Rush Limbaugh

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he had a great self-deprecating humor. people don't know, he was very humble, as opposed to his "bad boy" image

You just pull shit out of your ass left and right on this site, all day long, don’t you?
everyone from Sean Hannity to Trump has talked about Rush's self-deprecating nature

you know nothing about conservatives, it seems
Because Hannity and Trump are always truthful? You moron.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.
so when he told the crowd to peacefully protest at the capital thats inciting an insurrection.

He's gone. He ain't coming back. You can stop lying now. BIDEN is President.

But just as a recap....your savior on January 6th.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Something about "fighting like hell" was in there as well. :)
thats not inciting a riot speech commie ...

Yeah it is lemming. Especially when you lace the speech in with the crowd reaction. Some of which they played during the impeachment.
He got exactly what he was hoping for. A spectacle of violence.
ahhhh so youre a mind reader .
You sound upset.
lol ! nah... you people cant upset me see i know when you take away the loud noise of crying ,complaining, and lying leftist like you are nothing more than cowards and weaklings ...
You sound upset, hun.
I won't speak poorly of the recently passed. I spoke what I and the GOPQ feels is an appropriate response.

"Thought and Prayers"

On the other hand, I have watched several family and loved ones die with cancer. It is a cruel and painful experience for everyone.
Rush was okay, but Lou Dobbs and Ann Coulter were way ahead 20 years ago concerning national security on our So. Border!
Dittoheads forget that was what got Trump elected! Rush was late to that party compared to those two!!!
Rush preferred Ted Cruz.
I never held that against him tho......
Who’s the guy in your sigpic? A tranny?

Go ahead and celebrate, Rush changed the entire face of broadcasting, and there's nothing you can do about that.
Only wackos listened to him.
A significant portion of his audience was liberals hanging on his every word, hoping to hear something they could complain about.
He was a racist fear mongering prick...he dumbed millions. And the irony he died from lung cancer, shouldn't have smoked while taping his shitty shows. Good riddance!!!


Lol, you poor towel head
The classiness and non-racism of the trump Qultists.........................
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.

He only stirred up hate and anger from hateful angry leftists because he exposed their hypocrisy on a daily basis.

Yes.....telling the truth about left wingers and democrats.......when people are just supposed to shut up and obey really does create hate and anger....from left wing assholes...
God will judge the words he spoke, whether they were racist, inflammatory or demeaning to women.
"Donald Trump will join Sean Hannity tonight at 9p ET on Fox News Channel" to talk Rush
Trump will talk Trump. If he talks Rush, it will be to tell everyone how much Rush liked Trump. He’ll also say that Rush agreed that Trump won the election.

Everything will be centered on Trump.
Pretty much guaranteed.
His wife, Katherine, made a great and emotional speech on his show - The Rush Limbaugh Show. He was truly a genuine man, and very - as he would say it - "a loan from God".
This the one who outlasted him? Sort of like Katherine Parr.
You know she’s relieved. Now she has all his money and doesn’t have to have him around.
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.

He only stirred up hate and anger from hateful angry leftists because he exposed their hypocrisy on a daily basis.

Yes.....telling the truth about left wingers and democrats.......when people are just supposed to shut up and obey really does create hate and anger....from left wing assholes...
God will judge the words he spoke, whether they were racist, inflammatory or demeaning to women.
Or just disagreed with left wingers.
As an Asian-American, I didn't even know who Rush Limbaugh even was back in 1989. It wasn't until early 1990's did I start listening to his radio show. He would come on right after a small bit "And Now You Know the Rest of the Story" done by a radio icon Paul Harvey. I was a diehard radio freak. I would listen to music and talk. So, it was around the Summer of 1991, did I start listening to one of his radio shows. I have never looked back since.

Now, I know he went through some hard times, but I am sure we all did at one point. I am not saying that he was perfect. But he perfected and inspired me ( I am only speaking for myself). I was not in the best shape in my personal life at that time. But I made it through, nonetheless. Today, I am a much better person than I was back then. And I was glad that I was able to listen to his shows through the years - make that three decades.

So, that would certainly make me a Rush Baby. Or a Dittohead, as he would sometimes call it.

Anyways, Mega Dittos for all those who followed him through the years. I know I will certainly miss him greatly. But since I am a subscriber to his 24/7 Rush, I will continue listening to most of his past shows. As I do frequently on the weekends.

RIP Mr. Rush Limbaugh!
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.

He only stirred up hate and anger from hateful angry leftists because he exposed their hypocrisy on a daily basis.

Yes.....telling the truth about left wingers and democrats.......when people are just supposed to shut up and obey really does create hate and anger....from left wing assholes...
God will judge the words he spoke, whether they were racist, inflammatory or demeaning to women.
Rush treated women better then most men treat women in ghettos. Judgement comes for us all.
You don’t have to worry about Rush. He’s in hell with his own radio program still pitching the lies that got him there.

Devil knows talent when he sees it. Y’all Trumpies are invited.


You're a sad little person.

By the way my hubby has a 2021 "truck" in the garage that likely cost more than your shanty


Some people marry for money and live off their spouses accomplishments
Stop talking about John Kerry. This is a thread about Rush's passing.

John Kerry was well known before he was married.
Better known than his wife

Bullshit. A lot more people heard about Heinz Ketchup and other canned products that the broad manufactured.
She manufactured them? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I guess his wife just said on the radio Rush has passed.

I was usually 50/50 on a lot of his stances. However, I'm sure it's a happy day in leftist circles, a day of celebration.

I sent a note saying I would not attend the funeral, but I approved of it.

Mark Twain
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