Rush Limbaugh

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Just spit it out you bloviating pussy.

Well, it is certainly not my poor avatar's intention to upset or discombobulate any Rush Limbaugh fanboys. If they are offended by the Mark Twain quote, well, their beef is with Twain. IMHO.

However, I do have a personal anecdote about Rush.
One that has long guided my perception of him.
In fact, I even wrote him a rather...ummm, skeptical?....note about it shortly after it happened.
He did not respond.

Anyway, years ago when I had to make long drive trips I would turn on Limbaugh because back then he was a bit of a novelty. Entertainment of a sort.

So I remember it well all these years later. I was driving from St.Louis to Peoria. Listening to Rush shortly after Clinton had taken the White House. Chelsea Clinton was, I suppose, 9 or 10 years old. Still a 'little girl'.

And Rush went on his program, heard by millions and started calling her ugly.
I couldn't believe my ears.
A little girl. An adult man. On a ginormous megaphone. Calling a little girl of a political 'enemy'....ugly!

Rush, from that nano-second on, was no man of honor in my eyes. He was merely a bully on a soapbox.
I was really annoyed by it. Wrote his station, addressed it to him.
And that was the last of it. Never listened to him again.

Though I did read later after some merde' hit the fan about it that he tried to blame it on some employee of his.
Who denied it and then quit.

So, unless Rush Limbaugh grew up in the intervening years, he will forever remain in my perception......a cheap bully of little girls.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on the guy.
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.
Nothing wrong with stirring up anger over people who hate America and Western Civilization so much they want to destroy it.

like sandra fluke? oxyboy spent 3 full days denigrating her.

he said children should eat outa dumpsters thru the summer when school is out....

he said drug dealers & USERS 'outa be sent up' for their criminality & habit AT THE SAME TIME he was using. made his housekeeper buy his drugs for him.

that is or now i get to say WAS rush limbaugh.
post the video of him saying that. go ahead now, prove your post big shot. I got a feeling you'll take a knee.

which one exactly, pops?

this one? it starts @ the 1:25 mark:

or this?

During his talk show on October 5, 1995, Limbaugh stated: “There’s nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.” Limbaugh argued that drug abuse was a choice, not a disease, and that it should be combatted with strict legal consequences.
Limbaugh on Drug Addiction - Ethics Unwrapped


or any of these?

haven't you learned by now that i ALWAYS back up what i say.

i hope YOUR knees bleed bigley whilst you're down there.
The way someone dies from non-small cell lung cancer, stage 4, is truly horrific.
And Rush deserved every minute of it.

Oh good lord. You people are simply sick and twisted. I truly feel sorry for you.

No, you fucking don't feel sorry for me.
I don't feel sorry for you for being a fan of a truly vile POS who got paid for hating people on national radio.

I feel sorry for those around you.

I feel sorry that no one wants to be around you.

Lol!! You couldn't be more wrong.
Actually, he put leftists to the front of the call list.
Actually, he didn't, but he knew his gullible audience would believe him when he said he did. And his gimmick was to shout them down and/or hang up on them. Again, Rush wasn't going to let his own product be undermined on his own informercial.
he had a great self-deprecating humor. people don't know, he was very humble, as opposed to his "bad boy" image

Frankly, I am sadened by those in here from the left that have so little class that they feel on the day that someone passes away, your hatred of the man is so deep that you feel you must just show your collective asses...

Most civil people know that in times like this if you don't have something positive to say, then you don't say anything...But no, you people have to come in here and be pure assholes...

I hope you all get in a car crash and die.
During his talk show on October 5, 1995, Limbaugh stated: “There’s nothing good about drug use.,, And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.” Limbaugh argued that drug abuse was a choice, not a disease, and that it should be combatted with strict legal consequences.
Limbaugh on Drug Addiction - Ethics Unwrapped
I thought it a bit hypocritical, since Rush took more illegal drugs (yes oxycontin is illegal when you don't have a prescription) than a lot of neighborhoods.
Frankly, I am sadened by those in here from the left that have so little class that they feel on the day that someone passes away, your hatred of the man is so deep that you feel you must just show your collective asses...

Most civil people know that in times like this if you don't have something positive to say, then you don't say anything...But no, you people have to come in here and be pure assholes...

I hope you all get in a car crash and die.
lots of righties here had some shitty things to say when ginsberg died.....
Frankly, I am sadened by those in here from the left that have so little class that they feel on the day that someone passes away, your hatred of the man is so deep that you feel you must just show your collective asses...

Most civil people know that in times like this if you don't have something positive to say, then you don't say anything...But no, you people have to come in here and be pure assholes...

I hope you all get in a car crash and die.

It is despicable, the man is not even in the grave yet. Had they waited a few days even, it would have shown at least some twisted sense of respect for the dead. Not much, but maybe a little bit.
Frankly, I am sadened by those in here from the left that have so little class that they feel on the day that someone passes away, your hatred of the man is so deep that you feel you must just show your collective asses...

Most civil people know that in times like this if you don't have something positive to say, then you don't say anything...But no, you people have to come in here and be pure assholes...

I hope you all get in a car crash and die.
Haha, "Exhibit A"
Oh, so liberals relied on what other people said about what he might have said or not.
Not really, since they were quotes and transcripts are available. You are flailing, now.

Try to keep in mind: the liberals you are crybabying about disliked the things Rush said for THE EXACT SAME REASONS you LOVED the things Rush said. So you kind of look silly to desperately try to paint a picture of liberals getting all the wrong info. You LOVE these scumbag Rush rants. Why then also try to pretend they are fake? Makes no sense.
The bottom line remains that you relied on someone else to listen to his show, carefully carve up something he said and present you with a context free soundbite that confirms your bias.
The truth hurts the most with the people who do not want the truth to be known. Dimbo’s now have to contend with a host of those following in his foot steps. Rush proved that one voice in the wilderness of deceit and hypocrisy can indeed move mountains.
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