rumors fly, Hannity to jump Faux News Titanic after boss gets the ax


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
if Sean doesn't run for the hills soon he'll be the only guy around except for the janitor unless he catches a clue first
Hannity will milk it until his contract expires then him Ales and Megan Kelly will start their own version of the blaze.
Sean has openly stated how so many on the alt-left are trying to destroy him and others. I don't think he will jump ship at all, this is a guy who has spoken openly of the tough jobs he has had in life. These attacks aren't going to intimidate him, nor should they.

Just hire some good lawyers who will give a discount on high volume. Ask Fox to pony up some of the costs, and go after any and every news outlet that lies about him, any citizen who makes false accusations against him or his colleagues. Some of the people funding the discontent, protesting Snowflakes and general anti-Americanism may have deep pockets, but those deep pockets can be drained quickly when legal battles and judgements go against them.
The Murdoch sons want to make Fox another MSNBC. It's hard to understand why a major network at the top of the game would commit suicide like this. The time is ripe for another network.
Hannity and Tucker OWN you retarded douchebag qu33r fake news fanatics! My guess is each's salary exceeds that of all the weird qu33rs on MSNBC combined! :p Free enterprise is pretty cool and sorts out what is real and what is fake faggotry.
FOX News is about to commit market suicide by dumping all the elements that made it so popular.

Thus one of the strongest arguments for capitalism is demonstrated to be soundly wrong. People who head up corporations do not make all their decisions with a view to optimising profits.

Much if not most of their decisions are petty, inefficient and vindictive.
Sean has openly stated how so many on the alt-left are trying to destroy him and others. I don't think he will jump ship at all, this is a guy who has spoken openly of the tough jobs he has had in life. These attacks aren't going to intimidate him, nor should they.

Just hire some good lawyers who will give a discount on high volume. Ask Fox to pony up some of the costs, and go after any and every news outlet that lies about him, any citizen who makes false accusations against him or his colleagues. Some of the people funding the discontent, protesting Snowflakes and general anti-Americanism may have deep pockets, but those deep pockets can be drained quickly when legal battles and judgements go against them.

Fox ponied up the $$ for O'Riely, one of their bread and butter guys. They dumped him. Hannity lost his shine three years in to Booosh the youngers term and has gone down in popularity since as pointed out by the fact they moved him to a later time slot. Hannity is to Fox what Maddow is to MSNBC. It would be refreshing to see him go. Shep Smith to.
Fox News has been moving left for a couple of years and now its biting them in the ass they are imploding. Proving once again liberalism destroys everything it touches.
With the Murdoch brothers now in control, I give FOX NEWS another year or two before the network loses it's base, and loses it's place as the home of where conservatives go for their news.
With the Murdoch brothers now in control, I give FOX NEWS another year or two before the network loses it's base, and loses it's place as the home of where conservatives go for their news.

the good news: Fox is swirling down the toilet

the bad: MSNBC (child of parent company NBC who will always go where the ratings are like all other TV media orgs) is in the process of wooing right wing Fox viewers by hiring Kelly, Van Sustern and even ultra right winger Hewitt is on the table

in fact MSNBC has been boasting about going to the right for a year now

MSNBC Now Openly Bragging About Abandoning its Liberal Brand In New Ad

it's clear to any ratings pro right wingers are far more addicted to cable news than liberals - just look at Fox ratings compared to MSNBC, proof positive

and screw Murdoch, I can only pray that zombie finally keels over soon
With the Murdoch brothers now in control, I give FOX NEWS another year or two before the network loses it's base, and loses it's place as the home of where conservatives go for their news.

the good news: Fox is swirling down the toilet
LOL, what plane of existence do you hail from? 'cause in the one that the rest of humanity occupies Fox just blew away its competitors last quarter (1Q2017) in ratings nearly doubling it's closet competitor (CNN) and coming in with the highest-rated quarter for cable news EVER in total day viewership.
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If the Murdoch offspring swing Fox's programming left as has been talked about recently, it would be an insane business decision that would kill their gigantic golden goo$e of ad revenue.

2015 ad revenues:

CNN $1.2B
Fox. $2.3B

Anyone with a functioning brain knows why Fox has been so dominant for years in audience size and resulting revenue. But moving the programming left would put them in a 3-way fight with the current two loser networks battling for part of a much smaller pot of revenue money.

But if I was Hannity, O'Reilly, and perhaps Carlson or someone else from Fox I'd be hoping the Murdochs do commit financial suicide, because the opportunity to create, and own, a new version of Fox would be better than winning the lottery once a month. Each guy taking, say, 25% of the annual profits and using the other quarter to pay down their debt and as a source of annual bonus money to be split up between other Fox behind the scenes talent they'd easily poach from Murdochs would be an interesting formula for such an undertaking.

Anyway, it's all in the Murdochs' hands, but as a gambler at heart I'd bet they set a course that will in fact slay the goose.
Sean has openly stated how so many on the alt-left are trying to destroy him and others. I don't think he will jump ship at all, this is a guy who has spoken openly of the tough jobs he has had in life. These attacks aren't going to intimidate him, nor should they.

Just hire some good lawyers who will give a discount on high volume. Ask Fox to pony up some of the costs, and go after any and every news outlet that lies about him, any citizen who makes false accusations against him or his colleagues. Some of the people funding the discontent, protesting Snowflakes and general anti-Americanism may have deep pockets, but those deep pockets can be drained quickly when legal battles and judgements go against them.
He is too stupid to effectively defend himself.

The only good decision he has EVER made in the world of politics is supporting Trump right away.
With the Murdoch brothers now in control, I give FOX NEWS another year or two before the network loses it's base, and loses it's place as the home of where conservatives go for their news.

the good news: Fox is swirling down the toilet
LOL, what plane of existence do you hail from? 'cause in the one that the rest of humanity occupies Fox just blew away its competitors last quarter (1Q2017) in ratings nearly doubling it's closet competitor (CNN) and coming in with the highest-rated quarter for cable news EVER in total day viewership.
With the fucking "Five" as a primetime show?

Put Cavuto in the 9pm slot, not Fox's version of "The View".

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