Rush is back!

So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

Democrats don't go on Maher's show to get endorsed.

Limbaugh has so much juice in the GOP none of the candidates could denounce him.

That's why he's toxic.

Hey, remember when some nasty piece of work named Sister Souljah was invited to speak at Jesse Jackson's conference, after she made some comments about shooting white people for a change after the LA Riots?

And remember how Bill Clinton got up in Jesse Jackson's face about it.

The GOP needs to have a Sister Souljah moment with Limbaugh and the rest of the toxic shit coming off the AM Dial.
He transformed radio, not only politics, sports radio, all of talk radio.

So did Father Coughlin.

By the way what Maher said about Palin, assuming you mean what I think you mean, was in a standup comedy act, not on radio or TV.
Quite a stretch, innit?

So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

I didn't opine about whether Maher was offensive to women. You did.

But here's Maher's own assessment:

>> Limbaugh “went after a civilian about very specific behavior, that was a lie, speaking for a party that has systematically gone after women’s rights all year, on the public airwaves,” the HBO host argued.

“I used a rude word about a public figure who gives as good as she gets, who’s called people ‘terrorist’ and ‘unAmerican’... The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts,” he added.

... Maher also argued to Tapper that, unlike Limbaugh, it’s his job to be a comedian. When asked how he knows if he takes his jokes to far, he said, “I let the audience be the guide.”

“The bit I did about Palin using the word c--- was one of the biggest laughs in my act, I did it all over the country, not one person ever registered disapproval, and believe me, audiences are not afraid to let you know. Because it was a routine where that word came in at just the right moment. Context is very important,” he said.
<< (here)

Context is indeed important. The clientele of a Bill Maher comedy show (who paid to go in there and knows what they're getting) is a weeeeeee bit different from the airwaves beamed to a general population.
So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

Democrats don't go on Maher's show to get endorsed.

Limbaugh has so much juice in the GOP none of the candidates could denounce him.

That's why he's toxic.

Hey, remember when some nasty piece of work named Sister Souljah was invited to speak at Jesse Jackson's conference, after she made some comments about shooting white people for a change after the LA Riots?

And remember how Bill Clinton got up in Jesse Jackson's face about it.

The GOP needs to have a Sister Souljah moment with Limbaugh and the rest of the toxic shit coming off the AM Dial.

I agree with people denouncing this behavior, however I see Maher as degrading to women. A real man would never need to use such language in public to a lady.

Sorry, Maher is a fail.
So did Father Coughlin.

By the way what Maher said about Palin, assuming you mean what I think you mean, was in a standup comedy act, not on radio or TV.
Quite a stretch, innit?

So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

I didn't opine about whether Maher was offensive to women. You did.

But here's Maher's own assessment:

>> Limbaugh “went after a civilian about very specific behavior, that was a lie, speaking for a party that has systematically gone after women’s rights all year, on the public airwaves,” the HBO host argued.

“I used a rude word about a public figure who gives as good as she gets, who’s called people ‘terrorist’ and ‘unAmerican’... The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts,” he added.

... Maher also argued to Tapper that, unlike Limbaugh, it’s his job to be a comedian. When asked how he knows if he takes his jokes to far, he said, “I let the audience be the guide.”

“The bit I did about Palin using the word c--- was one of the biggest laughs in my act, I did it all over the country, not one person ever registered disapproval, and believe me, audiences are not afraid to let you know. Because it was a routine where that word came in at just the right moment. Context is very important,” he said.
<< (here)

Context is indeed important. The clientele of a Bill Maher comedy show (who paid to go in there and knows what they're getting) is a weeeeeee bit different from the airwaves beamed to a general population.

Both were extremely insensitive, both were wrong but nice spin to let one off the hook.
So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

Democrats don't go on Maher's show to get endorsed.

Limbaugh has so much juice in the GOP none of the candidates could denounce him.

That's why he's toxic.

Hey, remember when some nasty piece of work named Sister Souljah was invited to speak at Jesse Jackson's conference, after she made some comments about shooting white people for a change after the LA Riots?

And remember how Bill Clinton got up in Jesse Jackson's face about it.

The GOP needs to have a Sister Souljah moment with Limbaugh and the rest of the toxic shit coming off the AM Dial.

I agree with people denouncing this behavior, however I see Maher as degrading to women. A real man would never need to use such language in public to a lady.

Sorry, Maher is a fail.

He didn't use it to a lady. He used it to an audience.
So, it's okay for an entertainer to insult woman in a stand up routine, but is wrong for an entertainer to insult a woman on his radio show.

Both seem like entertainers to me, both demean women, but one is worse?

So you don't think both are offensive to women?

I didn't opine about whether Maher was offensive to women. You did.

But here's Maher's own assessment:

>> Limbaugh “went after a civilian about very specific behavior, that was a lie, speaking for a party that has systematically gone after women’s rights all year, on the public airwaves,” the HBO host argued.

“I used a rude word about a public figure who gives as good as she gets, who’s called people ‘terrorist’ and ‘unAmerican’... The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts,” he added.

... Maher also argued to Tapper that, unlike Limbaugh, it’s his job to be a comedian. When asked how he knows if he takes his jokes to far, he said, “I let the audience be the guide.”

“The bit I did about Palin using the word c--- was one of the biggest laughs in my act, I did it all over the country, not one person ever registered disapproval, and believe me, audiences are not afraid to let you know. Because it was a routine where that word came in at just the right moment. Context is very important,” he said.
<< (here)

Context is indeed important. The clientele of a Bill Maher comedy show (who paid to go in there and knows what they're getting) is a weeeeeee bit different from the airwaves beamed to a general population.

Both were extremely insensitive, both were wrong but nice spin to let one off the hook.

So you're saying the population of a comedy club is the same thing as the population of the general public with a radio and that the same language standards apply?

Does the population of a sports bar have the same standards of decorum as the population of a funeral?
Democrats don't go on Maher's show to get endorsed.

Limbaugh has so much juice in the GOP none of the candidates could denounce him.

That's why he's toxic.

Hey, remember when some nasty piece of work named Sister Souljah was invited to speak at Jesse Jackson's conference, after she made some comments about shooting white people for a change after the LA Riots?

And remember how Bill Clinton got up in Jesse Jackson's face about it.

The GOP needs to have a Sister Souljah moment with Limbaugh and the rest of the toxic shit coming off the AM Dial.

I agree with people denouncing this behavior, however I see Maher as degrading to women. A real man would never need to use such language in public to a lady.

Sorry, Maher is a fail.

He didn't use it to a lady. He used it to an audience.

Spilt hairs if you want, he was wrong. It doesn't matter to me political affiliation. A man that is supposed to be that educated and that aware, to use the word he did was flat out offensive.

You are free to justify it, I'm done with this issue.
I agree with people denouncing this behavior, however I see Maher as degrading to women. A real man would never need to use such language in public to a lady.

Sorry, Maher is a fail.

He didn't use it to a lady. He used it to an audience.

Spilt hairs if you want, he was wrong. It doesn't matter to me political affiliation. A man that is supposed to be that educated and that aware, to use the word he did was flat out offensive.

You are free to justify it, I'm done with this issue.

I'm not "justifying"; I'm correcting. Your post claims he said this to Palin. He didn't.
Again, Maher's comment was in a stand-up act, was not recorded, and we can't see/hear it in its context. But if the audience had found it offensive they would have let him know. Limblob had to issue a walletfelt apology. Maher didn't.
I appreciate that, and I often encounter the same attitudes. However, if you will observe the emphasized portion above, you are essentially supporting the premise that this is where most people reside, if so many people are trying to paint you into those corners. YOU may be contrary to that, but I would not say that you represent what is typical.

I'm firmly of the belief that's not where most people reside. What I think happens is that we can understand and contextualize the political, economic, and spiritual diversity within ourselves, but when it comes to looking at others we tend to oversimplify them and cram them into a convenient per-concieved understanding of label x, y, z, q, etc depending on what our initial impressions are. There are actually biological reasons for this as well. Simply put correlation is good for us as an evolutionary trait, particularly when there isn't perfect knowledge of a thing. Something glowing red may be hot so I'm not going to touch it! Animals that growl and have sharp teeth may hurt you so be cautious! Brightly colored reptiles may be poisonous so beware! Not perfect examples because they are pretty simplistic compared to the depth of political, economic, and spiritual views, but it is a common human tendencies to categorize things, people and beliefs included. That becomes problematic though because when we fill in the blanks for these vastly more complex topics we have a much greater mathematical chance of getting it wrong, or of grossly over simplifying.

I don't even think it particularly malicious, it is merely a tendency of all of ours that we have to keep in mind so that we can reserve judgement and seek out better information on which to base our opinions, beliefs, and actions.

So, to rephrase a bit, while diversity may exist, I still maintain that most Americans these days tend to do little more than see a line in the sand, jump to one side or the other, and adopt a ready-made set of ideals and talking points. There is not a lot of room for individuals like you or I in that equation.

And I think that's the way many people see most people, but when you ask them about themselves they'll usually claim to be an exception, or "not like that", and once again I think that is because of the above condition based on information asymmetry.

Now, I get what you are saying, but I do maintain that our political system leaves these "diverse" groups pretty marginalized, and ultimately that line in the sand is all that system will support, and that's where the diversity you speak of start to matter less and less.

I think it matters less simply because we ignore it for the above stated convenience reasons, and one problem that I have with media personalities is that those people tap into those oversimplifications and two dimensional labeling and exploit it for profit or to further there own image. And these are often times very smart people, aka people who should know better.

Or, we've simply had different experiences. I'm thinking that is more likely the case.
The draft dodger is back - there must be a joke hidden in there somewhere. From the doctors? From the drugs? From the pain? Oh the pain! LOL
Wait. This isn't going to turn into a "who's got the biggest deferment dick" competition is it?
You do realize that he is an entertainer, don't you?
What do you do if you don't like a show on TV?
You change the channel, do you not?

I could sit here and tell you how I feel that Maddow and Cooper are damaging our media institutions and you would shout "Bullshit!"
But you are so damned convinced that Conservatives are evil and Progressives are enlightened higher life forms, that you fail to see that Maddow and Limbaugh are doing exactly the same thing., and it pisses you the fuck off that Limbaugh does it better.
Hey Don't ever mention Maddow and Cooper!!!!
I WILL SHOUT!!!!!!!!

I don't believe that I have done anything of the sort. Nice strawman though.

This sort of stuff is characteristic of the intellectual dishonesty that I don't really care for among media personalities.

He was not talking to you. :eusa_silenced:
Come off it, Foxy. I chopped up your post because you meandered into different points and it's more coherent to address them in turn, rather than start at the end and force the reader to back up to see what the hell I'm talking about. I do that for my reader, and this is the thanks I get. Hmph.

About that 'golden microphone' though... Electrovoice RE-20s do not come in gold. He did that. That says a little something about hubris. Just sayin'.

You chopped up the post so you could take my words out of context and in so doing distort my intent and thesis.

I think it is hubris to accuse somebody's character over a fun gimmick. The golden microphone is something Rush and his guest hosts have had fun with for a long time. I'm not surprised that a dedicated Rush Hater would find something offensive about that because nothing he can do or say is not offensive to you. But that's how prejudice is. It destroys all objectivity and becomes its own reality and feeds upon itself.


Rush Limbaugh has paved a new chapter in radio history, has enjoyed greater success of longer duration than anybody else in radio history, and you can't take that away from him no matter how much you cherry pick this word or that word and try to make it into something that it never was.

No Foxy, I changed the order of nothing in your post. If you feel something was done out of context, just post it and we'll work it out. I took your post in the order you wrote it; don't blame me if that order doesn't work in retrospect.

I didn't mention "offensive". I'm just saying, RE-20s don't come that way; it had to be intentionally golded. What that says about the golder, I leave to the reader.

I'll freely admit, I'm not much for the whole hero-worship song and dance. It may be more about that than anything else.

Like too many lefties, you fail to understand the concept of context. I didn't suggest you took it out of order. I said you chopped it up to comment on various lines unqualified by anything that preceded or followed them. THAT is taking things out of context. It is also what you have done to Rush Limbaugh and others--taking words and phrases and repeating them more or less accurately, but failing to note any qualifications or context for why they were saying what they were saying or their actual intent in saying it.

And how pathetic that you don't know the context of the 'golden microphone' but would try to make some big deal out of that. You're really REALLY grasping at straws with that one. He and some of his guest hosts were having so much fun with the characerization years ago that the company that made the mics made a gold plated one for Rush.

As well as being offensive when you characterize a discussion of the topic as 'hero worship' just because I don't share your prejudices about a radio talk show host who happens to be the reason we are posting in this thread?

Why is it liberals think THEY should be able to say anything to anybody and never be challenged and must be considered noble in their motives, but they have no problem nitpicking to death and drawing all manner of conclusions from something a conservative says?
Last edited:
Democrats don't go on Maher's show to get endorsed.

Limbaugh has so much juice in the GOP none of the candidates could denounce him.

That's why he's toxic.

Hey, remember when some nasty piece of work named Sister Souljah was invited to speak at Jesse Jackson's conference, after she made some comments about shooting white people for a change after the LA Riots?

And remember how Bill Clinton got up in Jesse Jackson's face about it.

The GOP needs to have a Sister Souljah moment with Limbaugh and the rest of the toxic shit coming off the AM Dial.

I agree with people denouncing this behavior, however I see Maher as degrading to women. A real man would never need to use such language in public to a lady.

Sorry, Maher is a fail.

He didn't use it to a lady. He used it to an audience.

And you see nothing hypocritical in that statement, do you?
You chopped up the post so you could take my words out of context and in so doing distort my intent and thesis.

I think it is hubris to accuse somebody's character over a fun gimmick. The golden microphone is something Rush and his guest hosts have had fun with for a long time. I'm not surprised that a dedicated Rush Hater would find something offensive about that because nothing he can do or say is not offensive to you. But that's how prejudice is. It destroys all objectivity and becomes its own reality and feeds upon itself.


Rush Limbaugh has paved a new chapter in radio history, has enjoyed greater success of longer duration than anybody else in radio history, and you can't take that away from him no matter how much you cherry pick this word or that word and try to make it into something that it never was.

No Foxy, I changed the order of nothing in your post. If you feel something was done out of context, just post it and we'll work it out. I took your post in the order you wrote it; don't blame me if that order doesn't work in retrospect.

I didn't mention "offensive". I'm just saying, RE-20s don't come that way; it had to be intentionally golded. What that says about the golder, I leave to the reader.

I'll freely admit, I'm not much for the whole hero-worship song and dance. It may be more about that than anything else.

Like too many lefties, you fail to understand the concept of context. I didn't suggest you took it out of order. I said you chopped it up to comment on various lines unqualified by anything that preceded or followed them. THAT is taking things out of context. It is also what you have done to Rush Limbaugh and others--taking words and phrases and repeating them more or less accurately, but failing to note any qualifications or context for why they were saying what they were saying or their actual intent in saying it.

And how pathetic that you don't know the context of the 'golden microphone' but would try to make some big deal out of that. You're really REALLY grasping at straws with that one. He and some of his guest hosts were having so much fun with the characerization years ago that the company that made the mics made a gold plated one for Rush.

As well as being offensive when you characterize a discussion of the topic as 'hero worship' just because I don't share your prejudices about a radio talk show host who happens to be the reason we are posting in this thread?

Why is it liberals think THEY should be able to say anything to anybody and never be challenged and must be considered noble in their motives, but they have no problem nitpicking to death and drawing all manner of conclusions from something a conservative says?

"Hero worship" isn't a reference to you, Foxy. It's more at Ilya Kuryakin and his ilk that melt into emotional side tracks when they can't understand the issue and want to change it to posting about me and what I "like". Because that trollism was going on at the time.

But once again, if you think something was done "out of context" -- even though I reordered nothing and edited nothing-- then bring it out and we'll fix it.

Seems to me it would be disrespectful to your post to have done it any other way.

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