Rush Limbaugh’s Ratings Are In a State Of Complete Collapse

I just tuned into a Rush station today. Will start listening again for entertainment's sake and will buy from his advertisers as well. Thanks for the OP.
Keep on worshiping your MessiahRushie.

YES!!! I like people that can think and love the USA RUSH IS RIGHT!!! CLUELESS obama and liberal dems are trying to ruin everything good here!!!
Your MessiahRushie hates this great country and is trying to destroy it from within.

Since you apparently blog from Venezuela then you may, indeed, have a valid point with that "this great country" whine!
RUSH IS RIGHT!!! AND RUSH IS RICH!!!! cry on silly liberal dems. cry on!!
Keep on worshiping your MessiahRushie.

What is it with the left? I couldn't care less about left wing radio or cable personalities but the left wingers take the time and the psychological and physical effort to generate and maintain hatred and outrage over a voice on the radio. I don't have the figures but I bet the Rush Limbaugh show could lose 80% of it's sponsors and still be the highest rated show on AM radio. Rush is a symbol of conservative independence despite government and independent left wing efforts to shut him down and I am proud of his contribution to the industry even if I don't listen every day.
The left's fevered efforts to shut down talk radio demonstrates their fear of truth and free speech. As will their attack on this post for my having dared "out" them. Now you'd think they refrain so as to prove me wrong but, not to worry, they couldn't get past the first sentence before the venom started to flow and they had to leap to their virtual keyboards to spew.
The left's fevered efforts to shut down talk radio demonstrates their fear of truth and free speech. As will their attack on this post for my having dared "out" them. Now you'd think they refrain so as to prove me wrong but, not to worry, they couldn't get past the first sentence before the venom started to flow and they had to leap to their virtual keyboards to spew.

You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Perhaps Bull Clinton signing the infamous Telcomm '96 that allowed ClearChannel to bloat itself to 1200 stations was a devious plot to let them drown themselves in their own filth. Yeah that must be it.

Or maybe there's a whole different radio dial in Duh Bubble where "fevered efforts" float free, the veritable sealing wax of speech.

I don't know if links transcend from Duh Bubble to the outside world :dunno: So if you come up blank we'll understand. :itsok:
The left's fevered efforts to shut down talk radio demonstrates their fear of truth and free speech. As will their attack on this post for my having dared "out" them. Now you'd think they refrain so as to prove me wrong but, not to worry, they couldn't get past the first sentence before the venom started to flow and they had to leap to their virtual keyboards to spew.

You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Perhaps Bull Clinton signing the infamous Telcomm '96 that allowed ClearChannel to bloat itself to 1200 stations was a devious plot to let them drown themselves in their own filth. Yeah that must be it.

Or maybe there's a whole different radio dial in Duh Bubble where "fevered efforts" float free, the veritable sealing wax of speech.

I don't know if links transcend from Duh Bubble to the outside world :dunno: So if you come up blank we'll understand. :itsok:

Clinton was sitting on a dot-com bubble and he was going to milk it all the way to the bank. Who knows why the pervert did anything. Enron flourished under Clinton. Was clear-channel a mistake? Is the information age a mistake? You gotta wonder how the radical left maintains a level of outrage about a voice on the radio. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental illness.
The left's fevered efforts to shut down talk radio demonstrates their fear of truth and free speech. As will their attack on this post for my having dared "out" them. Now you'd think they refrain so as to prove me wrong but, not to worry, they couldn't get past the first sentence before the venom started to flow and they had to leap to their virtual keyboards to spew.

You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Perhaps Bull Clinton signing the infamous Telcomm '96 that allowed ClearChannel to bloat itself to 1200 stations was a devious plot to let them drown themselves in their own filth. Yeah that must be it.

Or maybe there's a whole different radio dial in Duh Bubble where "fevered efforts" float free, the veritable sealing wax of speech.

I don't know if links transcend from Duh Bubble to the outside world :dunno: So if you come up blank we'll understand. :itsok:

Clinton was sitting on a dot-com bubble and he was going to milk it all the way to the bank. Who knows why the pervert did anything. Enron flourished under Clinton. Was clear-channel a mistake? Is the information age a mistake? You gotta wonder how the radical left maintains a level of outrage about a voice on the radio. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental illness.

Not anywhere near an answer, is it?

Yammer yammer yammer mental illness yammer yammer yammer...
You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Perhaps Bull Clinton signing the infamous Telcomm '96 that allowed ClearChannel to bloat itself to 1200 stations was a devious plot to let them drown themselves in their own filth. Yeah that must be it.

Or maybe there's a whole different radio dial in Duh Bubble where "fevered efforts" float free, the veritable sealing wax of speech.

I don't know if links transcend from Duh Bubble to the outside world :dunno: So if you come up blank we'll understand. :itsok:

Clinton was sitting on a dot-com bubble and he was going to milk it all the way to the bank. Who knows why the pervert did anything. Enron flourished under Clinton. Was clear-channel a mistake? Is the information age a mistake? You gotta wonder how the radical left maintains a level of outrage about a voice on the radio. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental illness.

Not anywhere near an answer, is it?

Yammer yammer yammer mental illness yammer yammer yammer...

What was the question again? You brought up Clinton, I didn't. The answer is that Limbaugh is doing fine despite wishful thinking on the left. Another question is why the fuk does the radical left waste time on Limbaugh when he has no power? The freaking Country is falling apart under an administration who has the power over life and death and the radical left seems to worry about how much information should be available to the public on AM radio. How absurd. .
You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Just this once, hobbyist, I'm going to provide you with a link:

Pelosi Supports Return of Fairness Doctrine

Please try to not hurt yourself working out how to use it.

Somehow the transition from Duh Bubble morphed that link into something about the Fairness Doctrine. But your original claim was "fevered efforts to shut down talk radio". Even dismissing "fevered", this fails to make that case.

Well I didn't think there was anything there. I tend to ask unanswerable questions. But only when others post undocumentable fantasy.

Perhaps there's a publisher out there looking for that next dime novel. Keep at it.
You dare read the name "Pelosi" without becoming all feverish? Oh well, orgasmic will just have to do.

Still, not bad for a hobbyist.
Clinton was sitting on a dot-com bubble and he was going to milk it all the way to the bank. Who knows why the pervert did anything. Enron flourished under Clinton. Was clear-channel a mistake? Is the information age a mistake? You gotta wonder how the radical left maintains a level of outrage about a voice on the radio. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said liberalism is a mental illness.

Not anywhere near an answer, is it?

Yammer yammer yammer mental illness yammer yammer yammer...

What was the question again? You brought up Clinton, I didn't. The answer is that Limbaugh is doing fine despite wishful thinking on the left. Another question is why the fuk does the radical left waste time on Limbaugh when he has no power? The freaking Country is falling apart under an administration who has the power over life and death and the radical left seems to worry about how much information should be available to the public on AM radio. How absurd. .

The question wasn't yours, so you're excused; you're not qualified. Frankly I don't know how a sparkling intellect like yours figures out how to turn the computer on.

Btw, the question of how much info should be available on radio, and all media, has always been a question at the forefront of liberty. It's the cornerstone of democracy. Not anything you'd be interested in.
You wouldn't have a link to these hyar "fevered efforts" wouldja?

Just this once, hobbyist, I'm going to provide you with a link:

Pelosi Supports Return of Fairness Doctrine

Please try to not hurt yourself working out how to use it.

Somehow the transition from Duh Bubble morphed that link into something about the Fairness Doctrine. But your original claim was "fevered efforts to shut down talk radio". Even dismissing "fevered", this fails to make that case.

Well I didn't think there was anything there. I tend to ask unanswerable questions. But only when others post undocumentable fantasy.

Perhaps there's a publisher out there looking for that next dime novel. Keep at it.

AM talk radio is subject to a freaking room full of federal, state and local regulations as well as FCC scrutiny. The 1st Amendment is still alive and well in the US when a host of a talk show is able to offer opinions critical of the administration and still comply with the law. The (fevered) ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to regulate speech and opinion which conform to newly established political ideology. It's a dangerous but typical attempt by the left to control political speech.
Just this once, hobbyist, I'm going to provide you with a link:

Pelosi Supports Return of Fairness Doctrine

Please try to not hurt yourself working out how to use it.

Somehow the transition from Duh Bubble morphed that link into something about the Fairness Doctrine. But your original claim was "fevered efforts to shut down talk radio". Even dismissing "fevered", this fails to make that case.

Well I didn't think there was anything there. I tend to ask unanswerable questions. But only when others post undocumentable fantasy.

Perhaps there's a publisher out there looking for that next dime novel. Keep at it.

AM talk radio is subject to a freaking room full of federal, state and local regulations as well as FCC scrutiny. The 1st Amendment is still alive and well in the US when a host of a talk show is able to offer opinions critical of the administration and still comply with the law. The (fevered) ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to regulate speech and opinion which conform to newly established political ideology. It's a dangerous but typical attempt by the left to control political speech.

Wrong. As always.

Neither the FD nor any other FCC regulation EVER controlled what political opinions were prescribed or proscribed. Ever. You're invited to take my standing challenge -- show me any case where that ever happened. Ever.

You won't. As I just told Milli Vanilli -- I ask unanswerable questions. Know what you're talking about before you come in here and you won't find yourself painted into a corner.
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Somehow the transition from Duh Bubble morphed that link into something about the Fairness Doctrine. But your original claim was "fevered efforts to shut down talk radio". Even dismissing "fevered", this fails to make that case.

Well I didn't think there was anything there. I tend to ask unanswerable questions. But only when others post undocumentable fantasy.

Perhaps there's a publisher out there looking for that next dime novel. Keep at it.

AM talk radio is subject to a freaking room full of federal, state and local regulations as well as FCC scrutiny. The 1st Amendment is still alive and well in the US when a host of a talk show is able to offer opinions critical of the administration and still comply with the law. The (fevered) ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to regulate speech and opinion which conform to newly established political ideology. It's a dangerous but typical attempt by the left to control political speech.

Wrong. As always.

Neither the FD nor any other FCC regulation EVER controlled what political opinions were prescribed or proscribed. Ever. You're invited to take my standing challenge -- show me any case where that ever happened. Ever.

Michael Savage was talking about this very issue yesterday and YOU are 100% correct on this issue.
AM talk radio is subject to a freaking room full of federal, state and local regulations as well as FCC scrutiny. The 1st Amendment is still alive and well in the US when a host of a talk show is able to offer opinions critical of the administration and still comply with the law. The (fevered) ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to regulate speech and opinion which conform to newly established political ideology. It's a dangerous but typical attempt by the left to control political speech.

Wrong. As always.

Neither the FD nor any other FCC regulation EVER controlled what political opinions were prescribed or proscribed. Ever. You're invited to take my standing challenge -- show me any case where that ever happened. Ever.

Michael Savage was talking about this very issue yesterday and YOU are 100% correct on this issue.

I spent a career in radio both during and after the Fairness Doctrine so I had to know this shit inside out for our day to day operations and license renewals.

I don't comprehend why some of these sheep don't get that the Sean Hannitys are continuously lying out their ass about this. Though it's certainly not limited to this.

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