Rules From A Right-Wing Black Man

Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

But they are 'bucking" to least most of the cretins are.

Speak for yourself punk!

Oh, please. I had to take Secede Texas, a group on Facebook, to task, about their belief that it's inevitable and worse, "desirable". You know you people and your patron saint, Rick Perry, want to leave the union...I say try. You'll get your hats brought to you. Punk? She's the only one that's a "punk".
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What's the point of ignoring people? Did you come here to discuss or simply to close your mind and hear yourself talk? If so you might as well go somewhere else. So far you’ve not demonstrated one independent thought. you only spew stupid talking points
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What's the point of ignoring people? Did you come here to discuss or simply to close your mind and hear yourself talk? If so you might as well go somewhere else. So far you’ve not demonstrated one independent thought. you only spew stupid talking points

Excuse me? What's the point? Why are you asking? The reasons for me coming here are my own. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone. Close my mind? Hear myself talk? How ridiculous. Equally ridiculous is having to deal with brain dead ideologues, who stereotype, lie, demean, and mischaracterize, along the lines of race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and politics. When that becomes apparent, I place folks on "ignore", and move on to find dialogue, elsewhere.
The notion that I haven't demonstrated one independent thought, places you, decidedly, on the other side of the fence. Talking points? Pardon me, but I come with links and evidence to back up any position that I take....having done this political debate forum "thing-y" for going on 10 + years. Why don't you simply ignore me, since you obviously like to see your words in print?
This message is hidden because Unkotare is on your ignore list.

What's the point of ignoring people? Did you come here to discuss or simply to close your mind and hear yourself talk? If so you might as well go somewhere else. So far you’ve not demonstrated one independent thought. you only spew stupid talking points

Excuse me? What's the point? Why are you asking? The reasons for me coming here are my own. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone. Close my mind? Hear myself talk? How ridiculous. Equally ridiculous is having to deal with brain dead ideologues, who stereotype, lie, demean, and mischaracterize, along the lines of race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and politics. When that becomes apparent, I place folks on "ignore", and move on to find dialogue, elsewhere.
The notion that I haven't demonstrated one independent thought, places you, decidedly, on the other side of the fence. Talking points? Pardon me, but I come with links and evidence to back up any position that I take....having done this political debate forum "thing-y" for going on 10 + years. Why don't you simply ignore me, since you obviously like to see your words in print?

[ame=]Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube[/ame]

Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

But they are 'bucking" to least most of the cretins are.

Ya know peot...... Texans are about the most patriotic Americans I have ever come across and I've lived all over the United States, any mention of secession from our United States was more of a wake up call to the rest of the country to quit being such a bunch of pussies and fight for our great Country, to quit letting the lowlifes take over OUR Country. The current bunch of pricks in Washington, especially that head PRICK in Air Force One, are the worst threat to what makes this Country great! A so called commander in chief that doesn't know how to shoot a gun, throw a baseball or satisfy a woman is no one I will give respect to. Assholes like you voted that garbage in office and you are the jerks that will have to live the rest of your lives knowing what naive fools you all were. He couldn't give a fuck about you or the middle class or the poor, all he gives a shit about is himself and his boyfriend Reggie. You were played, you all were played and now he's wasting my money going around MY Country telling his lies and diddling Reggie on our plane at 180,000 of our dollars an hour.
I have rethought my initial criticism of you, it's that dildo Closed Caption who is the Farrakhan clown, you aren't even that bright.......... you're more along the lines of a Sheila "Where's The Camera" Jackson Lee dumb ass..... you are too stupid to bother with.......get off of this board you misogynist dimwit. I'm flipping you off right now.
And just what is your nationality?


Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

I was talking to peot and all the other anti-white jerks in this country that vote race first and qualification and Country last. All they gave a shit about was getting someone that kind of looks like them and isn't white, it's good enough even if he is over half white. Osama has absolutely nothing in common with most American blacks, Jesse even said that right before he said he wanted to rip his imaginary testicles out. I didn't vote for him and he is an enemy to everything America stands for..... he doesn't respect the office of the Presidency so why should I? As long as an imposter is smelling up the Oval Office, this country is without a President.
Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

But they are 'bucking" to least most of the cretins are.

Ya know peot...... Texans are about the most patriotic Americans I have ever come across and I've lived all over the United States, any mention of secession from our United States was more of a wake up call to the rest of the country to quit being such a bunch of pussies and fight for our great Country, to quit letting the lowlifes take over OUR Country. The current bunch of pricks in Washington, especially that head PRICK in Air Force One, are the worst threat to what makes this Country great! A so called commander in chief that doesn't know how to shoot a gun, throw a baseball or satisfy a woman is no one I will give respect to. Assholes like you voted that garbage in office and you are the jerks that will have to live the rest of your lives knowing what naive fools you all were. He couldn't give a fuck about you or the middle class or the poor, all he gives a shit about is himself and his boyfriend Reggie. You were played, you all were played and now he's wasting my money going around MY Country telling his lies and diddling Reggie on our plane at 180,000 of our dollars an hour.
I have rethought my initial criticism of you, it's that dildo Closed Caption who is the Farrakhan clown, you aren't even that bright.......... you're more along the lines of a Sheila "Where's The Camera" Jackson Lee dumb ass..... you are too stupid to bother with.......get off of this board you misogynist dimwit. I'm flipping you off right now.

The partisan hatred that infests your sick mind and oozes from your orifices is what's destroying this country. You don't like Obama, I get that. But when you claims to know the intentions, beliefs and heart of another person, all it does is give us a crystal clear view of YOU, and YOUR intentions, beliefs and heart.

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
Oscar Wilde
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Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

I was talking to peot and all the other anti-white jerks in this country that vote race first and qualification and Country last. All they gave a shit about was getting someone that kind of looks like them and isn't white, it's good enough even if he is over half white. Osama has absolutely nothing in common with most American blacks, Jesse even said that right before he said he wanted to rip his imaginary testicles out. I didn't vote for him and he is an enemy to everything America stands for..... he doesn't respect the office of the Presidency so why should I? As long as an imposter is smelling up the Oval Office, this country is without a President.

I'm certainly no fan of Obama, and I am holding my breath until he gets out of America's house, but he won the election and he is my President and he is your President. Honest, earnest, even intense opposition to this corrupt, opportunistic, unqualified clown is more than justified, but if your personal hatred takes you into the realm of anti-Americanism then you can fuck off and get the hell out of my country.
Then what is all this "you" and "your" nonsense? Texas is part of the United States last time I checked.

I was talking to peot and all the other anti-white jerks in this country that vote race first and qualification and Country last. All they gave a shit about was getting someone that kind of looks like them and isn't white, it's good enough even if he is over half white. Osama has absolutely nothing in common with most American blacks, Jesse even said that right before he said he wanted to rip his imaginary testicles out. I didn't vote for him and he is an enemy to everything America stands for..... he doesn't respect the office of the Presidency so why should I? As long as an imposter is smelling up the Oval Office, this country is without a President.

I'm certainly no fan of Obama, and I am holding my breath until he gets out of America's house, but he won the election and he is my President and he is your President. Honest, earnest, even intense opposition to this corrupt, opportunistic, unqualified clown is more than justified, but if your personal hatred takes you into the realm of anti-Americanism then you can fuck off and get the hell out of my country.

How do you equate my hatred for the clown that was obviously placed into the White House by ignorant, cheating, liars. I find it amazing that anyone could believe the lie that he won. If you want to claim that filth as your President that's fine, I don't. Respecting the office is a cute idea but if an America hating, Constitution trashing ass that is in there to destroy everything worth a crap about it, is occupying the White House, it's my duty to fight him in any legal way I can. I wouldn't have had any respect for Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Marx either.....I'm just funny that way.
But they are 'bucking" to least most of the cretins are.

Ya know peot...... Texans are about the most patriotic Americans I have ever come across and I've lived all over the United States, any mention of secession from our United States was more of a wake up call to the rest of the country to quit being such a bunch of pussies and fight for our great Country, to quit letting the lowlifes take over OUR Country. The current bunch of pricks in Washington, especially that head PRICK in Air Force One, are the worst threat to what makes this Country great! A so called commander in chief that doesn't know how to shoot a gun, throw a baseball or satisfy a woman is no one I will give respect to. Assholes like you voted that garbage in office and you are the jerks that will have to live the rest of your lives knowing what naive fools you all were. He couldn't give a fuck about you or the middle class or the poor, all he gives a shit about is himself and his boyfriend Reggie. You were played, you all were played and now he's wasting my money going around MY Country telling his lies and diddling Reggie on our plane at 180,000 of our dollars an hour.
I have rethought my initial criticism of you, it's that dildo Closed Caption who is the Farrakhan clown, you aren't even that bright.......... you're more along the lines of a Sheila "Where's The Camera" Jackson Lee dumb ass..... you are too stupid to bother with.......get off of this board you misogynist dimwit. I'm flipping you off right now.

The partisan hatred that infests your sick mind and oozes from your orifices is what's destroying this country. You don't like Obama, I get that. But when you claims to know the intentions, beliefs and heart of another person, all it does is give us a crystal clear view of YOU, and YOUR intentions, beliefs and heart.

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
Oscar Wilde

You, like every dimwit I've met that voted for that jerk, obviously haven't read his books or paid any attention to the garbage he has appointed or hung around in his life....... typical of the voter that will follow the herd.

Most conservative whites in Texas who voted against President Obama.
the key word is conservative !!if you are a conservative why in the hell would you vote for a liberal ?? and if you are a liberal why in the hell would you vote for a conservative ?? remember most white liberals in that state and country voted for Obama .
So says a racist fuck.

If you weren't a racist, you wouldn't condem other black folks for working with white folks. "Uncle tom" "Oreo" are just terms that mean race traitor, which is what you are calling Carson, West, etc.

Racist fuck? How can one be "racist' against one's own race? By saying I'm racist for calling fellow blacks into account for their ideology, how is that being racist? You won't be able to come up with a solvent answer, because there is none. And you're absolutely correct that the blacks in question are the ones aligning themselves with the racist "Right", who actually hold them in contempt, and seek to deny members of their race, "rights", equality, and the choice to vote Democratic, if they so choose.
blacks calling other blacks uncle Tom or Oreo is the equivalent of a whites calling other whites ****** lover yeah you are a racist.
since i am on the sissies ignore list anyone who would like to type the above post to him is welcome to do so will be interesting to see what he says.
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What's the point of ignoring people? Did you come here to discuss or simply to close your mind and hear yourself talk? If so you might as well go somewhere else. So far you’ve not demonstrated one independent thought. you only spew stupid talking points

Excuse me? What's the point? Why are you asking? The reasons for me coming here are my own. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone. Close my mind? Hear myself talk? How ridiculous. Equally ridiculous is having to deal with brain dead ideologues, who stereotype, lie, demean, and mischaracterize, along the lines of race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and politics. When that becomes apparent, I place folks on "ignore", and move on to find dialogue, elsewhere.
The notion that I haven't demonstrated one independent thought, places you, decidedly, on the other side of the fence. Talking points? Pardon me, but I come with links and evidence to back up any position that I take....having done this political debate forum "thing-y" for going on 10 + years. Why don't you simply ignore me, since you obviously like to see your words in print?

I don't ignore people it's stupid. From what I've seem all you’ve been a able to post is talking points such as “Republicans and democrats switched” even though the Republican party as never stood for slavery, lynching’s , segregation, that idiocy makes no sense. The democrat party didn't close down and become something else, they have continued as a party since its creation. By all rights the Democratic Party owes blacks reparations, but you’re too blinded by your liberal talking points to realize that

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