even win in his own state, which speaks volumes about him. Before I retired, I used to fly to Boston to do business in Framingham, Massachusettes, which is smaller suburb outside of the city. I still have a few friends there and in surrounding areas. On the night of the election I emailed one of them and asked her why Romney lost in their state, and here is what she wrote:

"I now live in southwestern New Hampshire, which gets most of its TV coverage from Boston news stations, so got the blow-by-blow when Romney was governor. He was pro-choice, then pro-life, vetoed hundreds of bills, most of which were overridden by the legislature, oversaw a state that was 47th in the U.S. in job creation under his watch, referred to people without health insurance as "freeloaders," switched from being pro-gay rights, to actively anti-gay marriage, fired state workers who worked for the unemployment office and outsourced their jobs, so the newly unemployed workers had to try to find out about their unemployment benefits over the phone from someone in a foreign country, and left the state with massive amounts of debt."

Other than that, he was a peach.

Take care.

3. As POTUS, it is one of the perks and tools of his job to fly in the presidential jet. Is there any proof anywhere that he is abusing the privilege/benefit for his his own gain? Or does the very idea of a "half black" president flying around YOUR country spending YOUR" money (as you said which I thought was hilarious) bother you?

4, Since when was it a requirement for a POTUS to know how to "shoot a gun"? Or "throw a baseball?"

5. What do you mean by him " not being able to satisfy a woman"? And what does that have to do with what kind of job he does while in office? And as an editorial comment, he obviously "satisfied" enough women to get more female votes than his hapless opponent.

6. You stated that Obama "does not care about the poor or middle class". Probably not, like most politicians. But what did his opponent do or say that made him appear as if he cared more for that part of society? If anything,
he alienated that demographic with his "47%" gaffe during his losing campaign.

That's all for now. Since the "nation" of Texas is in a different time zone than California, which is part of the United States, people are probably sleeping in YOUR "country" right now.....ROFLMAO!

Typical simpleton parroting of leftist talking points, pretty weak ace..... I fell asleep half way through it.

What is amazing is how you people are so full of hate you are trying to destroy a truly brilliant man who isn't even in politics ....... a pre-emptive strike so to speak.......what the assholes from your side are trying to do to Dr. Carson shows your true racist colors, you should all be ashamed. You are so afraid of losing one of your slavish lemmings that you are shamelessly doing the same things that you did to another extraordinary man ....Herman Cain.

I won't even bother to address the bullshit you claim about Mitt Romney while you vote for elitist assholes like the Osamas. That jerk spent 700,000,000 dollars in his first campaign to buy the election off of a crippled 72 year old that spent a fourth of that. The hypocrisy that oozes constantly from the left is like all of the other shit that flows from your lips every time you open your mouths.

Just as I suspected. You are an idiot, and do not possess the mental acuity to support your "ranting" with logic or facts.

There were no "talking points" in what I stated, in fact, they were all direct questions relating only to what YOU stated in your previous posts.

Herman Cain or Ben Carson were not even subjects of this dialogue, so why would you even bring them up? An attempt to deflect? But now that you mention it, Herman Cain or anyone else who ventures into politics should know that if you have some dirt hidden in a closet, someone will find it. And as far as Romney goes, of course you will not address what was stated about him, frankly because you CAN'T.

It is obvious that you are nothing but a foul mouthed, knuckle dragging dunce who is so blinded by hatred for the current president that you cannot express an intelligent thought.

You should consider putting down your baseballs and guns and doing some reading to sharpen your sluggish brain.

I recognized immediately what a waste of time it would be to have a dialogue with an asshole that gets his "facts " from MSNBC or that clown Stewart. Who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I want to bring up in my posts? Your comments have been stated so many times it's a joke and they were wrong the first time I saw them. You can't think past your own silly ego that actually believes that you have anything new or relevant to say. Go play in the street child.
Typical simpleton parroting of leftist talking points, pretty weak ace..... I fell asleep half way through it.

What is amazing is how you people are so full of hate you are trying to destroy a truly brilliant man who isn't even in politics ....... a pre-emptive strike so to speak.......what the assholes from your side are trying to do to Dr. Carson shows your true racist colors, you should all be ashamed. You are so afraid of losing one of your slavish lemmings that you are shamelessly doing the same things that you did to another extraordinary man ....Herman Cain.

I won't even bother to address the bullshit you claim about Mitt Romney while you vote for elitist assholes like the Osamas. That jerk spent 700,000,000 dollars in his first campaign to buy the election off of a crippled 72 year old that spent a fourth of that. The hypocrisy that oozes constantly from the left is like all of the other shit that flows from your lips every time you open your mouths.

Just as I suspected. You are an idiot, and do not possess the mental acuity to support your "ranting" with logic or facts.

There were no "talking points" in what I stated, in fact, they were all direct questions relating only to what YOU stated in your previous posts.

Herman Cain or Ben Carson were not even subjects of this dialogue, so why would you even bring them up? An attempt to deflect? But now that you mention it, Herman Cain or anyone else who ventures into politics should know that if you have some dirt hidden in a closet, someone will find it. And as far as Romney goes, of course you will not address what was stated about him, frankly because you CAN'T.

It is obvious that you are nothing but a foul mouthed, knuckle dragging dunce who is so blinded by hatred for the current president that you cannot express an intelligent thought.

You should consider putting down your baseballs and guns and doing some reading to sharpen your sluggish brain.

I recognized immediately what a waste of time it would be to have a dialogue with an asshole that gets his "facts " from MSNBC or that clown Stewart. Who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I want to bring up in my posts? Your comments have been stated so many times it's a joke and they were wrong the first time I saw them. You can't think past your own silly ego that actually believes that you have anything new or relevant to say. Go play in the street child.

One last time.......s l o w l y. Nothing from "MSNBC" and no "talking points".

Just a simple cut and paste of your own idiotic childish rant with a few questions attached.

Questions that you have proven that you lack the brain matter to answer in a logical fashion.

in case you did not read the forum outline this is a public message board, and sometimes you may "get told" something you will not like, so deal with it.

The "short yellow bus" is honking the horn, hurry up or you might miss it.

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