Rush is back!


In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.

Seriously... He went on about her for THREE DAYS before his sponsors started bailing out.

Republican National Convention Blog: Rush Limbaugh Radio Show on Sandra Fluke VIDEO FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Here's what he said, for those playing along at home.

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Now, let's review the fallacies in that statement.

Limbaugh apparently thinks that the amount of birth control you need to take is conditional on how much sex you are having.

He also seems to think that she wants others to pay for it, when in fact SHE was the one who was paying Georgetown $30,000 a year for tuition that included medical coverage for students.

If he had been paying attention to what her testimony was, she was SPECIFICALLY talking about a fellow student who had ovarian cysts and needed birth control pills to treat that, but couldn't get a prescription because the Religious Assholes who run Georgetown thinks that offends their Imaginary Sky Man.

Rush is a mean-spirited person by nature. Frankly, you can tell the man has serious issues with women. He's on Fake Marriage number 4. He flies down to the Dominican Republic (notorious for prostitution and sex tourism) with a bottle of Viagra.

You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.
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In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.

Seriously... He went on about her for THREE DAYS before his sponsors started bailing out.

Republican National Convention Blog: Rush Limbaugh Radio Show on Sandra Fluke VIDEO FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Here's what he said, for those playing along at home.

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Now, let's review the fallacies in that statement.

Limbaugh apparently thinks that the amount of birth control you need to take is conditional on how much sex you are having.

He also seems to think that she wants others to pay for it, when in fact SHE was the one who was paying Georgetown $30,000 a year for tuition that included medical coverage for students.

If he had been paying attention to what her testimony was, she was SPECIFICALLY talking about a fellow student who had ovarian cysts and needed birth control pills to treat that, but couldn't get a prescription because the Religious Assholes who run Georgetown thinks that offends their Imaginary Sky Man.

Rush is a mean-spirited person by nature. Frankly, you can tell the man has serious issues with women. He's on Fake Marriage number 4. He flies down to the Dominican Republic (notorious for prostitution and sex tourism) with a bottle of Viagra.

You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--that has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.

Whew. That there post makes me hungry.

Seriously... He went on about her for THREE DAYS before his sponsors started bailing out.

Republican National Convention Blog: Rush Limbaugh Radio Show on Sandra Fluke VIDEO FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Here's what he said, for those playing along at home.

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Now, let's review the fallacies in that statement.

Limbaugh apparently thinks that the amount of birth control you need to take is conditional on how much sex you are having.

He also seems to think that she wants others to pay for it, when in fact SHE was the one who was paying Georgetown $30,000 a year for tuition that included medical coverage for students.

If he had been paying attention to what her testimony was, she was SPECIFICALLY talking about a fellow student who had ovarian cysts and needed birth control pills to treat that, but couldn't get a prescription because the Religious Assholes who run Georgetown thinks that offends their Imaginary Sky Man.

Rush is a mean-spirited person by nature. Frankly, you can tell the man has serious issues with women. He's on Fake Marriage number 4. He flies down to the Dominican Republic (notorious for prostitution and sex tourism) with a bottle of Viagra.

You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--that has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.

Whew. That there post makes me hungry.


Thanks Pogo. Your post affirms my post and I rest my case with confidence. :)
You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--that has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.

Whew. That there post makes me hungry.


Thanks Pogo. Your post affirms my post and I rest my case with confidence. :)

You're welcome. I know how you love to get the last word. :D


In my heart I don't think it was Rush's intent to call Sandra Fluke a slut. His intent was to call women who expect others to pay for them to have sex 'sluts'. And in the process it came out sounding like he had targeted Fluke. It doesn't excuse it because I don't think he should be calling anybody sluts. But when anybody on the left is criticized and then forgiven for saying far worse, fair play suggests those on the right should be afforded the same slack. Rush doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body that I can see, but he definitely does have a flare for poor taste.

Seriously... He went on about her for THREE DAYS before his sponsors started bailing out.

Republican National Convention Blog: Rush Limbaugh Radio Show on Sandra Fluke VIDEO FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT

Here's what he said, for those playing along at home.

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Now, let's review the fallacies in that statement.

Limbaugh apparently thinks that the amount of birth control you need to take is conditional on how much sex you are having.

He also seems to think that she wants others to pay for it, when in fact SHE was the one who was paying Georgetown $30,000 a year for tuition that included medical coverage for students.

If he had been paying attention to what her testimony was, she was SPECIFICALLY talking about a fellow student who had ovarian cysts and needed birth control pills to treat that, but couldn't get a prescription because the Religious Assholes who run Georgetown thinks that offends their Imaginary Sky Man.

Rush is a mean-spirited person by nature. Frankly, you can tell the man has serious issues with women. He's on Fake Marriage number 4. He flies down to the Dominican Republic (notorious for prostitution and sex tourism) with a bottle of Viagra.

You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.
Look at how many times you repeated your MessiahRushie's lie about Fluke. Have you no shame? She was not trying to force someone to furnish contraceptives for free, she was PAYING for her health insurance as part of her tuition and wanted the choice of PAYING for insurance that included contraception like the choice the same school provided to its workers. That's right, the school did not feel that providing insurance that included contraception to its workers violated its principles, so the denying contraception insurance had nothing to do with principles, obviously, or they would not offer it to employees.

Your parroting your MessiahRushie's lies illustrates another point. He took what Fluke testified to completely OUT OF CONTEXT, as he does to everybody he disagrees with, and many times changing their words to suit the context he wants saying, "He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant." But then you shit all over me when I quote his exact words directly from his hatesite.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.

June 22, 2011
RUSH: He didn't say that but we know that's what he thinks.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

November 12, 2009
RUSH: * Aren't you people fortunate you have me to interpret this stuff for you?*

You can rationalize it all you want. Nobody is defending the way Rush said it. I sure haven't. But I can cut Rush some slack that it was not his intent to call her a slut but it was his intent to illustrate the absurdity and impropriety of wanting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so you can have all the sex you want.

Besides the fact he really seems to think that you need to take more birth control to have more sex. (Does he even understand how lady-parts work?)

yes, he intended to call her a slut. Yes, he intended to be as vile as he was. Yes, he was probably totally surprised when it backfired on him and his sponsors all bailed.

Rush's personal life or however much you folks judge him re his human failings--the left is soooooo compassionate in that way aren't they?--has absolutely zero to do with the thread topic or the Sandra Fluke flap. But then I have long lamented that those on the left seem to have zero ability to focus on and separate a concept from personalities, political parties, ideologies.

Not at all. This is what you don't get.

Rush Limbaugh has gotten on his show all the time to denounce the personal lives of others. He took particular glee when Al Gore's marriage fell apart, for instance. So, yeah, the fact he's on his fourth Marriage, with three divorces, and was once arrested for soliciting a male prostitute, is kind of relevent to his HYPOCRISY.

Just like he's kind of a hypocrite when he said poor drug users should go to prison and too many lawyers are out there getting crooks off, but he hid right behind some high powered lawyers when his maid got caught trying to score drugs for him.

Sandra Fluke's whole schtick before Congress is that women could not afford their contraceptives and she wanted Congress to force somebody to furnish contraceptives to them free regardless of the personal convictions of anybody. That was it in a nutshell. And it was THAT which Rush, however awkwardly, inelegantly, crudely, insultingly, politically incorrectly was addressing. And Rush stayed on the story for days because it was front page news for days.

NO, he stayed on it for days because it gave him a spike in ratings, until it backfired on him when the sponsors started bailing.

But to the point, if you are going to argue that one's silly superstitions should dictate the terms of a contract- which is all health coverage is, a contract - then congress does have a right to define the terms of contracts.

Let's look at another example. Your (Hypothetical) child has hemophilia. The only way to save his or her life is to give them blood transfusions. Oh, but wait, you just found out the person who owns your company is a Jehovah's Witless and they don't believe in transfusions.

And though they NEVER picket or express outrage or attempt to coerce advertisers of anybody on the Left who says something stupid and offensive, the Left rushed headlong to use this as a means to hurt Rush as much as possible, destroy him if they could.

And it backfired on the Left.

And I enjoyed it very much that it backfired as I saw what they did as far, far more offensive and repugnant than Rush's comment.

Limbaugh is a dead man walking. The Plutocrats are already trying to develop a less offensive mouthpeice to get stupid rubes to vote against their own economic interests.
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".
Do Libs still have Sandy Fluke's twat on their mind? Is that how bad Obama is? Where's the Hope? Where's the "Green Shoots"?
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

I would expect nothing less from the low information crowd, or the ultra-lows in here.

Let's see, Rush is 62. So let's assume at age 68 he decides to retire and spend the rest of his days jetting from fine golf course to fine golf course the world over. That would be in roughly six more years or 2019. Thirty-plus years of Excellence in Broadcasting. And there will be some moron like JoeB in some forum - or future equivalent - after years and years of crying wolf, "SEEEEE!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!!! It's that old blind squirrel thing again.
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

I would expect nothing less from the low information crowd, or the ultra-lows in here.

Let's see, Rush is 62. So let's assume at age 68 he decides to retire and spend the rest of his days jetting from fine golf course to fine golf course the world over. That would be in roughly six more years or 2019. Thirty-plus years of Excellence in Broadcasting. And there will be some moron like JoeB in some forum - or future equivalent - after years and years of crying wolf, "SEEEEE!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!!! It's that old blind squirrel thing again.

Though he would probably phrase it less charitably. "See, I told you so!" is Rush's line of course. :)
"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".

Well Cumulus will be paying Rush a huge sum of money if they replace him next year since Rush's current contract runs through 2016.
LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".

Well Cumulus will be paying Rush a huge sum of money if they replace him next year since Rush's current contract runs through 2016.

No, I believe it ends this year. You may be thinking of Lush's contract with Premiere.

Lush works for Premiere, which syndicates his show (and others, including some of the former Air America hosts, but we digress). So his contract that ends in 2016 is the one that pays him to supply shows to Premier.

Premiere, in selling the show, then enters into individual contracts with individual stations and station groups - contracts to carry the show. One of those groups is Cumulus, to carry the Limblob show on those (Cumulus) stations. That contract is what I refer to that ends at the end of this year. The question is whether it will be renewed or declined at that time. The story that spawned this thread kinda makes noises that it will not be renewed, but they won't say for sure at this piont (nor should they).
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"Limbaugh is a dead man walking."

You can't beat JoeB on this stuff. He'll just make up lies and keep on marching if you try to, so just sit back see what's next from the world of make-believe.

LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".

You DO realize that Rush's audience will follow him, should he choose to leave Cumulus.
LOL, indeed. Rush has held the #1 market share in his genre for 25 years. That's a quarter century!!! And I know his existing contractual agreements extend for at least another couple of years. That is a phenomenal run, and no matter what one's opinion is of Rush Limbaugh, that kind of success has never been equalled by anybody.

But mark my words. Haters gonna hate. And the day Rush does decide to retire and step away from the golden microphone, the haters will be shouting to the rooftops that Rush has been defeated as a miserable failure.

I wonder if I will live long enough to understand that kind of mentality? I doubt it.

Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".

You DO realize that Rush's audience will follow him, should he choose to leave Cumulus.

Any loyal audience will fool... uh, sorry, follow their leader. That's a given. I didn't think that was the point of the thread.

But again, talent (that's Rush, and just so we're clear it's an industry term for the guy behind the mic, not a value judgement) doesn't negotiate contracts -- management does. So it's up to Premiere and Cumulus, not Limblob. He's under contract to Premiere; they call the shots. Talent's job is to provide content. That's it.

I'm sure he likes to snow job his listener about "I'll huff and I'll puff" with this radio group or with that advertiser, but those are just not his calls. Snow job after all is his business.
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Aw, you sell yourself short Foxy. You can do it if you'd give yourself half a chance. First thing you have to do is realize that a banana is not an apple just because it says it is.

The contract relevant to this thread is the one between Premiere and the Cumulus stations, which expires at the end of this year. At that time, we'll see. Cumulus has noted that Limblob has been dead weight costing them money, and as noted way earlier that company is already grooming a show that could replace him on those contracted stations (Huckabee). So as the saying goes, "stay tuned".

Well Cumulus will be paying Rush a huge sum of money if they replace him next year since Rush's current contract runs through 2016.

No, I believe it ends this year. You may be thinking of Lush's contract with Premiere.

Lush works for Premiere, which syndicates his show (and others, including some of the former Air America hosts, but we digress). So his contract that ends in 2016 is the one that pays him to supply shows to Premier.

Premiere, in selling the show, then enters into individual contracts with individual stations and station groups - contracts to carry the show. One of those groups is Cumulus, to carry the Limblob show on those (Cumulus) stations. That contract is what I refer to that ends at the end of this year. The question is whether it will be renewed or declined at that time. The story that spawned this thread kinda makes noises that it will not be renewed, but they won't say for sure at this piont (nor should they).

Yes, you're right. The 8-year contract was with Premiere. (I shouldn't work from memory on stuff that happened five years ago.)
But it was a $400 million dollar contract through 2016.

As the second largest media conglomerate of FM and AM radio stations though, do you really believe Cumulus will voluntarily give up the No #1 nationally rated syndicated show? Rush indeed may have the clout to refuse to do business with them, but I don't see Cumulus choosing to give up Rush to their competition and probably their #2 spot. And I sure don't see their station managers wanting to lose their high ratings when they can no longer run his program.
A little off thread, but I remember another major figure who fell into disgrace in the eyes of the media - he was caught putting what should've been kept in his pants where it didn't belong. Everybody claimed that he was finished and would never ever again reach the peak of his performance and his sport.

He is reported to be worth $500 MILLION with an $85 million annual income. He is currently ranked #1 having earned $5,862,496 in 8 events. He even has a rather sexy new girlfriend who is also highly ranked in her sport.

Anybody care to guess who?

So, to say Rush is washed up ain't much different. He'll be around until the day he decides to quit.

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