Rush Limbaugh comments on the conservative media revolution..and how it drives the old media nuts...

Liberal media doesn't control the narrative anymore. That's all Rush is saying and it's why you're going over the edge. LOL
There is no Liberal media, and there never was a Liberal media, it is a lie made up by the GOP and parroted by their shills like your MessiahRushie and swallowed by stupid assholes like you.

"‘Liberal bias’ is the greatest propaganda tool of the past 40 years — a surefire way to explain away any news report that the right doesn’t like."
- Bob Somerby

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."
William Kristol, the New Yorker, 5/22/95

"We have the media now."
- Ann Coulter to Brent Bozell on the 7/26/2005 Sean Hannity Show

"Don't believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It's a fact."
- Bill O'Reilly July 27, 2005 Talking Points
Slander and libel are all your MessiahRushie has, and talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwd-da.

Again edtheliar, the topic of the thread is not the hatred your owner has for Limbaugh, but the rise of alternatives to the DNC media and the impact Rush had on it.

You hate anyone who fails to bow and scrape to your filthy party and your King, George Soros. That isn't a topic worth discussing. So can your mindless hate and address the actual topic.
In my country, the media are corporate-owned and advertising-driven. I can't speak to the system in your country.

I do know I'd much rather read my news that listen to four minutes of Talking Head bloviating squeezed between two five-minute segments of car and fast-food commercials.

In America, my country, the Media because a lapdog to the party. Under the twin fangs of the New York times, directed by the Sulzberger sycophants of FDR, the Times was and is the mouthpiece of the DNC. When America's own Goebbels arose, Edward Murrow, the new medium of Television fell under control of the party. Murrow had direct power over what CBS would report, but NBC and ABC fell in line, reporting ONLY on that which Goebbels ne' Murrow allowed.

But the monopoly on information broke in the 90's. This is fact. The question is, what it Rush Limbaugh who broke the back of the party monopoly on news and information, or was it a broadening media that the old stalwarts simply couldn't control?

The NY Times (and LA Times) of the Early 90's were POWERFUL influences. Now the NY Times is tarnished and disgraced by a string of plagiarism and false reporting scandals. The LA Times is a complete joke, a print version of DailyKOS. NBC is a leftist shithole with no credibility - CBS was caught lying about Bush.

The leftist propaganda network is in shambles. So what is the reason?
It was Limbaugh who started the GOP on it`s path to extinction. Thanks Rushbo. Your next refill of Oxycontin is on me.
Slander and libel are all your MessiahRushie has, and talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwd-da.

Again edtheliar, the topic of the thread is not the hatred your owner has for Limbaugh, but the rise of alternatives to the DNC media and the impact Rush had on it.

You hate anyone who fails to bow and scrape to your filthy party and your King, George Soros. That isn't a topic worth discussing. So can your mindless hate and address the actual topic.
The topic is how your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar especially about his projection of who is driven nuts.

As I have pointed out, none of you DittoTards can rebut my examples of Porky lying.

Now that Jay Leno has made waves with his "undocumented Democrats" joke, of course, pathological liar and certified plagiarist MessiahRushie tries to take credit for "inventing the term."

April 03, 2013
RUSH: By the way, I'll get into details of this in just a second, but I've had a number of people say, "Hey, Rush, did you hear Leno's joke? It was a great line, did you hear what Leno said? Since AP is not gonna be calling 'em illegal immigrants anymore, we can call 'em undocumented Democrats." Yeah, we invented that term back in 2010 here on the EIB Network. In fact, July 1st was the earliest use that we can document in our archives

Entry from April 26, 2010

Undocumented Democrat (illegal alien nickname)
Republicans have often claimed that the Democrat Party is the political party of illegal immigration. One joke is that they’re no longer called “illegal aliens,” but are now called “undocumented Democrats.”

The term “undocumented Democrats” was a tagline of “Ric” on the website since November 5, 2001. “Undocumented Democrat” has been used frequently since 2006.
It was Limbaugh who started the GOP on it`s path to extinction. Thanks Rushbo. Your next refill of Oxycontin is on me.

That why you democratic - socialists have both houses of Congress! :thup:
Both houses and you still can't pass anything because you're too busy fight with yourselves..

The G in GOP does not stand for Govern, obviously,
The topic is how your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar especially about his projection of who is driven nuts.

No edtheliar, it sure isn't. But you have a script from the hate sites attacking Rush, so you are doing what you can to pervert the thread.

Obviously you have no ability to comment on the actual topic, because the Soros hate sites haven't posted talking points. And let's face it, you have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli, so without KOS or ThinkProgress telling you what to say, you're left speechless.
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There's no money to be made bringing people together. Rush knows that. Just like he knows that RWrs are suckers for his kind of schtick.

Is that why you Communists practice identity politics? You pit one against the other to make a profit. White lives don't matter, but greenbacks do?
I'm not a communist...but I understand your need to pretend that people you disagree with are X (communist, atheist, muslim-sympathizers, etc)....because it's the only way you can even hope to look like you have some kind of valid point.
The topic is how your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar especially about his projection of who is driven nuts.
But you have a script from the hate sites attacking Rush

And let's face, you have the intellect of a stalk of broccoli, so without KOS or ThinkProgress.
Again we see the mindless regurgitation of the brainwashed DittoTards claiming I get my quotes from sites other than your MessiahRushie's hate site.

And I'm the one who posted Porky's "undocumented Democrats" lie on Kos!!!

Rush Limbaugh Plagiarizes Again
I'm not a communist...

Oh, are you using the popular "democratic - socialist" bullshit to disguise what you promote?

but I understand your need to pretend that people you disagree with are X (communist, atheist, muslim-sympathizers, etc)....because it's the only way you can even hope to look like you have some kind of valid point.

Funny, you spewed the above bullshit in hopes of escaping the valid point. That valid point is that you of the demagogue - sociopath party engage in identity politics, the policy of balkanizing people and pitting them against enemies of the party.

Who do you commies hate?

The 1%
English speakers
The rich (those earning more than $100K)
Business owners

I miss anyone?
Again we see the mindless regurgitation of the brainwashed DittoTards claiming I get my quotes from sites other than your MessiahRushie's hate site.

And I'm the one who posted Porky's "undocumented Democrats" lie on Kos!!!

Rush Limbaugh Plagiarizes Again

Yes edtheliar, you can and do mindlessly spew hate from the Soros sites..

What you cannot do is address the topic of the thread,

Unless the hate sites post hating points that somehow mesh with the topic, then this mindless hate you toss is all that we will get from you.

You have no capacity for thought and are just a shit flinging feral baboon.

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