Rush Limbaugh Just Endorsed Ron Paul’s New Budget Plan

Multiple threads on Pauls plan will not help his lost chances at being potus.

Nope, but his position on policy will.

I started 2 threads because they are 2 separate issues. One is about the plan and the other is the first huge endorsement Paul has literally ever received from a “higher ranking” Republican talkinghead.

Rush would brag about my grandmothers knitting skills if he though it would help defeat Obama.

You subscribe to this kind of tunnel vision?

Opps, of course you do, your a Paul supporter.

I'm a Paul supporter, not a fanboy. You on the other hand are a Paul hater, the only thing more annoying the Paul Fanboys are people like you.

Did you hear someone say "tunnel vision" today so you came to the boards to spam everyone that proves you to be an uninformed voter?

I still can’t get over you calling it a tactic by me to ask you 5 positions you like of Cain. Thing of it is you are a Cain Fanboy and know what is coming for Cain so you are taking it out on Paul.
Nope, but his position on policy will.

I started 2 threads because they are 2 separate issues. One is about the plan and the other is the first huge endorsement Paul has literally ever received from a “higher ranking” Republican talkinghead.

Rush would brag about my grandmothers knitting skills if he though it would help defeat Obama.

You subscribe to this kind of tunnel vision?

Opps, of course you do, your a Paul supporter.

Although I agree with some of Ron Paul's fiscal and economic agenda, his foreign policy and then blaming America for the 9-11 attacks killed any support I would have for him. He will not get 5% of the vote.

What do you mean Paul blamed America for the 9-11 attacks??? Be very specific if you can. Pretend you know I understand Paul’s position on this and if you lie, leave out the whole truth I and many others will notice.
It's a very sensible plan- therefore liberals will attack with a vengeance immediately.
We need a foreign policy? You wouldn't know that based on the cream of the GOP crop. The only dude with any idea what happens outside of this continent is Huntsman. Funny.
paul's plan is perfect. 100% perfect.

And the one ticket that won't win.:cuckoo::cuckoo: So where are you after that? 4 more years of Obama.

Uhh, the one ticket that won't win?? You mean Santorum, Michele, Perry, Huntsman and Cain can lol?

Romney will win the nomination and then he will win the general. 54% to 41% of independents support Romney, republicans will pull behind Romney, I would like to see a Romney/Cain ticket or a Romney/ Rubio or a Romney/Christy ticket, all are sure winners. But Romney will win the nomination as most people are pragmatic and they know he is the one to take out Obama, the others can't. He may not be their first choice but I can tell you with absolute certainty that Obama is NO choice at all for them.
And the one ticket that won't win.:cuckoo::cuckoo: So where are you after that? 4 more years of Obama.

Uhh, the one ticket that won't win?? You mean Santorum, Michele, Perry, Huntsman and Cain can lol?

Romney will win the nomination and then he will win the general. 54% to 41% of independents support Romney, republicans will pull behind Romney, I would like to see a Romney/Cain ticket or a Romney/ Rubio or a Romney/Christy ticket, all are sure winners. But Romney will win the nomination as most people are pragmatic and they know he is the one to take out Obama, the others can't. He may not be their first choice but I can tell you with absolute certainty that Obama is NO choice at all for them.

Mitt has a good chance to win, I'd rather have him over Cain. If Mitt picked Cain as VP he might lose the GE. I don’t think Mitt will be as strong as you give him credit for, Republican (conservatives) really don’t like him meaning they will not show up in full force.

I think Mitt/Newt is a stronger ticket going of people running for President used as a VP. Newt is smart, Cain is looking like an idiot child, not what you want as a VP.
Rush would brag about my grandmothers knitting skills if he though it would help defeat Obama.

You subscribe to this kind of tunnel vision?

Opps, of course you do, your a Paul supporter.

Although I agree with some of Ron Paul's fiscal and economic agenda, his foreign policy and then blaming America for the 9-11 attacks killed any support I would have for him. He will not get 5% of the vote.

What do you mean Paul blamed America for the 9-11 attacks??? Be very specific if you can. Pretend you know I understand Paul’s position on this and if you lie, leave out the whole truth I and many others will notice.

You might try watching the debates, he did this on National Television and was booed for it, it is also on his web-site in which he was asked about it during this debate. BTW there is another debate on tomorrow night that you should tune into it is on CNN.

Ron Paul Booed at CNN-Tea Party Debate After Blaming US for 9-11 Attacks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
I have had to turn Rush off, he is being too much of a purist and thinks that somehow he can resurrect Ronald Reagan so he can run again. Ain't gonna happen Rush. It's about nominating the " best consevative who can beat Obama." Not your purist ideas, a purist will not beat Obama and then we are stuck for four more years with an economic moron.

Ive been a bit put off by the way he's been treating Romney as well. Especially since he was supporting him as the most conservative in 2008. Things may change. but I dont think Rush has given a good reason for his change. But it's probably Romneycare.
We need a foreign policy? You wouldn't know that based on the cream of the GOP crop. The only dude with any idea what happens outside of this continent is Huntsman. Funny.

Not true. Romney lays out his foreign policy in detail in his book.
Nope, but his position on policy will.

I started 2 threads because they are 2 separate issues. One is about the plan and the other is the first huge endorsement Paul has literally ever received from a “higher ranking” Republican talkinghead.

Rush would brag about my grandmothers knitting skills if he though it would help defeat Obama.

You subscribe to this kind of tunnel vision?

Opps, of course you do, your a Paul supporter.

I'm a Paul supporter, not a fanboy. You on the other hand are a Paul hater, the only thing more annoying the Paul Fanboys are people like you.

Did you hear someone say "tunnel vision" today so you came to the boards to spam everyone that proves you to be an uninformed voter?

I still can’t get over you calling it a tactic by me to ask you 5 positions you like of Cain. Thing of it is you are a Cain Fanboy and know what is coming for Cain so you are taking it out on Paul.

I don't hate Paul. Actually I'm pretty indifferent. You on the other hand I despise. You fucking ride my nuts for weeks after the first debate.

Well fuck you, how does it feel?
Although I agree with some of Ron Paul's fiscal and economic agenda, his foreign policy and then blaming America for the 9-11 attacks killed any support I would have for him. He will not get 5% of the vote.

What do you mean Paul blamed America for the 9-11 attacks??? Be very specific if you can. Pretend you know I understand Paul’s position on this and if you lie, leave out the whole truth I and many others will notice.

You might try watching the debates, he did this on National Television and was booed for it, it is also on his web-site in which he was asked about it during this debate. BTW there is another debate on tomorrow night that you should tune into it is on CNN.

Ron Paul Booed at CNN-Tea Party Debate After Blaming US for 9-11 Attacks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Ron Paul is dangerously naive if he believes what he states on foriegn policy and our war with Islamic radicals. We don't have to do a thing and we will be attacked. Their whole and entire agenda is to make a world full of muslims under sharia law, that is their ultimate goal and they will kill, chop off heads and brutilze everyone in order to accomplish this goal.
It is in the Q'uran- read it.
It's a very sensible plan- therefore liberals will attack with a vengeance immediately.

Its a good start

It's no different than Cains ideas. It's a foundation around which to form something more. Unfortunately like Cain others are obsessed with the man behind the message. In Pauls corner you have a lack of nation wide support. In Cains corner you have the ardent supporters of others that will do anything to tear down the current leader.

Of course then you have the whole idea that Iran should be allowed to get nukes because after all its only fair since the rest of us have them.

Even though most of us that do have them won't consider selling them to the highest bidder willing to kill white people with them.
What do you mean Paul blamed America for the 9-11 attacks??? Be very specific if you can. Pretend you know I understand Paul’s position on this and if you lie, leave out the whole truth I and many others will notice.

You might try watching the debates, he did this on National Television and was booed for it, it is also on his web-site in which he was asked about it during this debate. BTW there is another debate on tomorrow night that you should tune into it is on CNN.

Ron Paul Booed at CNN-Tea Party Debate After Blaming US for 9-11 Attacks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Ron Paul is dangerously naive if he believes what he states on foriegn policy and our war with Islamic radicals. We don't have to do a thing and we will be attacked. Their whole and entire agenda is to make a world full of muslims under sharia law, that is their ultimate goal and they will kill, chop off heads and brutilze everyone in order to accomplish this goal.
It is in the Q'uran- read it.

Bad news, we can't afford to kill these people anymore. The US has given them billions, given them weapons and training... Theya re bigger now than when we started 10 years ago... Yeah, when abouts do you think we will "win?"

And for the record RP is right on forigen policy and in the video you showed he got lots of cheers for his postion. If you think we were attacked for our freedoms you just stupid on that subject, end of story.

And for the record RP is right on foreign policy and in the video you showed he got lots of cheers for his position. If you think we were attacked for our freedoms you just stupid on that subject, end of story. We were literally told why we were attacked, our own Governments Intel backs it up too… The only “they hate us for our freedoms” argument exists for politicians trying to rally people on supporting troops or pretending we are the greatest people the world has ever pooped out just because we were born in America, meaning personal choice plays no part, just if you’re a citizen.
It's a very sensible plan- therefore liberals will attack with a vengeance immediately.

Its a good start

It's no different than Cains ideas. It's a foundation around which to form something more. Unfortunately like Cain others are obsessed with the man behind the message. In Pauls corner you have a lack of nation wide support. In Cains corner you have the ardent supporters of others that will do anything to tear down the current leader.

Of course then you have the whole idea that Iran should be allowed to get nukes because after all its only fair since the rest of us have them.

Even though most of us that do have them won't consider selling them to the highest bidder willing to kill white people with them.

Its a good start

It's no different than Cains ideas. It's a foundation around which to form something more. Unfortunately like Cain others are obsessed with the man behind the message. In Pauls corner you have a lack of nation wide support. In Cains corner you have the ardent supporters of others that will do anything to tear down the current leader.

Of course then you have the whole idea that Iran should be allowed to get nukes because after all its only fair since the rest of us have them.

Even though most of us that do have them won't consider selling them to the highest bidder willing to kill white people with them.


I would laugh too if I was that out of touch with reality. Laughter is a great sign of someone trying to divert attention away from their own short comings.
You might try watching the debates, he did this on National Television and was booed for it, it is also on his web-site in which he was asked about it during this debate. BTW there is another debate on tomorrow night that you should tune into it is on CNN.

Ron Paul Booed at CNN-Tea Party Debate After Blaming US for 9-11 Attacks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Ron Paul is dangerously naive if he believes what he states on foriegn policy and our war with Islamic radicals. We don't have to do a thing and we will be attacked. Their whole and entire agenda is to make a world full of muslims under sharia law, that is their ultimate goal and they will kill, chop off heads and brutilze everyone in order to accomplish this goal.
It is in the Q'uran- read it.

Bad news, we can't afford to kill these people anymore. The US has given them billions, given them weapons and training... Theya re bigger now than when we started 10 years ago... Yeah, when abouts do you think we will "win?"

And for the record RP is right on forigen policy and in the video you showed he got lots of cheers for his postion. If you think we were attacked for our freedoms you just stupid on that subject, end of story.

And for the record RP is right on foreign policy and in the video you showed he got lots of cheers for his position. If you think we were attacked for our freedoms you just stupid on that subject, end of story. We were literally told why we were attacked, our own Governments Intel backs it up too… The only “they hate us for our freedoms” argument exists for politicians trying to rally people on supporting troops or pretending we are the greatest people the world has ever pooped out just because we were born in America, meaning personal choice plays no part, just if you’re a citizen.

He is dead wrong on foriegn policy and if you think that his positions on this will go un-noticed with the America population you are not too smart. He was loudly booooooed during that debate and that won't be forgoten, To blame America for the loss of 3,000 innocent civilian lives goes over like a lead brick. Hell, a professor in Colorado was fired from his job for making that statement. Can you imagine that somehow he wins the nomination, can you imagine what Barach Obama would do with that video with 1 billion dollars to spend?? Good grief, get real and get off the Ron Paul ship- it's been torpedoed with just that statement and it's sinking.:cuckoo:
What do you mean Paul blamed America for the 9-11 attacks??? Be very specific if you can. Pretend you know I understand Paul’s position on this and if you lie, leave out the whole truth I and many others will notice.

You might try watching the debates, he did this on National Television and was booed for it, it is also on his web-site in which he was asked about it during this debate. BTW there is another debate on tomorrow night that you should tune into it is on CNN.

Ron Paul Booed at CNN-Tea Party Debate After Blaming US for 9-11 Attacks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Ron Paul is dangerously naive if he believes what he states on foriegn policy and our war with Islamic radicals. We don't have to do a thing and we will be attacked. Their whole and entire agenda is to make a world full of muslims under sharia law, that is their ultimate goal and they will kill, chop off heads and brutilze everyone in order to accomplish this goal.
It is in the Q'uran- read it.

Maybe just maybe we should CUT all immigration from the middle east and Africa off. And enforce our laws on our borders? The muslims can have the fucking middle east.:eusa_whistle:

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