Running out of victims, the left steps up defense of pedophiles

They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -

And this is a shock to who?
The liberals on here use D4E as their poster boy/hero.....

I am calling bullshit. Who are these liberals using D4E as their poster boy/hero? He is one the most lampooned and despised posters on this board.

If it's true and libs are defending pedophiles, he may as well be (NOTE: I was too lazy to read the article and basically know nothing....)
The first step in trying to legitimize a taboo is a conversation like this.

Before too many more years, liberals will be calling it hate speech if anyone tries to denounce this behavior.
Funny libs, Terr Bean, a MAJOR democrat donor and founder of the HRC was accused of raping a child and only had charges dropped because he paid off the victim and the victim refused to testify. What did democrats do? They still go to him for fundraising. He's a still in high regard despite raping a child, and I bet you think that's great.
Allen Ginsberg was no right wing person, and he was a NAMBLA supporter until the last breath he took. And liberals made a musical about his life, and had that guy from Harry Potter play him in a movie.
That is a hasty generalization.

Most of the pedophiles would be in the far right and libertarian wings, I would think. Those folks are just creepy.
The OP has nailed it! Here we not only have a known DemocRAT pedophile, he's also a SERIAL SEXUAL DEVIANT and NO ONE mentions this one man's WAR ON WOMEN! ...HE is going to challenge The Hildebeast, and the ANCIENT Socialist for the DemocRATic nomination for President of the U.S.! Bet if he wins, the first thing he'll do is MAUL Angela Merkel! DAMN, even the FAR LEFT WING, "YOUNG TURKS" are ASHAMED of his behavior...... GREAT VIDEO!

They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -


Rest assured that the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is about NOTHING other than the normalization of degeneracy. And the main goal of normalizing degeneracy is the legalization of the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

And THAT will be 'Next"... and they will begin with Hillary's long pursued UN "Bill of Rights for Children", wherein Children are not their parent's... but 'The Worlds'.

And all of this nonsense wherein 'it takes a village to raise a child' is designed to separate the responsibility of raising the child, from the parents. And in that... separating the one thing that best protects the child.

After that, or simultaneously, there will be the means to morph that into 'protecting equal protection under the law' for Children... and the coup de gras, the APA will 'find' (via a vote of the APA board) that "Children are capable of sexual consent".

And it is at that point that Evil will have won the world, entirely. So at that time, you can expect God to step in once again and erase most if not all of humanity, as at that point, there will truly be little, if anything remaining worthy of saving.

As for that to happen, good people will have LET IT HAPPEN, thus... the absence of "good people", is demonstrated BY IT HAPPENING.
The "gay" pioneer Frank Kameny, revered by homosexual activist for his role in pressuring American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from their list of mental disorders is now saying that sex with animals is OK "as long as the animal doesn't mind".

Nah, there was never slippery slope.
They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -

Which liberals are defending pedophiles?

Feel free to name names.

I am not defending any pedophiles.

Tell me more about how all liberals are degenerates- because one man writes an article about why he is a pedophile.

Because that tells me much more about you- than it does about liberals.
Liberals have no morality. They don't believe in any social standards or norms....other than constant victimhood.

Tell me more about how I have no morality.

Because I am wondering- I have been married over 20 years to the same woman- unlike say Donald Trump- and I am an active parent to my wonderful child- you know doing all of the Dad things- PTA, sports, hikes, teaching her what is important.

I have a great job that I support my family with. I don't break laws. I talk to my parents every week. I volunteer in my community. I recycle.

Tell me exactly how I don't have any social standards and how I have nothing but constant victimhood.

Of course if you can't.....well then you are just lying.

Hmmmm I wonder which it will be?
They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -
They'll defend pedophiles before even thinking of defending fetuses. Because liberals are DEGENERATES.

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster -

99.99% of all pedophiles in this country, starting with the subway guy, are as follows.....WHITE MALES OF ALL AGES, WHO GENERALLY ARE CONSERVATIVE ON THE OUTSIDE AND MONSTER FUCKS ON THE INSIDE...DOES DUGGER'S RING A BELL.......Stop protesting too much, your pedophile gene is showing, you pervert!!

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