Running out of victims, the left steps up defense of pedophiles

This is sick and stupid. The left has tons of issues that would easily win them elections. Like.
1. Increase minimum wage
2. More funding for education
3. Free college
4. Legalize pot
5. More funding for science
6. More funding for infrastructure
One day you will pay taxes and your views will change.

Funny libs, Terr Bean, a MAJOR democrat donor and founder of the HRC was accused of raping a child and only had charges dropped because he paid off the victim and the victim refused to testify. What did democrats do? They still go to him for fundraising. He's a still in high regard despite raping a child, and I bet you think that's great.

Why would I think any kind of pedophilia is great?

Terri Bean was accused of having sex with a minor- and the minor refused to testify.

There is no evidence anyone was paid off- if there was Terri Bean would be in jail.

What I think is if Terri Bean did indeed have sex with a minor- he should have been convicted.

But he never was- and in your world- a liberal is presumed guilty- always.

I don't defend Terri Bean- but I point out that under our legal system he was never found guilty of anything- and is presumed innocent.

But you would lynch him regardless.
The OP sure dwells on this topic a lot.
But it's your people who wrote the story.

Todd Nickerson wrote this article- and the only thing we know about him is that he is a pedophile.

You appear to be calling Bodecea a pedophile.

care to retract that?
Don't put words into people's mouths. Maybe you have comprehension issues.

I stand by my post responding to Roshawn's post

Todd Nickerson wrote this article- and the only thing we know about him is that he is a pedophile.

You appear to be calling Bodecea a pedophile.

care to retract that?
The OP has nailed it! Here we not only have a known DemocRAT pedophile, he's also a SERIAL SEXUAL DEVIANT and NO ONE mentions this one man's WAR ON WOMEN! ...HE is going to challenge The Hildebeast, and the ANCIENT Socialist for the DemocRATic nomination for President of the U.S.! Bet if he wins, the first thing he'll do is MAUL Angela Merkel! DAMN, even the FAR LEFT WING, "YOUNG TURKS" are ASHAMED of his behavior...... GREAT VIDEO!

LOL- can I say that all Conservatives are as nutty as Vigilante?

I just wonder since a post written by a pedophile apparently means that I must support pedophiles- does a post by Vigilante mean every Conservative is a total nutcase like he is?
Who cares where you stand it makes no difference in the big scheme of things. You are accusing somebody to accuse somebody what never happened. You want to be a spinmeister but you are just making a fool of yourself fanfaring that you do have serious comprehension issues. :itsok:

Talking to yourself again?

Do you expect me to ignore that liberals are defending pedophiles like you expected me to ignore all the transgender nonsense you push?

Post even one example of a liberal defending pedos.

You can't.

OTOH, there are countless examples of you scummy RWs defending quite a few of them. Wanna read it? Just search for Ted Nugent, Mike Huckabee, Duggar family and that horrifying old fart on Duck Dynasty.

The most recent was just a few days ago when RWs defended the Warren Jeffs plig child and women abusers.

Then - get some help cuz you are one sick little twitch.
Celebrating Milk in California is an example.
The OP sure dwells on this topic a lot.
But it's your people who wrote the story.

Todd Nickerson wrote this article- and the only thing we know about him is that he is a pedophile.

You appear to be calling Bodecea a pedophile.

care to retract that?
Don't put words into people's mouths. Maybe you have comprehension issues.

I stand by my post responding to Roshawn's post

Todd Nickerson wrote this article- and the only thing we know about him is that he is a pedophile.

You appear to be calling Bodecea a pedophile.

care to retract that?
Who cares where you stand it makes no difference in the big scheme of things. You are accusing somebody to accuse somebody what never happened. You want to be a spinmeister but you are just making a fool of yourself fanfaring that you do have serious comprehension issues. :itsok:
Who cares where you stand it makes no difference in the big scheme of things. You are accusing somebody to accuse somebody what never happened. You want to be a spinmeister but you are just making a fool of yourself fanfaring that you do have serious comprehension issues. :itsok:

Talking to yourself again?

Even if I do it is better company than talking to pedophile supporters.
Who cares where you stand it makes no difference in the big scheme of things. You are accusing somebody to accuse somebody what never happened. You want to be a spinmeister but you are just making a fool of yourself fanfaring that you do have serious comprehension issues. :itsok:

Talking to yourself again?

Even if I do it is better company than talking to pedophile supporters.

Between the two of us, I think we should execute all pedophiles and make dog food out of them. Pedophiles are human shit.
This is sick and stupid. The left has tons of issues that would easily win them elections. Like.
1. Increase minimum wage
2. More funding for education
3. Free college
4. Legalize pot
5. More funding for science
6. More funding for infrastructure
One day you will pay taxes and your views will change.

View attachment 50638

What is socialist about maintaining our infrastructure, science institutions and building our middle class? You do know that I support the private sector and that isn't going anywhere. right?
Nearly six months ago i started thread "And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized."

Of course, there was never slippery slope.
Of course, it's 21st century and it's OK to be pedophile and to write about it.
"Pedophile, not a monster". And "before judging me harshly, I was born without right hand".
Yeah, it's just another step towards "sexual liberation". Homosexuality was previous. And bestiality is next.
I bet there is a hash tag #IStandwithTodd.
Add another color to the rainbow flag. It's time for parade.
The OP has nailed it! Here we not only have a known DemocRAT pedophile, he's also a SERIAL SEXUAL DEVIANT and NO ONE mentions this one man's WAR ON WOMEN! ...HE is going to challenge The Hildebeast, and the ANCIENT Socialist for the DemocRATic nomination for President of the U.S.! Bet if he wins, the first thing he'll do is MAUL Angela Merkel! DAMN, even the FAR LEFT WING, "YOUNG TURKS" are ASHAMED of his behavior...... GREAT VIDEO!

LOL- can I say that all Conservatives are as nutty as Vigilante?

I just wonder since a post written by a pedophile apparently means that I must support pedophiles- does a post by Vigilante mean every Conservative is a total nutcase like he is?

Another LOW 2 digit IQ'd DemocRAT that ends up with a wet hand and a limp dick! You're not nutty, you simply have a mental disorder!
They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -

And this is a shock to who?
The liberals on here use D4E as their poster boy/hero.....

I am a liberal- you have seen me post dozens of time.

Who is D4E?

I sure don't know- but you think he is my poster boy?

He posts about giving kids milk and cookies. Hopefully, you won't ever see him!

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