Runner who lost as a man will now compete against girls


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Runner Who Lost as a Man Will Now Compete Against Girls
After losing men’s races for three years, a cross country runner will now compete in women’s races as a transgender named ‘June.’

Awww you leftist dumb fks were so sweet to give up your kids future all for the trans you certainly showed the love Trumps hate when you fkd over your own kids to prove how much if a gayphobe you aren't lmfao. Assholes let them in . same dumb fks begged for this too
MindWars I think there is a growing consensus that there should be a separate category for Transgender in competitions. To protect the safety of participants from pitting transpeople, who have developed strength due to male hormones, from competing against cispeople who do not have the same chemistry or hormones in their physical development and history. In sports like MMA or wrestling, there have already been injuries such as broken jaws due to disproportionate body structure from hormonal advantages. So let's be fair and create a unique category, which the participants and professional consultants and doctors experienced in each sport can decide DEMOCRATICALLY. Not one person, group or interest "dictating" policy for everyone else which isn't fair either. The right solution would satisfy and include ALL interests equally. Two wrongs don't make it right, but double the wrongs - you don't fix a problem of exclusion or injustice by reacting with the same unfair approach that excludes and imposes the opposite injustice. When everyone agrees on a sensible solution, that is equal justice that represents everyone inclusively. That is what this calls for.
Oh, noes, you mean "he" is competing in a sport no one cares about?

So when was the last time any of you went out to watch a track meet, when you didn't have a family member involved


Dear JoeB131 I don't have to have a family member raped to care that other people don't get raped. I don't have to know someone personally who got injured by a drunk driver in order to want that reckless endangerment to be stopped.

True, maybe nobody came out before with the Hollywood rape and harassment cases,
and nobody did anything before about the harassment by Congressional officials,
UNTIL these became politicized in the media, and then suddenly everyone cares.

But the wrongs are still wrong. And they still need to be corrected and prevented
DESPITE the politics over what gets reported, what gets challenged, what gets

Just because no one addressed the child abuse by Catholics, Jehovah's Witness elders, or LDS cult groups doesn't mean no one cares, so that justifies abuse.

It happens until we do something to stop the CAUSE of the abuse.

Similar with all the yelling and blaming in the media right now
over race issues, gender identity and orientation. Whatever
caused the situations and the process that can HEAL the people
affected is the real motivation driving the outting in the media.

Subtract all the politics, and you still have the root causes and
issues to address. That's the real point, and we are just now
bringing this up for discussion at all. the politics is just a distraction.
Oh, noes, you mean "he" is competing in a sport no one cares about?

So when was the last time any of you went out to watch a track meet, when you didn't have a family member involved
What a ridiculous statement. It's ok for men to compete against women as long as there aren't many spectators. Wow.

Dear JoeB131 I don't have to have a family member raped to care that other people don't get raped. I don't have to know someone personally who got injured by a drunk driver in order to want that reckless endangerment to be stopped.

False equivalency. Competing in an unfair competition is hardly rape..

What a ridiculous statement. It's ok for men to compete against women as long as there aren't many spectators. Wow.

Wow... who cares? The fact is, you guys didn't give a crap about women's track until a few trannies started showing up....

Dear JoeB131 I don't have to have a family member raped to care that other people don't get raped. I don't have to know someone personally who got injured by a drunk driver in order to want that reckless endangerment to be stopped.

False equivalency. Competing in an unfair competition is hardly rape..

What a ridiculous statement. It's ok for men to compete against women as long as there aren't many spectators. Wow.

Wow... who cares? The fact is, you guys didn't give a crap about women's track until a few trannies started showing up....

I didn't say it was equivalent JoeB131.
That's NOT a requirement (for wrongs to be "identically the same")
in order to police against abuses.

Robbing someone is a crime, is unlawful but can be repaired
compared with rape or murder.

Since these are not equivalent does that mean
we should not stop rape, robbery and murder?

They are all unlawful actions against the consent and rights of a person.

As long as you are DEPRIVING someone of rights, liberty and equal protections
WITHOUT DUE PROCESS OF LAW, then that is VIOLATING someone's equal
rights and protections.

Do all crimes have to be equal in degree in order to police and prevent them?

What are you saying JoeB131
Where did you get this requirement that people have to care
sincerely in order to enforce laws protecting others against violations of one kind or
another, where did you get that all violations have to be the same in order to count???

Sorry JoeB131 but I don't have to care at all for athletes
or men or women of any profession in order to care that
the laws be fair and represent everyone affected.

and it applies whether I know the person or care about what they do professionally.

If people didn't pay attention to wrongs until it involved LGBT issues,
that doesn't affect the fact that abuses of power or laws are right or wrong.

What makes them right or wrong is whether they violate
the consent, due process and equal rights and representation of people.

If LGBT can argue for rights to representation, so can everyone else.
I don't have to agree or care about those people's professions to
care that the laws be applied and enforced consistently.

Whatever point you are trying to make JoeB131 please
stick to it and don't go off on tangents that aren't even logical.
That merely detracts and derails whatever point you were trying to make
that I am left guessing at.

Did I guess correctly? Because your approach lost me in illogic
and wasn't clear at all. Please clarify your real point, let me know if I understood
what you were really trying to say here!
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Dear JoeB131 I don't have to have a family member raped to care that other people don't get raped. I don't have to know someone personally who got injured by a drunk driver in order to want that reckless endangerment to be stopped.

False equivalency. Competing in an unfair competition is hardly rape..

What a ridiculous statement. It's ok for men to compete against women as long as there aren't many spectators. Wow.

Wow... who cares? The fact is, you guys didn't give a crap about women's track until a few trannies started showing up....
I've played sports all my life and anyone who understands the competition of sports cares about men competing against women. it's wrong. And cross country track isn't just for funsies. There are scholarships on the line.
What are you saying JoeB131
Where did you get this requirement that people have to care
sincerely in order to enforce laws protecting others against violations of one kind or
another, where did you get that all violations have to be the same in order to count???

This isn't an issue of law. This is a private association deciding on who qualifies to compete. Just can't get worked up about 'Wahhh... that effeminate boy just beat my butch daughter in a running contest".

If this is the absolute worst thing in the world you have to worry about, you have too much good going on in your life.
I've played sports all my life and anyone who understands the competition of sports cares about men competing against women. it's wrong. And cross country track isn't just for funsies. There are scholarships on the line.

Why is it "wrong"?. Because honestly, if you have separate categories for men and women, you are admitting that women are physically inferior. Again- can't get worked up because an effeminate boy beat a butch girl.

As for scholarships.. simple enough solution. GET RID OF THEM. If you aren't playing in a sport people are paying money to see and is generating cash for the school, pay your own fucking way.

The whole "Varsity Blues" scandal showed us what the abuse this shit was. Rich people getting their underachieving kids into college by paying bribes to be on teams no one is watching so no one cares.



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I've played sports all my life and anyone who understands the competition of sports cares about men competing against women. it's wrong. And cross country track isn't just for funsies. There are scholarships on the line.

Why is it "wrong"?. Because honestly, if you have separate categories for men and women, you are admitting that women are physically inferior. Again- can't get worked up because an effeminate boy beat a butch girl.

As for scholarships.. simple enough solution. GET RID OF THEM. If you aren't playing in a sport people are paying money to see and is generating cash for the school, pay your own fucking way.

The whole "Varsity Blues" scandal showed us what the abuse this shit was. Rich people getting their underachieving kids into college by paying bribes to be on teams no one is watching so no one cares.


Dear JoeB131
Not necessarily "inferior"
in gymnastics, men and women having different body structures, where the weight/strength in men's arms is different from the strength in women's hips. The weight distribution is different, and this will make the moves they do different, and the stunts they are judged by in a different range.

Women's voices are different from men's, so we have Alto 1 and 2 and Soprano 1 and 2, Tenor, Bass etc. Everyone once in a while there may be a male soprano or a female tenor or bass, but generally the TIMBRE of the voice is different between male and female voices.

Does that make one inferior and another superior?

No, the different voices perform in different ranges, so the music and solos that feature female/sopranos or male/tenors are going to be DESIGNED differently in order to BRING OUT the strengths in those vocal ranges and types.

As for SAFETY JoeB131
I would refer to the case where one fighter BROKE THE JAW of the other competitor because of UNEQUAL physical structure in the upper arms that enabled that to happen. That normally does NOT happen. But it was attributed to the transfemale having HEAVIER structural development (bones, muscles, and strength/weight).

Transgender MMA Fighter Breaks Skull of Her Female Opponent. Are we Becoming too Careful not to Offend any Group of People? – BJJ World

JoeB131 I think you are addressing a DIFFERENT issue.

What YOU seem to object to is people taking issues about "transgender" classification and PROJECTING that negative disdain or bias ONTO the issue of sports "they NORMALLY don't give a flip about'

JoeB131 that's a SEPARATE issue from the actual physiology and SAFETY issues, as well as the question of fairness in assessing athletic prowess.

Differences in body structure and type don't mean someone is superior or inferior, it's about comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

If you judged oranges on how smooth their skin was like you did apples, the apples would always win and oranges would not get judged for the attributes that they are valued for. Different does not mean superior/inferior.

As for your other point, that is a whole other issue, JoeB131 that would take another thread.

I would largely agree with you that the REAL disturbance over the LGBT issue is the spiritual process of karma that causes such conditions to be incarnated. People are blaming physical genetics or blaming moral choices and fighting over the EXTERNAL expressions, but not discussing or resolving the spiritual factors and conditions.

So if you want to discuss the hidden issues underneath the whole LGBT debate, Joe, that topic would open up a whole other can of worms, on a different angle that would likely be more about religion, ethics and beliefs, and the spiritual process by which people's souls and karma manifest from one generation to the next.

Then in THAT context of what is going on SPIRITUALLY, you could better discuss the projection going on.
I would refer to the case where one fighter BROKE THE JAW of the other competitor because of UNEQUAL physical structure in the upper arms that enabled that to happen. That normally does NOT happen. But it was attributed to the transfemale having HEAVIER structural development (bones, muscles, and strength/weight).

Um... okay, if you are in a sport that requires you to get beaten up, I'm really not going to feel bad for you when you get beaten up. What else you got?

I would largely agree with you that the REAL disturbance over the LGBT issue is the spiritual process of karma that causes such conditions to be incarnated. People are blaming physical genetics or blaming moral choices and fighting over the EXTERNAL expressions, but not discussing or resolving the spiritual factors and conditions.

So if you want to discuss the hidden issues underneath the whole LGBT debate, Joe, that topic would open up a whole other can of worms, on a different angle that would likely be more about religion, ethics and beliefs, and the spiritual process by which people's souls and karma manifest from one generation to the next.

Nope. This is about the religious assholes grasping onto any complaint, no matter how petty, to try to justify their bigotry.

"Your effeminate boy beat my butch girl in an inconsequential sporting event" is just not worth getting worked up about.

Dear JoeB131 I don't have to have a family member raped to care that other people don't get raped. I don't have to know someone personally who got injured by a drunk driver in order to want that reckless endangerment to be stopped.

False equivalency. Competing in an unfair competition is hardly rape..

What a ridiculous statement. It's ok for men to compete against women as long as there aren't many spectators. Wow.

Wow... who cares? The fact is, you guys didn't give a crap about women's track until a few trannies started showing up....

Translation ~ liberals hate women
I would refer to the case where one fighter BROKE THE JAW of the other competitor because of UNEQUAL physical structure in the upper arms that enabled that to happen. That normally does NOT happen. But it was attributed to the transfemale having HEAVIER structural development (bones, muscles, and strength/weight).

Um... okay, if you are in a sport that requires you to get beaten up, I'm really not going to feel bad for you when you get beaten up. What else you got?

I would largely agree with you that the REAL disturbance over the LGBT issue is the spiritual process of karma that causes such conditions to be incarnated. People are blaming physical genetics or blaming moral choices and fighting over the EXTERNAL expressions, but not discussing or resolving the spiritual factors and conditions.

So if you want to discuss the hidden issues underneath the whole LGBT debate, Joe, that topic would open up a whole other can of worms, on a different angle that would likely be more about religion, ethics and beliefs, and the spiritual process by which people's souls and karma manifest from one generation to the next.

Nope. This is about the religious assholes grasping onto any complaint, no matter how petty, to try to justify their bigotry.

"Your effeminate boy beat my butch girl in an inconsequential sporting event" is just not worth getting worked up about.
Say what retard?

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