Rush Limbaugh calls for racial segregation

That wasn't sarcasm... that was Rushbo accusing blacks of discriminating against whites in "Obama's America".

It's the same pathetic, pathological, vile "whitey is being picked on and they're going to take away christmas" garbage that he's been saying for years.

Yeah, ok.
Dumbfuck post alert!
“I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”
Raw Story » Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

Ravi have you ever heard of sarcasm? I listened to a clip of that segment of his show and if you pull the context around what he was saying you can tell it was obviously sarcasm.

Now I must go wash my soul for defending Limbaugh.

I posted the entire segment Rush gave. It's clearly Satire!

If Al Sharpton said it (changing it around some obviously), I suspect you wouldn't think so....

Rush doesn't do satire....he does white rage.

^ 100% bass-ackwards. CLEARLY Rush has used and regularly uses satire. To deny that is to admit that you are unfamiliar with his show. That's ok, but it means you have no basis for your claim.

It is Al Sharpton who does not have a history of using satire.
You wouldn't recognize sarcasm if it bit you in your goofy ass!!!

That wasn't sarcasm... that was Rushbo accusing blacks of discriminating against whites in "Obama's America".

It's the same pathetic, pathological, vile "whitey is being picked on and they're going to take away christmas" garbage that he's been saying for years.

Hey jillian, where do Arabs sit on the bus in Israel?

That sometimes depend on where they are hiding the suicide/homicide bombs.
“I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”
Raw Story » Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

Ravi have you ever heard of sarcasm? I listened to a clip of that segment of his show and if you pull the context around what he was saying you can tell it was obviously sarcasm.

Now I must go wash my soul for defending Limbaugh.

that's awesome and hilarious, can i use that?

You wouldn't recognize sarcasm if it bit you in your goofy ass!!!

That wasn't sarcasm... that was Rushbo accusing blacks of discriminating against whites in "Obama's America".

It's the same pathetic, pathological, vile "whitey is being picked on and they're going to take away christmas" garbage that he's been saying for years.

I think it was more of demonstrating the double standard in the media. If the races had been reversed (a black kid being beat up by a number of white kids), the media would make statements to fire up the community to punish "anyone" remotely involved. Black on white crime is given little priority by the "traditonal" media forms. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away. In some cases, it is justified and encouraged by the traditional media making inuendos about:
the victim deserved it, they made politically incorrect statements at some point in their life
the victim shouldn't have been there
the crimminals have problems and can't help but committ crimes
society didn't give this person enough and that is what happens
Rush is drawing attention to an issue that the "politically correct" don't want to discuss, much less, acknowledge is a problem. Our gov has passed hate crime legislation, but the enforcement is racist and sexist. Basically it is enforced that only white, heterosexual, males can committ hate crimes. Isn't that unconstitutional?

I posted the entire segment Rush gave. It's clearly Satire!

If Al Sharpton said it (changing it around some obviously), I suspect you wouldn't think so....

Rush doesn't do satire....he does white rage.

Love how the libs can twist someones words that they disagree with and interpret them to something the lib "thinks" they meant. If a fellow lib says something horrendous, that is "interpreted" to mean that the lib really cares about everyone. The rage has nothing to do with "white". The rage is about the "injustice" that is systematic in the media.
Was it PC, NOPE! But I think I explained in the previous e-mail that he was being Satirical!

Basically it was showing how the Democrats are trying to call everything racism, from the tea baggers (LOL, I like that name), to the 9/12'ers, to the town hallers, even Joe Wilson's comment, but to say Kanye West or the White Bus Beating was racism is taboo! It makes no sense and is definitely a double standard. You have to realize that Rush is also an entertainer, he has to entertain to keep an audience, so he was putting on a little of a show!

But what you are accusing him of outright racism, not just race baiting, which is totally mischaracterization of Rush's bit!

Side Note: I curse you for making me stand up for Rush!!! J/K
Sorry, that just doesn't cut it. There was no reason for him to bring Obama into the conversation, no reason for him to make a huge deal about a schoolyard fight...he's race baiting. Not for the first time, I might add.

That might be true, funny that Rush is calling the race card play hysteria, when he thrives off of creating other hysterias. It was disingenious for him to call Obama a segregationist, because for all his left leaning faults, I think he does a great part of leaving race at the door. I think he calls himselve an AMERICAN and not an African American!

In fact, Obama's reaction to West was ideal for me. Calling the guy an asshole was more than justified and the correct reaction!

Isn't this same guy that said a white policeman acted "stupidly" when it involved a black man he knew?
Isn't this the same guy that had to point out to his Obamazombies that he looked different than the "guys" on the money?
He is way more of a "race baiter" than Rush.
I accept people of all shades of color, all ethnicities, all religions (as long as they don't proselytize) and of most political persuasions; but fat people are intolerable, and fat neoconservatives are disgusting. Fat people on public transportation should pay for two seats, and fat neocons ought to ride in the back of the plane, train or hot air ballon and on the very top - away from the rest of us and exposed to the elements.

you, you .....fat baiter

I posted the entire segment Rush gave. It's clearly Satire!

If Al Sharpton said it (changing it around some obviously), I suspect you wouldn't think so....

Rush doesn't do satire....he does white rage.

^ 100% bass-ackwards. CLEARLY Rush has used and regularly uses satire. To deny that is to admit that you are unfamiliar with his show. That's ok, but it means you have no basis for your claim.

It is Al Sharpton who does not have a history of using satire.
CLEARLY, anyone who listens to America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy knows it is not SATIRE. Even your MessiahRushie has said the humor of satire must have an element of truth and there was absolutely no truth in his racist rant!!! Newsweek never said we are born racists, in fact they specifically said race was not involved.

Aug 22, 2008
RUSH: This was a very important thing to talk about because this was parody, this was satire. This was brilliant humor and requires elements of truth in order to be brilliant humor.

Nov 26, 2008
RUSH: Some of it, of course, is satire, but some of it is obviously true. Remember, all good humor requires an element of truth for it to be funny
If Al Sharpton said it (changing it around some obviously), I suspect you wouldn't think so....

Rush doesn't do satire....he does white rage.

^ 100% bass-ackwards. CLEARLY Rush has used and regularly uses satire. To deny that is to admit that you are unfamiliar with his show. That's ok, but it means you have no basis for your claim.

It is Al Sharpton who does not have a history of using satire.
CLEARLY, anyone who listens to America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy knows it is not SATIRE. Even your MessiahRushie has said the humor of satire must have an element of truth and there was absolutely no truth in his racist rant!!! Newsweek never said we are born racists, in fact they specifically said race was not involved.

Aug 22, 2008
RUSH: This was a very important thing to talk about because this was parody, this was satire. This was brilliant humor and requires elements of truth in order to be brilliant humor.

Nov 26, 2008
RUSH: Some of it, of course, is satire, but some of it is obviously true. Remember, all good humor requires an element of truth for it to be funny

Sarcasm does not equal satire.

Both of you are wrong if you think that was a piece of satire Ravi linked, it was sarcasm.
^ 100% bass-ackwards. CLEARLY Rush has used and regularly uses satire. To deny that is to admit that you are unfamiliar with his show. That's ok, but it means you have no basis for your claim.

It is Al Sharpton who does not have a history of using satire.
CLEARLY, anyone who listens to America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy knows it is not SATIRE. Even your MessiahRushie has said the humor of satire must have an element of truth and there was absolutely no truth in his racist rant!!! Newsweek never said we are born racists, in fact they specifically said race was not involved.

Aug 22, 2008
RUSH: This was a very important thing to talk about because this was parody, this was satire. This was brilliant humor and requires elements of truth in order to be brilliant humor.

Nov 26, 2008
RUSH: Some of it, of course, is satire, but some of it is obviously true. Remember, all good humor requires an element of truth for it to be funny

Sarcasm does not equal satire.

Both of you are wrong if you think that was a piece of satire Ravi linked, it was sarcasm.
Sarcasm is RIDICULE. Either way his racist rant was based on a lie HE made up. Newsweek specifically said race was not involved and did not single out "white" babies. So his "sarcastic" racist rant was based on his own racist lie.

Rules For Radicals

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

September 17, 2009
RUSH: But remember, folks, what drove all this yesterday, this was hilarious, was Newsweek, Newsweek magazine saying that we're born racist. We're born racist. Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months...

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life |
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.
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^ 100% bass-ackwards. CLEARLY Rush has used and regularly uses satire. To deny that is to admit that you are unfamiliar with his show. That's ok, but it means you have no basis for your claim.

It is Al Sharpton who does not have a history of using satire.
CLEARLY, anyone who listens to America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy knows it is not SATIRE. Even your MessiahRushie has said the humor of satire must have an element of truth and there was absolutely no truth in his racist rant!!! Newsweek never said we are born racists, in fact they specifically said race was not involved.

Aug 22, 2008
RUSH: This was a very important thing to talk about because this was parody, this was satire. This was brilliant humor and requires elements of truth in order to be brilliant humor.

Nov 26, 2008
RUSH: Some of it, of course, is satire, but some of it is obviously true. Remember, all good humor requires an element of truth for it to be funny

Sarcasm does not equal satire.

Both of you are wrong if you think that was a piece of satire Ravi linked, it was sarcasm.


It was clearly satirical. And that does not exclude the use of sarcasm.

And there can be an unpleasant kernel of truth in satire. But a kernel is not a whole ear, nor is it the entire cornfield.

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