Rush Limbaugh comments on the conservative media revolution..and how it drives the old media nuts...

The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth...
To do so requires balance. Partisans lack that, so does their media.

And by law, when things were better, we required at least certain forms of media to be balanced, as it should be. Otherwise it is Propaganda.

Cronkite was one of the most partisan guys out there….since he was one of only three, with the others just as liberal as him, and no other options, his partisan crap was hidden...
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth...
To do so requires balance. Partisans lack that, so does their media.

And by law, when things were better, we required at least certain forms of media to be balanced, as it should be. Otherwise it is Propaganda.

balance to a left winger is they speak you listen…and if you don't get on the train to the camp…..
I dont have to show the evidence...

Which is a good thing for you... given your inability to do so.

But hey... It is always great when one's opposition provides irrefutable confirmation of one's point.

Your concession is duly noted and,
as always: Summarily accepted.

Reader, always remember that the key to defeating the Ideological Left rests upon two key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

Such a liar

I dont have to show the evidence, you quoted the evidence yourself. Why you are defending the newest lie or pretending there are 2 different competing truths is beyond me

Heres what you quoted:

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Now do you see it or will you cut my quote again?
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth...
To do so requires balance. Partisans lack that, so does their media.

And by law, when things were better, we required at least certain forms of media to be balanced, as it should be. Otherwise it is Propaganda.

Cronkite was one of the most partisan guys out there….since he was one of only three, with the others just as liberal as him, and no other options, his partisan crap was hidden...
I'm not sure you came to believe that but it isn't entirely untrue...
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

The media isn't supposed to be balanced. The media should try to tell the truth...
To do so requires balance. Partisans lack that, so does their media.

And by law, when things were better, we required at least certain forms of media to be balanced, as it should be. Otherwise it is Propaganda.

balance to a left winger is they speak you listen…and if you don't get on the train to the camp…..
You seem to have plenty of chances to speak your mind. Where exactly is this censorship you speak of? You shooting your mouth off makes it easy for use to shoot what you say down. Doesn't bother me in the slightest...
Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In other words, you tune in but don't listen.

A Re-Concession? And SO SOON?

How wonderful!

Your second concession to the same standing point(s) is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Can anybody tell me within the next 2 minutes what Rush spoke about today.
A memorable phrase would be appreciated.
You got 2 minutes to post..,

You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In other words, you tune in but don't listen.

A Re-Concession? And SO SOON?

How wonderful!

Your second concession to the same standing point(s) is duly noted and summarily accepted.
despite your ineffectual ad hominem, you are obvioulsy intellectually challenged and it's online for all to see.
I dont have to show the evidence...

Which is a good thing for you... given your inability to do so.

But hey... It is always great when one's opposition provides irrefutable confirmation of one's point.

Your concession is duly noted and,
as always: Summarily accepted.

Reader, always remember that the key to defeating the Ideological Left rests upon two key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

Such a liar

I dont have to show the evidence, you quoted the evidence yourself. Why you are defending the newest lie or pretending there are 2 different competing truths is beyond me

Heres what you quoted:

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Now do you see it or will you cut my quote again?

OH! ANOTHER Re-Concession from ANOTHER Cultists inside two minutes!

LOL! You people absolutely SUCK AT THIS!

Your Second concession to the same standing points, is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You seem to be absolutely certain that this query of yours is rooted in some sort of strong point.

Yet, you've never been able to convey any sense of any point what so ever.

Which can only mean that you're deluded. You've got all day to try and figure out what that means.

You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In other words, you tune in but don't listen.

A Re-Concession? And SO SOON?

How wonderful!

Your second concession to the same standing point(s) is duly noted and summarily accepted.
despite your ineffectual ad hominem, you are obvioulsy intellectually challenged and it's online for all to see.

OH! Now THAT is tragic. You didn't have to further demonstrate your ignorance of reason. But it is sweet of you to do so, nonetheless.

FYI: there was no attack upon you. The attack was on your feckless argument. You shouldn't take it so personally.

Your THIRD Concession to the same standing point(s) is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

So you have nothing to say on the subject and can only fling shit like the feral baboon you are?
You tune him in but don't listen.
You are not Low-Information.
You are Zero-Information.

Ahh... Nothing like first hand confirmation of one's point.

Thank you!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In other words, you tune in but don't listen.

A Re-Concession? And SO SOON?

How wonderful!

Your second concession to the same standing point(s) is duly noted and summarily accepted.
despite your ineffectual ad hominem, you are obvioulsy intellectually challenged and it's online for all to see.

OH! Now THAT is tragic. You didn't have to further demonstrate your ignorance of reason. But it is sweet of you to do so, nonetheless.

FYI: there was no attack upon you. The attack was on your feckless argument. You shouldn't take it so personally.

Your THIRD Concession to the same standing point(s) is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
Do you realize from a "connect the dots" POV you have made a complete fool of yourself?
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Sure, Cronkite worked for America's own Josef Goebbels. Under Edward Murrow, only information that was blessed by the party was allowed onto American airwaves. In conjunction with the DNC controlled NY Times, the ONLY message America got was that of the democratic party.

Cronkite is gone and now there is no control over news, the party can no longer ensure that only that which serves it's goals is seen by the American people.
I dont have to show the evidence...

Which is a good thing for you... given your inability to do so.

But hey... It is always great when one's opposition provides irrefutable confirmation of one's point.

Your concession is duly noted and,
as always: Summarily accepted.

Reader, always remember that the key to defeating the Ideological Left rests upon two key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

Such a liar

I dont have to show the evidence, you quoted the evidence yourself. Why you are defending the newest lie or pretending there are 2 different competing truths is beyond me

Heres what you quoted:

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Now do you see it or will you cut my quote again?

OH! ANOTHER Re-Concession from ANOTHER Cultists inside two minutes!

LOL! You people absolutely SUCK AT THIS!

Your Second concession to the same standing points, is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Yeah yeah, but do you see the proof you were asking for or not?
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

Address the thread, monkey boi.

Slander and libel are not on topic, edtheliar.
As someone who's been on-air for over 20 years, Limbaugh is the old media.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

So you have nothing to say on the subject and can only fling shit like the feral baboon you are?

The sum of the intellect comprising the Ideological Left is insufficient to understand THE DISTINCT CONTEXT IN WHICH BOTH DISTINCT STATEMENTS WERE ADVANCED.

Limbaugh IS only responsible for "THE CONTEST".

And to be clear, the Contest is simply two distinct positions:

1- American Principle

2- Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle.

Limbaugh came at "The Media" PROMOTING AMERICAN PRINCIPLE.

Limbaugh did not create the Media that PROMOTES: Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle.

Thus within those two distinct contexts, Limbaugh IS and IS NOT responsible for the DIVISION between Advocates of American Principle OKA: AMERICANS! and The Proponents of Foreign Ideas HOSTILE TO American Principle, OKA: Leftists... .

But how cool is it that the proponents of DIVERSITY... come to lament DIVISION, in which Diversity is otherwise rooted?
As someone who's been on-air for over 20 years, Limbaugh is the old media.

Yes... because 20 years is the edge of "The Media" scale...

Do you realize from a "connect the dots" POV you have made a complete fool of yourself?


Aren't you ADORABLE!

Your FOURTH CONCESSION TO THE STANDING POINT(S), is Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
I dont have to show the evidence...

Which is a good thing for you... given your inability to do so.

But hey... It is always great when one's opposition provides irrefutable confirmation of one's point.

Your concession is duly noted and,
as always: Summarily accepted.

Reader, always remember that the key to defeating the Ideological Left rests upon two key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to SPEAK!

Such a liar

I dont have to show the evidence, you quoted the evidence yourself. Why you are defending the newest lie or pretending there are 2 different competing truths is beyond me

Heres what you quoted:

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Now do you see it or will you cut my quote again?

OH! ANOTHER Re-Concession from ANOTHER Cultists inside two minutes!

LOL! You people absolutely SUCK AT THIS!

Your Second concession to the same standing points, is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Yeah yeah, but do you see the proof you were asking for or not?

I see proof that you're incapable of separating distinct context... and it is HYSTERICAL!

Now please... don't tell me that you were looking to convey something else... ? Seriously?

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