Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Must radio must be busted
Much English much?


Air America = ?

What station?

AM, FM or NFW?
I love him. I quit smoking Sunday afternoon and bitch slapping idiots distracts me from feeling like I want to strangle the mail man.

Thanks for being so easy, Joey boy.

SO you think exposing yourself as a homophobic, racist, misogynistic idiot is 'bitchslapping' anyone.

Well, a good point, if you'd did that in front of your mailman (who I suspect is black, which just pisses you off more he makes more than you do) you'd probably find yourself on several watch lists.
Ratings? Why would I ever care what my - or anyone else's - ratings are in here? Only fools like you come to these places to be liked. Unlike you my self-esteem is fine so no need to seek affirmation from complete cyber world strangers. And if a lot of losers like/agree with a serial liar that's their business. But thanks for the little insight on how you validate your worthiness. It says more than a slow leak like you could ever imagine.

Your statement was that no one on this board took me seriously.

Clearly, a lot of people do. Not only the many who find my points inciteful, but stupid Conservatards like yourself who just can't stop obsessing about me....

The fact you are still whining that I pointed out Limbaugh has lost all his legitimate advertisers or made fun of the fact he's a closeted homosexual shows I'm living in a little part of your brain, rent free.
Bad memory JoeyB. You lied on several occasions and then lied about what you lied about. That other low info nitwits in here laud you for it is sorta par for the course, but to the rest of us you're just a lying sack of shit.

What is it Joey that makes you want something so badly that you make things up about it? That's the sort of thing children do, not intelligent well balanced adults.
I love him. I quit smoking Sunday afternoon and bitch slapping idiots distracts me from feeling like I want to strangle the mail man.

Thanks for being so easy, Joey boy.

SO you think exposing yourself as a homophobic, racist, misogynistic idiot is 'bitchslapping' anyone.

Well, a good point, if you'd did that in front of your mailman (who I suspect is black, which just pisses you off more he makes more than you do) you'd probably find yourself on several watch lists.
When did I ever do that, Joe? Please provide links and quotes.
Bad memory JoeyB. You lied on several occasions and then lied about what you lied about. That other low info nitwits in here laud you for it is sorta par for the course, but to the rest of us you're just a lying sack of shit.

What is it Joey that makes you want something so badly that you make things up about it? That's the sort of thing children do, not intelligent well balanced adults.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Hey, did catch a few minutes of Dominican Rent Boy's show the other day. He's down to doing commercials for Fantasy Football Online Scams.

It's kind of pathetic.
When did I ever do that, Joe? Please provide links and quotes.

you mean all the racist and homophobic things you've said here? I don't keep track and it kind of isn't worth it..

Or an apology.

Okay, here's an apology.

I am sorry that you are such a fucked up racist that you think flying the Confederate Flag is cool. I am sorry that a black president makes you fucking insane. I am sorry that you are such a sorry loser who has so much hate in his life.

Oh, wait. NO, I'm not sorry, you've done those things to yourself.
When did I ever do that, Joe? Please provide links and quotes.

you mean all the racist and homophobic things you've said here? I don't keep track and it kind of isn't worth it..

Or an apology.

Okay, here's an apology.

I am sorry that you are such a fucked up racist that you think flying the Confederate Flag is cool. I am sorry that a black president makes you fucking insane. I am sorry that you are such a sorry loser who has so much hate in his life.

Oh, wait. NO, I'm not sorry, you've done those things to yourself.
So you can't prove a fucking thing you say and that's somehow MY fault. THIS is why you're a laughing stock here Joe.

Here's my apology to you: :321::ahole-1:
I know, I know - we've heard it before, but there's no denying the plain truth and the evidence. Sane people, I mean.

I predict he will quit his show in the next year when his contract expires. He will never get big money again, and his ego won't allow him to take any less.

Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator
Indianapolis' WIBC is just the latest station to drop him like a bad habit. His days of relevance are numbered

The bad news just keeps coming for conservative talker Rush Limbaugh.

Which bulletin was worse, though? The news in April that he was being dropped by WIBC in Indianapolis, a booming talk powerhouse that played home to Limbaugh’s radio show for more than two decades, or the news this week that the talker’s new address on the Indianapolis dial is going to be WNDE, a ratings doormat AM sports station that has so few listeners it trails the commercial-free classical music outlet in town?

The humbling, red-state tumble is just the latest setback for the conservative talker who has seen his once-golden career suffer a steady series of losses recently.

Divorced from successful, longtime affiliates in places like New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and Indianapolis, Limbaugh’s professional trajectory is heading downward. That’s confirmed by the second and third-tier stations he now calls home in those important media markets, and the fact that when his show became available, general managers up and down the dial passed on it. Apparently turned off by the show’s hefty price tag, sagging ratings, and disappearing advertisers, Limbaugh continues to be a very hard sell.

It’s a precipitous fall from the glory days when the host posted huge ratings numbers, had affiliates clamoring to join his network, and dictated Republican politics. All of that seems increasingly distant now. With his comically inflated, $50 million-a-year syndication deal set to expire next year, Limbaugh’s future seems uncertain. “Who would even want someone whose audience is aging and is considered toxic to many advertisers,” askedRadioInsight last month.

For Limbaugh, the troubles were marked by key events from 2012 and 2013. The first came in the form of Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke implosion, where he castigated and insulted for days the graduate student who testified before Congress about health care and access to contraception, calling her a “slut” and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. The astonishing monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus.

The following year, as the host struggled to hang on to fleeing sponsors, radio industry giant Cumulus Media decided to negotiate its Limbaugh contract in public, making it clear through the press that the company was willing to cut ties with the pricey host in major cities where Cumulus owned talk radio stations. In the end, Limbaugh stayed with Cumulus stations, but the company sent a clear signal to the industry: Limbaugh was no longer an untouchable and general managers weren’t clamoring to hire him. Since then, the talker’s fortunes have only faded.

Another looming problem? Conservative talk radio is a “format fewer advertisers are interested in buying because of its aging audience,” noted radio consultant and self-identified Republican Darryl Parks. Limbaugh himself recently conceded a generational disconnect: “Now that I’ve outgrown the 25-54 demographic, I’m no longer confident that the way I see the world is the way everybody else does.

That disconnect may be fueling Limbaugh’s waning political influence. Once a mighty player whose ring was constantly kissed by Republicans, this campaign season seems to be unfolding with Limbaugh on the sidelines, his clout and his ability to drive the conversation seemingly surpassed by other conservative media players.
I think most of his listeners are discovering that they don't need someone to tell them what they need to know.
Bad memory JoeyB. You lied on several occasions and then lied about what you lied about. That other low info nitwits in here laud you for it is sorta par for the course, but to the rest of us you're just a lying sack of shit.

What is it Joey that makes you want something so badly that you make things up about it? That's the sort of thing children do, not intelligent well balanced adults.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Hey, did catch a few minutes of Dominican Rent Boy's show the other day. He's down to doing commercials for Fantasy Football Online Scams.

It's kind of pathetic.
I got a better one: Sean Hannity rails against PP providing stem cells from abortions, then goes to a commercial that HE NARRATES, selling some product called GenuCell, where he points out that it's made from stem cells, as a positive selling point.

Bad memory JoeyB. You lied on several occasions and then lied about what you lied about. That other low info nitwits in here laud you for it is sorta par for the course, but to the rest of us you're just a lying sack of shit.

What is it Joey that makes you want something so badly that you make things up about it? That's the sort of thing children do, not intelligent well balanced adults.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Hey, did catch a few minutes of Dominican Rent Boy's show the other day. He's down to doing commercials for Fantasy Football Online Scams.

It's kind of pathetic.
I got a better one: Sean Hannity rails against PP providing stem cells from abortions, then goes to a commercial that HE NARRATES, selling some product called GenuCell, where he points out that it's made from stem cells, as a positive selling point.

I got one better, if you don't like him, don't listen to him or pay any attention to him.
I got one better, if you don't like him, don't listen to him or pay any attention to him.

But then they'd forego the pay they get for monitoring him! Or they'd have to lie about it - probably not hard as they're mostly liberal Democrats.

It pretty stupid, I don't like Jon Stewart, so I don't watch him. I don't like Rachel Maddow, I don't watch her. I put no weight in what they say because they are idiots. The left hangs on every word the right says. I don't get it.
"There’s nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods, which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up." ~ Oxyboy Limbaugh


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