Rush is back!

I feel at this point that you are having a hard time understanding what my argument actually is. I am criticizing him for the damage that he does to our media institutions.

You do realize that he is an entertainer, don't you?
What do you do if you don't like a show on TV?
You change the channel, do you not?

I could sit here and tell you how I feel that Maddow and Cooper are damaging our media institutions and you would shout "Bullshit!"
But you are so damned convinced that Conservatives are evil and Progressives are enlightened higher life forms, that you fail to see that Maddow and Limbaugh are doing exactly the same thing., and it pisses you the fuck off that Limbaugh does it better.
Hey Don't ever mention Maddow and Cooper!!!!
I WILL SHOUT!!!!!!!!

I don't believe that I have done anything of the sort. Nice strawman though.

This sort of stuff is characteristic of the intellectual dishonesty that I don't really care for among media personalities.
You do realize that he is an entertainer, don't you?
What do you do if you don't like a show on TV?
You change the channel, do you not?

I could sit here and tell you how I feel that Maddow and Cooper are damaging our media institutions and you would shout "Bullshit!"
But you are so damned convinced that Conservatives are evil and Progressives are enlightened higher life forms, that you fail to see that Maddow and Limbaugh are doing exactly the same thing., and it pisses you the fuck off that Limbaugh does it better.
Hey Don't ever mention Maddow and Cooper!!!!
I WILL SHOUT!!!!!!!!

I don't believe that I have done anything of the sort. Nice strawman though.

This sort of stuff is characteristic of the intellectual dishonesty that I don't really care for among media personalities.

Well, in the interest of intellectual honesty, why don't you tell us specifically how Rush Limbaugh has damaged our media institutions?
you like his football players comment Foxy?

If you mean way back when he said Donovan McNabb was overrated and the media overrated him because he was black? That football players comment? I actually had no opinion one way or the other about that. And because, like Rush, I rail against all political correctness nonsense, overreach, and reaction, I thought it ridiculous that there was such a big deal made over that. And, if Rush had been a liberal, I think there wouldn't have been any bruhaha made about it period. Liberals are allowed to think out loud where conservatives are not. Was Rush wrong about McNabb? Yes, I think he was. Was the statement totally politically incorrect? Yes it was. Was it in bad taste? Probably. Was it accurate that the media was falling all over itself to praise and exalt McNabb at the time? Yes it was. Would they have done that if he had not been black? I don't they would.

So it was an issue of political correctness, not sports commentary that skewered Rush on that one.

I often disagree with Rush's conclusions about a lot of things. But I am a conservative so I allow people to be human. And I won't condemn somebody, even somebody on YOUR side, just because they said something off the cuff that doesn't meet the rigid standards of poliical correctness.

And you can't take Rush's success away from him no matter how much you try to make a big f*cking deal out of insignificant thngs or twist his words and meaning or point out the errors he makes or judge him or misrepresent his intent or hate hm.

Donovan McNabb was good but he was no Randall Cunningham. And by the way, Randall (who is also black) was already done when McNabb came up. So much for "wanting to see a black quarterback do well". Limblob could have been fired for sports cluelessness alone; Cunningham (McNabb's predecessor, on the same team) not only did well, he redefined the role of the position.

Black quarterback "doing well" -- years before Limblob's read​
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Hey Don't ever mention Maddow and Cooper!!!!
I WILL SHOUT!!!!!!!!

I don't believe that I have done anything of the sort. Nice strawman though.

This sort of stuff is characteristic of the intellectual dishonesty that I don't really care for among media personalities.

Well, in the interest of intellectual honesty, why don't you tell us specifically how Rush Limbaugh has damaged our media institutions?

... again?

Isn't it going to read the same the second time?
I absolutely love the hissy fit the Redneck Liberals get in whenever one discusses Rush and his amazing success at talk radio. When the President of the United States complains that he cannot get his agenda done because of a talk show host, one has no choice but to admit that talk show host has one heck of an audience!!! :)
I don't believe that I have done anything of the sort. Nice strawman though.

This sort of stuff is characteristic of the intellectual dishonesty that I don't really care for among media personalities.

Well, in the interest of intellectual honesty, why don't you tell us specifically how Rush Limbaugh has damaged our media institutions?

... again?

Isn't it going to read the same the second time?

I haven't seen anything from him other than the usual leftwing conclusions about Rush--nothing of substance that would support justification of those conclusions. His comments read pretty judgmental and prejudicial pretty much as yours do. He is just less insulting when he says it. :)
I absolutely love the hissy fit the Redneck Liberals get in whenever one discusses Rush and his amazing success at talk radio. When the President of the United States complains that he cannot get his agenda done because of a talk show host, one has no choice but to admit that talk show host has one heck of an audience!!! :)

That is pretty damn remarkable.

Kudos to Rush for flummoxing The ONE.

I absolutely love the hissy fit the Redneck Liberals get in whenever one discusses Rush and his amazing success at talk radio. When the President of the United States complains that he cannot get his agenda done because of a talk show host, one has no choice but to admit that talk show host has one heck of an audience!!! :)

That is pretty damn remarkable.

Kudos to Rush for flummoxing The ONE.


LOL. Well His Radiance would look like a bully picking on the likes of me who is doing her damndest to deter the headlong rush to Socialism/Marxism and the final destruction of all the concepts and principles that the Founders used to build this great nation.

But Rush is a politically correct target that his worshippers won't mind, in fact even encourage, him attacking.

Of course to those of us who share most of the same values and principles that Rush reinforces, it makes the Exalted One look like a petty whiner and idiot when he does that, but I don't think he really cares.
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Well, in the interest of intellectual honesty, why don't you tell us specifically how Rush Limbaugh has damaged our media institutions?

... again?

Isn't it going to read the same the second time?

I haven't seen anything from him other than the usual leftwing conclusions about Rush--nothing of substance that would support justification of those conclusions. His comments read pretty judgmental and prejudicial pretty much as yours do. He is just less insulting when he says it. :)

You mean that Ilya Kuryakin guy doncha?

Ilar is my hero. Half a dozen posts and he has yet to bring any topic substance at all. Just ad hominem, innuendo and out the other. That must be a real time saver.
"Cheerful prince". :rofl:

Love ya, Foxy.
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... again?

Isn't it going to read the same the second time?

I haven't seen anything from him other than the usual leftwing conclusions about Rush--nothing of substance that would support justification of those conclusions. His comments read pretty judgmental and prejudicial pretty much as yours do. He is just less insulting when he says it. :)

You mean that Ilya Kuryakin guy doncha?

Ilar is my hero. Half a dozen posts and he has yet to bring any topic substance at all. Just ad hominem, innuendo and out the other. That must be a real time saver.

Love ya, Foxy.

You, by contrast, have had a massive case of verbal diarrhea, yet when one extracts all the substantive stuff you have posted in this thread, dildo, it amounts to just a simple declaration that: you dislike Rush.

Ho hum.

You really are amazingly stupid and trite.
I haven't seen anything from him other than the usual leftwing conclusions about Rush--nothing of substance that would support justification of those conclusions. His comments read pretty judgmental and prejudicial pretty much as yours do. He is just less insulting when he says it. :)

You mean that Ilya Kuryakin guy doncha?

Ilar is my hero. Half a dozen posts and he has yet to bring any topic substance at all. Just ad hominem, innuendo and out the other. That must be a real time saver.

Love ya, Foxy.

You, by contrast, have had a massive case of verbal diarrhea, yet when one extracts all the substantive stuff you have posted in this thread, dildo, it amounts to just a simple declaration that: you dislike Rush.

Ho hum.

You really are amazingly stupid and trite.

Show me where I've said anything about "like".

I'll check back later. :eusa_whistle:

What's Welsh for "bitter old man"?
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You mean that Ilya Kuryakin guy doncha?

Ilar is my hero. Half a dozen posts and he has yet to bring any topic substance at all. Just ad hominem, innuendo and out the other. That must be a real time saver.

Love ya, Foxy.

You, by contrast, have had a massive case of verbal diarrhea, yet when one extracts all the substantive stuff you have posted in this thread, dildo, it amounts to just a simple declaration that: you dislike Rush.

Ho hum.

You really are amazingly stupid and trite.

Show me where I've said anything about "like".

I'll check back later. :eusa_whistle:

What's Welsh for "bitter old man"?

No no. Show me where I said that you had ever used the word "like," you disingenuous idiot liberal hack.

It is crystal clear that you are obsessed with Rush and that you do not like him.

Go ahead, and prove what a filthy loser liar you are by now claiming that you "don't dislike" Rush.


It would appear that "bitter old man" is from the creole for possum or pogo. Not Welsh at all you retread motherfucker.

Try again my little bitch.


December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."

A couple of things here:

1.) I think that many posters on this board tend to have a rather two dimensional understanding of the political spectrum. I'm not so sure why so many of you guys need to be able to label someone either a wholesale liberal or a wholesale conservative. It seems silly to me given the immense political diversity that we have within our country.

I'm not really interested in utilizing such shallow understandings of issues and people.

2.) My comments on Rush come from my perspective as a former print journalist, and from my perspective as a developmental economist who works with developing countries (primarily in Africa). One of the most vital parts of development for countries is the establishment of good institutions, so I tend to be pretty critical of institutions and place high importance on them and their development. Media is one such important institution so I have high standards. Standards that Rush falls well short of.

There sort of is political diversity in this country, but how much, really?

True, we have a spirit of free speech that supposedly encourages a diverse array of opinion, but we also have this retarded two-party system that has managed to polarize the country into more-or-less two sets of talking points that paint most Americans into liberal/Democrat or conservative/Republican models.

Many other countries have multiple political parties, which encourages far more political diversity, as well as a greater diversity of representation.

The U.S. has remained stagnant in the number Congressional representative to the populace, while the populace continues to grow. The number of representatives to the populace used to grow roughly with the population until about 1915 or so, when the number remained largely stagnant.

So, with all due respect, I would argue that not only do we have a limited political diversity in the United States, this tendency may be exacerbated by the one-two punch of a two-party system AND a lack or representation.
You, by contrast, have had a massive case of verbal diarrhea, yet when one extracts all the substantive stuff you have posted in this thread, dildo, it amounts to just a simple declaration that: you dislike Rush.

Ho hum.

You really are amazingly stupid and trite.

Show me where I've said anything about "like".

I'll check back later. :eusa_whistle:

What's Welsh for "bitter old man"?

No no. Show me where I said that you had ever used the word "like," you disingenuous idiot liberal hack.

It is crystal clear that you are obsessed with Rush and that you do not like him.

Go ahead, and prove what a filthy loser liar you are by now claiming that you "don't dislike" Rush.


It would appear that "bitter old man" is from the creole for possum or pogo. Not Welsh at all you retread motherfucker.

Try again my little bitch.




December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."

A couple of things here:

1.) I think that many posters on this board tend to have a rather two dimensional understanding of the political spectrum. I'm not so sure why so many of you guys need to be able to label someone either a wholesale liberal or a wholesale conservative. It seems silly to me given the immense political diversity that we have within our country.

I'm not really interested in utilizing such shallow understandings of issues and people.

2.) My comments on Rush come from my perspective as a former print journalist, and from my perspective as a developmental economist who works with developing countries (primarily in Africa). One of the most vital parts of development for countries is the establishment of good institutions, so I tend to be pretty critical of institutions and place high importance on them and their development. Media is one such important institution so I have high standards. Standards that Rush falls well short of.

There sort of is political diversity in this country, but how much, really?

True, we have a spirit of free speech that supposedly encourages a diverse array of opinion, but we also have this retarded two-party system that has managed to polarize the country into more-or-less two sets of talking points that paint most Americans into liberal/Democrat or conservative/Republican models.

Many other countries have multiple political parties, which encourages far more political diversity, as well as a greater diversity of representation.

The U.S. has remained stagnant in the number Congressional representative to the populace, while the populace continues to grow. The number of representatives to the populace used to grow roughly with the population until about 1915 or so, when the number remained largely stagnant.

So, with all due respect, I would argue that not only do we have a limited political diversity in the United States, this tendency may be exacerbated by the one-two punch of a two-party system AND a lack or representation.

Well said -- that is if you consider that we actually have two parties rather than one party that dresses up alternately in red or blue...

Show me where I've said anything about "like".

I'll check back later. :eusa_whistle:

What's Welsh for "bitter old man"?

No no. Show me where I said that you had ever used the word "like," you disingenuous idiot liberal hack.

It is crystal clear that you are obsessed with Rush and that you do not like him.

Go ahead, and prove what a filthy loser liar you are by now claiming that you "don't dislike" Rush.


It would appear that "bitter old man" is from the creole for possum or pogo. Not Welsh at all you retread motherfucker.

Try again my little bitch.




Yeah yeah. Keep digging. Jump in. Pull the dirt in after you.

But the fact is, you are dishonest. We all see quite clearly that you dislike Rush. Who the fuck cares?

Your dislike of the guy is of zero significance.

But now, getting back ON point, your REASON for disliking Rush is really quite sissified of you.

Rush exposes the hell out of left-wing "government" fraudulence regularly.

This interferes with the agenda of the left.

I happen to agree with Rush on a few big things. One of them is:

When it comes to Obama's "policies" and his vile agenda, I, too, HOPE HE FAILS.
No no. Show me where I said that you had ever used the word "like," you disingenuous idiot liberal hack.

It is crystal clear that you are obsessed with Rush and that you do not like him.

Go ahead, and prove what a filthy loser liar you are by now claiming that you "don't dislike" Rush.


It would appear that "bitter old man" is from the creole for possum or pogo. Not Welsh at all you retread motherfucker.

Try again my little bitch.




Yeah yeah. Keep digging. Jump in. Pull the dirt in after you.

But the fact is, you are dishonest. We all see quite clearly that you dislike Rush. Who the fuck cares?

Apparently you do, since you keep well-poisoning about me while making no point about the topic. This thread isn't about me, and I don't want followers, thanks anyway.

Your dislike of the guy is of zero significance.

But now, getting back ON point, your REASON for disliking Rush is really quite sissified of you.

Rush exposes the hell out of left-wing "government" fraudulence regularly.

This interferes with the agenda of the left.

I happen to agree with Rush on a few big things. One of them is:

When it comes to Obama's "policies" and his vile agenda, I, too, HOPE HE FAILS.

I've never met Lush Rimjob. I can't "hate" somebody I've never met. Perhaps you could give me some pointers.

Nah, never mind.

I've simply gone over the dynamics of audience psychology. You can draw your own conclusions about whether you or I "like" them. Not every argument has to be based on emotion. If you take issue with some point I make, the thing to do is counter it. Flailing rhetorical well-poisoning poop only digs you deeper in your own hole.

Wake me up when you come up with some kind of, you know, point that bears some relationship to the topic. All you've done so far is troll.
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I haven't seen anything from him other than the usual leftwing conclusions about Rush--nothing of substance that would support justification of those conclusions. His comments read pretty judgmental and prejudicial pretty much as yours do. He is just less insulting when he says it. :)

I find it a little odd that you feel they have to be "leftwing" conclusions. If I said the same about Maddow would you accuse me of being a partisan conservative?

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