Running out of victims, the left steps up defense of pedophiles

They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -

And this is a shock to who?
The liberals on here use D4E as their poster boy/hero.....

I am a liberal- you have seen me post dozens of time.

Who is D4E?

I sure don't know- but you think he is my poster boy?

He posts about giving kids milk and cookies. Hopefully, you won't ever see him!

So why did you say that i use him as my poster boy?

Because I surely am a liberal. And I post here on USMB.
The OP has nailed it! Here we not only have a known DemocRAT pedophile, he's also a SERIAL SEXUAL DEVIANT and NO ONE mentions this one man's WAR ON WOMEN! ...HE is going to challenge The Hildebeast, and the ANCIENT Socialist for the DemocRATic nomination for President of the U.S.! Bet if he wins, the first thing he'll do is MAUL Angela Merkel! DAMN, even the FAR LEFT WING, "YOUNG TURKS" are ASHAMED of his behavior...... GREAT VIDEO!

LOL- can I say that all Conservatives are as nutty as Vigilante?

I just wonder since a post written by a pedophile apparently means that I must support pedophiles- does a post by Vigilante mean every Conservative is a total nutcase like he is?

Another LOW 2 digit IQ'd DemocRAT that ends up with a wet hand and a limp dick! You're not nutty, you simply have a mental disorder!

LOL......Vigilante showing again how classy Conservatives are.
Who cares where you stand it makes no difference in the big scheme of things. You are accusing somebody to accuse somebody what never happened. You want to be a spinmeister but you are just making a fool of yourself fanfaring that you do have serious comprehension issues. :itsok:

Talking to yourself again?

Even if I do it is better company than talking to pedophile supporters.

The funny thing about the nutty Conservatives posting in this thread.

You have yet to be able to identify any pedophile supporters- on the right or the left.

This thread started with a lie- and you embrace the lie.
They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -
Want to show me how the article says or does anything about liberals supporting pedophiles?

how about you show US how it DOESN'T?
Can't show something that does not exist...

that's a lame cop out. at least I admit I'm too lazy to do the follow up... coward...
This guy hasn't done anything but he has a perversion inside. Why he'd want to share his perversion inside with ANYONE other than a mental health professional or priest for the sake of curing the perversion, I have no idea.

Him being outed by Perverted Justice and losing his job is him reaping the rewards of his attempt to embrace his deviance in public.

He is sick and needs help, as are all the participants in his Internet forum. Some of them are ticking time bombs waiting to harm a child, and his forum only feeds their degeneracy and danger.
This is sick and stupid. The left has tons of issues that would easily win them elections. Like.
1. Increase minimum wage
2. More funding for education
3. Free college
4. Legalize pot
5. More funding for science
6. More funding for infrastructure
You don't understand cults then and when they latch onto a political party. That party ceases to exist but in name only as they press forward their repugnant platforms by force using the political system. Even if it means that party won't win elections. Because the democratic party was just a stepping stone. They'll take over both parties when this is done. They just needed the backs of all those good platforms to break as they stomped upwards to total unilateral control of this country. They're already grooming the next three generations in the elementary schools...

Of course this all happened before. See my signature for details. I'm a democrat. I'm rejecting my party this next Fall. Come join me and send a message while we still can. If my party rejects the gay agenda first, I'll come back on board because yes, #2, #5 & #6...and universal healthcare (you left out) and green energy etc are all good things worth fighting for.

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