Rush Limbaugh

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The bottom line remains that you relied on someone else to listen to his show
False. You made that up, because you didnt have a point without making up a lie. I was a frequent listener at one point and know Rush's tactics well. And a quote is a quote is a quote. Just give it up. Your point was weak from the start and has only gotten weaker as you have been forced to make up falsehoods to support it.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.
So speaking your mind is now insurrection! Fk, can’t make it up dude, I’m laughing my ass off
Speaking your mind is fine, as long as you do not break down barriers around the capital, break out windows, beat in doors while attacking capital security, trampling to death people in your own rabid mob, and force your way into the capital to hunt down and kill the Vice-President, Speaker of the House and others you don't like, just because they will not let you overthrow free elections for your furor. What 3rd world bananna republic did you and those traitor that made the failed attempt think you were living in? If that is what you guys call speaking your mind, you can forget it.

Who did that?

The insurrectionist mob trump sent to the capital.

That was peloser that sent those traitors in. So still unclear your point.

John Sullivan is my evidence before you ask

You are delusional. Even Moscow Mitch would agree.

You think I agree with Mitch? Hahaha I believe in the people and liberty. Fks like you are a nuisance

Just like a trumper. He can carry your water for 4 years, one hint of the truth and you drop him like a hot rock and throw him under the bus. Nobody needs friends like you. Probably why you don't have many. You can't be counted on. I wouldn't want to be like you.

OFO, you beta males are a dime-dozen.

You alfalfa males just keep chewing the same old cudd.
The bottom line remains that you relied on someone else to listen to his show
False. You made that up, because you didnt have a point without making up a lie. I was a frequent listener at one point and know Rush's tactics well. And a quote is a quote is a quote. Just give it up. Your point was weak from the start and has only gotten weaker as you have been forced to make up falsehoods to support it.
Bad form there, chopping up my post and ignoring the rest of it. It's almost as if you wanted a context free sequence of words. And on this national day of mourning. Sad.
I'm not exactly crying.

View attachment 458257

Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush tried to destroy China?
Who knew?
Don't be stupider than you have to be.


You claimed "Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing " China, your country.

I agree it's a stupid claim - but it's your claim.

Most of your claims are stupid.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.

And Biden is the voice of corruption, racism, misogamy and Xi Jinping.
Not so far. Check back in 9 months. Right now the person you describe is the utterly defeated Donnie trump, except take out Xi and insert Putin.

LOL! You deny the truth, but that's all stuff that's already known, from using his son to sell access to the RussIans and Chinese, to his racist history and racially insensitive comments, to the allegations of Tara Reade. Honestly, your attempts are pathetic.
Say his to your hero, dumbass don, since neither one of you have a job.
Actually I feel bad for our liberal "associates" who are going to look hard and look for a place to get their mandatory 2-minutes of hate. Some may choke on their own bile and die.

Deaths could rival the count for Covid in a Noo Yawk Nursing Home!
Bad form there, chopping up my post and ignoring the rest of it.
Not at all. I responded to your first point and ignored your Gish Gallop. You will find i always do this. We can move on to another individual point now, if you like. But i ignore the Gish Gallop always. The bad form is yours for your tactic.

And when anyone can scroll up an inch and see the rest, that's fine. I do it both to ignore the Gish Gallop and to make it clear to which statement i am responding. Because i am not going to allow the Gish Gallop tactic and respond to a litany of claims meant to obfuscate and distract.
You have to admit that most of what Trump says are lies. He said he was going to the capitol with his supporters, then he went back to the white house instead. Maybe he knew that the secret service wouldn't let Trump be in the line of ensuing violence.

They couldn't have the top people in the line of succession in the same place, especially during a riot.

Like most Nazis, you're a shameless liar.

I said nothing about Trump and lies.

I pointed out that your Reich mate is a liar, but which of you Nazis are not liars?
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.
So speaking your mind is now insurrection! Fk, can’t make it up dude, I’m laughing my ass off
Speaking your mind is fine, as long as you do not break down barriers around the capital, break out windows, beat in doors while attacking capital security, trampling to death people in your own rabid mob, and force your way into the capital to hunt down and kill the Vice-President, Speaker of the House and others you don't like, just because they will not let you overthrow free elections for your furor. What 3rd world bananna republic did you and those traitor that made the failed attempt think you were living in? If that is what you guys call speaking your mind, you can forget it.

Who did that?

The insurrectionist mob trump sent to the capital.

That was peloser that sent those traitors in. So still unclear your point.

John Sullivan is my evidence before you ask

You are delusional. Even Moscow Mitch would agree.

You think I agree with Mitch? Hahaha I believe in the people and liberty. Fks like you are a nuisance

Just like a trumper. He can carry your water for 4 years, one hint of the truth and you drop him like a hot rock and throw him under the bus. Nobody needs friends like you. Probably why you don't have many. You can't be counted on. I wouldn't want to be like you.

you wouldn't know a truth if it hit you in the chops. dude, you got nothing but trump TDS. we know. let me know when you actually have something resembling news.

Put down the pipe before you burn out that last brain cell. You don't have much grip on reality, as it is. Possibly not all you fault as you were mind Fkd by don the out of work, one shot politician. Took less than a term to get his number for everybody else but his cattle. Mooo-ve on Bessy.
Good grief, left loons are orgasmed over a man's death?

I think it's sad...but as Rush stated himself recently, even bad things like his cancer, is for the good, in the end.... He said in time, you will notice and find, what good came out of the bad and sad..... it gave me a sense of hope, for him and the world. :(
Evil person 6 feet under= safer world.
Besides the dumb ass knew smoking causes cancer and he continued smoking, not smart.

Moooohaumed was a baby raper....Rush wasn't that low was he?
Rush is a POS fear mongering racist. Good riddance.
I'm not exactly crying.

View attachment 458257

Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush created a conservative monster that Republicans are now saddled with.
Gave us Trump

Rush didn't do that.

. . . and Trump is but an opportunist, anyone that has studied his history knows this.

Both are symptoms of a bigger problem. If you do not see this? You are deluding yourself.

These problems would have existed with, or without Rush and Trump, and some other folks would have risen to speak for the people.
...speak for some people.
To some people.

Facts are a bitch.

Sure they speak for some, and to some, but they are expression of a dysfunctional system, these are facts, not opinions. You folks can look at it one way, but others will look at it in another way, this is a FACT, and someone will point it out. If you have a Marxian point of view? The only way to not point this out, is to censor speech, otherwise? Yeah, someone would rise to be a voice to these folks. Why do you folks deny this?

These guys are SYMPTOMS of a corrupt system, they are not the cause. . . I KNOW you would love to blame them though, that is how much hate you have in your heart. But I don't, nor do I hate your POV, any more than I hate theirs. I am one of the few on this site that knows it is the game, not the players.

Chris Hedges: Papering Over the Rot
The staggering concentration of wealth at the top has deformed our governing institutions — new window dressing will not end oligarchy.
Chris Hedges: Papering Over the Rot

". . . .The new wealth comes from a cartel capitalism far more concentrated and far more criminal than any of the cartels built by the old robber barons of the 19th century. It was made possible by Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton who, in exchange for corporate money to fund their campaigns and later Clinton’s foundation and post-presidency opulent lifestyle, abolished the regulations that once protected the citizenry from the worst forms of monopoly exploitation. The demolishing of regulations made possible the largest upwards transference of wealth in American history. Whatever you say about Trump, he at least initiated moves to break up Facebook, Google, Amazon and the other Silicon Valley monopolists, none of which will happen under Biden, whose campaign these corporations bankrolled. And that has to be one of the reasons these digital platforms disappeared Trump from social media.

The new robber barons peddle the classless identity politics of the Democratic Party to deflect attention from their stranglehold on wealth and power, as well as their exploitation of workers, especially those that make their products overseas. Corporations such as Walmart have 80 percent of their suppliers in China. These corporations are full partners in China’s state-controlled capitalism and suppression of basic labor rights and wages, where most Chinese workers make less than $350 a month and toil in Dickensian conditions.

There is no political will among the ruling elites to defend the rights of Amazon workers who are aggressively blocked by the company, the country’s second largest employer, from forming unions, work all night in drafty, COVID-19-infested warehouses or deliver packages for $15 an hour, which leaves thousands of Amazon workers dependent on food stamps. Likewise, this is no political will among the elites to defend the rights of workers in China, often forced to work 100 hours of overtime a month in sweatshops for as little as $2 or $3 an hour.

History has repeatedly illustrated the dire consequences of extreme social inequality. It foments revolutionary ferment, which can come from the left or the right. Either a leftwing populism that smashes oligarchic power takes control or its counterfeit, a rightwing populism, built on the poisoned solidarity of hate, racism, vengeance and violence — and bankrolled by the hated oligarchs that use it as a front to solidify tyranny. We are barreling towards the latter.

The soaring levels of social inequality are laid out in stark statistics that are reflected back to us in the pain, despair and suffering afflicting perhaps 70 percent of the US public. The wealth of US billionaires has increased to over $1.1 trillion since mid-March 2020, when the pandemic began to ravage the country, a nearly 40 percent leap during the past 10 months. The total wealth of America’s 660 billionaires, $4.1 trillion, is two-thirds higher than the $2.4 trillion in total wealth held by the bottom half of the population, 165 million Americans. An additional eight million Americans were recently classified as “newly poor” as the poverty rate increased 2.4 percentage points from June to December 2020. It is now at 11.8 percent, although many economists argue that the official poverty rate of $26,500 for a family of four masks the fact that perhaps half the country lives in real poverty.. . . "
Good grief, left loons are orgasmed over a man's death?

I think it's sad...but as Rush stated himself recently, even bad things like his cancer, is for the good, in the end.... He said in time, you will notice and find, what good came out of the bad and sad..... it gave me a sense of hope, for him and the world. :(
Evil person 6 feet under= safer world.
Besides the dumb ass knew smoking causes cancer and he continued smoking, not smart.

Moooohaumed was a baby raper....Rush wasn't that low was he?
Rush is a POS fear mongering racist. Good riddance.
you are a you are right up there with him....
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