Rush is back!

Pff, NCIS has 21 million viewers and gives me something to watch.

In all seriousness, though, he's been in the business long enough that it won't get to his head... but also, consider that he doesn't have a lot of competition.

I'm am one of those 21 million viewers of NCIS that watch just one hour per week.

14 million people listen at least one hour a day if not every day to Rush... BIG difference!

Harrison's own calculation -- that Limbaugh typically attracts about 14.25 million listeners weekly -- is based on Arbitron figures from about 30 cities and spot checks of a similar number of stations. Harrison stands by his guess even though Limbaugh's program is heard on more than 600 stations across the country. "Once you get below the big markets, [the audience] doesn't add up to critical mass," he said.
Limbaugh's Audience Size? It's Largely Up in the Air - Washington Post
Actually a "cume" is based on 15 minute segments.
For all those that hailed the end of Conservative talk radio:

NEW YORK - Rush Limbaugh’s distributor on Thursday said there is no denying the conservative radio host’s controversial comments about Sandra Fluke hurt advertising last year — but 2013 is apparently a whole different ballgame.

This year, Limbaugh is drawing new advertisers and recovering well after the major boycott he faced in response to his broadcasts on Fluke, Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference.

Read more: Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ?very well? - Mackenzie Weinger -

Shocker, there is still male chauvinist pigs out there.
The final episode of the MTV series drew just 3.1 million viewers Thursday.

Rush Limbaugh 14 million

So sad to see desperate liberals grasping at straws. Seems so damn cruel to put them in their place.
14 million per week down from 40+ million per day pre-Fluke.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

Prove that claim. I think it totally BS. Anyone who listens to Rush doesn't give a crap about Fluke. Certainly not 30 million.

Sorry, NO. The highest rated radio host of all time is considering leaving Cumulus because it's head blamed it's loss of revenue on him. The truth is, advertisers ran but were replaced when it was noted that Limbaugh's ratings didn't collapse.
The whole idea behind advertising is not political ideology, but getting your product in front of people.

Look at the revenue of the companies that bailed. They may very well feel all socially conscious and shit, but they have lost business because they have lost exposure.

What they feel is that they aren't going to get dragged into his messes.

If you can reach just as many people advertising your product on the "Oldies Station", and you aren't dealing with millions of angry customers, that works, too.

Limbaugh is a dead man walking. when 49 out of 50 top advertisers say, "No Rush or Hannity", you're show is toxic.

Again, this is really Howard Stern or Dr. Laura territory. They both went to Satellite Radio when advertisers no longer wanted to take a chance on them. Limbaugh's heading there.

Howard Stern went to satellite because they offered him $500 million.
Even as an economic conservative I can't stand Rush. He gives conservatives a pretty bad image. Republicans deserve better than to be represented by sensationalism and intellectual dishonesty. No wonder we have a branding problem. i'm also not a very big fan of angry politics which is his bread and butter.



here is the thing, rush doesn't represent anyone other than himself. only fools allow him to represent them.

Oh i agree, but he is often represented that way, and often represents himself that way. I suppose it more so bothers me how popular he is, and how strong of an influence he has on some conservative populations. As a former journalist, the quality and style of his reporting is also rather irritating given the low quality and standards he utilizes mixed with the emotive sensationalism. The same goes for "journalists" like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck (on the conservative side, there are plenty of liberal examples as well). We deserve better and it is disappointing that so many people get drawn into their rubbish.

Clearly, a liberal claiming to be a Republican. Probably hates America too.
For all those that hailed the end of Conservative talk radio:

NEW YORK - Rush Limbaugh’s distributor on Thursday said there is no denying the conservative radio host’s controversial comments about Sandra Fluke hurt advertising last year — but 2013 is apparently a whole different ballgame.

This year, Limbaugh is drawing new advertisers and recovering well after the major boycott he faced in response to his broadcasts on Fluke, Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference.

Read more: Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ?very well? - Mackenzie Weinger -

Who cares? Other than fringe Republicans and pols who need to learn the topic of the day.
And how'd that work out for him?

Frankly, they should put his picture on milk cartons... that's how far he's vanished.

He lost his audience.

And gained $500 million.

Seems like a good trade to me.

Sadly, to you, it would.

Lets see. A shock jock who has strippers on his program during drive time gets more money than he could have ever possibly imagined, and thats a bad thing?

No wonder you suck at business.
He lost his audience.

And gained $500 million.

Seems like a good trade to me.

Sadly, to you, it would.

Lets see. A shock jock who has strippers on his program during drive time gets more money than he could have ever possibly imagined, and thats a bad thing?

No wonder you suck at business.

Depends on why he went into the business.

Frankly, what's the point of having a radiio show if no one listens to you because the technology sucks?

Oh, incidently, I'm not the one who crashed the fucking economy. That would be YOUR industry.
The point of having a radio show is to make money. Limbaugh makes 50 million/year, Beck 10, Hannity makes 20 from radio and another 15 from TV. Al Franken (remember him?) makes $174,000.

Howard Stern went to satellite because they offered him $500 million.

And how'd that work out for him?

Frankly, they should put his picture on milk cartons... that's how far he's vanished.

He lost his audience.

And gained $500 million.

Seems like a good trade to me.

Kinda depends on what the objective was, doesn't it?
Is money all there is? Especially for an attention whore with a microphone?

here is the thing, rush doesn't represent anyone other than himself. only fools allow him to represent them.

Oh i agree, but he is often represented that way, and often represents himself that way. I suppose it more so bothers me how popular he is, and how strong of an influence he has on some conservative populations. As a former journalist, the quality and style of his reporting is also rather irritating given the low quality and standards he utilizes mixed with the emotive sensationalism. The same goes for "journalists" like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck (on the conservative side, there are plenty of liberal examples as well). We deserve better and it is disappointing that so many people get drawn into their rubbish.

Clearly, a liberal claiming to be a Republican. Probably hates America too.

OK, so let's sum up: to criticize a radio blowhard who lives on ad hominem and misogyny and pisses on the idea of ethical journalism is to "hate America". Because America is all about ad hominem and misogyny and pissing on the idea of ethical journalism.

Is that about it?
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The point of having a radio show is to make money. Limbaugh makes 50 million/year, Beck 10, Hannity makes 20 from radio and another 15 from TV. Al Franken (remember him?) makes $174,000.

Al Franken doesn't have a radio show.

But back to the premise, I did radio shows for over 20 years and my objective was never "to make money". It was to put something worthwhile on the air. To do something for the listener, not for myself.

After all, the airwaves, from the beginning of broadcasting, have been considered to be owned by us the people. And broadcast licenses have been granted (again, by us the people) "to serve the public interest, convenience and necessity". A radio or TV station is supposed to be a servant, not a parasite.

Finally, if we conversely do accept the premise that the purpose of having a radio show is to make money, then that makes all of its content absolutely meaningless. In which case, what the hell does it matter what Limblob's ratings are? Either the show is to make money or else it's ideology. Can't have it both ways.
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