Rush Limbaugh

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President Trump Issues a Statement on the Death of Rush Limbaugh

"The great Rush Limbaugh has passed away to a better place, free from physical pain and hostility. His honor, courage, strength, and loyalty will never be replaced. Rush was a patriot, a defender of Liberty, and someone who believed in all of the greatness our Country stands for. Rush was a friend to myself and millions of Americans — a guiding light with the ability to see the truth and paint vivid pictures over the airwaves. Melania and I express our deepest condolences to his wonderful wife, Kathryn, his family, and all of his dedicated fans. He will be missed greatly."

Read Newsmax: Donald Trump's Statement on Rush Limbaugh
Ex-president trump.

Former Presidents are always identified as President (insert last name here)...

m'k ... president tinkles .... president tribblehead ... president MAGAT ...
president loooooooooooooser ...........
Now that Rush Limbaugh is deceased and the EIB needs a new host, and Trump has been "deplatformed" from Twitter and needs a new soapbox, isn't the obvious solution to these problems is to install The Donald behind the Golden EIB microphone?

Trump could easily assume Rush’s audience

Not so sure about sponsors
He is essentially saying he doesn't think he wants the job when there are well -trained conservatives can do that job.
As an Asian-American, I didn't even know who Rush Limbaugh even was back in 1989. It wasn't until early 1990's did I start listening to his radio show. He would come on right after a small bit "And Now You Know the Rest of the Story" done by a radio icon Paul Harvey. I was a diehard radio freak. I would listen to music and talk. So, it was around the Summer of 1991, did I start listening to one of his radio shows. I have never looked back since.

Now, I know he went through some hard times, but I am sure we all did at one point. I am not saying that he was perfect. But he perfected and inspired me ( I am only speaking for myself). I was not in the best shape in my personal life at that time. But I made it through, nonetheless. Today, I am a much better person than I was back then. And I was glad that I was able to listen to his shows through the years - make that three decades.

So, that would certainly make me a Rush Baby. Or a Dittohead, as he would sometimes call it.

Anyways, Mega Dittos for all those who followed him through the years. I know I will certainly miss him greatly. But since I am a subscriber to his 24/7 Rush, I will continue listening to most of his past shows. As I do frequently on the weekends.

RIP Mr. Rush Limbaugh!

I first tuned in to Rush in late 1989, after an Uncle told me about him. One of the very first things I listened to was one of his "caller abortions."

Somehow, I took it completely the wrong way. I thought that he was simply trying to shock people by being gross, rude and crass.

So. I changed stations.

Weeks later, I listened again, MOSTLY to hear Rush getting grief from the callers. . . The "caller abortion" subject came up again. Only, this time, Rush made the brilliant point about the offended listener's hypocrisies when he pointed out how much MORE outraged and upset people were getting over a (vacuum cleaner) sound effect on a radio show. . . than they were likely to be upset by REAL abortions taking place all over the country, every day.

And, he was right.
And he was usually 100% correct in pointing out their flaws and 98% correct in predicting what they were about to do to America.
He was pretty spot on with the Mueller Report. And he explained on a few of his shows during that time, what the Dems were really up to. And he even pointed out who was really behind the scenes. But he also said that they were never going to be prosecuted or go to jail for what they did.
Frankly, I am sadened by those in here from the left that have so little class that they feel on the day that someone passes away, your hatred of the man is so deep that you feel you must just show your collective asses...

Most civil people know that in times like this if you don't have something positive to say, then you don't say anything...But no, you people have to come in here and be pure assholes...

I hope you all get in a car crash and die.

It is despicable, the man is not even in the grave yet. Had they waited a few days even, it would have shown at least some twisted sense of respect for the dead. Not much, but maybe a little bit.
Where is he being buried? Inquiring minds want to know.
I first tuned in to Rush in late 1989, after an Uncle told me about him. One of the very first things I listened to was one of his "caller abortions."

Somehow, I took it completely the wrong way. I thought that he was simply trying to shock people by being gross, rude and crass.

In the 90's I was at a family gathering. Me and my father got into a political debate like we always do. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister serve dinner, and he brought food to the table, had chuckle and said "You must be a Limbaugh fan." I didn't know who Limbaugh was. Never heard of him. About a year later the liberals did something to piss me off, and I wanted to hear about it on talk radio, but didn't know where to go. I remembered what my brother-in-law said that day, and I found him on the radio.

Been a fan every since.
twice impeached, twice loser of thepopular vote, only one term, ex president trump.

Maybe, but once we get leadership of the House again, we're impeaching Slow Joe three times.

ray ray!!!!!!!!!!!! how ya been, boy???

& <pfffft>

impeaching joe biden is never gonna happen, but you go with that if it makes you feel better about what a loooooooooooser yer chosen one is!!!!!!
he had a great self-deprecating humor. people don't know, he was very humble, as opposed to his "bad boy" image

You just pull shit out of your ass left and right on this site, all day long, don’t you?
Basquebromance is still a far better person than you, even if he is a troll.
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.

He only stirred up hate and anger from hateful angry leftists because he exposed their hypocrisy on a daily basis.

Yes.....telling the truth about left wingers and democrats.......when people are just supposed to shut up and obey really does create hate and anger....from left wing assholes...
God will judge the words he spoke, whether they were racist, inflammatory or demeaning to women.
Or just disagreed with left wingers.
Mocking AIDS deaths is just disagreeing with left wingers?
Mocking Michael J. Fox is just disagreeing with left wingers?
Playing ‘Barack the Magic Negro‘ is just disagreeing with left wingers?
Calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” is just disagreeing with left wingers?
Telling a Black caller to “take that bone out of your nose and call me back” is just disagreeing with left wingers?

Why are Rightwingers such shitty people that they would defend this?
ray ray!!!!!!!!!!!! how ya been, boy???

& <pfffft>

impeaching joe biden is never gonna happen, but you go with that if it makes you feel better about what a loooooooooooser yer chosen one is!!!!!!

Sure we will. Why wouldn't we? Your side set the precedence. You can impeach for anything, even if it's a bold face lie. Forget about the Constitution. If it doesn't mean anything to the commies, it certainly don't mean anything to us in regards to impeachment. No longer does it have to be only used for bribery, high crimes, or misdemeanors. Now you can use it if you just don't like the President.
Go ahead and celebrate, Rush changed the entire face of broadcasting, and there's nothing you can do about that.

Yes, he did. But did he change it for the better or the worse?

The ironic thing is he was supplanted a long time ago by crazier voices. He kind of became a non-entity after he called Sandra Fluke a "slut". His show lacked the comic energy it had back in the 1990's.
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