Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Cool. If he does you've got an open invitation to lie about something again, Joey! Make it a real good one this time and for heaven's sake not something so easily disproved this go-round. Your reputation can't take much more of those.

Right. Yet oddly I have 9370 ratings and you only have 2191 even though you've been here two years longer and agree with the general majority of the members.


Hmmmmm.... I have 18000 posts and you have over 66000 posts.

I guess I have a life and you are a pathetic troll.

More crying from Joey Boi, grow up nutter.

So long as Mr. Limbaugh is able to twist liberal knickers his programme will be enjoyed by millions each day.

Should he ever turn "moderate" - then, yes - his goose would be not just cooked but microwaved!
Hmmmmm.... I have 18000 posts and you have over 66000 posts.

I guess I have a life and you are a pathetic troll.

More crying from Joey Boi, grow up nutter.

given most of your 18K post are whining about how other posters a mean to you, you seem to lack substance.

Joey Boi, over 66,000 lies.

Keep on lying Joey Boi, it's what you do best.

Let me know when you post the truth, that would be a major event in your life, little Joey Boi.
The average election brings out under 25% of eligible voters.
Rush supposedly has 20 million people tuning in to hear his voice in the background.
Hannity and Levin supposedly have 10 million people tuning in to hear their voices in the background and those 10 million are a subset of Rush.
20 million isn't going to win a national election.

"20 million" is a made-up number anyway. He's never documented it.

The number IS improvable.
Cool. If he does you've got an open invitation to lie about something again, Joey! Make it a real good one this time and for heaven's sake not something so easily disproved this go-round. Your reputation can't take much more of those.

Right. Yet oddly I have 9370 ratings and you only have 2191 even though you've been here two years longer and agree with the general majority of the members.

You have 6 times the posts and 4 1/2 times the rating, asshat. I have half your post count and 10 or 12% higher rating as if that truly mattered.
You are a laughing stock, Joe. You know it, I know it and the rest of the board knows it.
You have 6 times the posts and 4 1/2 times the rating, asshat. I have half your post count and 10 or 12% higher rating as if that truly mattered.
You are a laughing stock, Joe. You know it, I know it and the rest of the board knows it.

Yeah, that's why you keep obsessing over me, right, Cleetus?

Point is, you throw red meat to the other racists who inhabit "Stormfront Lite", and you wonder why you are liked.

I challenge their stupidity.
Obsess? Hardly Joe. I do enjoy pointing out your stupidity, but I actually asked someone where you were a few days ago. I was having a rough day and needed some comedic relief.
Obsess? Hardly Joe. I do enjoy pointing out your stupidity, but I actually asked someone where you were a few days ago. I was having a rough day and needed some comedic relief.

Pointing out the obvious aren't you Ernie? Joe's stupidity is legendary, he can't do math, he lies in every post. What is great is how easy you can side track the mental midget. He is so much fun to toy with.
Cool. If he does you've got an open invitation to lie about something again, Joey! Make it a real good one this time and for heaven's sake not something so easily disproved this go-round. Your reputation can't take much more of those.

Right. Yet oddly I have 9370 ratings and you only have 2191 even though you've been here two years longer and agree with the general majority of the members.

Ratings? Why would I ever care what my - or anyone else's - ratings are in here? Only fools like you come to these places to be liked. Unlike you my self-esteem is fine so no need to seek affirmation from complete cyber world strangers. And if a lot of losers like/agree with a serial liar that's their business. But thanks for the little insight on how you validate your worthiness. It says more than a slow leak like you could ever imagine.
Still after what 20 years, the left is still predicting the end of Rush.
These are generally the same people who predicted a long and successful run for Air America.

Well, let's see...

* Al Franken is now a 2 term U.S. Senator, actually putting his money where his mouth is and not just continuing to bitch and moan on the radio.

* Rachel Maddow is now the top-rated show on one of the 3 major cable news networks, with successful books and co-anchoring major events.

* Marc Maron is more popular than ever, with the #1 podcast in the world, and a very successful TV show.

* Thom Hartmann has one of the most popular radio shows in the country, while also simulcasting on TV each dat, on Free Speech Network. Why isn't Rush also on TV? They have wide angle lenses . . .

* Lizz Winstead not only created The Daily Show, she has written successful books and still appears as a commentator and stand-up comic.

* Ron Reagan is still the best representative and example of his family.

It's all good!
Must radio must be busted, I couldn't find Randi Rhodes or Air America on it this morning
Still after what 20 years, the left is still predicting the end of Rush.
These are generally the same people who predicted a long and successful run for Air America.

Well, let's see...

* Al Franken is now a 2 term U.S. Senator, actually putting his money where his mouth is and not just continuing to bitch and moan on the radio.

* Rachel Maddow is now the top-rated show on one of the 3 major cable news networks, with successful books and co-anchoring major events.

* Marc Maron is more popular than ever, with the #1 podcast in the world, and a very successful TV show.

* Thom Hartmann has one of the most popular radio shows in the country, while also simulcasting on TV each dat, on Free Speech Network. Why isn't Rush also on TV? They have wide angle lenses . . .

* Lizz Winstead not only created The Daily Show, she has written successful books and still appears as a commentator and stand-up comic.

* Ron Reagan is still the best representative and example of his family.

It's all good!

Maddow top rated on MSNBC. So you and 9 others watch her?
Still after what 20 years, the left is still predicting the end of Rush.
These are generally the same people who predicted a long and successful run for Air America.

Well, let's see...

* Al Franken is now a 2 term U.S. Senator, actually putting his money where his mouth is and not just continuing to bitch and moan on the radio.

* Rachel Maddow is now the top-rated show on one of the 3 major cable news networks, with successful books and co-anchoring major events.

* Marc Maron is more popular than ever, with the #1 podcast in the world, and a very successful TV show.

* Thom Hartmann has one of the most popular radio shows in the country, while also simulcasting on TV each dat, on Free Speech Network. Why isn't Rush also on TV? They have wide angle lenses . . .

* Lizz Winstead not only created The Daily Show, she has written successful books and still appears as a commentator and stand-up comic.

* Ron Reagan is still the best representative and example of his family.

It's all good!

Maddow top rated on MSNBC. So you and 9 others watch her?
Yup Synthia and all her girlfriends get out their strap ons and party with Rachel 5 nights a week.

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