Rush is back!

If you need to believe he left in January 2007 to run for the Senate, then go right ahead, you need a lot of reinforcement of your feelings.

I already know they are on the air, I listen to Stephanie and Thom, I also know Ed is on the air but I don't listen to him. I find it interesting that you feel the need to be superior and let me know who is on the air. Like I wouldn't know. I was one of the 10 people that listened to AirAmerica. I also listen to Wilkow, The Herd, Mike and Mike, Levin, and whoever else, just depends on my mood.

Again, you proposed this idea, you back it up. Where's your evidence that Al Franken, unlike everybody who's ever been on the air doing anything, left his job because of his own ratings? Even with the top ratings for the network? Where is it?

And I told you about Stephanie Miller because you put here in the past tense. It's sitting right above: "Miller was worth listening to". This tells me you don't seem to be aware she's still there. So sue me.

My, my, my, Franken and Air America agreed to part ways, he didn't like his ratings, Air America didn't like his ratings.

I said "was" because I was using it in the context of Air America, which used to be, but is now gone.

We done now?

We can be, if you're abandoning the challenge to back up anything you say here. I notice you're backtracking from "quit because of his own ratings" to "didn't like his ratings".... :eusa_whistle:

But again, I'm not seeing a link to that either.
OK, so let's sum up: to criticize a radio blowhard who lives on ad hominem and misogyny and pisses on the idea of ethical journalism is to "hate America". Because America is all about ad hominem and misogyny and pissing on the idea of ethical journalism.

Is that about it?

Profit aside, the purpose of political commentary is to stir up people; to present news and views. Limbaugh pisses you off and Franken pissed me off. I spent many hours driving around listening to Al Franken. Randi Rhodes and before that, Ed Kotch, mostly shouting back at their inane drivel but mostly to hear how the opposition framed issues.

I saw Franken Rhodes and Kotch as blowhards who lived on ad hominem and logical fallacy who pissed on, not only ethical journalism but also the truth.

It is, after all, about perception and core values.
Yours and mine are at odds. I accept that. Can you?

Actually Ernie, given the above I don't think we're that far apart. I don't see the ad hominem approach as constructive for any side, so if that's what you're saying, I agree.

I just think it's a mistake to consider somebody making "confiscatory ad rates" by employing that model, as "success". That's the only value I take issue with. Because I see it as prostitution.

Perhaps you see it as prostitution because you don't have a half billion in the bank? As far as "confiscatory ad rates", self effacing humor is part of Limbaugh's style, like "talent on loan from God".
He is able to charge big bucks for 30 seconds of air on his program for the same reason the NFL can for Super Bowl ads; because of audience size. When ad rates are set, they count up all the ears that tune in, divide by 2 and come up with a value. If 2 million people are listening to an ad, it is worth more to the ad buyer than the 2 or 3 dozen that listened to Al Franken.
Again, you proposed this idea, you back it up. Where's your evidence that Al Franken, unlike everybody who's ever been on the air doing anything, left his job because of his own ratings? Even with the top ratings for the network? Where is it?

And I told you about Stephanie Miller because you put here in the past tense. It's sitting right above: "Miller was worth listening to". This tells me you don't seem to be aware she's still there. So sue me.

My, my, my, Franken and Air America agreed to part ways, he didn't like his ratings, Air America didn't like his ratings.

I said "was" because I was using it in the context of Air America, which used to be, but is now gone.

We done now?

We can be, if you're abandoning the challenge to back up anything you say here. I notice you're backtracking from "quit because of his own ratings" to "didn't like his ratings".... :eusa_whistle:

But again, I'm not seeing a link to that either.

I not abandoning anything, I read articles on it, back in 2006 when it first started up. I'll find them and get you links. No backtracking, ratings were bad, both sides admitted it. It was an agreement, you know like what FOX and Beck did.
Profit aside, the purpose of political commentary is to stir up people; to present news and views. Limbaugh pisses you off and Franken pissed me off. I spent many hours driving around listening to Al Franken. Randi Rhodes and before that, Ed Kotch, mostly shouting back at their inane drivel but mostly to hear how the opposition framed issues.

I saw Franken Rhodes and Kotch as blowhards who lived on ad hominem and logical fallacy who pissed on, not only ethical journalism but also the truth.

It is, after all, about perception and core values.
Yours and mine are at odds. I accept that. Can you?

Actually Ernie, given the above I don't think we're that far apart. I don't see the ad hominem approach as constructive for any side, so if that's what you're saying, I agree.

I just think it's a mistake to consider somebody making "confiscatory ad rates" by employing that model, as "success". That's the only value I take issue with. Because I see it as prostitution.

Perhaps you see it as prostitution because you don't have a half billion in the bank? As far as "confiscatory ad rates", self effacing humor is part of Limbaugh's style, like "talent on loan from God".
He is able to charge big bucks for 30 seconds of air on his program for the same reason the NFL can for Super Bowl ads; because of audience size. When ad rates are set, they count up all the ears that tune in, divide by 2 and come up with a value. If 2 million people are listening to an ad, it is worth more to the ad buyer than the 2 or 3 dozen that listened to Al Franken.

Yes, that's how it works, no argument there.

I see it as prostitution as an ethical question. A prostitute, broadly speaking (no pun intended) can make a ton of money by exploiting human flaws. And this is what Limblob, and Rhodes, and all the other bloviators, and Fraction News, and WWE wrestling, and Maury Povich, etc etc etc, use to make their fortune. And there's no value in that other than in dollars, which is to say there is no public value.

If the point of all this is to point out that Lush Rimjob is better at exploiting these human weaknesses than Al Franken or Air America was, then you're absolutely right. For what it's worth.

Ernie, you just made the false comparison between the salaries of Limblob and Hannity and Beck, salaries from media, with Franken's salary from the Senate. That's why I called bullshit with a single sentence. You're pulling apples and oranges.

The point of the comparison was to point out that Franken failed in talk radio.
Had his content attracted 2 million listeners instead of 2 dozen, he would be pulling down 20 million a year. Instead, he makes $174,000 as a rather poor US Senator.
Pogo really REALLY takes himself and his plodding opinions VERY VERY seriously.


This IlarMeilyr cat apparently takes trolling very seriously. I've never even interacted with this clown but here's a complete list of all the points he's made in this thread:


Ernie, you just made the false comparison between the salaries of Limblob and Hannity and Beck, salaries from media, with Franken's salary from the Senate. That's why I called bullshit with a single sentence. You're pulling apples and oranges.

The point of the comparison was to point out that Franken failed in talk radio.
Had his content attracted 2 million listeners instead of 2 dozen, he would be pulling down 20 million a year. Instead, he makes $174,000 as a rather poor US Senator.

No, doesn't work. You're still comparing media guys with a Senator. You'd have to compare Franken's salary on the radio with the other guys at the same time.

And who cares anyway. The idea of Air America monkeying the Limblob model is very questionable in itself, but to pick out the one guy who had the highest ratings on it who quit to run for the Senate as a "failure", that just doesn't have a basis. Even aside from the false salary comparison.
Actually Ernie, given the above I don't think we're that far apart. I don't see the ad hominem approach as constructive for any side, so if that's what you're saying, I agree.

I just think it's a mistake to consider somebody making "confiscatory ad rates" by employing that model, as "success". That's the only value I take issue with. Because I see it as prostitution.

Perhaps you see it as prostitution because you don't have a half billion in the bank? As far as "confiscatory ad rates", self effacing humor is part of Limbaugh's style, like "talent on loan from God".
He is able to charge big bucks for 30 seconds of air on his program for the same reason the NFL can for Super Bowl ads; because of audience size. When ad rates are set, they count up all the ears that tune in, divide by 2 and come up with a value. If 2 million people are listening to an ad, it is worth more to the ad buyer than the 2 or 3 dozen that listened to Al Franken.

Yes, that's how it works, no argument there.

I see it as prostitution as an ethical question. A prostitute, broadly speaking (no pun intended) can make a ton of money by exploiting human flaws. And this is what Limblob, and Rhodes, and all the other bloviators, and Fraction News, and WWE wrestling, and Maury Povich, etc etc etc, use to make their fortune. And there's no value in that other than in dollars, which is to say there is no public value.

If the point of all this is to point out that Lush Rimjob is better at exploiting these human weaknesses than Al Franken or Air America was, then you're absolutely right. For what it's worth.
The value is that people like to be entertained. More people are entertained by WWE than by tennis. More are entertained by Maury Povitch than the morning cattle quotes. More are entertained by Hip Hop than by Classical music.
Rush Limbaugh found a market and filled it. He entertains people. The fact that you dispute the worth of his form of entertainment and are more stimulated by Vivaldi does not make classical music any more entertaining to the millions that tune in to Rush every day at noon.
Most of us are not pompous asses who think we know what others should be spending their time on.
"Quote: Originally Posted by Randi Rhodes"?? Really?


Randi Rhodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That wasn't posted here. But the page does point out that the comment was made at a live event in San Francisco, and that Air America suspended her for it, and that Rhodes then quit, citing breach of contract regarding her freedom of speech.

Which kind of disputes what you wrote:
Rhodes left (was fired) for calling Geraldine Ferraro a whore.

Again, who cares. Randi Rhodes is a gadfly, a shit-stirrer. Which makes her perfect for Blowhard Radio. And worthless as a source of intellectual value like the rest.

Ernie, you just made the false comparison between the salaries of Limblob and Hannity and Beck, salaries from media, with Franken's salary from the Senate. That's why I called bullshit with a single sentence. You're pulling apples and oranges.

The point of the comparison was to point out that Franken failed in talk radio.
Had his content attracted 2 million listeners instead of 2 dozen, he would be pulling down 20 million a year. Instead, he makes $174,000 as a rather poor US Senator.

No, doesn't work. You're still comparing media guys with a Senator. You'd have to compare Franken's salary on the radio with the other guys at the same time.

And who cares anyway. The idea of Air America monkeying the Limblob model is very questionable in itself, but to pick out the one guy who had the highest ratings on it who quit to run for the Senate as a "failure", that just doesn't have a basis. Even aside from the false salary comparison.

Franken is not on the radio. His dismal ratings are the major reason.
his former salary is irrelevant.
Perhaps you see it as prostitution because you don't have a half billion in the bank? As far as "confiscatory ad rates", self effacing humor is part of Limbaugh's style, like "talent on loan from God".
He is able to charge big bucks for 30 seconds of air on his program for the same reason the NFL can for Super Bowl ads; because of audience size. When ad rates are set, they count up all the ears that tune in, divide by 2 and come up with a value. If 2 million people are listening to an ad, it is worth more to the ad buyer than the 2 or 3 dozen that listened to Al Franken.

Yes, that's how it works, no argument there.

I see it as prostitution as an ethical question. A prostitute, broadly speaking (no pun intended) can make a ton of money by exploiting human flaws. And this is what Limblob, and Rhodes, and all the other bloviators, and Fraction News, and WWE wrestling, and Maury Povich, etc etc etc, use to make their fortune. And there's no value in that other than in dollars, which is to say there is no public value.

If the point of all this is to point out that Lush Rimjob is better at exploiting these human weaknesses than Al Franken or Air America was, then you're absolutely right. For what it's worth.
The value is that people like to be entertained. More people are entertained by WWE than by tennis. More are entertained by Maury Povitch than the morning cattle quotes. More are entertained by Hip Hop than by Classical music.
Rush Limbaugh found a market and filled it. He entertains people. The fact that you dispute the worth of his form of entertainment and are more stimulated by Vivaldi does not make classical music any more entertaining to the millions that tune in to Rush every day at noon.
Most of us are not pompous asses who think we know what others should be spending their time on.

Again, you misread. I don't care for Vivaldi :coffee:

And I'm in no position to say "what others should be spending their time on". I don't have that right; nobody does.

I just point out how the psychology works, to counteract the bullshit.
The point of the comparison was to point out that Franken failed in talk radio.
Had his content attracted 2 million listeners instead of 2 dozen, he would be pulling down 20 million a year. Instead, he makes $174,000 as a rather poor US Senator.

No, doesn't work. You're still comparing media guys with a Senator. You'd have to compare Franken's salary on the radio with the other guys at the same time.

And who cares anyway. The idea of Air America monkeying the Limblob model is very questionable in itself, but to pick out the one guy who had the highest ratings on it who quit to run for the Senate as a "failure", that just doesn't have a basis. Even aside from the false salary comparison.

Franken is not on the radio. His dismal ratings are the major reason.
his former salary is irrelevant.

Well, considering he had the highest ratings and left of his own choice, you haven't made your case.

His former salary is irrelevant -- unless you're comparing it with that of his peers, which is what you falsely projected here. But in the larger sense, they're all irrelevant. How much money (or ratings) one makes isn't a measure of their value. It's a measure of their money.

McDonald's and Frito-Lay make a ton of money too. Doesn't mean their food is worth jack shit.
"Quote: Originally Posted by Randi Rhodes"?? Really?


Randi Rhodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That wasn't posted here. But the page does point out that the comment was made at a live event in San Francisco, and that Air America suspended her for it, and that Rhodes then quit, citing breach of contract regarding her freedom of speech.

Which kind of disputes what you wrote:
Rhodes left (was fired) for calling Geraldine Ferraro a whore.

Again, who cares. Randi Rhodes is a gadfly, a shit-stirrer. Which makes her perfect for Blowhard Radio. And worthless as a source of intellectual value like the rest.

I posted the quote without source, assuming your vast knowledge of radio meant you would be familiar with the cause of Rhode's departure from Air America. Mia culpa.
Bottom line is she called Ferraro and Hillary Clinton whores, was suspended and decided to quit.

Kind of like your boss saying, "You're a pompous asshole and I don't want you around any more."
And you replying, "Oh yeah! I quit!"

I'd bet that's happened to you more than once.

That wasn't posted here. But the page does point out that the comment was made at a live event in San Francisco, and that Air America suspended her for it, and that Rhodes then quit, citing breach of contract regarding her freedom of speech.

Which kind of disputes what you wrote:
Rhodes left (was fired) for calling Geraldine Ferraro a whore.

Again, who cares. Randi Rhodes is a gadfly, a shit-stirrer. Which makes her perfect for Blowhard Radio. And worthless as a source of intellectual value like the rest.

I posted the quote without source, assuming your vast knowledge of radio meant you would be familiar with the cause of Rhode's departure from Air America. Mia culpa.
Bottom line is she called Ferraro and Hillary Clinton whores, was suspended and decided to quit.

Kind of like your boss saying, "You're a pompous asshole and I don't want you around any more."
And you replying, "Oh yeah! I quit!"

I'd bet that's happened to you more than once.

You'd lose that bet too. Better stick to poker. :D
Pogo really REALLY takes himself and his plodding opinions VERY VERY seriously.


This IlarMeilyr cat apparently takes trolling very seriously. I've never even interacted with this clown but here's a complete list of all the points he's made in this thread:


I guess it COULD (possibly, conceivably) be a different pogo.

The arrogance is quite familiar however.

Anyway, it sure does take itself seriously.

Profit aside, the purpose of political commentary is to stir up people; to present news and views. Limbaugh pisses you off and Franken pissed me off. I spent many hours driving around listening to Al Franken. Randi Rhodes and before that, Ed Kotch, mostly shouting back at their inane drivel but mostly to hear how the opposition framed issues.

I think that is one of his motives, playing on emotions draws in viewers and generates higher numbers and dollars for you. For me though, that isn't journalism, that isn't intellectual honesty or quality reporting.

A free media is a vital institution for any society, the purpose of which (to me) shouldn't revolve solely around the generation of profit, but should instead focus on acting as a watchdog against the government and as a mechanism for the transmitting of important information to viewers.

To that extent partisanship in journalism bothers me, and people like Rush who tell their viewers exactly what to think and when and who rely on exaggeration and emotive discourse do the exact opposite. They misinform, sensationalize, ignore context, encourage audiences not to critical think (by instead telling them exactly what to think), etc. He isn't a journalist, he's an entertainer, but unfortunately many people rely upon him as a source of information which really isn't what he is supposed to be and that is a shame and serves only to weaken our media institutions.

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