Rush Limbaugh comments on the conservative media revolution..and how it drives the old media nuts...

The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
Again, a mindless drone parroting the programmed, "you get that info from lefty propaganda sources," when the "lefty propaganda source" I get it from is your MessiahRushie's site. And where is the "Sarcasm" in his words, "I'm going to be very honest?"
The sarcasm was definitely not in the carefully selected text.
I'm not a Rush follower but I have heard him be obviously sarcastic often.
You can be sure that you and other detractors have next to zero perspective since you rely on lefty propaganda to form your opinions.

They're absolutely CLUELESS!
You're absolutely BRAINWASHED.

More like Brain-Blank.
How often does Rush comment on all the infrastructure the Middle Class US Tax payer has to create for our Military?

LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.
How often does Rush comment on all the infrastructure the Middle Class US Tax payer has to create for our Military?

LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

I guess that its only fair, at this this point, that I admit that I advanced the challenge, as a means to prove the idiot could not reconstruct that train-wreck into something comprehensible.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
How often does Rush comment on all the infrastructure the Middle Class US Tax payer has to create for our Military?

LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

I guess that its only fair, at this this point, that I admit that I advanced the challenge, as a means to prove the idiot could not reconstruct that train-wreck into something comprehensible.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This is your best ad hominem?
Wow. You better start seeing a Neurologist.
LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

I guess that its only fair, at this this point, that I admit that I advanced the challenge, as a means to prove the idiot could not reconstruct that train-wreck into something comprehensible.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This is your best ad hominem?
Wow. You better start seeing a Neurologist.


Tell the truth, you've never spent a moment studying logic have ya scamp?

I ask, as a means to get you to claim that ya have...


Now, let's see how ya do.
If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

I guess that its only fair, at this this point, that I admit that I advanced the challenge, as a means to prove the idiot could not reconstruct that train-wreck into something comprehensible.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This is your best ad hominem?
Wow. You better start seeing a Neurologist.


Tell the truth, you've never spent a moment studying logic have ya scamp?

I ask, as a means to get you to claim that ya have...


Now, let's see how ya do.

Are you able to connect more than one piece of information together?
You don't listen to a man you adore.
And then you accuse ME of not being logical?
You DO realize that your postings are so delusional even your fellow Cons here are not coming to your defense.
Anyway, I'm bored with your stupidity so I'm going to go point out another ideologues stupidity.
Wow. You better start seeing a Neurologist.



it advances an incomprehensible sentence and lacks sufficient objectivity to simply admit and repair it.

Now THIS is symptomatic of a mental disorder. Specifically: Delusion.

And despite that, it comes to recommend a study of the mind, to the person who simply asked for clarification.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up!
Last edited:
... you accuse ME of not being logical?

No. I merely noted the evidence which establishes you being illogical.

You DO realize that your postings are so delusional even your fellow Cons here are not coming to your defense.

LOL! Americans aren't a people to pile on... . They see you getting your intellectual ass handed to you, and recognize that there's nothing that they can do. They can neither stop it, or help.

Anyway, I'm bored with your stupidity so I'm going to go point out another ideologues stupidity.

Your overt concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

Yeah….try actually listening to Limbaugh so you can understand what he is saying…..

It's mostly opinion you get from rush and most of these dj's. He gives you his slant on what's going on. I listen now and then. He's amusing. He's also arrogant as well as ignorant. You do know that he's been a dj all his life? No travel, military, having different careers, or much education beyond high school. He's never even had kids, but you people listen to him like he's a fountain of knowledge on what's going on in the real world. Sad.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
Again, a mindless drone parroting the programmed, "you get that info from lefty propaganda sources," when the "lefty propaganda source" I get it from is your MessiahRushie's site. And where is the "Sarcasm" in his words, "I'm going to be very honest?"
The sarcasm was definitely not in the carefully selected text.
I'm not a Rush follower but I have heard him be obviously sarcastic often.
You can be sure that you and other detractors have next to zero perspective since you rely on lefty propaganda to form your opinions.
Further proof of just how completely brainwashed DittoTards are, even after I point out that I get my quotes directly from the pathological liar's site, this :asshole: just continues to parrot his programming.

So I challenge you to fins anyone else on Earth that used the above quote other than Me and your MessiahRushie!

I'll help with the google link to the search for the quote because as a DittoTard I know you are too stupid to figure out how to find out who exactly uses the quotes I use.

"I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it" - Google Search
So much for the High Information crowd.
So now that I have proven that I don't get my quotes from Liberal propaganda sites, it is extremely rare for any other site to use the same quotes as I do, the brainwashed DittoTards will next attack me for actually listening to their MessiahRushie and actually remembering what he says by claiming I am obsessed with Porky. So you are damned if you listen and you are damned if you don't.
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
Again, a mindless drone parroting the programmed, "you get that info from lefty propaganda sources," when the "lefty propaganda source" I get it from is your MessiahRushie's site. And where is the "Sarcasm" in his words, "I'm going to be very honest?"
The sarcasm was definitely not in the carefully selected text.
I'm not a Rush follower but I have heard him be obviously sarcastic often.
You can be sure that you and other detractors have next to zero perspective since you rely on lefty propaganda to form your opinions.
Further proof of just how completely brainwashed DittoTards are, even after I point out that I get my quotes directly from the pathological liar's site, this :asshole: just continues to parrot his programming.

So I challenge you to fins anyone else on Earth that used the above quote other than Me and your MessiahRushie!

I'll help with the google link to the search for the quote because as a DittoTard I know you are too stupid to figure out how to find out who exactly uses the quotes I use.

"I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it" - Google Search
So much for the High Information crowd.
So now that I have proven that I don't get my quotes from Liberal propaganda sites, it is extremely rare for any other site to use the same quotes as I do, the brainwashed DittoTards will next attack me for actually listening to their MessiahRushie and actually remembering what he says by claiming I am obsessed with Porky. So you are damned if you listen and you are damned if you don't.

It's amazing how people can be brain-washed by a billboard; they don't even LISTEN!
I used to quote his show from the day before and they had no idea what I was talking about.
How often does Rush comment on all the infrastructure the Middle Class US Tax payer has to create for our Military?

LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

That's right, he's been asking where his keys are since he got here. Maybe he has Alzheimers.
How often does Rush comment on all the infrastructure the Middle Class US Tax payer has to create for our Military?

LOL! Try to focus the whole of your intellect to restructure that into something someone else might be able to understand.

If Rush is your admitted source of information...

LOL! Look scamp... you are the source of the relevant information, which happens to be a train wreck of a sentence, which you were asked to restructure into something comprehensible.

If ya can't do it, I understand. It's not like I expected that ya could... I offered you a simple challenge to do so. It's entirely YOURS... to determine if ya can or not.

You don't listen to Rush.
You can't comprehend English.
I'm beginning to understand your user name.

That's right, he's been asking where his keys are since he got here. Maybe he has Alzheimers.
Maybe Rush has them.
Maybe Rush snorted them.
That's right, he's been asking where his keys are since he got here. Maybe he has Alzheimers.

And still, after all this time, and tens of thousands of posts, the intellectually less fortunate cannot tell you where, me keys are... .


Such is the nature of the addle-minded Left.

What must it be like to be so pathetic that someone afflicted with Alzheimers OWNS YOU?

This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
Again, a mindless drone parroting the programmed, "you get that info from lefty propaganda sources," when the "lefty propaganda source" I get it from is your MessiahRushie's site. And where is the "Sarcasm" in his words, "I'm going to be very honest?"
The sarcasm was definitely not in the carefully selected text.
I'm not a Rush follower but I have heard him be obviously sarcastic often.
You can be sure that you and other detractors have next to zero perspective since you rely on lefty propaganda to form your opinions.
Further proof of just how completely brainwashed DittoTards are, even after I point out that I get my quotes directly from the pathological liar's site, this :asshole: just continues to parrot his programming.

So I challenge you to find anyone else on Earth that used the above quote other than Me and your MessiahRushie!

I'll help with the google link to the search for the quote because as a DittoTard I know you are too stupid to figure out how to find out who exactly uses the quotes I use.

"I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it" - Google Search
What is the context? No way you got it from his actual program as its obvious you never listen. That's why you refer to me as a dittohead. Because you have no clue. You just parrot.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
Again, a mindless drone parroting the programmed, "you get that info from lefty propaganda sources," when the "lefty propaganda source" I get it from is your MessiahRushie's site. And where is the "Sarcasm" in his words, "I'm going to be very honest?"
The sarcasm was definitely not in the carefully selected text.
I'm not a Rush follower but I have heard him be obviously sarcastic often.
You can be sure that you and other detractors have next to zero perspective since you rely on lefty propaganda to form your opinions.
Further proof of just how completely brainwashed DittoTards are, even after I point out that I get my quotes directly from the pathological liar's site, this :asshole: just continues to parrot his programming.

So I challenge you to find anyone else on Earth that used the above quote other than Me and your MessiahRushie!

I'll help with the google link to the search for the quote because as a DittoTard I know you are too stupid to figure out how to find out who exactly uses the quotes I use.

"I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it" - Google Search
What is the context? No way you got it from his actual program as its obvious you never listen. That's why you refer to me as a dittohead. Because you have no clue. You just parrot.
What good is context, which your MessiahRushie never gives when he "quotes" anyone, BTW, when you can't even READ!!!!!
I called you a DittoTARD not a DittoHead.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
It's true. Liberals will not stand for dissenting viewpoints. They will try to get you shut up by having you fired or worse. Isn't there someone who wanted anybody who didn't believe in global warming imprisoned?
Limbaugh is an ignorant snake oil salesman, as are almost all of the con-talk-radio bunch. They use outright lies and innuendo, rather than honest debate, to try to fool people into following them.

And it works on maybe 27% of the population all the time. 40% of the population some of the time.

Conservative media isn't 'an alternative', or 'debate'. It is propaganda. Lies and half-truths made to appear to be true in order to get as many working people to vote against their own best interests as is possible.

It is a lie machine built by a few wealthy people to benefit a few wealthy people.
Here is a prime example of a liberal who wants a single conservative opinion shut down. There is Rush and 100s of liberal reporting liberal lies.

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