Rush Limbaugh comments on the conservative media revolution..and how it drives the old media nuts...

What difference at this point does it make? Rush? He'll be gone real soon because JoeyB told us no one's advertising on his show, so that's the end of that.

Life is fun in liberal la la land.
He'll be gone soon because he's a fat junkie, and they don't live that long.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

What you and your comrades of the Intellectually Less Fortunate are missing, is that Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth about evil... where you, the degenerates (which is to say: Evil) cry, whine and piss your collective pant, in a chronic attempt to defend.

So the equation is comprised of the purveyance of evil (that's you), and those who recognize that human viability is jeopardized by evil (that's Limbauch and the Americans who support him)... in that equation is a contest... contests are intrinsically divisive... .

But what is hysterical is that YOU, an unapologetic advocate of 'Diversity', which those familiar with the etymology of such, (not you...) is essential to DIVISION.

What you're concerned with here, is that you realize that you idiots are going to lose... because Americans are united against THE LEFT... . And we are MODERATE FREE. With not a scintilla of DIVERSITY.

Americans believe in God's Law, which is the basis for American Principle. We do not give a dam' about those who reject us, our principle, or our God, whose laws comprise those principles. And we are not seeking to compromise with you or any aspect of your cult. We are intent upon destroying it.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

What you and your comrades of the Intellectually Less Fortunate are missing, is that Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth about evil... where you, the degenerates (which is to say: Evil) cry, whine and piss your collective pant, in a chronic attempt to defend.

Ok, but he still lied to you and you swallowed it whole. We have the tapes lol
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

What you and your comrades of the Intellectually Less Fortunate are missing, is that Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth about evil... where you, the degenerates (which is to say: Evil) cry, whine and piss your collective pant, in a chronic attempt to defend.

So the equation is comprised of the purveyance of evil (that's you), and those who recognize that human viability is jeopardized by evil (that's Limbauch and the Americans who support him)... in that equation is a contest... contests are intrinsically divisive... .

But what is hysterical is that YOU, an unapologetic advocate of 'Diversity', which those familiar with the etymology of such, (not you...) is essential to DIVISION.

What you're concerned with here, is that you realize that you idiots are going to lose... because Americans are united against THE LEFT... . And we are MODERATE FREE. With not a scintilla of DIVERSITY.

Americans believe in God's Law, which is the basis for American Principle. We do not give a dam' about those who reject us, our principle, or our God, whose laws comprise those principles. And we are not seeking to compromise with you or any aspect of your cult. We are intent upon destroying it.
America is, by law, a secular nation. It's not for your kind, nor was it founded for your kind.
What difference at this point does it make? Rush? He'll be gone real soon because JoeyB told us no one's advertising on his show, so that's the end of that.

Life is fun in liberal la la land.
He'll be gone soon because he's a fat junkie, and they don't live that long.

Well YOU should be praying that he lives for the rest of your life... because, in all likelihood, when Limbaugh goes, the US will become one large hunting ground and the day of his death will become DAY ONE of OPEN SEASON on centrist, moderate, liberal, progressive, socialist, communists... OKA: Leftists.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

What you and your comrades of the Intellectually Less Fortunate are missing, is that Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth about evil... where you, the degenerates (which is to say: Evil) cry, whine and piss your collective pant, in a chronic attempt to defend.

Ok, but he still lied to you and you swallowed it whole. We have the tapes lol

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if you could show ANY evidence that Limbaugh ever lied to them and how his lie to them is relevant to his fight in defense of American Principle?

LOL! MAN! That would be SO cool... for you.

But of course, we both know ya have no such evidence and ya lack anything like the intellectual means to form a valid argument.

So... once again scamp, you're screwed.
America is, by law, a secular nation. It's not for your kind, nor was it founded for your kind.

Well, the thing about law, is that for it to be valid, it must be designed to defend the best interests of the people relevant to the law, thus it must be objective. And where a law provides for the promotion of that which is axiomatically injurious to those people, subjectively defending that threat... the law is axiomatically invalid and those tasked with defending it, are therein designated as that which threatens the interests of those people relevant to the law.

This ... being the cornerstone of American Founding Principle.

And I'm sure that even a person of your limited intellectual means can see where this pretty well screws you and those who are intent upon using 'The Law' to fuck Americans.

What you need to understand scamp is that "THE ERA OF LEFTIST GOVERNMENT" ... will be over on graduation day: Friday January 20th, 2017.
Well YOU should be praying that he lives for the rest of your life... because, in all likelihood, when Limbaugh goes, the US will become one large hunting ground and the day of his death will become DAY ONE of OPEN SEASON on centrist, moderate, liberal, progressive, socialist, communists... OKA: Leftists.
To say the above is insane, doesn't even begin to cover it...
America is, by law, a secular nation. It's not for your kind, nor was it founded for your kind.

Well, the thing about law, is that for it to be valid, it must be designed to defend the best interests of the people relevant to the law, thus it must be objective. And where a law provides for the promotion of that which is axiomatically injurious to those people, subjectively defending that threat... the law is axiomatically invalid and those tasked with defending it, are therein designated as that which threatens the interests of those people relevant to the law.

This ... being the cornerstone of American Founding Principle.

And I'm sure that even a person of your limited intellectual means can see where this pretty well screws you and those who are intent upon using 'The Law' to fuck Americans.

What you need to understand scamp is that "THE ERA OF LEFTIST GOVERNMENT" ... will be over on graduation day: Friday January 20th, 2017.
The law doesn't fuck most Americans, it fucks people like you who aren't Americans because you reject good governance, moderation, and liberalism seeking your theocratic police-state.
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point, as you ask it every 10 minutes in thread after thread....

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

What you and your comrades of the Intellectually Less Fortunate are missing, is that Rush Limbaugh speaks the truth about evil... where you, the degenerates (which is to say: Evil) cry, whine and piss your collective pant, in a chronic attempt to defend.

Ok, but he still lied to you and you swallowed it whole. We have the tapes lol

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if you could show ANY evidence that Limbaugh ever lied to them and how his lie to them is relevant to his fight in defense of American Principle?.

I dont have to show the evidence, you quoted the evidence yourself. Why you are defending the newest lie or pretending there are 2 different competing truths is beyond me
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In other words, you tune in but don't listen.
You are Mr. Zero-Information Man.

I will test you again tomorrow, MZIM, so listen and be ready.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth…the left has never valued truth so they don't seek it.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth...
To do so requires balance. Partisans lack that, so does their media.

And by law, when things were better, we required at least certain forms of media to be balanced, as it should be. Otherwise it is Propaganda.
I dont have to show the evidence...

Which is a good thing for you... given your inability to do so.

But hey... It is always great when one's opposition provides irrefutable confirmation of one's point.

Your concession is duly noted and,
as always: Summarily accepted.

Reader, always remember that the key to defeating the Ideological Left rests upon two key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

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