RUMOR: Lockdown Begins Sunday Night!


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.

Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.

Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.
So your rumor is causing the extra mass panic seen out there today!?! (just playing with ya ;) )
I feel bad about posting something like this...but I'd feel even worse if it actually happens and I didn't shoot up a flare for all to see.
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.

Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.

You’re an imbecile
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.

Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.
waiting for certain trumpanzees to pick that up and run with it.
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.

Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.
waiting for certain trumpanzees to pick that up and run with it.
Lock it down! We righties have everything we need to survive indefinitely.
I feel bad about posting something like this...but I'd feel even worse if it actually happens and I didn't shoot up a flare for all to see.

If ppl can't handle truth they are weak minded a** holes waiting for the gov. to save them protect them tell them what to do how to do it. MORONNS BEGG for the GOV's help.

Yet yall morons still don't get this

nor this

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Read more at 124 Ronald Reagan Quotes - Inspirational Quotes at BrainyQuote

Nor this

weak minded a** holes waiting for the gov. to save them protect them tell them what to do how to do it. MORONNS BEGG for the GOV's help.

you mean, like WALL STREET...? :laugh2:
I feel bad about posting something like this...but I'd feel even worse if it actually happens and I didn't shoot up a flare for all to see.

If ppl can't handle truth they are weak minded a** holes waiting for the gov. to save them protect them tell them what to do how to do it. MORONNS BEGG for the GOV's help.

Yet yall morons still don't get this

nor this

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Read more at 124 Ronald Reagan Quotes - Inspirational Quotes at BrainyQuote

Nor this

Here's one to pick up the call now.
One thing that adds credence to this rumor is the way Trump was speaking in his last 2 addresses to the nation.

He was reading from a script, he looked and sounded bad, he ran out of breath at the end of a sentence 3 or 4 times.

It looked to me like he wanted to tell us something that wasn't in the script he was reading from.

That is grossly out of character for president Trump!
This is a RUMOR and I really don't believe it myself...but I believe in being prepared for anything & I want everybody to be safe (even democrats) take this with a large grain of salt!

Word on the street is the warehouses are empty, stores are not being restocked...and a lockdown (quarantine) of the entire USA will begin tomorrow (sunday) night.

Take it for what it's worth.


Your friendly neighborhood Thunk.

Apparently these morons don't know what he meant during his speech last night. Stupidity runs rampant just watch the treatment you get form those who are on a lower IQ level.

Ones really got in for you when the stupid sob starts to call you it's pet name. you'll get to know your pet name pay attention. They got it out for you now bhaahha.

These ass holes will be the same retards who have 5 cans of food and that's it ...... They have no clue what's coming NONE!!!

These same morons can't think past the current day they are in..........................

Oh yeah ur dildo supplies will run dry too dumbass.......LOL

Letter from President Donald J. Trump on Emergency Determination Under the Stafford Act | The White House


State or possession into any other State or possession,” 42 U.S.C. § 264(a), in close coordination with State, local, and tribal officials. In addition, the Federal Government has responsibility for securing our borders and overseeing entry of foreign nationals into our country in the interest of the United States.

This pandemic has the potential to cause severe consequences for our country’s national and economic security. Based on the advice of public health officials, I have already taken stringent measures to restrict travel to the United States of................................

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